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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV).

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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:51 am Reply with quote
Murasakisuishou wrote:
Not at all. With the exception of 4Kids dubs (American kids can't handle Japanese!), I've never seen a theme song dubbed or changed, and unless Bang Zoom! wants legions of angry internetters after them, I doubt they'll try. The only remotely similar thing I can think of was when they used the Ready Steady Go opening for FMA instead of Melissa and Undo, but that was for promotional reasons.

Ah, then you must have missed the English dub for the Fruits Basket theme songs. When you would play the dub in Japanese you would get the original Japanese version of the song, and then when you would play the English dub you got the songs in English. I can see why you would say why they wouldn't try it now, it would probably save them quite a bit of money if they didn't do it either.
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Joined: 22 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:58 am Reply with quote
fighterholic wrote:
Murasakisuishou wrote:
Not at all. With the exception of 4Kids dubs (American kids can't handle Japanese!), I've never seen a theme song dubbed or changed, and unless Bang Zoom! wants legions of angry internetters after them, I doubt they'll try. The only remotely similar thing I can think of was when they used the Ready Steady Go opening for FMA instead of Melissa and Undo, but that was for promotional reasons.

Ah, then you must have missed the English dub for the Fruits Basket theme songs. When you would play the dub in Japanese you would get the original Japanese version of the song, and then when you would play the English dub you got the songs in English. I can see why you would say why they wouldn't try it now, it would probably save them quite a bit of money if they didn't do it either.

That's probably 'cause I've only seen one episode of Fruits Basket, and that was in Japanese and I didn't like it x)

Anyway, I really hope they don't change the theme songs. It would just be the height of stupidity, IMO, not even taking into account that they'd have to pay someone else to do another vocal.
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Forums Superstar

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:00 am Reply with quote
Since they seem to be greatly catering to fans, from the moment they announced the license up until now, I think they'll probably leave the OP and ED alone.
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Joined: 23 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:43 pm Reply with quote
Yeah I certainly hope so. Some dubbed OP/ED have been ok (Freckles for instance), but I'm scared to see how they do God Knows/the concert episode.
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Joined: 09 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:28 pm Reply with quote
Should they alter one hair of HareHareYukai(except if they were to make it the full 3 min version), I shall personally rend the eyes from the skull of whoever was responsible.
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Joined: 12 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:12 am Reply with quote
Another poll, which could prove to be quite amusing:
February 13, 2007 0145 PST
Nani? In America the males also give females things on Valentine's Day? What a forward-thinking society! I highly approve of this. In fact, I would like ANOTHER VIDEO!Or someone in a bunny suit. Your choice. Poll starts now :>
So cute and moe-moe... rawr, I'm starting to get ticked off...

And some new source code comments:

<!-- What does she think she's doing?! -->
<!-- I don't want to be the bunny ;_; -->
<!-- What a fabulous idea ^^ -->
<!-- Stop looking so pleased, we don't know who she's referring to! -->
<!-- I know. ^^ -->
<!-- ...will you put that book down and do something? Aren't you worried at all? -->
<!-- No. They will select a choice properly. It will be observed and noted. -->
<!-- That's exactly why we should be worried -->
<!-- ...don't want to be bunny! -->
<!-- Eh? What's that over there... -->
<!-- I'm scared! -->
<!-- That is an unusual weather pattern for this area. -->
<!-- Forget about that for now, what are we going to do about this? -->
<!-- Don't leave me alone -->

The drama continues...

A very interesting tidbit just popped up:
February 13, 2007 0430 PST
Limited edition box design is completed, we hope you enjoy our efforts. Sneak peek photograph is coming soon, very excited.

Another addition:
February 14, 2007 0140 PST
Our leader has left the clubhouse with all our funds to buy some supplies ^^ She said she'll be back in a few days and to thank everyone for their donations, they will be put to good use.

That girl is dangerous. And yet I am intrigued by the possibilities. No, that's wrong, I mustn't entertain such thoughts. Please stop voting for the bunny suit. We can still make a difference before she fills out the expense forms. The student council is watching the results.
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Joined: 31 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:03 pm Reply with quote
From what I hear, AnimeTV will start today, and will be reviewing Haruhi Suzumiya. Can't wait to see how that turns out.

Part of me thinks it'd be funny if they gave it a bad review and shoot themselves in the foot on their first day, given their intended audience and fanbase.
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Joined: 31 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:39 pm Reply with quote
Haruhi on AnimeTV is up. You can also find a sample of the English dub for the show:


Well, most of the reviewers liked it, of course. I'd hate to be that one fan reviewer they showed that gave it a bad review and called it "a waste of time" though, lol.

Now, about the clips of the English dub that they showed. I like Stephanie Sheh's work with Mikuru, sounds fairly close to the original. What little we heard of Crispin Freeman as Kyon actually made me laugh, I admit. Wendee Lee as Haruhi is going to take a bit of getting used to, though, as my opinion kinda wavered based on the scene. Guess we still have to wait and see...

