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Joined: 01 Dec 2005
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Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:11 am
I have seen so much anime in my short nineteen years of life that it is difficult to decide which series I like the most.
In reverse order, my top ten favorite anime series are:
10. Dragon Ball Z. This show was at one time my number one favorite series, but now it is at the bottom of my list. In spite of its lackluster story and characterization, it had awesome fight scenes and did have a few good plot twists. For those of you who say that this show is bad, I say differently; it was Dragon Ball GT that ruined the franchise.
9. Digimon: Digital Monsters seasons 1 and 2. I enjoy this series because it had awesome battle scenes between monsters of great power, a cast in which no two characters were exactly alike, and a much better storyline than what one usually sees in an anime targeted at younger audiences. Plus, the first two seasons had the best villains (specifically Myotismon and Ken Ichijoji).
8. Yu-Gi-Oh!; Duel Monsters. This anime is highly reminiscent of Digimon, only better. It has a large cast of complex characters, each with their own story to tell and reasons for doing what they do. The story may seem typical at first, but it has numerous twists that will leave its audience wondering what happens next. My only two complaints about this series are that all the "battles" were card games, and that the English version has terrible voice acting and horrible edits. But that is more than balanced out by the presence of my absolute favorite anime villain, Yami Marik.
7. Tenchi Muyo! This series is one of those rare few series that has a strong blend of action and romance. None of the characters are dull or lackluster, the story is strong and neither to long nor to short, and of course, it has no less than six good-looking females who all have at least a mild interest in the lead male character. My only complaint here is that Tenchi continuously resists the advances of the women as if he were afraid of them for some reason.
6. Cardcaptor Sakura. Another series that possesses the rare combination of action and romance, this series appeals to me because of its beautiful character designs and continuously shifting storyline. My only complaint about this series is that I have seen only the English version, with poor voice acting and numerous edits.
5. Princess Mononoke. This movie has an excellent story with well-developed characters. Plus it was writted by Hayao Miyazaki, the "Walter Disney" of Japan. I have no complaints about this one.
4. Bible Black. This series has not only the best plot of any hentai anime that I have ever seen; it also has the best sex scenes of any hentai anime that I have ever seen! What else could one possibly ask for? My only complaints here where that this series invloves women being abused and tortured, thankfully only mildly, and that there is a woman who with certain male body parts.
3. Scrapped Princess. I love midieval fantasy stories, but not many anime series fall into that category. This series has excellent character and plot development, and an awesome twist later in the series. The only thing that I did not like about it was that it did not have enough fight scenes.
2. Full Metal Alchemist. Definitely the most popular anime in the United States since DBZ and Pokemon, this show has it all; action, comedy, drama, and some slight romance. Nothing else needs to be said. My only problems with this series are that the relationship between Edward and Winry was not developed fully, and that Ed and Al have not yet returned to their own world.
1. Bleach. This is the BEST anime series that I have ever seen, without a doubt. It has action, it has drama, it has comedy, it has romance, it has a cast full of well-developed characters, and it also has an incredible story with the two biggest plots twists I have ever seen, which I will not spoil here. Plus it has Byakuya Kuchiki, my current favorite Japanese anime character. My only complaint about this series is that the anime is currently in a filler arc that is ruining the manga.
My five least favorite anime series are, in reverse order.
5. Digimon: Digital Monsters seasons 3 and 4. The second two seasons did not have the creativity and originality of the first two; the story and characters were not as well-developed, and the monsters themselves were becoming somewhat campy.
4. Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. This sequel to the original Yu-Gi-Oh! does not have anything that the original possessed; it has flat, narrow characters, cheesy fight scenes, and a slow, clunky plot.
3. Dragon Ball GT. It stark contrast to its illustrious predecessor, this show sacrifices plot and character development for campy battle scenes. The ending, however, was the best ending that I have ever seen in an anime.
2. Pokemon. I used to watch this seres, but I grew bored of how every single episode was exactly like the one before it and how none of the characters ever grew older or more mature.
1. Night Shift Nurses. This is definitely the WORST hentai anime I have ever seen. The creator of this show must have some serious mental problems. The main character is an evil doctor who does the most horrible unspeakable acts to the women at his hospital, the women are powerless against him, and the show contains some disgusting depictions of boldily functions. I hate this show so much. Even though the evil doctor does eventaully get what he deserves, the women's lives are forever scarred by his heinous acts.
Wow! What an extensive list! I hope that I gave ample reason for my opinions on each series.
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the Rancorous
Joined: 08 Feb 2006
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Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:09 pm
First off, I'm another newbie, hey how's it going? I'm only going with top 5 favorite and least favorite, here goes...
