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DNA² (TV) and DNA² (OVA) could have been great.

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Joined: 15 Jun 2013
Posts: 5
PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 12:36 am Reply with quote
If you haven't watched it yet, this whole post is a spoiler alert.

This is bugging the crap out of me. I know this is a really old anime, but I just watched it for the first time, and the end is totally nonsensical.

The entire time I was watching it, I couldn't ignore the idea that Karin's mission to prevent overpopulation was basically mass genocide, and I was wholeheartedly expecting them to finally turn the plot in the right direction when Mori showed up. He should have been the one who gave her the bullet that turned Junta into the mega playboy in the first place, and he should have been another protagonist.

But instead, they never explain where the bullet that turns him into the mega playboy comes from, and they don't show Lular disappearing after Junta get's shot with the bullet that neutralizes the mega playboy for good, even though she was supposed to be one of Junta's descendants. I suppose the latter could be explained away by saying she was a direct descendant of him and Ami, so I'm not too annoyed by that, but they just completely ignore the fact that they are preventing thousands of people from ever being born, as if all of those people are just ok with the idea that their very existence is the worse of two evils. Of course, you could say that they just didn't know about the mission, because it was top secret, but such a controversial thing is highly likely to be leaked to the public, and if it was, it would open up a whole new world of plot possibilities...

Mori should have been representing all of those people, and he should have come back to ensure that Junta did become the mega playboy, for their sake. The real story could have ended up revolving around a whole slew of moral and ethical dilemmas involving the struggles caused by overpopulation vs the right to life and the desire for monogamy and love vs instinctual sexual desire.

Imagine a scene in which Lular begs Junta to cheat on Ami with her great grandmother, as if begging him not to kill her. Imagine a scene in which a starving orphan begs him not to, so that he could have a chance at a good life. Imagine Junta's and Ami's reactions to all of this. Wouldn't that have been so much more interesting than a generic bad guy that wants to control the world, but is too stupid to follow through with his plan?
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:47 am Reply with quote
I absolutely hate the ending.
Nuff said.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:08 pm Reply with quote
This is bugging the crap out of me. I know this is a really old anime, but I just watched it for the first time, and the end is totally nonsensical.

It's going to be rereleased next year so it's not a bad show to discuss. Still, I remember the manga more than the show but I did hate the way the lead had more chemistry with everyone {the other guy included I guess?} than his childhood friend Ami.

Let's see: Plus: Vomiting every time he touches a woman explaining why you can have your manly hero and lame harem male as the same character. I'm sure there's more?

Minus: Physically removing every female in the cast one way or another resulting in a, well, "Her?" ending and the Dragon Ball Z rip-offs, I mean homages, of Super Saiyan forms/abilities and Cell. Still, this is the guy who did Bat{ I meant Zet-}man so originality is not his strong suit and Video Girl Ai/Ii's so heroines with long hair need not apply.

And the anime did remove the attempted rape scene which is another one of the guy's, um, fetishes...

Still, this is my take on the series, a fairly lighthearted {for this guy; rape and attempted murder, attempted rape and attempted suicide is way characters meet and get closer in his stories} harem with a bit of Sci-Fi time travel antics and shounen fighting tropes.

I couldn't ignore the idea that Karin's mission to prevent overpopulation was basically mass genocide

Ok. I thought it was more about the Megaplayboy gene being out of control and replacing regular humanity with oversexed superhumans by "sheer force of will" than time travel genocide. People will still mate, there'll just be a lot less of them.

Anyway, if you notice what I mentioned earlier, a lot of DNA Squared is taken from the Androids/Cell saga from Dragon Ball; In that series, you have one guy who keeps returning to a past that is no longer his own and no one questions that one too hard; For starters: how does he keep finding the same past from the same future after changing it? And in between trips, he gets killed by Cell in one of them. Who manages to get back to the same past as the living one keeps returning to even though it's ... not even ... possible... at all. At least with Rurara, she's from a now defunct future which is fine for "multi-dimensional" time travel; This is how Toriyama meant to do it in Dragon Ball but he ruined it with multiple trips.

DNA Squared started with the "stable time loop" idea of Karin causing the whole mess which is classic {and one up on DB which used time travel as a "I want to do a time travel arc where everyone dies multiple times" in a series where most people dies multiple times} but undoing it? It should make her return trip impossible but since Dragon Ball didn't do it that way {Well, even if spoiler[Trunks killed the same Cell who went back to the past, after powering up from fighting the Ultimate Cell who couldn't adsorb the androids as a powered up Trunks killed them, so he killed that Trunks and went to the past ] ... yeah, that's how Toriyama told it though he passed it off by having the future androids not as powerful. Just "What?" since it's always the same Cell and should be the same Trunks who fought the past androids and survived...}, it wasn't done any differently here. And on top of that, it makes more sense than the story it's modeled on. Just don't think too deeply on the world Karin's going to/returning to.

Time travel stories: Causing me to rant on the internet for twenty years now. I wish people would do them right for a change.
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Joined: 15 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:18 am Reply with quote
Animegomaniac wrote:

Time travel stories: Causing me to rant on the internet for twenty years now. I wish people would do them right for a change.

Well, It's not bugging me anymore, because I watched Steins;Gate for the first time, shortly after finishing this one. That was an amazing anime.
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