And it was amusing how all the female reviewers were wearing Haruhi-style yellow hair ribbons.
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Joined: 28 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 12:09 am Reply with quote
Dang it, dang it, dang it. I still want Kari Wahlgren as Haruhi. I just don't think that Wendee Lee sounds either young enough or like Haruhi.

But I think I can get used to it eventually, and she's certainly not horrible. Just...not Kari Wahlgren. *sigh*

Other than that, I actually really liked what I heard of everyone else, and I tend to be harsh towards dubs. This one, however, I'm really looking forward to. (I also liked the AnimeTV show. It was fun to watch.)

ETA: Adding this edit, because I've been sitting here thinking about it, and it seemed to me that there were a few hints that might indicate the series would be released in broadcast order. Such as referring to the "first" episode as the movie episode, arguing about chronology, etc. Here's hoping.
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 2:38 pm Reply with quote
That wasn't quite what I expected when they said there was going to be a preview of the dub, but not too bad either. It sounded pretty darn good. Looks like broadcast order fans will be getting their wish too. (Me, I'd like to see them release it in chronological order at some point too. If EVA can have as many releases as it's had, Haruhi can too!)

To the guy who gave Haruhi a 5 for animation: What the hell is your idea of a 10? Haruhi blows 95% of other anime away on the animation front and it devastates the vast majority of other animation for the sheer level of detail work and fluidity of motion. A 5? That's insulting.

I can't believe they had that Mikuru PVC in the show. I've got that same figure standing on my computer right now. (There's a Yuki in a bunny suit coming soon! Pre-order to insure she doesn't get canceled!)
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Joined: 31 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:46 pm Reply with quote
As we know very well here on ANN, there will always be people who hate whatever is popular and better regarded than their own favorites. That's why on the ANN Encyclopedia, Haruhi has as many "worst ever" votes as Beyblade, which I believe is 5th under "Worst Ratings".

I can't say I like AnimeTV's method of showing just the comments coming from the opposite ends of the spectrum; the first guy was obviously a Haruhiist, while the second guy was obviously die-hard anti-Haruhi. It doesn't give a viewer a good impression of the show, as the same polar opposites can be shown for nearly ANY show, regardless of its merit.

I liked the cosplayer at the end though, cute Mai outfit. Plus Tomo of AzuDai does rock. Anime smile
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:30 pm Reply with quote
Mirrinus wrote:
Haruhi on AnimeTV is up. You can also find a sample of the English dub for the show:


Well, most of the reviewers liked it, of course. I'd hate to be that one fan reviewer they showed that gave it a bad review and called it "a waste of time" though, lol.

Now, about the clips of the English dub that they showed. I like Stephanie Sheh's work with Mikuru, sounds fairly close to the original. What little we heard of Crispin Freeman as Kyon actually made me laugh, I admit. Wendee Lee as Haruhi is going to take a bit of getting used to, though, as my opinion kinda wavered based on the scene. Guess we still have to wait and see...

And it was amusing how all the female reviewers were wearing Haruhi-style yellow hair ribbons.
I'd have to say, my first reaction to Wendee Lee as Haruhi was somewhere in the cringe range, but I think there's "get used to" potential as well. The others sounded good enough. The "discussion review" setup was a little unstructured for my tastes, but some people got enough of a word in to make some points about the series. The "mech & magic" fan was a good "voice of dissent" to show that Haruhi isn't necessarily for everyone.

I also found it funny that they all but admitted they were reviewing based on the fansub experience and not from official materials--if discussion about later episodes wasn't enough, then the mention of the line "Super-Size Me!" sealed the deal.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 8:24 pm Reply with quote
I didn't think the clips were long enough to gauge a complete reaction from. The one with Haruhi and Mikuru in the Computer Club Society room was the only sizable sample of voice acting, and I thought it was sort of mediocre. The short Kyon narration of Haruhi's daily hairstyles was okay - Crispin Freeman can pull off sarcasm well, but Kyon is deeply sarcastic and exasperated. I'll need to have a bigger sample to judge from.

I mostly ignored the commentary by the fans.
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Joined: 12 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:36 am Reply with quote
Minor website update:

February 16, 2007 2120 PST
Due to incident, we have normalized the statistics and updated appropriately so all web page display same count. This is the true numbers, thank you for patience and understanding. We do not want to be bunnys either Σ(@д@;)

Understandable. Who would want to be shoved into a bunny suit Razz?

Also, on the far right of the screen (hidden against the background):
ANONYMOUS> It occurs in 1000 days, be ready

Just remove a 0, and you've got the exact number of days until the release date.

Last edited by NGE1113 on Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Shiroi Hane
Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:50 am Reply with quote
There's also an inactive link to "Harupedia"
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