1. Noir
Only series I own that I do not skip past any episodes at all when watching it. I love the whole criminal underground/secret society concept and this series captured it beautifully. On top of that, its very realistic which makes it a refreshing watch from the usual anime. Brilliant story, brutal yet not rediculous action, and well rounded characters. As soon as I saw the "tie-scene" in the frist episode, I knew it was going to rock! Another thing that makes this series great is that there really are no good-guys and bad-guys, Mierielle and Kirika are the main characters, but they're assassins, they kill people for money, so can they really be called good?
2. Outlaw Star
The first series I watch straight through from beginning to end when it was on Cartoon Network. Excellent sci-fi show with an old-west/pirates feel to it. Its fun, serious, and well written at the same time.
3. Neon Genesis Evangelion
I just recently got into this series, I tend to get sick of mechs and giant robots, so I never really gave this series a chance until recently. I watched up until like episode 9 or 10, the second one with Asuka in and that angel that can split into 2 beings, before I bought it. Phew... I still had no idea what I was getting into! Though the original ending filled me with unrelenting rage, the End of Evangelion movie completely floored me; I was actually put into a weird mood the rest of the day after watching it! Not many things, books or films have had such an affect on me like Evangelion did.
4. Iria
If I remember correctly, this was the first anime I ever saw (either this, or Akira, can't remember for sure) and was the thing that started my affinity for female action characters. Though I do find some of the voice acting to be annoying (Grin for instance) its still a good and fun short series that knows how to be serious at times.
5. Burst Angel
Compared to other for mentioned animes, I know this does not match up in originality or brilliance at all, but hey, that's why this is "favorites" and not "best," right? Heh heh. This series actually makes me happy and just so happens to star more action chics that I love! And although I stated before that I get sick of mechs, the mech battles in this series are far different than the usual mech battles I've seen. And until I watched the commentary episodes, I refused to believe Monica Rial was the voice for Jo! HA HA!
Least Favorites:
1. Saiyuka
I probably spelled it wrong, but that shows how little I like it. It reminded me of that Christopher Lambert Beowulf movie; lots of pointless jumping and flipping with a soundtrack that really did not fit the feel of the show in my opinion.
2. X the movie
Mainly because of the ending, eh, I don't want to spoil anything for anybody, but if you've seen it, you may be able to guess why. And no, I have not seen the series, I refer only to the movie in this opinion.
3. Dragonball series'
I used to be very into DBZ, but I progessively got more and more sick of this series to the point where I finally looked up spoilers to find out what happens just to get it over with. Dragged out for years, this one is...
4. Hellsing
I love vampires, the supernatural world, creatures of the night, I just did not like Alucard at all. There was something about him that just annoyed me, most of the supporting characters annoyed me as well. Plus, Alucard just seemed like the classic "unstoppable character" that no one could touch, and I hate invincible characters. However, I haven't seen the whole series, so I could very well be wrong about that, but all in all, just did not interest me at all.
5. you know what, I can't come up with a 5th one, heh, oh well, there's only 4.
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Joined: 28 Mar 2006
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Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:24 pm
Top 10 favorite anime:
1. Twelve Kingdoms: I love this anime to death. I have watch it so far 3 times already. And everytime I rewatch it, I find myself liking it more. The animation is good, superb character development, and very deep story. Youko, the main character, is my favorite anime character of all time. She is the strongest (mentally) female character of all time. The anime pull you into the world of twelve kingdoms in just a few episodes.
2. Tactics: I live this anime because of the animation, and the characters, especially Haruka. All the character in this anime is so loveable. There is character development in this anime, but not alot. It focused on the developing relationship between Haruka and the people around him. The story is about Kantarou, who one day capture an oni-eating demon called Haruka. Haruka become Kantarou servants and together they go around exorcist demons. It a very light-hearted, funny, and cute anime. So go and check it out, or you will missed out alot.
3. Paradise Kiss: an anime about fashion, love, friendship, and finding oneself. It has great story, great animation (I mean the character change their clothes every 5 minutes!!), love the music, and the character are very real.
4. GunGrave: As you can see from my top 3 favorite anime, I am not into action anime, but this anime is an exception. Gungrave is about betrayal, friendship, action, mad scientists, ... This is the only anime that make me shreds tears about 10 times throughout the series. The best characters interaction and development I have seen so far. There is no real villains in this anime, and I find myself sympathizing with all the characters in the show. The characters have so much depth and real human emotion that I could not help but shred a few tears for their tragic fates.
The rest are not in order: Peacemaker Kurogane, Excel Saga, Elfen Lied, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Card Captor Sakura,
Most Hated Anime:
1. Inuyasha- I just cannot stand Kagome. She is the most annoying character I ever encounter in an anime. Believe me, I watch the whole 167 episodes, just because of Sesshourmaru. Beside the main magical girl problems, there is another problems of filler episodes. about 3/4 of the anime is fillers. Also, there is no character development in this anime at all, except Sesshourmaru.
