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Divine Gate (TV).

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:47 pm Reply with quote

Divine Gate (TV)

Genres: Game

Plot Summary: When the Divine Gate opened, the living world, the heavens, and the underworld became connected, ushering an era of chaos where desires and conflict intersect. To restore order, the World Council is formed. As peace is restored, the Divine Gate becomes an urban legend.

In that world, boys and girls deemed fit by the World Council are gathered. They are ones who aim to reach the gate for their personal objectives. Those who reach the gate can remake the world.

What lies beyond the gate? When they reach the door, will the world change? Will it be the past that changes, or will it be the future?

Smartgame adaptation with a colorful cast character. For some reason, I find the character designs interesting in terms of aesthetics. It’s got a decent cast list as well~
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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:58 am Reply with quote
Episode 1:


That was well, confusing but tense especially in the first power. The Divine power is kinda obvious and we even get some info dump about their properties. Hope we learn about the essence of the Divine Gate soon as that was also talked about in the episode.

We get some introduction of a strange kid with connections to the Divine Gate. All else aside, I think the episode dropped a lot of plot elements that needs to be expanded for rest of the season. Wasn't really impressive but maybe it has potential. Akane is alright character with a normal personality.
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Joined: 15 Jul 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:40 am Reply with quote
Sad past, new possibilities & powers.
Looks interesting.
Has potential to be really good.
Things are just starting to heat up.
Will give it a few more episodes.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:57 am Reply with quote
Episode 1

Well I think it had some horrible infodumping, there was very little finesse in getting the scenario across. I don't think as harshly about it as the critics seem to, I think that there are a few character designs that catch my interest. It is not a really common thing, but I have a bit of a soft spot for the green hair and style of one section in the anime, and a few others are not bad.

The "parent murder" thing seems too overplayed, like I am missing out why it might something especially heinous. And his apparently darker past of being treated as less than a dog for no powers does not feel like it makes sense. Especially when it gels with how he has powers now. I think that I understand why might have happened already, a fire started in the house, he tried to put the fire out that was on his family, and instead the water killed them, perhaps from subconscious. It feels kind of overplayed from how much he kept mentioning about rain putting fires out and the power not saving people.

I think that I will watch it, nothing really made me hate it that much.
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Joined: 12 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:14 am Reply with quote
This show seems a bit cliché to me. I'm also thinking this may be a show trying to look cooler than it is, but I think I will give it at least 1 more episode before deciding whether to keep it in my queue.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:59 am Reply with quote
Episode 2:

Well I think the show is still all over the place.

They did manage to help out a kid and is Father. Good action there. At the same time, we find out more about Aoto and this tragic past. I think throughout the show, we'll also learn his motives. I'm more curious about the stuff going on from behind the scenes as there seems to be something big building up. The main concept still revolves around the Divine Gate so I guess the main characters will discover its secrets as part of their journey. The show still feels boring to me though at the moment.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 11:07 pm Reply with quote
Episode 2

So I was wrong, it looks like his brother killed their parents instead. My guess would be that he did it for him. Maybe that is a hint to getting to the divine gate, sacrificing something important to themselves or for someone else?

I kind of like the other world like designs, there is some nice shadow added that looks pretty cool. Although they also turn into CG models which have a noticeable drop in frame rate.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 1:14 am Reply with quote
DuskyPredator wrote:
The "parent murder" thing seems too overplayed, like I am missing out why it might something especially heinous.

As compared to what? Shocked Ok, probably a lesser crime than say, ordering the genocide of millions, but it's hard to top on a more hands-on scale. I think most people think that killing your own family members is worse than any other type of murder, and killing your parents or your child tend to lead the rankings in most societies.

Seriously, how jaded do you have to be when your reaction to someone admitting they killed their parents is, "Well, that's ok, I'm sure you had your reasons"?
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 1:59 am Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:
DuskyPredator wrote:
The "parent murder" thing seems too overplayed, like I am missing out why it might something especially heinous.

As compared to what? Shocked Ok, probably a lesser crime than say, ordering the genocide of millions, but it's hard to top on a more hands-on scale. I think most people think that killing your own family members is worse than any other type of murder, and killing your parents or your child tend to lead the rankings in most societies.

Seriously, how jaded do you have to be when your reaction to someone admitting they killed their parents is, "Well, that's ok, I'm sure you had your reasons"?

Well it was making it sound like it was a very specific crime that happens on a regular basis of people becoming Voldemort or something.

"He killed someone." Broad and a standard taboo.
"He killed his family." A bit more focused, brings up the idea of betraying familial relationships.
"He killed his parents, he is a parent killer." Quite a bit more focused as if it is many times worse than the above one because it has a title, As if it is "Vou shalt not kill" and "honour thy father and mother". Specific to parent killer instead of family killer or something.

Does anyone even know about his brother who is missing? What do they think the connection is to his parents being killed?
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:31 am Reply with quote
Well, it is a very specific crime. Especially give his age. I still don't get your beef with it. Smile

And the last part of my previous post was exactly the reaction of that girl, which I found baffling. If someone told me they'd killed their parents, I think I'd at least ask why, before I decided to keep my distance. Probably do the same regardless of who they killed, actually. I certainly wouldn't brush it off as a private matter like if he said he didn't get along with his dad or something.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:56 am Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:
Well, it is a very specific crime. Especially give his age. I still don't get your beef with it. Smile

Then I am just being weird then. That is me, Mr weirdo.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:52 am Reply with quote
Episode 3:

Yeah..I'm just not feeling this show.
Even with the characterization on Midori this episode, there's not much I feel attached about her character. In the meantime, there's still a lot of secrets that remain hidden about the Divine Gate. It's the third episode so I guess in time, more will be revealed.

At least action still seems okay.

I'm guessing the Divine Gate has something do with granting wishes but has a heavy price to pay from Midori's story. Wonder what all the main characters' wishes are...in that case.
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Gina Szanboti

Joined: 03 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:46 am Reply with quote
Who translates a child saying, "Hayaku!" as "Chop, chop!"? oO

I think I'm missing something basic in the premise. If the Council succeeded in "restoring peace" after the initial appearance of the Gate, why didn't they make their big remake the world wish then? They apparently found the Gate at that time.

The setup seems to approach the concept of the Gate like the Holy Grail (with all the Arthurian trimmings), i.e., some mythical lost treasure, but it seems like it's more like the genie's lamp with only one wish that can be summoned and used at will, once you figure out how.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 3:53 am Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:
Who translates a child saying, "Hayaku!" as "Chop, chop!"? oO

Funi's subs seem to be getting extremely liberal this season. I remember seeing "adorbs" used in Prince of Stride, and a simple "Uwa" translated to "Holy guacamole"
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:32 am Reply with quote
It is funny because "Hayaku" is pretty much the words "hurry up".
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