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Joined: 24 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:45 am Reply with quote
I'm not really a specialist in con panels, but isn't this kind of bland? Compared to Funi or Sentai that announced tons of licenses, Daisuki is just "Yeah, we have some ambiguous plans for an ambiguously long-term future but hey GUNDAM!"

Also, pardon my lack of enthusiasm, but I see this panel is more about what Daisuki offers to N.A [Gundam that has never been released in the States GET EXCITED DAMNIT!] than the supposed worldwide streaming they kicked off with, which is incredibly disappointing. Given how they released all the Monogatari saga US exclusive in the past two months, I kind of hoped that these conventions brought brighter news to us fans in the rest of the world to whom you're supposed to be catering to, but I supposed I was delusional in believing so.

Unless there's some crazily cool announcement -that is worldwide available- for the Fall Season that they've been witholding for whatever reason, I think I'm done hoping for Daisuki to be whatever it was meant to be. My old friend with the eye-patch and the wooden pegleg will have to suffice as always
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Joined: 05 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:58 pm Reply with quote
Article wrote:
Ozaki noted that for a dubbed release for these titles, Sunrise would like to take it under consideration based on what the company hears from fans.

The Gundam titles? I'm game game for that, especially since NYAV might be used, since Sunrise used them to dub Gundam UC, and that's arguably one of the best Gundam dubs ever.

I'll definitely give Daisuki my feedback (or do they want Sunrise?). Razz
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Joined: 19 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 9:53 pm Reply with quote
Well, considering that when Microsoft and Sony were premiering their new consoles all they were saying was that they had a few names to drop the Gundam aspects of the presentation don't really look all that lean by comparison. I've come to kind of expect lean presentations from a lot of organizations, so this wasn't too bad if you ask me.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:00 am Reply with quote
vashna wrote:
Well, considering that when Microsoft and Sony were premiering their new consoles all they were saying was that they had a few names to drop the Gundam aspects of the presentation don't really look all that lean by comparison. I've come to kind of expect lean presentations from a lot of organizations, so this wasn't too bad if you ask me.

Forgive me if I ssay anything that is false since I'm not really a videogame connosieur, but I was under the impression that in E3, both Microsoft and Sony dropped a handful of titles for the new consoles plus made more detailed reveals about the specs and features. If so, then I could hardly compare that to Daisuki saying "We'll probably have lots of Gundam and Bebop some time in the future LOL. Have a T-Shirt"
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Joined: 19 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:18 am Reply with quote
No, CrowLia, your criticisms of what I had said are completely valid. You could look at the issue that way, but I felt that what Microsoft and Sony were essentially doing were trying to dangle a 'home entertainment system' over fans' heads with a few name drops so I thought that they were comparable. Have you ever seen the parodies where people just constantly say 'television' over those announcements as they feel that the units are essentially just television boxes?

For what it's worth I'm looking forward to the Gundam in the future...
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