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The File of Young Kindaichi Returns (TV) (both seasons).

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:44 am Reply with quote

The File of Young Kindaichi Returns (TV)
The File of Young Dindachi Returns (TV2)

Genres: mystery

Plot Summary: High school student and veteran detective Hajime Kindaichi accompanied his classmate and childhood friend Miyuki Nanase to Hong Kong, where she was invited to appear as an emergency lookalike double for famous model Yan Ran. A freeloading trip suddenly turned into a crisis when Nanase disappeared, possibly abducted.

Episode 1:
Decent episode on most parts. I like the mystery aspects of it and the animation style has improved for most parts. I talked to a friend about this before but I think it's okay to watch this without watching the prequel since that has 148 episodes, an amount I don't plan on dedicating my time to for now.

2 cour show and I think this definitely has potential. The first episode also ended on a cliffhanger so I'm anticipating what will happen next. Poor spoiler[Miyuki] ;.;
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Joined: 15 Jul 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 12:25 pm Reply with quote

spoiler[Characters look kinda old-fashioned.
That's probably because it's a sequel.
So they decided to stay faithful to the original series?
Anyway, it's ok, but not really my thing.
Think I'm gonna skip this.]
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:05 pm Reply with quote
I wanted to get a little bit of a crash course in the show, so I searched out the first arc (three episodes) of the original series.

Love how the times change.
In that case the key items were a (3.5) floppy disk and a word processor -- not a word processing program, a "word processor,"- an electronic typewriter with a disk drive.

But the kid with the camera was introduced... although more as a creepy guy taping everything.

Otherwise the introduction is quite similar. No "origin" story, just straight to solving a mystery with the same sort of vague comments about him being a sloppy and lazy student, secretly having an 180 genius IQ, being a grandson of a great detective, and Miyuki casually being introduced as a childhood friend.

[edit] I also just finished the second arc from the first series and have found another similarity with the early cases and the new. Miyuki is put into mortal peril in all three. THAT I'm hoping is not a similarity of every case. [/edit]

Although I accurately pegged the murderer in that case before there was a murder (as the only one who fit the circumstances that were being set up).

In this case I think I've pegged a couple key components spoiler[(look at the bowl details)] and I have a guess on the murderer but I'm less sure on this one.

But in both the old series and this new one I think I can enjoy the journey and can/will enjoy having the details I missed being revealed.

The comment someone, Theron/Key?, had in the preview thread was apt though, because they're using the same VA's from the old series, they sound a little too like they're trying to sound "young." Kindaichi actually sounds more mature in the earlier series at times because he's using his natural voice.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 4:47 pm Reply with quote
This was made by the same guy who created Getbackers, so sign me up. I also do like a good mystery. The second episode seem to move too fast and has about ten different revelations in rapid fire. I'm guessing they compressed quite a bit from the manga story. Still, they're keeping things moving at a good clip.

Spastic Minnow wrote:

The comment someone, Theron/Key?, had in the preview thread was apt though, because they're using the same VA's from the old series, they sound a little too like they're trying to sound "young." Kindaichi actually sounds more mature in the earlier series at times because he's using his natural voice.

Except Jurota Kosugi who's never sounded young even when he WAS young.
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:34 pm Reply with quote
Some weak stuff in this episode and file, really.

I did catch the hint in the first episode, but it seemed so obvious that I just figured it had to be a red herring.
spoiler[Ran was supposed to be fearful for her life, hiding from people who wanted to find the secret of the Kowloon treasure... so yeah, it made no freaking sense in these circumstances that she would be casually hanging around Kowloon Park. Yeah, flagrant set-up... but that's why I doubted it- it was TOO obvious.]

The trick of the poisoning- as mentioned above- it was pretty easy to see spoiler[that the butterfly explained that one.]

The key to the second murder.
I liked the trick but damn was that some clumsily written dumb luck to reveal it. spoiler[Hey, it just happens that these glasses getting sit on is the key to the solution!]

And then the third murder. Because I had discounted spoiler[Ran as a suspect (despite the utter stupidity of the "they let me go when they saw the tattoo" kidnapping story she delivered over the phone) I fell for the trick there. D'uh- obviously the tied up "Miyuki" is Ran, explaining how she was able to kill Ivy, who was trying to save "her". That became painfully obvious when "Ran" wasn't invited to the deduction show.]
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 7:53 pm Reply with quote
Well I made it through the first case, but that's it for me. Way too much dumb luck involved, it dragged out too long, and the ending was just...odd.

The murderer killed three people, but by all indications in the repeated assurances (whenever they could shoehorn it in, in a sort of "don't try this at home, kids!" way) about paying for their crimes, the murderer will be back on the street in a couple of years or so. It almost sounded like they'd be paying for their crimes by credit card or something. Sure didn't see anybody getting arrested. :/
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 6:05 am Reply with quote
Spastic Minnow wrote:
a "word processor,"- an electronic typewriter with a disk drive.

Those were quite popular in Japan. Actually a friend at the school where I work finally chucked his just *last week.* I seem to remember Fuyumi Ono saying something in one of the 12 Kingdoms afterwords too about hating to let go of hers. Of course, she'd written novels on it, and had spent a lot of time teaching it to recognize rare kanji she was always inputting in those books. Switching to a new machine would mean losing all those settings. Crying or Very sad
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:10 am Reply with quote
If there's one thing that Detective Conan is often laughably bad at, it's the killer's motives. Often petty, illogical, out-of proportion, plain weak, and extremely repetitive (money-lenders, cheating partners, and plagiarists in particular need to beware). From what I've seen, KIndaichi has excellent criminal motives. Extreme vengeance and great wrongs, lots of passion and anguish in the show's killings.

