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The Ancient Magus' Bride: Those Awaiting a Star (OAV).

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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 4:25 pm Reply with quote

The Ancient Magus' Bride: Those Awaiting a Star (OAV)

Genres: magic

Plot Summary:Chise Hatori, 15 years old. Lost, without hope, and without family, she is bought for money – not by another person, but by a non-human sorcerer named Elias. Though she hesitates, she begins life anew as his apprentice and future wife. She moves on with her new and peaceful life, slowly but surely, until one day, when she finds a Japanese picture book among the many sent to her from London by Angelica. It is a fateful book that discovered her in her younger years, when she was still troubled and lonely. (via Crunchyroll)

Was NOT expecting to see this any time soon!

From what I can tell, the framing has to be after volume 4, but before volume 5. We can know this because spoiler[Chise has her staff], but spoiler[she also still has her ring].

Ruth amuses me far more than I expected. Especially at breakfast. He really stole the show in the background.

I love the glitter around the Neighbors when they fly, it's a good otherworldly effect.

Not sure about "Slay Vega" instead of "Sleigh Beggy," but I would have to do research into possible kanji use and translation to see which is more accurate. (The kanji used is 夜の愛し仔, which, near as I can tell, translates roughly to "Night's Beloved Child" ([night] no [beloved] [offspring]), and has a pronunciation of "Surei Bega." "Sley" is an Old English word having to do with weaving, and "beggar" can refer to a child (and is of Middle English origin), so I would guess that "Sley Beggar" would likely be most accurate.)

Getting backstory on Chise is really nice, though very bittersweet, since we know it's not going to be nice.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 9:17 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, I just noticed this today, too. Highly recommended viewing for any established fan of the manga, as the animation looks great and it gloriously brings to life the peculiarities of the setting. (The character designs are dead-on, too.) Not recommended at all for anyone who isn't, as you won't be able to make sense of it if you haven't read at least the first 3-4 volumes.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 9:37 pm Reply with quote
The beauty of the character designs for Chise and Ainsworth translated very well to animation. I liked how they conveyed the awkward and stilted nature of Elias and Chise's conversation in the dialogue, where there's this constant sense that they're both not completely present but in different ways. Hearing Elias talk was really cool, though he sounds a little more suave and dulcet than I imagined for some reason spoiler[(hopefully we'll get to see him transform and hear an accordant change in his voice)].The transition from the first to second halves of the episode felt pretty abrupt, but both parts were really enjoyable.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 9:48 pm Reply with quote
I haven't read the manga, but it seems to be making sense to me so far. I enjoyed it a lot.

Lol at the silverfish carrying off the books.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 9:53 pm Reply with quote
I think this is the most awkward silences I've seen in a single episode.

Seems okay so far. And unlike other "older man takes in young girl" shows, at least this title is upfront about them screwing in the future Anime smile + sweatdrop
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 7:57 am Reply with quote
Episode 1

Wow, that was kind of beautiful, not familiar with the series at all but I enjoyed it. The first half felt kind of like The Flying Witch meets Snow White with the Red Hair, which set me at ease with the serene tone and elegant magical creatures amongst the English setting. And I was quite surprised when the second half played against this with the more city setting, something that was more horror, that felt anxious, and disturbing creatures that the only thing that comes to mind is a couple Ghibli movies.

Do have a couple strange comments though. Felt a little odd that the feminine fish spirit thing had a masculine name, Hugo, while the male dog guy had a feminine name, Ruth. Also, I can't look at Elias without thinking of a Capra Demon from Dark Souls.
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 11:48 am Reply with quote
Not sure on Hugo, but Ruth can be explained: spoiler[Ruth was originally a normal dog who belonged to a little girl, who presumably named him.]
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:21 am Reply with quote

Since the fae are supposed to all be beautiful it is possible Hugo is male and only seems feminine because he is cute. He is naked except for the open jacket and bow tie and shows no primary or secondary sexual characteristics, but then most fish don't.

It is also possible that as they are not of this world the small fae do not have the same sexes we do. As a third possibility Hugo may be short for a much longer unpronounceable fairy name.

Of course there is also the possibility that the author is a bit fuzzy on male and female European names, it wouldn't be the first time in manga. If that is it, it is completely understandable. I doubt most of us who have not studied the subject are real clear on Japanese naming conventions.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 6:02 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Highly recommended viewing for any established fan of the manga... Not recommended at all for anyone who isn't, as you won't be able to make sense of it if you haven't read at least the first 3-4 volumes.

Again we will have to agree to disagree. I have not read one page of the manga (have only seen manga covers) before I saw this first episode and to me everything makes sense, feels like a well constructed story (unlike those that wing it *cough*yamada and the seven withches *cough*). Of course I know there are many things that will be explained later on and there must be others that have yet to be explained in the manga, that is the beauty of world building, to see every piece of the puzzle fall into place.

To me this felt like movie quality material, beauty and the horror were nicely woven in one single episode.

p.s. Also, I haven't seen "Snow White with the Red Hair" so there was no sense of familiarity born out of that. I did saw Flying Witch, but this show is prettier (there were some shots in Flying witch that were not so good as to place in a frame to hang on your wall, the photography in this OVA does) and less mundane.
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Joined: 26 Jun 2016
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 11:20 pm Reply with quote
Dessa wrote:
Not sure on Hugo, but Ruth can be explained: spoiler[Ruth was originally a normal dog who belonged to a little girl, who presumably named him.]

Uh, one issue here:spoiler[ Chise's the one who named Ruth. Elias even remarks the peculiar choice she made for a male dog despite the fact it meant "sympathetic friend".]

Anyway, I loved it. It was engrossing, atmospheric, colorful, and well-directed. Everything I wanted for a AMB animated experience. For a prequel story, it's really well done.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:47 am Reply with quote
mangamuscle wrote:
Key wrote:
Highly recommended viewing for any established fan of the manga... Not recommended at all for anyone who isn't, as you won't be able to make sense of it if you haven't read at least the first 3-4 volumes.

Again we will have to agree to disagree. I have not read one page of the manga (have only seen manga covers) before I saw this first episode and to me everything makes sense, feels like a well constructed story (unlike those that wing it *cough*yamada and the seven withches *cough*). Of course I know there are many things that will be explained later on and there must be others that have yet to be explained in the manga, that is the beauty of world building, to see every piece of the puzzle fall into place.

Based on comments I've seen, I guess following what's going on here is not a big deal for newcomers as long as you are not concerned about why Chise is where she is, what connection the woman at the beginning has to her, or the who/what/why of Ruth. There's just so much visual detail in this episode that viewers unfamiliar with the manga may not even recognize as important, though, such as the wedding band-like ring Chise is conspicuously shown wearing.
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:46 pm Reply with quote
Episode 2 is up on Crunchy (premium members) as of about an hour ago.

It's been so long since I watched part 1 that I was thrown a bit (not remembering where it left off), but got into it soon enough. There was very much a foreboding feeling the whole episode, since Chise's never mentioned Miura before, and he seemed to have a secret. I'm hoping Part 3 will clear up the remaining questions, regarding the woman, and what was with the library, especially after that horrible cliffhanger.
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 7:08 pm Reply with quote
And the final episode is out and up on Crunchy. Amazing watch overall, and it's leaving me waiting in anticipation for the TV series next month (even having seen the first 3 episodes already).

One thing I'm interested in, is how perceptions change for people watching it now, and if/when they rewatch it after seeing the TV series (based on Chise and Elias' conversation in the stinger).
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