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Chief Encyclopedist

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:05 am Reply with quote
Ok, for a very long time now I've said that I wanted to fix the genres before adding a genre search to the encyclopedia. Well, the time is nearly at hand. After a lot of pondering and considering, I have come up with the following draft for the new genres. Consider it version 1.0.3 of the spec.

First, the idea is to divide the current genres into 2 wide categories:
GENRES express the structure of the anime, what kind of story it is
THEMES express the "color" of the anime, what visual elements you'll find in it

The themes will be a free-input text box so you can enter all your mecha, ninja, samurai or whatever else you think about. No worries.

However, the genres will be strictly defined. Please ask any questions, requests for clarification or suggestions that you may have about the following classification:

action (fighting, chases, gunplay, explosions)
Emphasis on fast-paced action sequences, often at the expense of characterization or story-telling. Action sequences tend to center on direct confrontation, with the protagonists embracing violence and resolving conflicts through physical force.
[cannot be combined with adventure]

adventure (journeys, quests, exploration, danger)
Exciting stories that let the viewer leave the ordinary behind to experience new and extra-ordinary situations and places. The excitement comes in large part from a sense of discovery, from the mystery and novelty of venturing out into the (often dangerous) unknown. Usually such venturing causes the protagonists to be placed in dangerous situations, which result in action sequences that center on surviving the imminent danger, with the protagonists trying to escape or quickly neutralize the danger.
[cannot be combined with action]

comedy (funny)
The use of humor with the intent to provoke laughter.
[cannot be combined with parody or satire]

drama (intense emotions, character development)
Allows the viewer to experience the intense emotions of the protagonists through in-depth character development and interaction. Highly emotional themes, conflicts and tension are the norm.
[cannot be combined with slice-of-life]

erotica (sex, kinky, ecchi, hentai)
Main purpose is to sexually titillate the viewer.

fantasy (other worlds, swords & sorcery, fantastic beings)
Story set in a different world where the physical laws differ from our own but are internally consistent. Therefore magic in such a setting is not unnatural as long as it follows a certain internal logic, including limits to the use of magic. In addition to magic, fantasy worlds often contain mythical-medieval elements such as knights, castles, princesses, dragons, etc.
[cannot be combined with magic or supernatural]

horror (morbid, gruesome, frightening)
Attempts to make the viewer experience dread, fear, terror, or horror, including the revulsion that can be felt at the sight of blood, gore, grotesque and slimy things. Often the plot involves the intrusion of an evil force on the mundane world and the (horrific) consequences thereof.

magic (our world, with a touch of magic)
Story where the physical laws differ from normal on an arbitrary basis; the magic is there more as a way to propel the story than as a self-consistent part of the world. This includes stories where magic is commonly used even though the action is clearly meant to be set in our world. It also includes stories set in other worlds where magic does not appear to operate within an internally consistent framework (as opposed to fantasy).
[cannot be combined with fantasy or supernatural]

mystery (crime or enigma to be solved)
The plot involves a crime or other event that remains puzzlingly unsettled until the very end. The goal of the characters is usually to solve the mystery.

psychological (psychosis, delusions, head-trips)
Exploration of human psyche through intense and traumatic events, or through unconventional story-telling that pushes the limits of the viewer's psyche.

romance (love, love, love)
The central plot revolves around the romantic involvement of the story's protagonists.

science fiction (spaceships, aliens, future technology)
The plot or setting is based on imagined future science or technology. Sometimes the advanced technology is only used as a source of cool gadgets but sometimes the story will explore in depth the effect of such technological changes on human behavior and society. Note that merely being set in the future is not enough to make a story science fiction.

