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Girlish Number (TV).

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 2:08 pm Reply with quote

Girlish Number (TV)

Themes: idols, seiyuu

Plot Summary: The series follows Chitose Karasuma, a university student who aims to become a voice actress (seiyuu). The stage event listing further indicates that it focuses on the profession of idol seiyuu.

Wataru Watari (the creator of My Romantic Comedy SNAFU) is the original creator of this series. Really curious as to how they focus on this project.

I's a series about seiyuu so expecting lots of character development.
The preview looks cute too.
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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 8:38 am Reply with quote
Episode 1:

I get a slight Shirobako feeling from this.

The main characters seems decent so far although I would expect more characterization about them as more episodes air. Out of all the main cast, I like Shibasaki the most with her confidence and coolness.
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Yuri Fan

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 12:55 pm Reply with quote
The first episode was very good. The protagonist has a dickish side to her, as do some of the other girls.

I laughed out loud when I recognised the ex-music producer's voice as that of Hijikata's from Gintama. Laughing
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 6:39 am Reply with quote
Episode 1

Maybe I have a poor basis and it was just me, but I have seen both Shirobako and Seiyu's Life, so I thought I had some understanding of the industry but it did not quite marry up to what was happening here. If anything it kind of felt like a more cynical idea where a seiyu can get by without actual talent, with petty bickering, continual repeats of the industry being weird, and a dig at light novel authors which I am guess is supposed to be ironic.

I will still likely watch this, but it is not as fun yet as the other two industry showed I mentioned above. I do like the main character, essentially because she can be a bit of a dick, she was kind of funny.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 11:18 am Reply with quote
DuskyPredator wrote:
Episode 1

Maybe I have a poor basis and it was just me, but I have seen both Shirobako and Seiyu's Life, so I thought I had some understanding of the industry but it did not quite marry up to what was happening here. If anything it kind of felt like a more cynical idea where a seiyu can get by without actual talent, with petty bickering, continual repeats of the industry being weird, and a dig at light novel authors which I am guess is supposed to be ironic.

Well reality is probably in between both case and it probably vary quite a bit depending on the company. I would guess this is too cynical for reality, I don't see why anyone would go in this kind of hyper competitive industry but dislike everything about it.

I kinda like the show, but I really dislike song and stuff (even skipped the one at the beginning) so I'm not sure how long I'll hold on. I did really like the ending and the main characters are pretty fun.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 7:48 pm Reply with quote
Episode 2

I'm really enjoying Yae as a way to counterbalance Chitose. I hope she gets some more development, but even as is she's a great addition just for our MC to project upon.

The thing that has me wondering is how teflon, exactly, Kuzu is. The set up right now could go a lot of directions, depending on how cynical the show feels like being about the audience. It's clear that the show they're working on is going to be trash but is it actually going to be received as such in-universe? And, if so, will Kuzu come through his failure unscathed?

Whatever is going to happen, I don't think it's going to happen too fast since that would result in our main cast splitting up.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:50 pm Reply with quote
Making it about an awful anime may be interesting, as we might get a bit of an idea that reactions the audience can have can be somewhat unfound for some people who actually are doing good work within it. So far though, the cynicism is strong in how that audience were only seen cheering for the PV despite how god awful the character models were, granted that the background art and direction were not bad.

Also a general thought I have had, the actual story and setting seem different, but the for some reason the character designs of at least their original work look quite a bit like Sword Art Online. The heroine (Yuna) is Asuna, and the two main costars seem to be Lisbeth and Silica.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 6:16 am Reply with quote
I feel bad that Chitose clearly only has one set of clothes. That egg top is gonna start getting a little threadbare after a while. It just occurred to me that this is why there are so few non-school anime: when your characters are in uniform you rarely have to worry about drawing them with different clothing.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:11 pm Reply with quote
Episode 3

After Blood- commented on Chitose always wearing the same thing, it was all I could notice this episode. Though, everyone else seems to be in the same boat. We need a clothes shopping episode.

I almost feel like the show is trying to set up Shibasaki and Momoka as the angel and demon on Chitose's shoulders, respectively. Obviously, their immediate personalities are more amenable for the opposite arrangement but I mean in terms of their relationship with the job of voice acting. I doubt, and in fact hope, it'll actually be that simple, but the idea amuses me.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:58 pm Reply with quote
I think my new response whenever anybody tells me to do something I don't want to do will be to narrow my eyes, look sidewise, draw down the corners of my mouth and mutter, "geh." Thanks, Chitose!

