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Joined: 07 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:04 pm Reply with quote
Recently, I watched the anime version of Genshiken, and quite to my surprise, found myself absolutely enamored with the series. Up to this point, I never really considered buying the manga for any anime that I've watched, but Genshiken left me craving for so much more. To get to the point, I was just wondering how well the manga stacks up to the anime. In addition, I was hoping that maybe people could give suggestions to any anime/manga with similar premises. Thanks!
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:17 pm Reply with quote
fenriswol7 wrote:
Recently, I watched the anime version of Genshiken, and quite to my surprise, found myself absolutely enamored with the series. Up to this point, I never really considered buying the manga for any anime that I've watched, but Genshiken left me craving for so much more. To get to the point, I was just wondering how well the manga stacks up to the anime. In addition, I was hoping that maybe people could give suggestions to any anime/manga with similar premises. Thanks!

I personally have not seen the anime itself, but as the owner of 8 Genshiken volumes I can say that this series does not fail to please. Very funny, learn some things, feel for the characters. Makes me want to an otaku even more.
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Joined: 29 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:49 pm Reply with quote
as someone who has seen most of the anime and owns nearly all the volumes of manga, perhaps i can be of some assistance.

firstly, the anime consists of only 12 episodes and thus does not contain as much material as the manga (an oav is in production in japan...). there are additional characters yet to meet and therefore quirky personalities yet to discover. also, the genshiken takes on some rather unexpected responsibilities by deciding to actively participate in the dojinshi scene (not intended to be a spoiler, as this information appears on the back of the volume in which it occurs), and geekery ensues... the group evolves in many ways that the anime could not include, and the changes are worth reading if you have an affinity with the cast of the characters.

the majority of the material featured in the anime was taken more or less directly from the manga. in the interest of time and format, alterations have been made, but if you choose to pick up the manga there will be plenty you recognize, only more fully developed. and i personally feel the art of shimoku kio is worth purchasing. his work can be amazingly detailed and intricate.
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Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:59 am Reply with quote
I think manga is better. For starters, there's more of it - like said earlier most of it is in the anime, but a lot of it isn't either. It's such a character/dialog driven series that it doesn't really gain that much from animation (I love the anime too). What I especially love about the manga is the character development that is somewhat missing from the anime, how the characters actually move on with their lives - and some of it isn't funny anymore, more bittersweet (like life...). Highly recommended.
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Joined: 11 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:47 pm Reply with quote
Genshiken is my favorite manga-trust me, you won't be dissapointed. Kolibri hit it on the head Smile It's a sweet series, but it is also one of the most realistic. My favorite chapter, which is when Madarame and Saki bump into each other while shopping, is very sweet, touching, and full of insight on the characters-and not included in the anime. Also, Ogiue, who is one of my favorite characters, only shows up in the manga and OAV. Obviously, the manga will have more of her. And her doujinshi from volume six-priceless! I'll be so pissed if they leave that out of the OAV! I'd love to see them do the aforementioned Madarame/Saki scene as well Smile
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Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:10 pm Reply with quote
hanachan01 wrote:
My favorite chapter, which is when Madarame and Saki bump into each other while shopping, is very sweet, touching, and full of insight on the characters-and not included in the anime.

Ah, yes, it's one of the best Smile It's so sharp and yet very subtle - much of the interpretation is left for the reader and damn, you hurt for Madarame... much better done and more touching than most shoujo.

Latest volume (7) is very good too, but not that funny. Genshiken guys are growing up and moving on, and it's in a way very sad and in another very natural and life-like. My special favourite is spoiler[Kousaka who gets a job in a gaming company and we never see him anymore, except asleep. It's especially emotional for me as I'm married to a geek who works with games and that's exactly what the job is like... ] Made me silent.
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Joined: 07 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:46 pm Reply with quote
Wow, you guys really gave me incentive to go out and buy the manga. This anime grabbed my interest much more than most because of how real the characters seemed. While I don't think I really know anyone like them, they are the kind of people I would love to know. From your comments to my original post, I have the definite feeling that the manga would be even more effective in developing my empathy for these characters. So, I guess I'm trying to say thanks for the wonderful replies!
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Joined: 11 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:54 pm Reply with quote
kolibri wrote:
hanachan01 wrote:
My favorite chapter, which is when Madarame and Saki bump into each other while shopping, is very sweet, touching, and full of insight on the characters-and not included in the anime.

Ah, yes, it's one of the best Smile It's so sharp and yet very subtle - much of the interpretation is left for the reader and damn, you hurt for Madarame... much better done and more touching than most shoujo.

Latest volume (7) is very good too, but not that funny. Genshiken guys are growing up and moving on, and it's in a way very sad and in another very natural and life-like. My special favourite is spoiler[Kousaka who gets a job in a gaming company and we never see him anymore, except asleep. It's especially emotional for me as I'm married to a geek who works with games and that's exactly what the job is like... ] Made me silent.