slice of life (plot-less everyday life)
A slowly paced story that portrays a "cut-out" sequence of events in a character's every-day life. It may or may not contain any real plot, and often has no exposition, action, conflict, or denouement, with an open ending. Even if the setting is not realistic, what is presented is always the kind of ordinary, every-day life that anyone could have within that setting.
[cannot be combined with drama]

supernatural (vampires, ghosts, occult)
Story set in our world, featuring the kind of magic and monsters that have existed as part of human folklore for centuries; vampires, demons, spirits, exorcisms, etc. As opposed to fantasy and magic which are obviously imaginary, this type of story can be presented as "maybe not fiction", just a story occurring in the dark corners of our world where regular people don't venture.
[cannot be combined with fantasy or magic]

thriller (race against the clock)
Story characterized by a thrilling, nearly unbroken sense of urgency and suspense, where the hero seems outclassed by the villain or at his mercy. There is often a race against the clock to thwart the villain.

tournament (martial arts, sports, games, competition)
(a.k.a. competition a.k.a. challenge a.k.a. tsuyoku-naritai)
The protagonists constantly seek to improve their skill, to become the best in the world, and test their skill against opponents. The ultimate goal is not to defeat enemies but to become better/stronger. Usually the hero competes against a string of ever-stronger opponents that demonstrate his training/perseverance is having an effect. A sure-fire way to recognize such an anime is if the protagonists keeping repeating "tsuyoku naritai" or "I want to become stronger".

Last edited by Dan42 on Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:02 am; edited 7 times in total
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:16 am Reply with quote
Let me see if I got this right; with the new search we can select a specific genre we want to search. Then in turn we can plug in any theme we wish to narrow down our search? For example; I select comedy as my genre. Then I can input say harem and I'll get harem comedy searches right? Now for adding a title I assume the same applies. We can select one of the preselected genres and then input our own theme for what we feel is appropriate. Am I getting it right? As for the genres you've mentioned I think it's a great selection and you did a nice job Dan. Thanks for making the encyclopedia more user friendly for retards like myself. Laughing
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:49 am Reply with quote
Dan42 wrote:
fantasy [i](other worlds, magic


[cannot be combined with magic or supernatural]

Am I the only one confused by this one?

Also, how do the "action" and "tsuyoku-naritai" differ from each other, exactly?

Otherwise, solid start on divvying things out.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:43 am Reply with quote
jgreen wrote:

Also, how do the "action" and "tsuyoku-naritai" differ from each other, exactly?

tsuyoku-naritai is also commonly known as "Shonen Tournament." There have been several non-action examples of this genere, including, but not limited to Hikaru no Go.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:50 am Reply with quote
jgreen wrote:
Also, how do the "action" and "tsuyoku-naritai" differ from each other, exactly?

Otherwise, solid start on divvying things out.

From the way I'm reading it, "tsuyoku-naritai" is more tournament-style. For example, Shaman King would fall into it, as would Dragonball Z (even if it's not an official tournament, it's kind of shown like one, right? I mean, the goal is to get stronger?) These also would fall into the action genre, as they are not mutually exclusive. However Shaman King is distinctively different from Cowboy Bebop, a clear action show without any true competitive spirit. I like that there are two genres for that, as I'm not so much for tournament stuff, but I do enjoy some action.

That being said, I can't help but think there has to be a better name than "tsuyoku naritai" for that genre. The rest are in English, it's awkward having one in romanji. I'd tournament/competition or something else that reflects that would be much better, but that's just my random ramblings.

(And I saw that tempest had already posted before I submitted this, but I already had it all typed out, so I'm going with it anyway.)

By the way, with the Magic v. Fantasy thing, I'm guessing the reason the genres cannot be combined is because the Magic Genre implies magic in "our" world, where as Fantasy indicates magic in "another" world. It makes sense to me, although the wording does sound kind of weird. You get to choose one or the other, and then add the them for Fantasy to indicate that it does include magic. Right?
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:13 am Reply with quote
Mylene wrote:
That being said, I can't help but think there has to be a better name than "tsuyoku naritai" for that genre. The rest are in English, it's awkward having one in romanji. I'd tournament/competition or something else that reflects that would be much better, but that's just my random ramblings.

Thanks tempest and Mylene for the clarification. I do agree with Mylene that I think the name is potentially problematic....I mean hell, I've been an anime fan for a dozen years and I've never heard that term before, so I imagine it'd be just as meaningless to casual fans. I think "tournament" or "competition" would be much better descriptors.

