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91 Days (TV).

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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 5:47 am Reply with quote

91 Days (TV)

Source: Original

Demographic: Seinen

Animation Studio: Shuka

Genres: action, drama, thriller

Themes: crime, historical, mafia, revenge, tragedy

Plot Summary: During the Prohibition era, in the Lawless district the law has no power, the mafia rule the streets, and the illegally made liquor flows freely. At one time Avilio lived in this district, but after a mafia dispute ended in the murder of his family, he went into hiding. Later, Avilio receives a letter from a mysterious person that ignites his passion for revenge and leads him to return to Lawless. There, he infiltrates the Vanetti family and gets close to Nero.

Air Date & Platform:
July 16, 2023 (Friday)
Available on: Crunchyroll, FUNimation, HBO Max

Episode Count / Runtime: 12 episodes

Seems like an original anime with a nice thrilling atmosphere taking place during the historical era of Prohibition. I look forward to this a lot since it also deals with revenge and the art has a chilling way of presenting itself.
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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 4:39 pm Reply with quote
Episode 1:

Good episode overall, a lot of darker themes with the setting. What I like about this is how the episode really made the rivalry with revenge and hate themes. Avilo also seems like an interesting character.

The violence is realistic too although I think it gave a good insight about the setting. The era has a good amount of focus about the characters in particular rivalries. Nice music as well.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 5:14 pm Reply with quote
Not sure I've ever seen an animated series based on the Prohibition era, so this would be the first.

Simple enough premise, lone survivor of a well-to-do family employed with the mafia which is massacred during a power struggle. Boy goes off to his poor friend's place to take refuge and disappears thereafter. In the intervening period Angelo picks up close-combat skills in his quest for revenge and uses them to spectacular effect in this episode.

Corteo's moonshine distillery and its depiction is quite an eye-opener for me; I didn't think the process needed quite so much equipment within the space of a kitchen.

Human relationships look to be a central plank to this series, but it's early days and I'm looking forward to more.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 11:49 pm Reply with quote
Episode 1

For the setting it was probably going to be a disadvantage for my interests. I was not as enthralled by Gangsta's dark themes, or Joker's Game being a time piece. I have not had much interests in the prohibition era stories, and the times I have tried to watch The Godfather I have ended up really bored. Yet, this first episode was really good, and it has captured my interests to want to continue watching. It felt like so much was done right.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:31 pm Reply with quote
This was my favorite first episode of the season. I got invested in the show fairly quickly and Angelo looks to be an interesting character.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 3:59 pm Reply with quote

Events certainly moved quickly in this episode.

Viewers now know a little more about the identity of the sender of the letter Angelo received last week as well as its contents. I'm not sure if Angelo is being played for a fool, but he won't care since he has no other leads.

It seems a little contrived how Nero conveniently thought of Angelo first when thinking about how to take out Fangio from last week without suspicion falling on his clan. Regardless, Nero took his chance and improvised brilliantly to get his first grudge kill. The last scene was still a surprise since someone must have followed the pair going to the graveyard and disposed of Serpente's body first.

The singer behind the theme songs for the Psycho Pass series is in charge of this series, which might bode well for its success since all of the series TK takes up so far tend to be the moody dramas.

So the Vanettis are Italian Catholics modelled after the mafia clans made famous by the Godfather series, I've always found the hypocrisy of gangsters saying their prayers prior to an execution rather amusing.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:54 am Reply with quote
episodes one and two

I had my fears going into episode two. Episode one was an impressively mixed bag, starting out fantastic, and then sliding into mediocrity and finally being pretty much awful by the end. Based on episode two, it looks like the middle ground is where the series is going to spend most of its time, which is better than I expected.

I think my big problem with the series going forward is just how inured I am to mafia stories. 91 Days is atypical for an anime, but within the broader scope of everything I've watched it feels pretty generic. Put another way: It's really interesting to see a Japanese series nailing the American mafia setting so consistently but it's hard to get excited about a good tracing. That said, the setting continues to be a big deal here in the U.S. so I think for most people stateside this is all a good thing. I'm one of the few bored with it.

