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El Cazador de la Bruja.

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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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Location: Glendora, CA (Avatar Hei from Darker than BLACK)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 3:49 pm Reply with quote
El Cazador de la Bruja (Spanish for "The Hunter of the Witch").

This show is a Bee train production directied by Koichi MASHIMO, he does thing like .hack/sign .hack/roots (and basically every other .hack anime) and Noir. Of course the extremely talented Yuki KAJIURA is doing the music lets hope that Bee train uses more then three tracks from her score....seeing as how they've been known to do that in the past.

As always please note this post contain spoilers from the entire first episode so beware.

Alright so the opening song I thought was going to bug me but after giving it a moment I am liking for some reason even thought I probably shouldn't.....the opening visuals were standard affair nothing out of this world but not bad either.

Ok so the show begins with this beautiful song and a single tear falling to the ground....that was just amazing. So to start we get a little history dealing with demons....spooky. Wink

As I am watching this series, the music really has the great old blues sound to it with great harmonicas playing, and even the setting feels like that....specifically with bar. Patrons playing cars the large glass mugs, the bar counter it just has that old western town feel.....I love it.

Ellis a girl with a shady pass that many people are looking for....sounds like a little bit like Noir....oh wait here come are first gun battle with a lack therefore of blood or wounds. People just magically fall over and die, without any blood or anything....very much like Noir. Augh it's not looking good for this show, maybe I'm spoiled because of Black Lagoon.

Ok so is this a spin off Noir or what? Two mysterious women one with no memory except she know that she's killed someone....and now are two heroines must team up to unravel the mystery. At least there playing more then one song, music for series is pretty amazing already, but that should be expected I guess with Kajiura.

I guess I get the title now everyone is hunting Ellis...I figured it be the other way around with our two leads hunting witches....oh well doesn't really change all that much...and beside who's not to say Ellis and Nadi won't be hunting other witches?

Ending theme not really my thing but I did like the bullet effects that were being used along with the animation. Also I know you had to laugh when that giant cat eye appeared and it was behind a sniper scope.....I found that strangely humorous.

Well I don't know if this is going to be a show I stick with, it's sort of feels way too much like Noir which is one of those shows that leads you on forever and you think that there's going to be one of those great payoff and instead you get nothing....so I am probably going to give it a few episodes and see if it does anything to really wow me.
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ChronoBall X

Joined: 01 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:35 pm Reply with quote
I already made a topic for this, but oh well, but anyway, just to let you Bee Train fans know,that the first episode is now subbed Very Happy ,but anyway, I loved Madlax and Noir and i'm dying to see how this turns out.

as for El Cazador, it's part of Bee Train's special Girls with Guns series which will be the final in it's Trilogy. the first anime in this Girls with guns series was Noir,than Madlax and now El Cazador.

*goes off to download*
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 8:24 pm Reply with quote
Here are my thoughts on the first episode (ctrl+v'ed from another forum I post in):

ust finished the first episode. I definitely like the more lively leads. I already like Nadi and Ellis more than Noir and Madlax's leads.

The music is decent, but I liked the other two series' music more (particularly Madlax, one of my favorite soundtracks of all anime). OP and ED were good but nothing special.

It's hard to compare it to the other series based only on the first episode, but I already think I'll like it much more than Noir. While El Cazador's first episode is better than Madlax's (IMO, Madlax had a pretty weak opening episode), it remains to be seen whether I'll like it more than Madlax as a whole.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:00 pm Reply with quote
Bee Train and Yuki Kajiura? damnit! i already have too much to watch as it is. Sad

i don't think anyone has a reason to complain at all, cause this is a great anime season. WAY better than what we got in the fall.

you know something just occurred to me: Bee Train and Yuki Kajiura team up again to drop a new show, while Bones and Yoko Kanno also teamed up again to drop a show at the exact time. could this be some kind of competition?

Last edited by v1cious on Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:23 pm; edited 8 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:14 pm Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
Bee Train and Yuki Kajiura? damnit! i already have too much to watch as it is. Sad

i don't think anyone has a reason to complain at all, cause this is a great anime season. WAY better than what we got in the fall.

...well this season is deffinatly better then what we got in the fall IMHO.

I am just about to watch the first episode so I will post my thoughts later tonight (unlikely) tomarrow (more likly).
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Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:40 pm Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
you know something just occurred to me: Bee Train and Yuki Kajiura team up again to drop a new show, while Bones and Yoko Kanno also teamed up again to drop a show at the exact time. could this be some kind of competition?

