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Lance N' Masques (TV).

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Joined: 24 Mar 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 5:54 pm Reply with quote

Lance N' Masques (TV)

Genres: Action

Plot Summary: Yōtarō Hanafusa is a young man who is part of the last remaining order of knights in the 21st century, "Knights of the World." As he fights as the mysterious Knight Lancer, he must hide his identity behind a mask. One day he meets a girl named Makio Kidōin, and when finding that she lives alone, decides to watch over her.

You can watch the PV here.

To my knowledge, this is one of the very few (or perhaps only) LN adaptation this season which isn't your usual 'lucky guy surrounded by cute girls in a whatever academy/team', which is refreshing.
Also, this one has a talking(?) white pony(?), so it shouldn't be that bad.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 7:18 pm Reply with quote
It's a fantasy show so I'll give it a try.

The preview actually doesn't impress me much but the world fiction might be interesting. Will have to watch the first few episodes to determine if it's a keeper.
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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 2:07 pm Reply with quote
Episode 1:

The OP theme song seemed more colorful than I had thought, might have to get used to that. First episode introduced the Hero and Lance concept.

They also debuted more characters than I had expected. Hopefully we'll find out more about Yotaro. I'm finding that hand kissing thing to be really weird though. Also, Makio's is so short LOL.

Okayish episode so far. I'm not impressed yet but it was kinda fun...
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 2:18 pm Reply with quote
I already like the soundtrack. Interesting though, our heroine is 6 years old. Kind of unusual.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 2:36 pm Reply with quote
Episode 1

Gotta love the "convenient punk harassing helpless girl" trope. Wait, no, I hate it. The comedy at least was mostly hit rather than miss, but this episode was about as average as something could get.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:56 am Reply with quote
Episode 1

Well I thought it was kind of cute. That the heroine is like a young girl had me thinking that we have not had any really lolicon shows in a while, not that this is necessarily one, it seemed mostly harmless despite the freak-out of her sharing his bed. Something like the horse (in horse mode) makes me think the cuteness goes beyond just some moe aspects, there is a somewhat childish aspect to it. The first episode did have a bit of a hiccough though in placement of parts, like whether we were meant that the scream was an indication that the horse bit happened during the part at the beginning of the episode.

For some reason I appreciated some of the fighting choreography in the episode. Maybe not everyone will like the show, but I am kind of interested by the cute aspects, although it kind of confuses me over the target audience.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:52 pm Reply with quote
episode one

Everyone responding to Makio like she was surrounded by some aura of latent sexuality almost feels pointed, but I don't think the show's that smart. This is probably all me trying to find something more to hang on to since, so far, the show seems pretty boring.

I can hope that the intrigues implied in the first episode end up having some depth to them or at least be interesting but I'm pretty suspicious that this is just not that kind of series.

I think I'm supposed to enjoy this as a straightforward slice of life slash action series, but I'm not really feeling either component right now and I'm not sure how they complement each other, either.

I'm going to give it enough time to try to surprise me, though.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:50 pm Reply with quote
Episode 2

So this big guy is in charge of security, and he defeated/destroyed an assassin organization/gang/whatever. Then, he proceeded to keep Makio completely unprotected not once, but twice, even after she was already attacked by remnants of the organization. Someone fire this guy.

Also this episode confused me even further about the moe horse. Can it talk or not? Why is it eating food with all the people?? Why is it so cute???

Also did Makio just forget about Yuhua and all the other maids? I get that they weren't friendly to her, but gee. Also, I didn't realize before that Makio was voiced by Ozawa Ari, guess now I know why I find her cute.

Overall though I actually liked this episode better than the first. MC isn't actually overpowered for no reason, people are actually taking problem with the way Makio's safety and general life is being taken care of, and that dialogue about Makio putting herself in danger was pretty sweet.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 7:51 pm Reply with quote
episode two

I am only more confused on how to feel about this series. It feels like it wants to be a lot of different things but it doesn't seem to be doing any of them well.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:12 am Reply with quote
killjoy_the wrote:
Episode 2

So this big guy is in charge of security, and he defeated/destroyed an assassin organization/gang/whatever. Then, he proceeded to keep Makio completely unprotected not once, but twice, even after she was already attacked by remnants of the organization. Someone fire this guy.

Well it would also seem that he takes orphans that may or may not be ex soldiers or assassins, one of which had sent to be hired as a maid there. You can see that it is obviously him in the photo of that place the maid who was told not to come back was from, and she mentioned that they don't have to do "that" anymore, so chances are there was as much protection as he was allowed to give from whoever her Makio's father is. And somewhat ironic that one those people now has caused trouble.

There was some weird bits in this episode. I could not entirely understand, but were they saying that he was gone a little while between last episode and this? Is the horse able to talk and transform? If he is squiring that other girl for training, why does she be nothing but his fan girl?
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:08 am Reply with quote
I thought it was clear in the first episode that the horse is also a girl. Basically we have a were-horse, which is why it can talk and interact with the rest of the cast. Though I'm not sure if it is a girl that becomes a horse or a horse that becomes a girl, or if it matters.

Why a horse, obviously because of the lance. Knights used lances only from horse back. The lance would be even more silly then it is without a horse.

Unless I get really bored later this season this is as far as I go. The lance is a silly weapon for some one to carry. It is not intended for hand to hand combat and is unwieldy at best. It requires super human strength to use like this.

The main female character is a six year old intentionally unattended. The main male character is probably supposed to be a teenager but doesn't look a day over ten.

In the first episode the girl lost her grip on a steep climbing slope. Instead of landing a couple of feet down the slope and sliding the rest of the way she "falls" out several feet so she will fall all the way to the ground. How do you fall out? Even if she pushed out in panic, she would have to have legs like a jack rabbit to go that far.

I think the S&M maid in the second episode was the last straw. Too silly for words.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 2:30 pm Reply with quote
Episode 3

Ooookaaayy. This was basically: f*** everything else, we're saving Makio in one episode.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:44 pm Reply with quote
Episode 2

What the hell? So because of social expectation Makio has to take on the role of being a "lady" rather than a hero too like she had wanted? That is just stupid and I would have thought beyond this show. If a female character wants to be the hero too, all the power to her, but making her fit into the role of the damsel is more sexist than it should. I suppose it will be too much to hope for that she might go through a change and see that there is a way she can be a "hero", and there is no need to change to match expectations.
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Joined: 07 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:45 pm Reply with quote
Really, the show just keeps getting more bizarre. I'm maintaining interest despite how silly everything is just because I'm genuinely confused about where the heck it's trying to go and what it's trying to accomplish.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 5:01 pm Reply with quote
Heh, I didn't quite understand the title of this week's episode. Then I saw the ending and went oooh.
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