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NEWS: Kodansha Launches 2nd International Manga Competition

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Joined: 17 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:26 pm Reply with quote
Get your blue pencils, ink and tone sheets really people!!!

Anyway anyone from here plan to try? Im doing a short story manga I was gonna use if they have a tokyopop review at otakon this year but if not I could use it for this. Yay.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:27 pm Reply with quote
Manga-ka outside Japan? Wow, how inconceivable. Twisted Evil

Anyways. I'm glad that Kodansha is taking in talents from outside Japan in order to bring about some variety. By tapping in talent from other parts of the world, companies like Kodansha can increase its influence on the world market -- which can lead to increased revenues. Twisted Evil

Viga wrote:
Anyway anyone from here plan to try? Im doing a short story manga I was gonna use if they have a tokyopop review at otakon this year but if not I could use it for this. Yay.

Yea. If anyone has some talent and raw balls to get in on this contest -- go for it. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Joined: 07 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:37 pm Reply with quote
Awesome - maybe one of my stories will become hot in Japan.. that would be totally cool...
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Joined: 11 May 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:35 pm Reply with quote
Don't even bother to send them your artwork unless you guys are really good and have already published some sort of fanzine or online comic with recognition by others. Seriously, in a competition such this one by such a big japanese powerhouse, they're looking for unknown amateur comic artists with an individualistic & near pro level artwork & storytelling. Competition is tough - you seriously want to reconsider if you're good enough to invest your time and energy for such a project. Koudansha is well-known for publishing here and there short stories from artists of non-japanese origin in order to open new markets in the stalling magazine business.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:54 pm Reply with quote
Swissman wrote:
Don't even bother to send them your artwork unless you guys are really good and have already published some sort of fanzine or online comic with recognition by others. Seriously, in a competition such this one by such a big japanese powerhouse, they're looking for unknown amateur comic artists with an individualistic & near pro level artwork & storytelling. Competition is tough - you seriously want to reconsider if you're good enough to invest your time and energy for such a project. Koudansha is well-known for publishing here and there short stories from artists of non-japanese origin in order to open new markets in the stalling magazine business.

I dont have confidence if i dont have skill. I've been drawing and studying manga for years and I feel that im at a level although an amateur level is enough skill to at least try. Plus i get many complements and have had comics/manga published in my college paper with good results.

In the grand scheme of the world it seems small but hopefully if they have a tokyopop review ill get more tips and get better. I do appreciate your views Swissman and I have been thoroughly warned by others. But I cant grow in skill if i dont even try. besides just saying I entered and completing another manga from my mind is enough happiness for me.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:59 pm Reply with quote
Viga_of_stars wrote:
I entered and completing another manga from my mind is enough happiness for me.

So much much much much more of us do not even have the talent to even consider entering -- like myself. All I can do is stick-figures.

With a path like this -- it is already difficult enough without the "discouragers".
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 6:16 pm Reply with quote
I'm just glad that the Japanese won't think that MegaTokyo is the best us gaijin can do. Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 6:46 pm Reply with quote
KyuuA4 wrote:
Viga_of_stars wrote:
I entered and completing another manga from my mind is enough happiness for me.

So much much much much more of us do not even have the talent to even consider entering -- like myself. All I can do is stick-figures.

With a path like this -- it is already difficult enough without the "discouragers".

those who cant draw can write or type right?

writing is just as important as art when it comes to manga. You could have the great art of anyone but it would suck if the story isnt interesting.

Just pair up with a kickbutt artist and have skill at telling stories. I heard sometimes its hard for artist to also be good storytellers. Im taking a creative writing course this semester to up my skill. besides animators use the skill as well.
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Joined: 11 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:28 pm Reply with quote
I draw here and there.. im not too good.. but i will try my best.. i have till dec. to submit it so. ill think of a great story and hopefully some of my friends can help me with the drawings. Cool
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:28 am Reply with quote
I'm so glad to get another chance at this. Last contest, I couldn't get it together in time and was unable to send in an entry.

I got plenty of story ideas, but all I can really draw is bishies. When it comes to drawing buildings, action scenes, non-bishie characters, etc, I get all =_= and don't wanna.

