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NEWS: Namco Bandai Opens Teaser Site for 'Next Tales of' Game

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Joined: 17 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:07 pm Reply with quote
Old school look. Will be playing this if/when it gets an English dub, but I doubt anything can top Xillia and Graces F.

(Haven't played Vesperia, do not own an Xbox 360, nor want any Xbox-related hardware)
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Joined: 25 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:27 pm Reply with quote
the-antihero wrote:

(Haven't played Vesperia, do not own an Xbox 360, nor want any Xbox-related hardware)

Good choice, I made the error of getting the 360 for those first exclusive jrps (vesperia, lost odyssey, blue dragon), I enjoyed them but was not worth getting the console.

I aint makeing the same mistake ever again.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:35 pm Reply with quote
Hey if you want to miss out on a quality game(best looking Tales game btw) because of system wars bs, be my guest. Seems pretty dumb to me, especially when the 360 is so cheap and has a great back library of games to play.

System still has some of the best jrpgs before the genre basically left consoles. But sure, just skip them.

Anyway I hope this is a return to forum. Xillia was pretty bad and Graces F is basically goodness wrapped around garbage. Xillia 2 is'nt that much better than Xillia , but it's a step in the right direction. I hope this next Tales is an even more radical departure. Also, please whatever you did to make Vesperia look so good do it again. Xilla looks so cheap and bland in comparison.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:56 pm Reply with quote
According to a trademark filed, it looks like its going to be a sequel to Vesperia
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:29 pm Reply with quote
mewpudding101 wrote:
According to a trademark filed, it looks like its going to be a sequel to Vesperia
? They filed more then one trademark and how do any of them seem like Vesperia sequels?
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:28 pm Reply with quote
Rahxephon91 wrote:
mewpudding101 wrote:
According to a trademark filed, it looks like its going to be a sequel to Vesperia
? They filed more then one trademark and how do any of them seem like Vesperia sequels?

New trademark can be seen here:


/* 20th anniversary title "Tales of Vesperia" */

Edit: My mistake- not a trademark, but it's coding in the website itself, it seems. But that doesn't change my point.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 1:29 am Reply with quote
mewpudding101 wrote:
Rahxephon91 wrote:
mewpudding101 wrote:
According to a trademark filed, it looks like its going to be a sequel to Vesperia
? They filed more then one trademark and how do any of them seem like Vesperia sequels?

New trademark can be seen here:


/* 20th anniversary title "Tales of Vesperia" */

Edit: My mistake- not a trademark, but it's coding in the website itself, it seems. But that doesn't change my point.

Vesperia is one of my favorite tales games. Only game other than halo games that I got for my 360. But it was worth it. If it is a sequel I would be ok with that. The game had a good open ending for a second game. But I also want the PS3 port Localized :/
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Joined: 17 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:49 am Reply with quote
Rahxephon91 wrote:
Hey if you want to miss out on a quality game(best looking Tales game btw) because of system wars bs, be my guest. Seems pretty dumb to me, especially when the 360 is so cheap and has a great back library of games to play.

System still has some of the best jrpgs before the genre basically left consoles. But sure, just skip them.

Anyway I hope this is a return to forum. Xillia was pretty bad and Graces F is basically goodness wrapped around garbage. Xillia 2 is'nt that much better than Xillia , but it's a step in the right direction. I hope this next Tales is an even more radical departure. Also, please whatever you did to make Vesperia look so good do it again. Xilla looks so cheap and bland in comparison.

Hmmm, pay extra 300+ bucks for a hardware to buy and play ONE $50+ game even though I already own a PS3. Makes perfect sense.

System wars or not, EVERY person I know who bought an Xbox 360 got the rrod. That's 10 people. ALL OF THEM ended up with dead Xboxes. Do I need to take that risk just to play one game even if it is supposedly the best of the Tales of series?

F*cking nerd!
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:40 pm Reply with quote
the-antihero wrote:

Hmmm, pay extra 300+ bucks for a hardware to buy

Actually, ya could get 360s for half that nowadays.

the-antihero wrote:

System wars or not, EVERY person I know who bought an Xbox 360 got the rrod.

Everything eventually dies. My 1st version 360 died; my 1st version PS3 died. My succeeding 360s and PS3s are still living, but I'm sure they'll die at some point too. They don't make consoles like they used to (my NES and SNES still live last time I checked), especially the more powerful, the more complicated, the more moving parts they make the consoles (it's like the trade-off between a turbo engine and a regular engine).

1st ver 360 was especially a problem since Microsoft underestimated the heating issue (on the reverse side, the XB1 runs cooler than the PS4). Fortunately, the heating issue hasn't been much of a problem since ~2009 when 360s implemented the "Jasper" cooling configuration. That's why ya don't hear about it anymore.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:02 pm Reply with quote
Hmmm, pay extra 300+ bucks for a hardware to buy and play ONE $50+ game even though I already own a PS3. Makes perfect sense.
Are you living under a rock? 360's can be had for pretty cheap, even the slim version. And if you're just going to play one game when there are many others(some better) then well you're doing it wrong.

System wars or not, EVERY person I know who bought an Xbox 360 got the rrod. That's 10 people. ALL OF THEM ended up with dead Xboxes.
And original PS3's have incredibly high failure rates as well. Yet you still bought a PS3.