Fango continues to drag down every bloody scene he's in. It's fine to have an intentionally irritating antagonist, but Fango has the deeper problem of not even fitting within the setting and tone of the series properly.

Last edited by HelloBucket on Sun Jul 17, 2016 5:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 11:38 pm Reply with quote
Episode 2

So Angelo got a letter detailing the men who killed his father, but who could be the mysterious friend? It is kind of crazy when you consider the family thought they were in control, but Angelo was controlling it, yet someone else may be even above him. Kind of a surprise that they got us to kind of like that guy for being level headed yet wanting revenge for the kid, and then revealing he was a target, being one of the men who killed Angelo's family.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 2:30 pm Reply with quote

So Angelo gets lucky and finds out where Serpente's corpse is to boot. Unfortunately the old bugbear Fango turns up and ruins corpse retrieval plus committing Angelo's face to memory to boot. Two steps forward, one step back for Angelo's big revenge quest, at least he's now paired with Nero Vanetti (although neither of them have any idea that a hit has been contracted against them).

It seems Scuza, the new FBI prohibition enforcer, has fingers with all of the local crime families. Although his attempt to blackmail the Vanettis regarding Serpente's corpse isn't completely inconceivable, I have to wonder what his real intentions are if it's not just about making money on the side through abuse of authority.

The ensemble cast gets bigger with each episode, but I'm having trouble remembering who everyone is without the help of repeat viewings. I think Ganzo is new while the newly inducted member of the Vanetti household showed up last week during the wedding scene. Nero's younger brother Fratre showed up briefly last week but we didn't really see much of him, although his allegiance to ties of blood is without question.

I didn't recognise the voice, but was Nero's own father the one who ordered the hit? That would make things interesting (since the pair are going to survive) once the identity of the contractor is revealed.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 9:15 pm Reply with quote
Episode 3

So this series really is about themes of revenge after all..

I expect to see more body counts to pile out for the course of the season. In the meantime, I kinda like Fango, he's a clever man. I think the show has a pretty diverse cast so far, hopefully they'll have time to characterize them all. Good thrilling episode this week.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 3:54 am Reply with quote
Stark700 wrote:
In the meantime, I kinda like Fango, he's a clever man.

I kind of like him as a villain too, despite the calls made that he does not fit the period or something. He kind of gives off the feeling of channelling the style of a cowboy with being a prohibition era cowboy. I am not too versed on the history, but apparently the prohibition era goes from 1920 to 1933, where Western movies had prominence in the silent film era of Hollywood of 1894 to 1927, after which sound was introduced and Western movies were mostly done by smaller studios. Just a little bit of looking up on Wikipedia. Rather than being unrealistic, I would wonder if there are any time period inspirations for Fango's character.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 6:12 am Reply with quote
I think his personality is fitting, it's just his hair that seems highly unlikely for that era and those people. Smile
But jeez, off-model much?

Fango's wall-eyed and I don't know what's going on with his henchman there. When he first entered the room, his head just kept getting longer and longer and his face derpier and derpier. Laughing
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 6:56 am Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:
his head just kept getting longer and longer and his face derpier and derpier. Laughing

Exaggerated reaction to finding Serpente's corpse, perhaps?
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:41 am Reply with quote
I'm liking these episodes less and less. The art's already gone to hell, and the story's just kind of generic at this point. I don't think this kind of premise can last for 12/13 episodes unless something else starts happening.
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Joined: 07 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:39 am Reply with quote
episode three

Did anybody else think the presentation on this firefight was a complete mess, or is that just me? I wish they had put as much effort into that sequence as they did into the gun details. It could have used the TLC.

And yeah, the art has gone to hell. Some folks are harping on some noticeable off-model moments, but the thing that really got me was the color grading/shading has degraded to the point where "dark and moody" has become PSOne-era "brown and boring".

Everyone is focused on Angelo, but I'm more interested in Nero. I'm wondering what his reasoning is for taking up Angelo's offer to come along, despite the fact he's suspicious and doing a terrible job at hiding his contempt, things the episode made care to show Nero noticing.
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