Unfortunately, that's about all it's got on Conan.
I admit that the most recent one, "Prison Prep School" (or something like that) had some great and very elaborate tricks, and let you get an idea of what some of the clues were (without being obvious) but the set-up and arch-nemesis were both extremely poor.

The whole premise of the case was that they were trying to disprove a "perfect crime"... but you want to know a great way to stop a crime? When a criminal sends you multiple warnings that he's going to kill a bunch of people at a certain place at a certain time... DON'T SEND THE VICTIMS INTO A SLAUGHTERHOUSE! And it wasn't just the last 5 murders. KIndaichi got a letter from the guy naming the prep school as a target... but he didn't notify ANYONE. It's like getting a bomb threat and going to the site to see if there's an explosion.

And they made a big deal about not having proof about the guy's involvement in the case, but from what was said at the end, the guy was already wanted for multiple other cases!

Tanteikingdomkey in the discussion thread for this news article, NEWS: Anime Sols Opens Crowdfunding for The File of Young Kindaichi Returns, claims the show is about parodying mystery tropes, but I just don't buy that. There's no eye-winking in this show, it's just a showcase for cliches with no indication that it's being intentionally half-assed about the story-telling.

It's like saying "OH, you thought the story was crappy?...Well, I MEANT it to be crappy, yeah, I'm making fun of bad stories by writing them over and over! Yeah, it's ironic! That's the ticket!"
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:24 am Reply with quote
2nd season #2

This series isn't even listed on the main sticky thread for currently airing shows, good indication of the show's popularity with anyone outside Japan.

They've picked one of the more attention-grabbing arcs to start off, but after this week and last week I'm beginning to see how the "attempted murder" was portrayed. The exact details will definitely be revealed next week but it'll surely end with the Puppeteer making good his escape once again.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 8:04 am Reply with quote

A 4-parter rather than 3, but all of the clues are supposed to be there for viewers not familiar with the source material to work it all out.

Perhaps this is where the source shows its age, but the deus ex machina which allowed Kindaichi to survive this week seems cliched in this day and age. Regardless, if drugs or hypnotism weren't involved in the set up then something very elaborate relating to theatre will probably be involved.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 7:05 am Reply with quote

Although I don't agree with some of the elements in this arc (the swapped organs, lack of explanation behind the pistol death which framed Kindaichi, how Takato Yoichi got the second body to fall at the same time he jumped off etc.) there's no disputing the solution in framing an illusion in which Kindaichi was made to look like he was committing murder. Clever application of the magician's art there.

Although the ending is made to soften the edge from what was a very desperate attempt at revenge, I have no idea if it's medically possible for someone to show signs of growth at such an advanced age. It's still par for the course for the Kindaichi story arcs.

Not sure if the next arc features the Puppeteer, so Kindaichi might well be involved in a more conventional mystery where he has to solve it as an outsider.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:08 am Reply with quote

Looks like my posts keep a dead thread on life support. Two-part mystery for this arc, not a lot to go on since it seems the only suspects are to do with the rival school and not to do with Kindaichi's schoolmates. Unless of course Kaihou's picking up the stones is a clever way of disposing of evidence.

Unless Kindaichi and the rival captain went to the wrong room, it's implausible that the corpse could be moved into position so quickly. If Kindaichi was led to the wrong room that would implicate the rival captain straight away since he knew the layout in the first place and could arrange for Kindaichi to go there despite having played the game room the day before.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 8:17 am Reply with quote

Comments from last week were so far off the mark it's not even funny. The method in which the alibi was established was quite novel; the culprit must have planned this well in advance upon hearing the details regarding the competitors of the rival school.

Unfortunately this arc shows its age badly. In an age of mobile phones and smartphones, the teacher's alibi of using the inn's own payphone to call the victim's parents could not be updated to reflect the times otherwise there would be no way to build a cast-iron case against the intended perpetrator.

I'm not sure if the perpetrator could have escaped anyway if he handled the body without using gloves. An autopsy on the corpse would have proven the cause of death and it might well have been a matter of time before he was caught. Despite the motive (typical of Kindaichi cases of sheer desperation), as a sequence of events the case itself is acceptable.

Since the series focuses on the duel between the Puppeteer and Kindaichi, next week's long arc should be an interesting one if the former has to beg for help from the latter.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 8:39 am Reply with quote

Rose cross arc, looks like a 4 week arc from the setting.

It all seems very elaborate, but too much smoke and mirrors to see if there's something simpler behind the rose motif and the invitation of a known serial killer to the mansion. If the owner of the mansion who invited everyone is out for revenge, the specific purpose won't be revealed until at least two weeks down the line.

The side mystery is finding out who Takato Yoichi's half-sister is, or if she even exists and is there as bait to the Puppeteer.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 7:55 am Reply with quote

All of the victims are linked to roses (and some to crosses) in some way. Not to mention the murderer uses stage theatrics in a similar manner to the Puppeteer at the scene.

It's been a while since the adaptations used an arc that was this complex and involved so next week should see more victims drop dead before Kindaichi gets his act together. Looking forward to the solution since it'll take quite a while to get through and the links need to hold for everything to make sense.
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