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Not a fan of anime openings and endings.

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Joined: 13 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2015 11:55 am Reply with quote
Past wrote:
I am particular to the music itself and nice visuals in the op/ed are usually secondary even if they have a lot of impact or reveal something important about the story. If I like the songs, and most cases I do, I wont skip them each time I watch the episode. In fact sometimes I like the songs so much, after watching the episode, I'll replay the theme song once or twice more.

Oh yeah I also prefer music over the visuals, but the visuals do play a part for me. There are themes so awesome that I have to find the full version and then there are themes that while sound pleasant, only really work for me when combined with the visuals. Example of the latter would be say the ending of Witch Craft Works. Seeing chibified witches being bound to different torture devices is kind of funny particularly when combined with the goofy music.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2015 10:30 pm Reply with quote
Past wrote:

Somebody mention Chrno Crusade? Who could disagree that "Sayonara Solitaire" is an extremely beautiful song, and much better than the opening? It's one of my favorite anime songs of all time, in fact.


I mostly agree. I kinda/sorta like the OP.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2015 8:47 pm Reply with quote
Past wrote:

Somebody mention Chrno Crusade? Who could disagree that "Sayonara Solitaire" is an extremely beautiful song

Yes, it is. Did you know Azmaria's VA sings it? I think it's actually supposed to be from her point of view.

Chii-sana watashi dakara, zenbu demo, tarinai yo ne?
"Because I am small, even if I give everything, it's not enough, is it?"

Sayonara Solitaire is actually a love song though so it may have been written with the hypothetical idea that Azmaria would sing this after meeting her special someone.

Or I'm thinking too hard about it Anime hyper I love the OP too though because while Solitaire makes me think of Azmaria's emotional struggles, Tsubasa makes me think of Rosette and Chrono's amazing bond and relationship.

I listen to both songs on CD, one after the other. Though I can't find said CD right now thus I am sad. D:
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Joined: 29 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2015 9:08 am Reply with quote
I usually skip the OP and ED after the first episode or two. If I do continue to watch them it will probably be for the animation, not the music.
I do like a lot of the music. Actually, I have listened to almost nothing but anime theme songs for at least five years now, and if it is not an anime song it is probably a song by an artist that does a lot of anime songs, such as Angela.
But when I hear a song that I like I get the CD or find a file and listen to the whole song on my MP3 player.

One reason why I watch the OP and ED at least a few times is that the animation might change.
K-On! added Azusa to the opening animation after she was introduced in the show. The music also changed to a different arrangement of the song that had a second guitar. I thought that was a nice touch.
Shin Koihime Musou also added a new main character to the animation after she was added to the show.
In both of those cases there were no more changes after the character was added.

Aria is unusual because it does not have any opening animation. The music and credits just play over the start of the episode.

I have also noticed that some shows have content after the ED and I do check for that. Most shows are consistent and either do have something after the ED or they do not. But you have to be vigilant because some shows will do it occasionally, especially at the end of the last episode.

Some shows also change the ending animation.
Stellvia had clips from each episode in the ED. I am sure that I have seen other shows that did that but I cannot think of any.
Evangelion had several different versions of the ED song with different singers. I think that the animation was always the same, but I am not sure.
Queen's Blade also had different versions of the ED song sung by different characters. I think that the lyrics also changed to fit the character, and the animation changed to feature the character who was singing.

So, even though I do tend to skip the OP and ED I have learned to check a few just to see if there are changes.

Everything that I said applies to a TV series. I never skip the OP or ED for a movie or OVA. I might zip through it at high speed, but I do watch it.

Another factor for me is that I watch everything on DVD or Blu-ray and I usually watch three or four episodes at a time for a total of four to seven episodes per day. If I had to wait a week between episodes I would probably be more likely to watch the OP and ED.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:06 am Reply with quote
Hmm... Really?
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Joined: 21 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:25 am Reply with quote
Chiibi wrote:
Past wrote:

Somebody mention Chrno Crusade? Who could disagree that "Sayonara Solitaire" is an extremely beautiful song

Yes, it is. Did you know Azmaria's VA sings it? I think it's actually supposed to be from her point of view.

Yes, Saeko Chiba:


It was great to hear Tsubasa wa Pleasure Line at Animelo Summer Live 2011 with Minami Kuribayashi (original vocalist) and Maon Kurosaki (anime music fan in general and Minami Kuribayashi fan in particular).
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Joined: 30 Jan 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:06 am Reply with quote
I generally skip them too. I have a broad interest in music genres, but sugary sweet JPOP music does nothing for me.

It's also worth mentioning that sometimes the openings contain minor spoilers for the show. EG: something like a character transforming or something before you actually learn they have that power.

The Watamote opening is awesome and even the cute ending song I enjoyed. Loved Maximum the Hormones stuff on Death Note.

Ergo Proxy's opening song is simply amazing, like I still fire up an MP3 or youtube of it from time to time... and I like older Radio Head, so I enjoyed it's ending song.

For some reason I really liked Scrapped Princess' end song, which seemed random for me. Cowboy Bebop's "Real Folk Blues" is a classic. Samurai Champloo's opening is cool.

Basically, I like the stuff that is alternative and outside the box for anime songs. If it's a generic pop song mostly designed to market an idol to Japanese otaku, I am probably going to hate it.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 7:12 am Reply with quote
Bloodgod wrote:

Basically, I like the stuff that is alternative and outside the box for anime songs. If it's a generic pop song mostly designed to market an idol to Japanese otaku, I am probably going to hate it.

The well-written and performed OP/ED/INS songs are not generic, but that takes more effort on the part of all concerned.

One of my favourite "different" songs by an established anime singer and voice actress is Motherland sung by Yuuka Nanri from Valvrave the Liberator:


There is also the question of whether anime watchers like to have somewhat familiar artists singing OP/ED/INS songs rather than someone who has no other connection to any other anime.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 7:25 pm Reply with quote
By the way.....

There is an OP/ED Recommendations thread (started by dtm42) that I consider to be a "mini-OAV" -- albeit of J-pop -- recommendation thread.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:47 am Reply with quote
I almost always skip all opening and ending sequences for all regular shows, not just anime. oh, and games' opening movie too. watching once or twice is enough.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:57 pm Reply with quote
nobahn wrote:
By the way.....

There is an OP/ED Recommendations thread (started by dtm42) that I consider to be a "mini-OAV" -- albeit of J-pop -- recommendation thread.

I find it difficult participating in such discussions if the ANN staff or in the case of the above thread, the person(s) maintaining the pointers to particular OPs and EDs fail to mention the song title and artist (although by rights the lyricist and composer should also be listed).
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Joined: 27 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:16 pm Reply with quote
omiya wrote:
I find it difficult participating in such discussions if the ANN staff or in the case of the above thread, the person(s) maintaining the pointers to particular OPs and EDs fail to mention the song title and artist (although by rights the lyricist and composer should also be listed).

Most of that information is contained in the ANN Encyclopedia entries for the shows themselves, so it's not that hard to track down if it matters to you.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 7:22 pm Reply with quote
yuna49 wrote:

Most of that information is contained in the ANN Encyclopedia entries for the shows themselves, so it's not that hard to track down if it matters to you.

When "The List" covered 2009 OP's I spent a few *days* collecting a list of all OP songs from anime of 2009, some tunes familiar to me were from anime not listed in ANN's encyclopedia, and a lot of jumping between en.wikipedia.org and ja.wikipedia.org was required to just get title and artist of each OP.
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