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Hey, Answerman! [2007-07-20]

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Richard J.

Joined: 11 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:16 am Reply with quote
I'm not the person who sent in that question, but I can kind of see where they're coming from with the whole "anime is better than American TV" thing.

Personally speaking, my problem with most TV programing here in the states is that series I like either A) get cancelled prematurely, B) start killing characters seemingly at random, or C) change radically after new producers take over.

Meh, I'm not saying all anime is superior to all American programing, but I think their trash tends to be better than some of our top-rated shows. (Note: I'm not saying Ikki-Tousen stands above a masterpiece-level show. I'm saying sometimes our garbage gets fantastic ratings and our garbage isn't as good as their garbage in my humble opinion.)

Plus, I like how many series have an emphasis on forming a group to deal with a problem rather than the "let's fight amongst ourselves all the time" that seems to prevade so many series over here. And maybe this is just with kid's shows, but have you ever noticed that the higher the stated intelligence of a character, the more likely they are to suffer some grave misfortune? Granted, this is most prominent with kid's cartoons, but there almost seems to be a "stupid is good" theme in a lot of our programing.

Maybe I just haven't been watching the right series. I've got odd tastes.

On the whole "anime should stay underground" thing: why does something automatically have to lose it's cool factor when it becomes more mainstream? I mean, it's not like Oprah's going to do a story on Gundum any time soon. Maybe you can find anime at Best Buy or even a select series or two at Wal-Mart, and there's a few shows on TV, but the average Joe Nobody wouldn't have a clue what you were talking about if asked them about 99% of anime series.

Also, beware the anime underground. Here there be monsters. Twisted Evil

Hotsprings episodes. Bathing suits or bare flesh? Fanservice or artistic nudity? Don't overthink it, just embrace it and love it.

About that Flake. . . I feel like Vampire in Heat Guy J when I read that poem.

Also, I'd appreciate not being spoiled on the real ending for Harry Potter. I just hope J.K. doesn't pull a Reichenbach Falls on us.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:19 am Reply with quote
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:35 am Reply with quote
I stand by my remarks. Those lyrics are pretty pathetic.

No, on second thought, they're ugly pathetic.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:52 am Reply with quote
I can actually sorta understand someone saying Anime is better than American TV. I wouldn't really agree though. I think its more accurate to say American TV is different from Anime. In these differences there are pros and cons to both. Depending on your preferences, Anime can be preferable.

That said the extreme elitist attitude that the question writer has is just...well all I can say is:

Elitism! Do it! Cause who doesn't love to make an ass out of themself?


Awnserman wrote:
you have your militant fansub kids, who refuse to ever pay for anime and proselytize about how "all anime should be free".

Just incase it wasn't clear in the last column, Fansubs are the devil!

It's fine if someone doesn't like fansubs but it gets old when they must take every opportunity to bring it up.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:56 am Reply with quote
Zac, I have to say that's probably the best Harry Potter ending I have ever heard. And the Flake of the Week deserves what ever kind of prize they have out there for poetry, it's a nominee and a winner Laughing
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:17 am Reply with quote
I'm embarrased for whoever that guy was on the flake of the week. Just imagine Zac's reaction when he got that song. lmao!

Reading those lyrics makes me feel uneasy.

And about American TV being Garbage, I strongly disagree because to compare Anime and Regular TV is just wrong. Both are very wide-ranging. There are bad Anime shows, and there are good ones. The same goes for regular shows.

I hate reality shows though. A lot.

Last edited by KAtchan15 on Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:33 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 23 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:33 am Reply with quote
The fact is, just like there's a lot of trash on American TV, there's a lot of garbage on Japanese TV as well. You're cherry-picking the best stuff and then saying that all anime is like that; I can guarantee you that all of the shows you mentioned (although I would seriously hesitate to call Cowboy Bebop "deep") are really the cream of the crop.

Also it goes through another filter besides that... There's only so much anime the distributors can license, so not only was the person cherry-picking from the anime available, the companies have ALREADY cherry-picked what they feel will sell the best.


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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:34 am Reply with quote
My two cents worth...

@"Flake" - It wasn't that bad but upon learning of the Cake reference I'm going to have to dig up the "Cake Mix" CD my buddy made for a bunch of us.

@"Rant" - Okay, I had a birthday last week and realize I'm now way past the point where the memory starts going. It's more like it's gone deep into the territory of "Short to the point of no recall". It took me at least a couple of minutes to realize what sequence in the GitS movie featured the Major in the nude. Sheesh. All in all, I think I got a better kick out of Zac's meta-rant that followed the rant. But that's just me...
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:36 am Reply with quote
Did you read the Deathly Hallows epilogue? I know you prefer the darker side of Harry Potter, so did you find the epilogue to be just fluff that reads like a bad fanfic straight out of couple 'shipping fandom? (I mean, assuming that epilogue is part of the actual book and isn't just the last chapter in a novel-length Internet hoax.)

spoiler[Personally, I liked the epilogue, though I'm a sucker for happy endings.]
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Joined: 10 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:01 am Reply with quote
@ Convention staff I went to Sac anime last week and these kids got yelled at by the guards for glomping each other. I know at this event the staff wasn't getting paid because they told me and some others as we were waiting to get into the vendors room and they had been up late so I can understand them.

@ American shows and anime People like that I see as one of these types of people 1. They hate America. 2. They haven't seen any good American shows or are mad because their favorite show got cancelled. 3. They are middle school or early high school and think it is cool to like foreign things and hate things American so I'm going to guess they have never seen shows like 24, Lost, Prison Break, or Family Guy. Each has pro's and con's as with anything. Also they must have never seen the great 90's cartoons like Spider-Man and X-Men.

