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[OT] Regarding all these locked posts

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Joined: 17 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:48 pm Reply with quote
Iritscen wrote:
Yeah, me too. The only other forum I really enjoyed being a member of was also pretty strict. It keeps the dumbest n00bs out or makes them grow up (like they made me do when I joined and acted newb-ish).
Strictness is not the only answer, though.

But, considering the amount of noobs ANN gets compare to the other forum I frequent, I'm pretty understanding.

Though I must admit I push the limit of that annoying one-liner rule sometimes with, erm, two lines-posts. Razz Those things are meant to be snappy and/or humorous.

I could understand where the mods come from, though; when I see those "let's respond in one line to another poster; then that poster responds in one line back to me; then I respond in one line back to him like a conversation..." in a thread about something else, it's rather annoying.

Dude, this is not a chat room -.-" That's probably where that rule is there for, so people don't go "you fascists!" at the mods when they take action.
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:22 pm Reply with quote
PantsGoblin wrote:
I mean, look at the Anime on DVD's forums, Anime Nation's, or any other with ranks.

AnimeNation doesn't have ranks.

AoD has user titles that change based on the # of posts, but aside from eventually getting a custom title, they don't seem to do anything.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:30 pm Reply with quote
User ranks hardly ever do anything unless the rank is Moderator or Admin.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:34 pm Reply with quote
I've been on boards that rank myself, but none of them were related to anime. I used to take part in the ranking but it didn't work out like you might first assume. For one thing, the bulk of the high-ranking folks got that way by treating newbies like dirt. Also, every time you went into your profile it forced you to remove credits you had applied to people who had left on their own or who had been banned. That got so old that I just ended up removing all the credits I had applied to others and dropping the whole thing. Besides, it didn't take too long before I realized that the ratings had little if anything to do with the quality of a given poster anyway. There is probably a good ranking system out there somewhere but I haven't had enough experience with them to find it.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:36 pm Reply with quote
kolibri wrote:
and it can work wonders for starting to consider what you can contribute to the conversation before you hit that submit button.

Anyway, I'm staying Smile

That is very, very true. There have been many times where I was going to post a comment in a thread, but after reading what I wrote and going back and and reading previous post...I've changed my mind.

And I'm staying too! Very Happy This has been the ONLY forum that I've ever been on and quite frankly with what the rest of you have said in other thread.s and this one, concerning other places...I'm scared! Shocked I like the fact that people are articulate here. I don't think that I could handle the Sosuke 2 kewl!lol! sort of people, especially since I don't like them in real life.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 10:19 pm Reply with quote
LydiaDianne wrote:
And I'm staying too! Very Happy This has been the ONLY forum that I've ever been on and quite frankly with what the rest of you have said in other thread.s and this one, concerning other places...I'm scared! Shocked I like the fact that people are articulate here. I don't think that I could handle the Sosuke 2 kewl!lol! sort of people, especially since I don't like them in real life.

This is definetly one of, if not the best forum I've posted on as well. Either people post with some of the poorest grammer I've ever seen, or if I try to make a statement or post a question, I get flack or treated like an idiot. I'll probably be here the rest of my life if anything Surprised
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Joined: 05 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:06 pm Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
As troublesome as it may seem from a user's viewpoint, I am deleting these short posts and locking those vague/badly constructed threads to force you all into actually thinking or maturing a little.

Therein lies the problem; you can't force it. I'm 39; I ain't gettin' no maturer. You just force me to be wordy. It's even offensive on a certain level.

Iritscen wrote:
The ironic thing is that I often decide I have to make a mini-essay in order to justify my response. In toher words, I would have liked to just say QFT, but instead feel obliged to articulate my exact thoughts on how I agree with something to plump up my post. In other words, I post filler. So it takes up more space than the one-liner would have. That's the irony.

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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:44 am Reply with quote
CGord wrote:
Therein lies the problem; you can't force it. I'm 39; I ain't gettin' no maturer.

Then you shouldn't have anything to worry about Smile. You don't have to be wordy if you're confident in your knowledge or langauge abilities since the maturity is already there. This aspect is mostly for the adolescent audience of the forums (let's say, early 10s to early 20s).
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Joined: 05 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:05 am Reply with quote
Question Why don't anyone delete the locked posts? Question Its kinda crowding the forum... Wink just curious...
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:26 am Reply with quote
Lorraine_Kristine wrote:
Question Why don't anyone delete the locked posts? Question Its kinda crowding the forum... Wink just curious...

They serve as an example of what not to do. Hopefully the people who posted those and the rest of users will take notice and learn something Wink.
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Joined: 05 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:33 am Reply with quote
Oh, okay...But what if in case many people still overlook these posts (considering that the locked posts are not like the stickies that are always on top)? You'll just have to keep locking the thread and the forum might flood with locked threads... (like I didn't see many of the locked threads too...Although, I still cant believe I missed the stickies Rolling Eyes Laughing )
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:59 am Reply with quote
According to the Administrators, threads take up very little space on the site. Old threads go as far back as 2002. Of course no one's discussing them anymore, but for whatever reason, they tell me to just leave them.

