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Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman (TV).

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Petrea Mitchell

Joined: 12 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:15 pm Reply with quote

Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman (TV)

Genres: action, comedy, drama, romance, science fiction
Themes: conspiracy, feudal Japan, historical, parody, power suits, secret agents, secret identities, special abilities, thieves, vigilantes

Plot Summary: Manjirō Tatsukeya works as a jack of all trades, helping troubled people in town for not much money that he ends up losing on bets. However, at night, he turns into a Japanese-style Robin Hood, the phantom thief Roman. In order to protect the smiles of the people in his town, he continues to fight against injustice with his sister Koharu and friends.

(Crunchyroll stream)

Well. On the basis of episode 1, this is going to either be epic or really, really stupid.

My only specific complaint so far is that wasn't a zombie, it's a golem.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:56 pm Reply with quote
From what I saw I was thinking this would be a nice easy to watch show but then spoiler[he went super sentai....] so I'm more on the side expecting this to be really stupid, but I'll give it some more episodes.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:13 pm Reply with quote
Actually, I thought the first two episodes were more entertaining than most of what I've seen this season so far. The episodes move along at a nice clip with a good blend of action and dialog.

I thought it turned in a fairly strong first episode, and the second episode was even better.

I like how the show is introducing all the characters in the rowhouse block, and the sense of community there. I like how they are integrating history into the show as well. I guess it helps that I really like historical fiction.

There is a marked lack of excessive exposition, which is a relief IMO. I'm also appreciative that the characters don't look like children. The high school setting is really getting old for me, so I crave stuff where they are doing something different. All I can say is that I like the show so far. If I wasn't told that this was made to sell a pachinko game, I never would have suspected it.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:01 pm Reply with quote
This show may be based of a pachinko game, but I see some nods to spaghetti westerns, and old samurai movies. Specifically in the third episode, spoiler[when the two bullets cancel each other out.] Then there's the fact that sex is pretty much out and in the open. I have to say, as an adult, I appreciate that. Also, I love the character designs, with the men being almost caricatures and the women all beautiful and/or luscious.

The story could easily fall into episodic repetition. And so far, I'm seeing just that, which is kind of disappointing. However, I like how they're not mincing around introducing characters. Although, everyone seems a bit one-note at this point. That's just a wait-and-see game until the story progresses further.

Overall, I like this one. It's just good entertainment.
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Petrea Mitchell

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:50 am Reply with quote
If nothing else, this show is helping me learn some history and culture. I mean, I understand the show itself isn't being terribly historically accurate in places, but it's spurring me to look stuff up and learn from more reliable sources. For instance, I'd never heard of Nezumi Kozō before, or the Mimawarigumi, and I didn't know that Commodore Perry's fleet had been known as the Black Ships.
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Petrea Mitchell

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:16 pm Reply with quote
Botan24 wrote:
Also, I love the character designs, with the men being almost caricatures and the women all beautiful and/or luscious.

I'm not quite seeing that... but if I did, I would be really annoyed by it, so please don't try to bring me around to your point of view. Smile

Anyway, episode 3 has gotten my attention by turning a spotlight on that powersuit. So, are we talking alternate history? Time travel? Atlantis and/or Mu? Gotta find out!
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Joined: 24 Jul 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:41 pm Reply with quote
Petrea Mitchell wrote:
Botan24 wrote:
Also, I love the character designs, with the men being almost caricatures and the women all beautiful and/or luscious.

I'm not quite seeing that... but if I did, I would be really annoyed by it, so please don't try to bring me around to your point of view. Smile

Anyway, episode 3 has gotten my attention by turning a spotlight on that powersuit. So, are we talking alternate history? Time travel? Atlantis and/or Mu? Gotta find out!

Considering that in episode 4 we have a spoiler[gold castle giant robot], I'd say this is some alternate history - where the past is filled with super brilliant scientists that can create something that still doesn't even exist in our time.
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Petrea Mitchell

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:29 pm Reply with quote
Episode 4: I'd been amazed at how non-fanservicey this show has been, so I guess this was inevitable, but bleah. The Indiana Jones homage was a nice touch, but still, I'm allowing it one mulligan and it just used it.

Episode 5: Back on form. I thought Otsu spoiler[would turn out to be Kanede. Actually, since it's a general rule that if you don't see the body, a character will inevitably turn out not to be dead after all, I guess she still could be.]
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Joined: 24 Jul 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:16 am Reply with quote
Petrea Mitchell wrote:
Episode 4: I'd been amazed at how non-fanservicey this show has been, so I guess this was inevitable, but bleah. The Indiana Jones homage was a nice touch, but still, I'm allowing it one mulligan and it just used it.

Episode 5: Back on form. I thought Otsu spoiler[would turn out to be Kanede. Actually, since it's a general rule that if you don't see the body, a character will inevitably turn out not to be dead after all, I guess she still could be.]

I thought it's pretty clear that Otsu would turn out to be spoiler[Lady Okuni. It also partially explains her hatred for the country.]
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Petrea Mitchell

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 12:12 pm Reply with quote
casualfan wrote:
I thought it's pretty clear that Otsu would turn out to be spoiler[Lady Okuni. It also partially explains her hatred for the country.]

I thought about that, but it seemed like the flashback was only a few years back, meaning spoiler[Otsu would be in her late teens now at most, and I have the impression that Okuni is older than that-- maybe about the same age as Roman.]
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Joined: 24 Jul 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 2:27 pm Reply with quote
Petrea Mitchell wrote:
casualfan wrote:
I thought it's pretty clear that Otsu would turn out to be spoiler[Lady Okuni. It also partially explains her hatred for the country.]

I thought about that, but it seemed like the flashback was only a few years back, meaning spoiler[Otsu would be in her late teens now at most, and I have the impression that Okuni is older than that-- maybe about the same age as Roman.]

I have a feeling that the animators forgot to make Roman younger during the flashback. It's just my feeling though, she could be someone else entirely. What tipped me off is that Otsu and Okuni spoiler[shared a hair color that is unique in this series.] And I just thought it'll make a good plot device to have Okuni join the good side when she remembers Roman.
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Petrea Mitchell

Joined: 12 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 4:47 pm Reply with quote
casualfan wrote:
What tipped me off is that Otsu and Okuni spoiler[shared a hair color that is unique in this series.]

Not quite, spoiler[one of Kanede's alternate (illusory?) personas as shown in ep 1 and the opening credits has hair the same color].

And I just thought it'll make a good plot device to have Okuni join the good side when she remembers Roman.

I agree it would be. I just don't think that was her...
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