Do I need to take that risk just to play one game even if it is supposedly the best of the Tales of series?
Yes, if you consider yourself a Tales fan.

F*cking nerd!
You have a Pokemon Avatar and are posting on a anime forum. Lets not be silly and try to throw around insults like this.
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Joined: 25 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:32 pm Reply with quote
Rahxephon91, we know you're a fanboy of xbox by now well enough. But try keep the spam low enough as not to contradict your own writings...

What you wrote above about getting xbox360 just to play Vesperia, as well as about Xillia, well...
This below is what you wrote in an earlier thread(also related to Namco and Vesperia) when few of us expressed hope for a release of Vesperia on ps3;
Rahxephon91 wrote:
Please no. Make something new. Keep going with Xillia's 2 more modern world aspects. The bland fantasy settings been done and is boring. Hopefully the next Tales does something new with its setting.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:41 pm Reply with quote
Rahxephon91, we know you're a fanboy of xbox by now well enough. But try keep the spam low enough as not to contradict your own writings...
If you think I'm an Xbox fanboy, then jesus you don't know crap.

If anything, I am a Sony fanboy through and through. Actually no, I just like video games regardless of whatever thing they are on. Very funny, you'll be called a fanboy for talking about anything positivly and unbiasedly.

Um there's no contradiction here dude. Nowhere did I say Vesperia is a good or bad game. Vesperia is the best looking Tales game this gen and probably the best one in general. But that doesn't change the fact that it's still the bland generic fantasy world that seemingly most Tales games chose to inhabit. Tales games at this point basically blend together.

Xilla 2 on the other hand because of the ending of Xilla, at least affords the ability to move away from that and make use of a slightly more modern setting. Parts of it's setting and premise make Xillia 2 a more interesting game. It's not completely good as the reuse of levels and over powering main character bring it down, but whatever Xillia 2 was a cash in. Regardless, instead of making a sequel to Vesperia it would be preferable to me for them to keep up what they had going in Xillia 2 and be a bit more radical with the next Tales. A Vesperia 2 would not be that at all.

So no, just because I don't want Vesperia 2 dosen't mean I dislike Vesperia.

But I just find it funny that there is a perfectly fine English Tales of Vesperia that you guys refuse to play for pretty petty reasons and they really are. 360's are cheap. Have a good library so even if you are one of those "I only love games from nippon!" people there's more than enough games to play. I won't buy that "I'm poor" excuse as video gaming is already an expensive hobby as it is.

Or you can be like me with Yakuza Kenzan(oh no A PS3 game) and buy the PS3 import and follow along with a guide. At least there's an english version. There are'aren't many guides to many Japanese only PSP jrpgs we didn't get like Type 0, The Last Ranker and whatnot.

Either way, there are ways to play this game. You are choosing to miss out on a game you'd probably like.

Last edited by Rahxephon91 on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:07 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:51 pm Reply with quote
I swear, when I die they'll STILL be making Tales games. They're like staples of Japanese gaming. No matter what crazy shit happens in gaming fandom and industry, there'll always be a Tales game.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:36 pm Reply with quote
Buying a console just to play ONE game, no matter how good it might be, is not worth it, especially if the console it's exclusive to, is known to have huge hardware malfunction in both older AND newer versions of it. Moreover, even if the machine is cheaper, it's still not by any means cheap, not to mention the cost of getting the game itself.

Even after explaining the problems I have SEEN first hand Rahxephon91 is simply one of these people

(the mule)

Rahxephon91 wrote:

F*cking nerd!
You have a Pokemon Avatar and are posting on a anime forum. Lets not be silly and try to throw around insults like this.

So, enjoying it automatically makes me a nerd no matter what? Bye bye, you're not worth talking to.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:45 pm Reply with quote
Buying a console just to play ONE game,

Do you not actually like games? Tales of Vesperia is not the only good exclusive on the 360. You'd have to be lying to say so.

no matter how good it might be, is not worth it, especially if the console it's exclusive to, is known to have huge hardware malfunction in both older AND newer versions of it.
No they are not. Every version after the original really is not known to have many problems.

Also, The PS2 and PS3 were known to have huge issues with overheating and DREs. So it really shouldn't be a problem.

Oh and I've seen this first hand as well and guess what I still rebought a PS3. Console systems especially the 1st iterations have problems. Big whoop. But please make a disingenuous argument about the 360. Yep, the slim ones have a huge problem.

Moreover, even if the machine is cheaper, it's still not by any means cheap, not to mention the cost of getting the game itself.
Console gaming in general is not cheap. if your argument is it's expensive then get out of gaming. It's not a cheap hobby at all.

Even after explaining the problems I have SEEN first hand Rahxephon91 is simply one of these people
Except I'm actually arguing with facts not made up bs.


So, enjoying it automatically makes me a nerd no matter what? Bye bye, you're not worth talking to.
Um no. What I'm saying is we are all nerds here you [insult removed]. Why try to use the nerd insult on a nerd forum? Do you see how dumb and stupid that is? It's funny you'd even think calling someone a nerd on here would be an insult. Even more funny that you think you're not a nerd and care. God you're [insult removed], we're right it's not even worth arguing with you.
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