However, when people unknowingly revive those things, I'm suppose to lock them. Not sure why these old topics still exist if I have to lock them anyway, so whatever...

And just so you know, the general acception of reviving old topics is about a month. Depending on the topic, it can be older than that if no one else has every really discussed it, but you can send me a Private Message to ask if you're not sure about it.

I say around one month because we get so many new topics a week, and by the time a month passes, people usually forget about the older ones or there just wasn't much discussion in the first place. Then you have the really old ones (like a year and older) where a lot of those users aren't even around anymore. But like I said, they (Admin.) tell me not to delete old threads...
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 1:34 pm Reply with quote
I thought for sure this thread was gonna turn into a flame war when I first saw it. Maybe there's hope yet. Anyways, I think things here can be imrpoved, both with the site and members, but that's the same everywhere. There's always room for improvement with everything. Nobody and nothing is perfect. The mods here aren't perfect and all knowing just as the normal members/posters aren't either. I can't stand people who just bitch and complain and do nothing to try and understand the given situation. Your thread got locked, instead of bitching about it PM Tony or Nagisa and ask why. If their reasoning in the thread itself isn't enough for you then POLITELY PM them and ask for a more detailed reason. Just don't bitch about your thread, or another thread, being locked because they deemed it didn't follow the rules. yes, there are threads that should be locked, or locked sooner, that aren't. They also lock threads I think they don't have any need or justifiable reason to. The thing is, they are the mods and you aren't!! I hate to burst people's bubbles here but that fact isn't gonna change. You can complain all you want, for those of you that do, but come tomorrow they'll still be a mod and you won't be. Deal with it.

If you've got such a problem with them or something they did PM them and talk about it with them. Don't simply starting posting "Tony sucks my momma's big hair butt," or Nagisa's a gender confused a'hole with an elitist complex." Take a step back and try and evaulte the problem and use your brain not your mouth.
I myself have had problems with them. I had a particular problem with Nagisa, even though the problem wasn't directly related to me or a post by me. I got all huffy and ran my mouth like an ass. Guess how far that got me. I decided to to take a step back and evaluate the situation. I PM'ed Tony and Nagisa directly and both took time to talk to me, had to keep trying with Nagisa though but he eventually got tired of me and decide to listen to me if only to shut me up Smile
You guys would be surprised how agreeable they can be if you talk to them nicely. They can also open threads back up too ya know. You wanna make a particular thread but you mess up ask them for help and they'd more then likely help you make the thread so it's up to standard. if you think bitching will work then try Pm'ing Tempest and see how far that gets you. Won't be far I can garuntee you that. I got a nice "Nagisa is doing a fine job in my opinion so I'll let things be" responce. That equates into "shut the hell up you idiot and quit running your mouth for no reason." People here, not everyone just a fair amount, need to act like adults and not be so ignorant. If you mess up or act like an ass like I did simply learn from it.

CGord wrote:
Well, if I may toss in my 2 cents...

I've been an Admin on a decent-sized forum (current stats: Threads: 204,473, Posts: 2,058,179, Members: 112,356, Active Members: 6,648) for a bit over eight years now. We started with maybe six people in a chatroom in the summer of 1998, & grew it from there. So while I'm a relative n00b here, I'm not to forum culture in general.

I don't want to bag on the Staff for everything I would do differently here, because it's not my board, but I do want to address one thing: posts being deleted (or members being flamed) for the post being too short. I find that to be a completely unnecessary practice on the part of the Mods, & I read the flaming by members as nothing more than snarky elitism.

Yes I think with some mebers here, who hit the coveted 1000 mark, are a bit of an ass and have an elitst attitude. Again though, hate to burst more bubbles but that's life. You'll have that everywhere you go. Some people are always gonna think they're shit don't stink and that they're god's gift to a forum or whatever. Here at ANN's forum there are some people that think they deserve special treatment because they've psoted so many times. That's not the case with most though so I wouldn't say there's a serious case of elitism going on. As for posts being deleted because they're too short, they should be. it's in the rules the thread should carry some sort of intelligence. You can make a short intelligent post, that just doesn't happen a lot it seems. The short pointless posts though clog the place up and it sets a bad habit for those doing it. They think they can keep doing it because mods won't lock the thread. To deter that you gotta be a little harder.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 6:55 pm Reply with quote
Let me add in that in my days that I was a newer poster on these forums, I would let my posting get out of hand and can tell you that I am partially responsible for getting three threads locked. And I got a warning for that also, so when I did what psycho did, things got a lot better, and you can see where I'm at now.
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Joined: 10 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 7:13 pm Reply with quote
If you've got such a problem with them or something they did PM them and talk about it with them. Don't simply starting posting "Tony sucks my momma's big hair butt," or Nagisa's a gender confused a'hole with an elitist complex." Take a step back and try and evaulte the problem and use your brain not your mouth.

Don't PM mods. Their word is absolute and unquestionable. I once got threatened with a permanent ban for politely PMing a mod about a disappeared thread or something.
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