Mylene wrote:
By the way, with the Magic v. Fantasy thing, I'm guessing the reason the genres cannot be combined is because the Magic Genre implies magic in "our" world, where as Fantasy indicates magic in "another" world. It makes sense to me, although the wording does sound kind of weird. You get to choose one or the other, and then add the them for Fantasy to indicate that it does include magic. Right?

That makes sense, but are those two genres different enough to necessitate differentiating them? By that logic, wouldn't Magic Knight Rayearth be a "fantasy" series and Cardcaptor Sakura be a "magic" series even though both series are remarkably similar?
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:23 am Reply with quote
jgreen wrote:
That makes sense, but are those two genres different enough to necessitate differentiating them? By that logic, wouldn't Magic Knight Rayearth be a "fantasy" series and Cardcaptor Sakura be a "magic" series even though both series are remarkably similar?

I think they are, because fantasy doesn't necessarily have to have magic in it, does it? I mean, you could have someone sucked into another world where there are strange creatures and the like, but 'magic' itself isn't in use much. Maybe?
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Chief Encyclopedist

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:24 am Reply with quote
psycho 101:
You have it right except you'd be able to select multiple genres/themes

Instead of "magic" would "magical" be less confusing? Either way there is a good deal of overlap between magic, fantasy and supernatural (and also science-fiction). They could all be grouped under the term "speculative fiction" but I purposefully split fantasy into chunks; otherwise 70% of anime would be labelled "fantasy", rendering the genre useless for search.
As others have pointed out, some action is not tsuyoku-naritai (Black Lagoon) and some tsuyoku-naritai is not action (all sports anime)

I originally named it "competition" instead of "tsuyoku naritai" but a lot of the tsuyoku-naritai anime is about all-out fighting, not just formal competitions (DBZ), and some anime with competition do not have tsuyoku-naritai (Yawara).
As for the wording of magic vs. fantasy, can you suggest something better?
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:25 am Reply with quote
Would weaponries in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha be classified as fantasy weapons, magical weapons, or SF weapons?
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:49 am Reply with quote
I have to say that I'm liking what I see so far. The others have mentioned "Tsuyoku naritai" and that's concerns me as well but if there is a description of it in the genre listings so that you know what you are clicking on, I think that it would be okay.

I think that you're doing pretty darn good! Certainly MUCH better than anything that I could come up with. I'm looking forward to using the end result!
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:55 am Reply with quote
Dan42 wrote:
psycho 101:
You have it right except you'd be able to select multiple genres/themes

I see. So I could select action or if I want action/science fiction as the primary search. Then any themes I might like. I think it sounds very informative and should really help searchers find more specfici titles without wading through pages of titles that aren't related to what they want.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:27 am Reply with quote
Dan42 wrote:
I originally named it "competition" instead of "tsuyoku naritai" but a lot of the tsuyoku-naritai anime is about all-out fighting, not just formal competitions (DBZ), and some anime with competition do not have tsuyoku-naritai (Yawara).

I still think "competition" is a more descriptive name, even if it doesn't necessarily "fit" 100% of what would be in there, it would fit the spirit of the genre better. Or maybe you can just call it "I wanna be the best!" Laughing
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:53 am Reply with quote
Wow, Dan. You've really been busy here. All I can say is a like the direction that this is going and thank you so much for your hard work.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:03 pm Reply with quote
jgreen wrote:
Or maybe you can just call it "I wanna be the best!" Laughing

That would work!

Or maybe - "Tsuyoku Naritai - I Wanna Be the Best!"
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:35 pm Reply with quote
Noticed you did not include hentai as a genre. Considering it's content I think it would be best to seperate it from other genres (sci fi could include hentai for example but if you're after sci fi I doubt you'd be best pleased with space rape...)

To be fair though searching for hentai is not that hard, just do an OAV search and so many of the titles are it is almost worrying...
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