Both of the things you mentioned really make me think Saki should dump Kohsaka and date Madarame......Razz I'm not really liking the spoiler[Sasahara and Ogiue couple.] They don't seem that into each other. But I love spoiler[Tanaka and Ohno]....they are so perfect for each other! I want them to get married Smile
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Joined: 17 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:28 pm Reply with quote
fenriswol7 wrote:
Recently, I watched the anime version of Genshiken, and quite to my surprise, found myself absolutely enamored with the series. Up to this point, I never really considered buying the manga for any anime that I've watched, but Genshiken left me craving for so much more. To get to the point, I was just wondering how well the manga stacks up to the anime. In addition, I was hoping that maybe people could give suggestions to any anime/manga with similar premises. Thanks!

The manga is close to the anime but has extra little short manga strips after each chapter thats comedy. and the manga expands on things not shown all the way in the anime such as spoiler[in episode 12 we took a look into everyones room. yes what happens in the anime is there but its a whole chapter in the manga and the most funniest on in the 4th GN. like kasukabe sneaking around in everyone room and comedy ensues. such as a porno tape of s&m with madarame!]

to go beyond the anime you will have to buy 4 - 8 of the manga with has the mysterious character shown in eps 12 credit ogiue. she brings a lot of comedy with her tsudere attitude and hatred for all otaku that surpasses kaukabe by 49580935840580!

but a lot of the future story revolved around doujin, ogiue, cosplay, love, and sasahara. but i spoil a lot.

so go ahead get that manga

hanachan01 wrote:
Both of the things you mentioned really make me think Saki should dump Kohsaka and date Madarame......Razz I'm not really liking the spoiler[Sasahara and Ogiue couple.] They don't seem that into each other. But I love spoiler[Tanaka and Ohno]....they are so perfect for each other! I want them to get married Smile

i like spoiler[Sasahara and Ogiue couple.] you see spoiler[signs of her liking towards him in the manga. they are subtle but clear.]

the spoiler[Tanaka and Ohno] is perfect in my eyes! theyre just like two friends of mine.

now what i wish for is saki/madarame. i want to write a fanfiction based on the dream i had where it was a oav with the theme song from saikano and madarame was ran over in akihabara and was brought to the hospital where saki is a nurse you assigned to care for him. theyre both single and become close during his recoop. then they get together after he's better and become gf and bf. saki finds she likes otaku boys and madarame get his first girlfriend!

that was a funny and yet realistic dream as if its was a real OVA
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Joined: 03 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:01 am Reply with quote
Here to support the Madrame/Saki couple. Very Happy I just think they would be interesting together. So many things I could say about Kosaka, but you probably all know what I mean. How did everyone interpret that scene where they meet up in the town? I'm just interested in your opinons.

As for the title of the post. Well, the manga in my opinon was alot better than the anime. I bought the manga previously before the anime. It is just more enjoyable then the anime. The art is also better in my opinon as mist manga is better than their anime counterparts. Madarame is kinda scary in the anime. lol Although the scene where he scared Kasukabe was just plain funny.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:21 pm Reply with quote
SnowStar_7* wrote:
Here to support the Madrame/Saki couple. Very Happy I just think they would be interesting together. So many things I could say about Kosaka, but you probably all know what I mean. How did everyone interpret that scene where they meet up in the town? I'm just interested in your opinons.

As for the title of the post. Well, the manga in my opinon was alot better than the anime. I bought the manga previously before the anime. It is just more enjoyable then the anime. The art is also better in my opinon as mist manga is better than their anime counterparts. Madarame is kinda scary in the anime. lol Although the scene where he scared Kasukabe was just plain funny.

i like the later art in the manga. remember the 1st volumne looked different.

the scene when theyt met up and talked in the sushi place about otaku and liking otaku and being otaku. i think saki is starting to like otaku and those two have a strange friendship although at first they didn't know it.

i dont know what it means to them fully but it does show another sign of madarames feeling towards her. how he likes her before and dont want her to change. i think he likes norm chicks but wanna stay otaku. or just saki[/spoiler]
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:58 pm Reply with quote
I've read the first four volumes of the Genshiken manga, and I recommend it as well--although the anime told a decent enough story in 12 episodes, the manga goes far beyond with new characters and situations, and the subject matter gets a bit more risqué to boot. Del Rey's done a great job with the release, so there's no reason (outside of lack of funds) not to get it imo.
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The Seventh Son

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 1:21 pm Reply with quote
wait when the hell did the 8th volume come out?! unless you can read japanese...

but anyway, i think saki is an idiot. a guy who would turn down getting some to enjoy anime.......omg thats just not right. he has the looks to get plenty of women. USE THEM!!! madarame is more otaku than any of them, but kohsaka is just a utter, complete, DUMBA$$! plus having a girlfriend and going to work for a hentai game company....if i was saki i would have dumped him long ago.

but volume 7 sucked a lot. in the next volume, though spoiler[Madarame dies].

but if i said id be any Genshiken character, id be sasahara, because besides anime he's pretty normal, except i hate dating sims and hentai so thats the only gap.
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