@ Rant I have never considered nudity an art. To me every nude scene in anime has made sense but there are difference levels of it. It makes sense in Dragon Ball to show Goku naked after converting back from his osaru form. In Girls Bravo the nude scenes make sense too such as the bath scenes or changing clothes but in Girls Bravo it is done on a different level.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:44 am Reply with quote
fighterholic wrote:
Zac, I have to say that's probably the best Harry Potter ending I have ever heard. And the Flake of the Week deserves what ever kind of prize they have out there for poetry, it's a nominee and a winner Laughing

Its a very strange thing to say I found the flake of the week hilarious, in that its not the usual crap we great. I give him/her an A for effort thats for damn sure. Also the best Harry Potter Ending, I'd go with this weird spoof (Not safe for work/18+) and I am glad I won't have to hear people shouting the ending at me this week. I am going to be working 36 hours the next three days!

Also as for the American Television sucking, I don't understand why a lot of fans get like this. You know Japan puts out just as much crap as we do, in fact 80% of everything is crap, although Zac totally missed with forgetting Dexter. Now that was best show that aired last year be it anime or normal tv.
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 4:28 am Reply with quote
Ichigo77 wrote:
@ American shows and anime People like that I see as one of these types of people 1. They hate America. 2. They haven't seen any good American shows or are mad because their favorite show got cancelled. 3. They are middle school or early high school and think it is cool to like foreign things and hate things American so I'm going to guess they have never seen shows like 24, Lost, Prison Break, or Family Guy. Each has pro's and con's as with anything. Also they must have never seen the great 90's cartoons like Spider-Man and X-Men.
Yeah, I think I'm in this camp. I got fed up with starting a series and having it cancelled on me. Like I said before, we've got some great shows, but we also tend to practically worship shows that are pretty bad. Although 24 and Lost are good, they started killing characters for fun. (I swear, they have dart boards with character names.) 24 especially seemed to turn into the "who will Jack have to lose today?" show. I haven't seen Prison Break but I can't stand Family Guy.

Spider-Man and X-Men were great cartoons, but that was a while back. Now we have the joy of a talking kitchen sponge with the IQ of sawdust. I would very much love to see a return to good cartoons.

Like I said before, I just don't see some of the story themes I love in anime popping up in American television. A few of the shows that had some of the elements I like, they were cancelled. I finally just gave up in sheer frustration and, to be quite honest, I don't feel any great loss. I've gotten a lot more enjoyment out of anime than I did with half the shows I used to watch.

It certainly helped improve my outlook on life. Instead of watching and going "so who dies next and when is this going to be cancelled?" I actually got to just enjoy a decent story. (Of course, anime fandom comes with a whole truck load of it's own problems but nothing's perfect in life.)
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Joined: 05 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:47 am Reply with quote
Oh boy they've already started the HP spolier videos on youtube. My idea is to hunker down for...three or four days and take care of bussiness.
Two if I can get a good jump on it.

I've only been to two cons- and both were a joy. The staff seemed really happy- and they knew what they were talking about. Mind you this was a smaller con-but still.

I think they mean American cartoons. american cartoons have seem to have taken a sharp downfall since I was a kid. Shows like Doug, Are you afraid of the Dark, Clarissa Explains it all, Hell- even Attack of the Killer Tomatoes or Mad max was better than some of the crap they have on.

It seems like if you want to watch cartoons...or animated features you either will see some stuff for kids 2-12 thats really stupid (need I mention Squrrieal Boy or Camp Lazlo) or jump onto Family Guy and Drawn together which is for older audiences.

The older shows don't have the same plots like anime. it seems like anime rated 15 and up has language, actual fighting, and better plots. There are some rare gems though in American cartoons- if you're into aninmation Fosters is pretty nice and its enjoyable.

Feel free to disagree.

Oh yea there are underground shows. I'll be honset Zac- its a bit annoying to see you bashing fansubbers everyweek even though some deserve it.

LOL awesome song!

As for the rant....nothing to say on it now. we'll see
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Joined: 08 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:09 am Reply with quote
There are, and my gorge is rising at saying this, some better American shows than anime shows. This is not how things should be, but it is. However,

Answerman wrote:
open yourself up to the possibility that there's good stuff to be found on any country's cable listing.

Even the Sudan? I would think that with all the starvation, their television quality might suffer. I'm not being snarky (OK, I am, but it's not all I'm doing), but trying to say that sometimes, the worst of one group is still better than the best of another. And that's a good thing.

I have to say, though, that the tone of your letter - that somehow it's a bad thing if anime has become a "mainstream fad" - is wrong-headed. I realize that you automatically become the coolest kid in school by hating on things that other people like, but that anime has a presence in the mainstream isn't a terrible thing and it doesn't make you "less cool" to enjoy it just because someone else on the subway might also like Naruto and it's not just you being a special unique snowflake.

To quote David Wong, "You can see the attraction right away. Most people, to feel special, have to actually do something special. But why not do what these guys do, and just make the rest of the world out to be wretched? Hell, once we've painted everyone else as mindless or murderous, all we have to do to feel superior to them is roll out of bed."

Of course, he meant it pejoratively, but I think it's a good thing. Someday, some way, we must get to the point where goodness and happiness come at the cost of a wish, not hard work.
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Joined: 06 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:30 am Reply with quote
Convention staff... we did AnimeNext 2 weeks ago, and the staff we encountered were all friendly and helpful. My friend can't stand for too long - serious arthritis - and asked one of the staff if it was possible to borrow a chair... he went and asked his superior immediately and was back in less than 10 minutes with a chair. I have run across surly staff before, but more so at the bigger cons when things are getting either rowdy or impatient. (And I worked for 14 years in retail Smile so I can sympathize with what staff can have to put up with...)
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