Oh yeah this happens all the time, it's pretty common for there to be competition between two production companies. It just so happens that Yuki Kajiura tends to draw a lot of attention to Bee Train works and Kanno draws a lot of attention to Bones works, and those companies know that these two composers makes any show more appealing to fans. It seems like the best time charge up the big guns is when the opposing team is also charging up the big guns. It's called fan favoritism.
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Joined: 02 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:37 pm Reply with quote
El Cazador seem to completely fall in between Madlax and Noir, as many have already stated. The music was very good by normal standards, but in comparison to Madlax, it falls behind. The OP was very good, and I really liked the late insert song for it had a latin feel to it, but the ED was very average. What I disliked about the musical score is the lack of impressionable music until close to the end.

Comparing the characters, while I felt that Ellis is fine, I didn't like Nadi. It's not that she's a bad character, rather she lacks the mysteriousness that all of the other previous BeeTrain GWG characters possessed. The voice for Nadi also didn't seem to fit very well, half the time she spoke it sounded too much like Alice from Pumpkin Scissors.

As far as the first episode goes, I felt that El Cazador is worse than both Noir and Madlax. I believe that the first episode had told too much about the main plot than it should have. It seemed too typical of a series to start off introducing side characters, and exposing Ellis's ability like that. Neither Noir nor Madlax exposed so much, which in my opinion allows for more surprising possibilities in future episodes.

All in all, El Cazador seems like a very average series among this season. I hope it gets better. I liked Noir, and absolutely loved Madlax, so if this one turns out just as good, I'll be very happy. Either way tho, I'll be following this one all the way through.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:56 pm Reply with quote
yeah i'm starting to wonder if Bee Train is just running out of ideas. this show is pretty much Noir/Madlax gone south of the border. the only difference is this one isn't as serious as the other two. in any case, it seems like it might get interesting later. i'll come back to it when there's more episodes out.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:07 pm Reply with quote
I must agree, this is not one of Bee Train's more impressive efforts. Nothing about the first episode was remotely as compelling or exciting as its predecessors; it doesn't have the immersive mystery of Noir at the same point or the over-the-top action of Madlax from its opener. It does seem to be a bit more light-hearted than its predecessors, and I like Nadi's character design, but it is too lacking on spark and originality to keep me watching week-to-week.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:40 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
It does seem to be a bit more light-hearted than its predecessors, and I like Nadi's character design, but it is too lacking on spark and originality to keep me watching week-to-week.

Basically how I felt after the first episode and with so many other shows currently airing this season (Romeo X Juliette hasn't even aired) that really have so much potential then this series. I have no doubt that this series will be licensed sometime in the near future so I am certain that I will have a chance to at least rent this series.
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:49 pm Reply with quote
Actually, Romeo x Juliet has aired, it just hasn't been fansubbed yet.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:42 am Reply with quote
CanSomebodySayMedic wrote:
v1cious wrote:
yeah i'm starting to wonder if Bee Train is just running out of ideas.

sixth: Humans riding giant spiders

Not Bee-Train's idea. Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:57 am Reply with quote
I just watched the first episode and I don't know what to make of it. I have yet to see Noir or Madlax but I wanted to hop on the Bee Train (haha) and see what this GWG thing is all about. Out of all the series this season that I watched the first episode of, this one had me the most unsure as to whether I liked it or not. The animation looked pretty good, the music was better than average (except for the ED song), and they did a great job of creating a lazy, south of the border atmosphere. Unfortunately, the story and the characters did nothing for me. I found Ellis flat out annoying and eveything that happened was predictable and unoriginal.

I have a long list of shows I want to watch this season and I doubt El Cazador is going to have a place on it. I think I'm going to wait and see what everyone thinks of it after a few episodes before deciding whether to continue with it or not.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:33 am Reply with quote
HitokiriShadow wrote:
Actually, Romeo x Juliet has aired, it just hasn't been fansubbed yet.

Yeah that's what I meant by not airing yet, I figured there was a lot of strange things (Similar to Le Chevalier D'Eon) to translate and it's going to take a little time for these episodes to come out.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:18 pm Reply with quote
Wow, I feel like a different strand of hair here. Personally I liked this first episode of El Cazador. I never minded Noir was decent, but Madlax kind of bored me even by its first episode. El Cazador however really got excited to see were it was going by already by revealing a lot of the story while not being to serious about it. I don't mind slow to solve mysteries, but I do like it when a series tells you "here is what is going to happen" right from the start more. Besides, I liked Ellis and Nadi more than the other Girls with guns already (not counting Chloe since she didn't use guns). Personally, I like how it isn't exactly the same as Noir and Madlax in terms of pacing and characters, as I feel I already had that experience with the other two already. I would much rather them take their character and pacing in a different direction than just wash, rince, and repeat what they did with Their other girls with guns series.

Either way, I will following El Cazador this season: along with the many other anime series of the spring season.
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