Yes, darling Chitose sucks so very, very much at this seiyuu thing. However, our plucky little heroine is actually able to make some strides so maybe she does have a little bit of latent talent festering inside her dark, stony heart. I'm enjoying the interplay with her bro.

After three episodes, though, I'm hoping they branch out a bit. The show is feeling a little claustrophobic to me. I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for, but I want some kind of new element in play.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:55 am Reply with quote
The big secret to Chitose improvement from horrible acting, she actually started to act. It looked like before she was simply reading the lines on the paper, with just the advice of try and get into the character's head, or actually copy what others did, she made improvements that had everyone saying she improved. Although the line that it sounds like is "acting in an anime" just shows that even her close allies knew she sucked. Although effectively it has her doing a generally bland performance, which is better over god awful, although it is kind of up if she realised the others were avoiding her because she was dragging it down, that the reason that one professional agreed to join the group and drink was because she was feeling better about her.

This might sound a little bad, but some of this reminded me of a certain anime not to long ago where I thought that the seiyu was doing a terrible job. Her voice did not seem to really match the character, it sounded too different from a supposed related character, and I would probably say the acting itself was pretty wooden. And not surprising was that it was kind of the seiyu's first big role, and she was predominantly an idol, which kind of showed what they were doing. Actually, I will say the series name, it was spoiler[Denpa Kyoushi], a series I was kind of looking forward from a recommendation, but turned out to be just horrible, and makes me wonder if it suffered for similar reasons to what is being shown in Girlish Number.

I wonder if we could nail down the sort of show this series is emulating. So far recent anime that come to mind could be Sister New Devil, Cerberus, Sky Wizards Academy.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 8:58 am Reply with quote
My initial idea of Chitose was of someone who was working her way up the voice acting ladder Regardless of talent, it was something she wanted to do and she was working hard.... but once she got the lead, all her practice went out the door because in her mind, she "made it". Ok.

So. Or maybe I mean But.

What is her background in all of this? In order for Chitose as is to work, she must have decided one day to use her brother to get work dong anime. So, no acting lessons, no school plays and she doesn't seem to be interested in performing arts at all; It's easy work and she has an "in" to help her get roles cheap.

It's weird to say this about a work from the guy who did Love SNAFU's characters with neurosis that go back years but Chitose seems to have been created in a vacuum, going from nonexistence to new bit anime actor who already has a few appearances under her belt.... meaning people heard her and decided to hire her anyway Or, what I thought happened in episode 3, her role needed more input from her than she knew or was ready for and everyone was too polite to tell her how she was sucking, let alone that she was.

And this brings something else that has been bugging me from the start; Where is the director in all this? "I want it like this, I want to hear this, perform it like that." No, it's just "Take 1"... talk among about what they're trying to get, what they want ... "Ok, now take 2 Be more [like we want]" More quiet discussion. "OK Moving on."

If true, this really explains a lot of Japanese dubs I've heard over the years.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 7:37 pm Reply with quote
Episode 4

It's looking more and more like the show is directing enough of its cynicism at the fanbase itself to put Kuzu's downfall a ways into the future, if it comes at all.

The lack of multiple outfits for any of the characters is starting to get to me. Their schedule seems pretty busy, too. When are they even washing them? This show is reminding me of my coworkers...
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:36 am Reply with quote
As soon as I saw "Chitose is Life" printed on the back of the fans clothing, I knew we were watching a dream sequence. But at least she had a different outfit on in it, HelloBucket! Baby steps, baby steps.

My main complaint about this show still stands. It's very static. Nothing is really developing. We were introduced to the cynical view of anime production in episode 1 and since then the details have been accruing, but nothing new is creeping in. Chitose is going to be cluelessly arrogant, her brother is going to sigh a lot, Kuzu is going to be cluelessly trashy and so it goes.

Development, people, development. It's what makes a show interesting.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 12:26 pm Reply with quote
Don't worry, Blood. There's plenty creeping in there.

Take note of the final scene: the anime was crap, but Chitose still got a lot of praise on Twitter... But she didn't sound happy about it. You'd think she wouldn't care about how bad the show is so long as she profits from it, but it appears she's beginning to genuinely take pride in her work and wants something she put so much effort into to turn out well.
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