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Hellsing Ultimate (OAV) (w/ index).

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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 11:55 pm Reply with quote

Hellsing Ultimate (OAV)

Genres: action, drama, horror, supernatural
Themes: gore, nazis, religion, shapeshifting, vampires

Plot Summary: Vampires exist. It is the duty of Hellsing, a secret organization sponsored by the British government, to hide that frightening fact and protect the blissfully unaware populace. Along with its own personal army, Hellsing has secret weapons. Alucard, an incredibly powerful vampire, has been controlled by Hellsing for years. It is unclear how he feels about being a servant to the Hellsing family, but he certainly enjoys his job as a vampire exterminator. Seras is a fledgling vampire and former police woman. Although reluctant to embrace her new self, she is a valued member of the organization. Integra Hellsing, the current leader, is usually fully capable of fulfilling her duty, but lately, vampire activity has been on the rise. Unfortunately, the cause is more alarming than anything she could have imagined. A group long thought dead has been plotting in secret since their apparent destruction over 50 years ago. Plotting to plunge England, and perhaps the entire world, into war.

I want to make this the "official" Hellsing Ultimate thread around these forums. Here, we can talk about the OAV series (on BD, DVD, or fansub), how it compares to the TV series and/or manga, the dub (if you so choose), or just the small, but uber cool mythos in general.


EDIT: Now that the series is *finally* finished in both mediums, I'm gonna' do something akin to my Mushishi thread and offer up the same kind of in-depth look at the world of Hellsing. Granted, it's not nearly as philosophical as the former, but I think it'll provide a nice change of pace, as I think Hellsing in itself is a notable franchise worth talking about.

The formatting will be similar to my Mushishi thread, in that I'll provide some episode summaries, comments, and 1080p screen-caps from some BD rips I acquired. But given that these episodes run about the length of two regular TV episodes, there will be a lot more caps than I normally do (50, instead of the usual 30 for TV shows).

EPISODE INDEX (Click the links for episode summaries, analyses, screen-caps and some pics I have of the original Geneon releases)

Volume I
Volume II
Volume III
Volume IV
Volume V
Volume VI
Volume VII
Volume VIII
Volume IX
Volume X

Last edited by Tony K. on Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:26 pm; edited 10 times in total
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Randall Miyashiro

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:50 am Reply with quote
Since I got my Geneon shipment (Ergo 4, When They Cried, Hellsing, and Rozen) yesterday I've got a good amount of stuff to watch on my next day off. I did however have a chance to flip through the 212 page book that came with it. I didn't knowit was going to that big and in color! Anyone who justifies BVUSA's release by comparing it to Geneon's SE Hellsing "tin" editions really should look at this 2 DVD release! Not to mention that Geneon has a cheaper version, although the extras are well worth the extra cost here! As I stated before I am glad to spend a good amount of money on these nice editions (I love the BVUSA Patlabor boxes) especially if the company has two editions out there. Geneon seem to know what fans want and I'm still kicking myself on not ordering (last minute decision since the standard edition had DTS 5.1 English, and DD 5.1 Japanese unlike Hellsing) the LE Black Lagoons.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:42 am Reply with quote
Randall Miyashiro wrote:

I know this should be kept in the other thread, but in response to that, what I have to say is that Hellsing is insanely more popular than any of the OAV releases BV-USA are doing, and content, as in time wise, Hellsing is still much shorter.

Adding the fact that the dub for Hellsing is well produced, well acted and appropriate for the content, aswell as having a considerable market already established through the TV series. Something like Enma or Rean, otoh, does not.

Still, Hellsing Ultimate is so insanely good. I want to get the second volume shipped to me already, but it's taking it's sweet time being stocked at DVDpacific. I wont be able to watch it until I move out, but I'm definantly looking forward to it (and it's another little iddy bitty thing thats pushing me in my search for a house).

Can't add much more than what's been said- good work Tony K.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:45 pm Reply with quote
My volume 2 LE arrived over the weekend. I really need to get around to re-watching the first episode (I watched the fansubb but not the actual DVD I bought) and then episode 2. I have nothing much going on today, so I guess today is as good as any. Maybe now would a good time to introduce my younger brother(s) to the greatness known as Hellsing.
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Jedi General

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:50 pm Reply with quote
This thread reminds me, I need to go out and buy volume 2. Volume 1 was AWESOME. Having read the manga, I can't wait for episode 7 (even though it will take years to get there). Volume 7 of the manga was the best yet. WOW.

HitokiriShadow: Funny that you mentioned introducing your younger brothers to Hellsing. I did the same thing with my younger brother. We recently watched volume 1 of Ultimate together and he LOVED it. He told me literally that it rocked when it was over. He hasn't seen any of Hellsing TV yet, but there's no need. He'll probably end up being disappointed with it after seeing Ultimate.

