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Anime adapted from manga/novels - endings

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What is your preference for how anime adaptions are handled when the manga/novels are ongoing and the anime catches up to the original story?
An anime original ending. I like a new twist.
 11%  [ 5 ]
Stick to the original! Even if it means annoying filler in the meantime.
 9%  [ 4 ]
Stick to the original with no filler. I'm willing to wait a year or two for a faithful adaption.
 19%  [ 8 ]
A "non-ending". Stop the adaption when you run out of material, even though it leaves loose ends
 4%  [ 2 ]
Don't care as long as it's good.
 54%  [ 23 ]
Other preference (explain in comment)
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 42

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A Mystery

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:33 pm Reply with quote
Tris8's request:

What is your preference for how anime adaptions are handled when the manga/novels are ongoing and the anime catches up to the original story?

I've seen many different takes on anime adapted from ongoing novels/manga now. I've endured many Naruto filler arcs, saw great anime like Chihayafuru just stopping in the middle of somewhere (but hey, there's a second season for that one now! Yay!) and new takes on the ending (first Fullmetal Alchemist).

I didn't think of these poll options myself, but the 'as long as it's good' option sounds logical to me. I would prefer not to know how the original ending went, though. Some people have the talent to make it work. However, in general, I think it's safer to keep the original material intact and opt for a non-ending, hoping for a continuation someday. It's tough to continue a story you didn't develop yourself, right?
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Joined: 30 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:02 pm Reply with quote
It is hard to pick, because each option has the potential to result in an unsatisfying adaption. I picked an anime original ending for 2 main reasons. The first is that I'm impatient and don't want to wait, and the second is that most anime original endings I've seen have been quite good. It gives a conclusion to the story you've been following, and if you are familiar with the manga, gives new material and a new outlook on what could have happened. As long as it is true to the spirit of the show and character personalities, I'll probably enjoy it.

My second choice would be faithful with no filler, even if it means waiting years. An example of this would be Natsume's Book of Friends. We had to wait years for season 3 and 4, but wow were they worth the wait. The wait, and not even knowing if we were going to get more, drove me crazy though, and that's why this isn't my first choice.

A Mystery wrote:
However, in general, I think it's safer to keep the original material intact and opt for a non-ending, hoping for a continuation someday. It's tough to continue a story you didn't develop yourself, right?
I do feel this way a lot, it's just almost all non-endings that don't get some kind of follow-up frustrate me (looking at you Pandora Hearts). But still, can't help but keep hope alive for some titles, so in some cases non-endings are probably best.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:50 pm Reply with quote
I think this could be a case by case thing, but in general, I voted "Stick to the original, with no filler. Willing to wait". Bakuman, Natsume Yuujinchou and KuroBas seem to be doing this in the best possible way and it appears like Magi will be doing the same.

My second choice would be a tie between "Anime original ending" -there are some great examples of this like Ao no Exorcist and some nefarious ones like Kuroshitsuji and "Stick to the original with fillers if necessary". I can stand some filler so long as the essence of the story is kept
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:12 am Reply with quote
Although I am far from a patient person in real life, I'm more than willing to wait for some awesome entertainment to come my way. Anticipation can be a huge part of the fun for me, especially if my expectations do get fulfilled in the end. Great stories should not be watered down for reasons such as catching up to the source material, running out of funds or whatnot. I'd rather wait than get something half-baked.

Second choice would have been the original ending if it stays true to the essence of the story and characters or even manages to contribute something new to their development.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 3:06 am Reply with quote
I know I hate anime original endings (Cough**tegami bachi Cough**), but I also hate filler, like what bleach did with fillers arcs...so yeah I rather wait weeks between canon episodes or I also like when they end the anime without a conclusion, like DRRR and D.Gray-Man. I understand its just a cliffhanger, but at least it leaves room for continuation in the future, not like what they did with Tegami Bachi...manga is amazing but they ruined the anime and can't continue without re-booting
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:27 am Reply with quote
I like the originals, but when I watch anime, I just take it that they are different things. But, about the story, definitely the original.
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:58 pm Reply with quote
I voted for Don't care as long as it's good because it is the safest way to ensure better quality. In an ideal world I would want for all anime adaptations to animate all of the source material faithfully without filler, but the anime industry is complicated.

I have watched some good adaptations that seem to be designed to have several seasons, but it is not uncommon to see only one season that leaves the story incomplete. A recent example of this is My Little Monster. Its first season laid the foundations for a potential great story, but, sadly, I do not think we will ever see more seasons of it.
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Wandering Samurai

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:41 pm Reply with quote
I would rather the ending be faithful to the original source manga. A different ending can kill any hopes of a second season or ongoing continuation of the series, especially if the anime season was going real well. I have seen that with too many series where the ending alters the storyline and makes animating additional source manga impossible.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 11:00 pm Reply with quote
I tend to prefer the Gecko Ending if you will. FMA did that, after all. But I'm somehow annoyed with Blue Exorcist, more like the idea of it. To be fair, I've only seen the first ep and I'm being totally unfair, but it seems based on plot synopsis, they only kept the short arc chapters that could be done in one or two eps. My problem there is that those aren't usually plot heavy chapters while FMA had lots of plot heavy episodes in its first half before it began to gecko off.

I can't wait to see how different the Bokurano manga is from the anime though! The director thought the manga was too dark, and the anime was quite dark as is, I'm curious how much darker the manga is now.

I don't like just stopping short though, leaving it in forever cliffhanger. In Japan, this is fine because the point is to promote the manga and sell merchandise. But then in America, we don't necessarily get the manga or as much merchandise, so we're just stuck with a non-ending. If the whole thing isn't adapted, I want it to at least stop at a good point, complete an arc or whatnot.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:49 am Reply with quote
Willing to wait. Bakuman, Monster, Cross Game, final series of Inu-Yasha...oh yeah. Willing to wait.

Still, for something like Naruto, waiting until the manga ending is in sight just isn't feasable, so here are two options I'd suggest for that particular case:

1) Hire the manga creator to make some extra character designs, and start a second series-within-a-series based on those. We switch over to that for a while whenever the manga needs to get ahead. Basically, this would be a fanfic set in the same world with an original cast of characters. Because the new cast would be kept far away from the main action, their episodes wouldn't have to hold back like fillers with main cast members do: the writers could do anything they wanted with the secondary cast, including having them learn new techniques, get killed, get married, etc. Time these episodes so that they all fall together on the same DVDs; that way people who don't like them can get a pristine adaptation by skipping them. (But strongly encourage the writers to make something people won't want to skip.)

2) Instead of giving us fillers when the anime catches up, give us mini-series that adapt other, possibly shorter Jump manga. Retitle the show to "Jump Anime Theater" or something, and basically plan on holding the Thursday 7:30 timeslot forever. DVDs can be titled according to content.
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Daiki Tetsuya

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 8:58 am Reply with quote
I don't really care about it, as long it is good Smile
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