Maybe I'll just send in a cute yaoi scene.
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Joined: 11 May 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:27 am Reply with quote
Viga_of_stars wrote:
Swissman wrote:
Don't even bother to send them your artwork unless you guys are really good and have already published some sort of fanzine or online comic with recognition by others. Seriously, in a competition such this one by such a big japanese powerhouse, they're looking for unknown amateur comic artists with an individualistic & near pro level artwork & storytelling. Competition is tough - you seriously want to reconsider if you're good enough to invest your time and energy for such a project. Koudansha is well-known for publishing here and there short stories from artists of non-japanese origin in order to open new markets in the stalling magazine business.

I don't have confidence if i don't have skill. I've been drawing and studying manga for years and I feel that im at a level although an amateur level is enough skill to at least try. Plus i get many complements and have had comics/manga published in my college paper with good results.

Well, you don't seem to lack experience nor confidence for such a competition. All I can say is to wish you good luck and you're right, you can't get better if you don't try.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:41 pm Reply with quote
Zenki10 wrote:
I draw here and there.. im not too good.. but i will try my best.. i have till dec. to submit it so. ill think of a great story and hopefully some of my friends can help me with the drawings. Cool

Good luck!

Swissman wrote:

Well, you don't seem to lack experience nor confidence for such a competition. All I can say is to wish you good luck and you're right, you can't get better if you don't try.

Thanks swiss!

Kimyo wrote:
I'm so glad to get another chance at this. Last contest, I couldn't get it together in time and was unable to send in an entry.

I got plenty of story ideas, but all I can really draw is bishies. When it comes to drawing buildings, action scenes, non-bishie characters, etc, I get all =_= and don't wanna.

Maybe I'll just send in a cute yaoi scene.

I have a problem with drawing bishies. They always end up looking like tomboy girls Laughing

I like to look at other manga with things or characters I dont usually draw. The more you work on your weaknesses the faster you'll overcome them. Also try real life photographs or pictures to learn from for scenery or action films and anime/manga for those type of scenes.

I used to have a big problem at drawing peoples profiles (looking to the side) so i kept trying it until I got better. Same with hands and feet..(the bane of my existence) but drawing class helped me for that one.

and to add....theres nothing wrong with a cute yaoi scene but check the rules first on the really hot full on scenes!

also i would like to see that yaoi... [email protected] tee hee hee!

Also to anyone else who is going to try here good luck (casts charm on ANN)
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Joined: 30 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:48 pm Reply with quote
This sounds very interesting... However, I went to the page, and from the way they put it, I can't figure out if the contest is open for international mangaka from all of the world, or only those from the specific countries mentioned (US, Italy, France, Spain, etc)? Did any of you understand that more clearly than I did?

Of course, the reason I'm asking is that'm from none of those countries, and I really want to participate... ^_~
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:49 pm Reply with quote
Viga_of_stars wrote:

I have a problem with drawing bishies. They always end up looking like tomboy girls Laughing

I like to look at other manga with things or characters I don't usually draw. The more you work on your weaknesses the faster you'll overcome them. Also try real life photographs or pictures to learn from for scenery or action films and anime/manga for those type of scenes.

I used to have a big problem at drawing peoples profiles (looking to the side) so i kept trying it until I got better. Same with hands and feet..(the bane of my existence) but drawing class helped me for that one.

and to add....theres nothing wrong with a cute yaoi scene but check the rules first on the really hot full on scenes!

also i would like to see that yaoi... [email protected] tee hee hee!

Also to anyone else who is going to try here good luck (casts charm on ANN)

I learned to draw expressions by flipping through FAKE for wild takes and drawing my OC with the same expressions. Before that, my kyara always looked like heartless dolls.

For those of you who don't think you have the drawin' chops, I recommend reading Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. I'm only about halfway through it and I'm already noticing some great improvement.

Sorry, Viga, I haven't drawn any yaoi and even if I had some, I wouldn't be able to send it, since I'm typing this up on a WebTV box. But if you'd like to see a few samples of my artwork, you can see 'em here. http://www.kimyouteki.net/Gallery
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Egan Loo

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:54 pm Reply with quote
IdaMBK wrote:
This sounds very interesting... However, I went to the page, and from the way they put it, I can't figure out if the contest is open for international mangaka from all of the world, or only those from the specific countries mentioned (US, Italy, France, Spain, etc)? Did any of you understand that more clearly than I did?

Of course, the reason I'm asking is that'm from none of those countries, and I really want to participate... ^_~

It's definitely open to more than just those countries (the wording in the Japanese version of the announcement is clearer), so give it your best shot!
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