Last edited by Jedi General on Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 06 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:01 pm Reply with quote
Ah, yes, Hellsing Ultimate! Sometimes I keep forgetting that that one's out there! I think it's just because of the fact that the episodes release like every 6 months or something (not sure if that's true, just an estamate).

But yeah, I saw episode 1 fansubed way back when, and really, really liked it, probably even more so than the series. Still gotta see 2 and 3, if I can ever get around to it that is. As for the manga, well, I'd get around to reading it if it weren't for my stupid Barnes & Noble not having volume 1! Mad
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Jedi General

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:06 pm Reply with quote
BrothersElric wrote:
As for the manga, well, I'd get around to reading it if it weren't for my stupid Barnes & Noble not having volume 1! Mad

Ouch. I feel your pain. I had a devil of a time collecting through volume 7. I finally managed to do it though.

But since you've seen the first episode of Ultimate, there really isn't any need to read volume 1 of the manga. Episode 1 covers pretty much the entire first manga volume so you could start from volume 2 of the manga if you wanted to and not really miss anything. You could then always buy volume 1 whenever your B&N has it in stock.
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Joined: 06 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:21 pm Reply with quote
Jedi General wrote:
Ouch. I feel your pain. I had a devil of a time collecting through volume 7. I finally managed to do it though.

But since you've seen the first episode of Ultimate, there really isn't any need to read volume 1 of the manga. Episode 1 covers pretty much the entire first manga volume so you could start from volume 2 of the manga if you wanted to and not really miss anything. You could then always buy volume 1 whenever your B&N has it in stock.

Yeah, I thought about that, I was just wanting to make a comparison is all, but yeah, I think I should definitely move on to volume 2. Thanks! Very Happy
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:25 pm Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
Just want to say, though, that Vol.2 was an excellent, excellent release. The storyboard production book has some awesome artwork and the production itself looks and sounds fantastic on DVD.

Honestly the LE release of Hellsing Vol 2 is amazing, the first volume LE release was a little pricey but that's because I don't care at all for figures. But that art book is so sweet, also like how the it has a giant slipcover that does over the book and DVD. It's very stylish and worth the money. As for the content on the disc I love both Dub and Sub version of this show, and you really can't go wrong with the sheer quality of this product. In fact I am going to go and watch this right now.
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Jedi General

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:31 pm Reply with quote
BrothersElric wrote:
Yeah, I thought about that, I was just wanting to make a comparison is all, but yeah, I think I should definitely move on to volume 2. Thanks! Very Happy

Yeah, I figured as much. You can always do that once volume 1 is in stock at your B&N anyway, no need to further postpone your reading of Hellsing. Smile

Anyway, I just ordered volume 2 of Ultimate from TRSI. Can't wait.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:57 pm Reply with quote
Deltakiral wrote:

Honestly the LE release of Hellsing Vol 2 is amazing, the first volume LE release was a little pricey but that's because I don't care at all for figures. But that art book is so sweet, also like how the it has a giant slipcover that does over the book and DVD. It's very stylish and worth the money. As for the content on the disc I love both Dub and Sub version of this show, and you really can't go wrong with the sheer quality of this product. In fact I am going to go and watch this right now.

Yeah, not to mention you get flicked off everytime you look at the box. Smile Has anyone seen episode 3 yet? I've seen it and I don't really want to spoil it for the ones who haven't seen it yet.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:12 pm Reply with quote
Nerv1 wrote:
Yeah, not to mention you get flicked off everytime you look at the box. Smile Has anyone seen episode 3 yet? I've seen it and I don't really want to spoil it for the ones who haven't seen it yet.

I happened to check it out about a week or so after the it was released in Japan. It's really interesting to see where the story has gone to, it's also nice to see were not doing the whole incognito thing again. I really hope that were going to get the Dawn animated eventually.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:41 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, episode 3 really sticked close the manga version this time, spoiler[it was pretty cool to see Alucard kill the entire SWAT(?) team and impale 4 or 6 of them on the flagpoles. Twisted Evil ]

deltakiral wrote:
it's also nice to see were not doing the whole incognito thing again

I didn't think the whole Incognito thing in the TV show was that bad. Sure, the bad guy was a retarded looking naked vampire, but the ending was well excecuted and was(for me) quite enjoyable, even though there were no Nazis. Sad
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:07 pm Reply with quote
episode 3 started off really slow, but it got good later on. i especially loved spoiler[the fight with the Dandy Man]

any word on when 4 is due out? i'm assuming next year, but i don't know.
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Joined: 17 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:28 am Reply with quote
I just loved the scene in episode 3 when spoiler[ Alucard pried the elevator door open and said "Open Sesame" ] Very Happy me and my friend were cracking up.
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