2. Samurai 7: The animation in this anime just ruined it. The animation looks like it in the early 90's. I also find the fact that samurai destroying flying machined (robic, mech) very unbelievable, and I find it hard to swallow.
3. Naruto: The main character Naruto seem more childlish as the show progesses. Also, the anime is very predictable, and episodes after episodes is the same old story.
4. Bleach: The reason why I hate bleach is because the story seem to get nowhere. The show start to fall like a meteor after 20 great episodes. Now, I don't even bother watching another episodes. It so frustrating to see a-potentially-great-character turn into annoying-one-dimensional-cliched character. Also, the anime is fill with needless fillers that add nothing to the show.
5. Noir: I watch noir because I like the idea of assassin, but after show is so boring and the plots seems to go nowhere, and the character development is at a staggering pace that I find myself fast-forwarding it most of the time.
The rest I don't really have a reason why: Fuushigi Yuugi, Sailor Moon, Noir,
Last edited by hiyah on Sun Apr 09, 2006 8:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 06 Apr 2006
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Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:27 am
1. Fruits Basket
This is great and I fell in love with Yuki and it is funny when Kagura appears in it and when Yuki and Kyo fight and Shigure's pervertedness!
2.Cardcaptor Sakura
One of the first anime I ever watched. I loved this and I am going to see the movie of this.
3. Dragonball Z
Yes, I'm a girl and I like Dragonball Z. Action packed and full of comedy, again, one of the first anime I ever watched.
4. Sailor Moon
See 2 and 3 for details. Sailor Moon is the standout of shojo anime and I fell for Tuxedo Mask (This was when I was 6, now I'm 14 and it just seems embarassing to me!)
See 2, 3 and 4 for details. I was 7 when I first watched it and to this day, I still watch it on Toonami! (I live in the U.K, BTW.)
6. Bleach
When I first watched it, I started laughing and instantly loved it! Ichigo is my favourite character and I can't say any more because I haven't seen much episodes.
7. Ninja Scroll
When I first watched Ninja Scroll, I loved it! Though very violent, I still love it! I watch it again every so often but not all the time!
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El Bastardo
Joined: 09 Apr 2006
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Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 8:26 am
The Greatest
1. Akira
Trust me I've watched a shit load of anime and the very first one i saw is still the best. I think I must have watched it about 15 times now and I notice something new with each viewing, no movie has ever succesfully fitted such an epic, brilliant bit of storytelling into only 2 hours. Also the art, the actual animation, the characters and the plot are all still top class nearly 20 years on.
2. Neon Genesis Evangelion
If you actually get the story, then along with the amazingly animated fight scenes and the brilliant fleshing out of each character you won't find a better series. You can tell its good anyway because of how much it's been milked over its ten year history.
3. Berserk
Probably the best first episode ever and it never lets up from there. There isn't a second wasted in this 25 ep anime which was adapted very well (if not in its entirety) from the excellent source material. Is Guts the best lead character ever?
4. Hellsing
This series as it was described in a review I once read as "oozing cool from every pore" which is exactly right. It had one of best lead charcters in Alucard probably the best dub i've heard, a decent storyline (the new one will thankfully elevate that aspect to its proper top quality status) and some excellent stylish directing.
5. Cowboy Bebop
There hasn't been a free form series that has ever beaten this one, from the top class soundtrack to the free from episode structure and even spikes mind. Brilliant characters, good animation and action and one of the best endings ever.
6. Ghost in the Shell
One of the best visions of the future i've seen and the animation is still top class. No one is better at putting an underlying message into his films than Mamoru Oshii and i think this is his best effort to date.
7. Ninja Scroll
Theres just enough plot and characterisation to make this action driven movie one of the all time greats. Has to be the best mindless fun style movie ever even after the 11 years since it was released.
8. The Fist of the North Star
This is now 20 years old but i think its defenitely one of the coolest animes ever. I managed to get my hands on all the 152 episodes of the original series and i've watched the whole lot. Even though it keeps re using old scenes, has the "baddy of the week" formula, and the animation hasn't aged very well it just kept me coming back for more.
9. Patlabor
I've seen the first two movies and the 2nd series and at first with the movies i just thought, well okay plot and good action scenes but after watching them again I realised the plot was in fact world class. When you also have the series for the characters you have a very good package indeed.
10. Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
Other than Ghost in the Shell 2 I don't think there has ever been a more beautifully animated piece of work. You can tell the great Yoshiaki Kawajiri influence in there but its the geniuses at Madhouse that deserve the most credit. It also apprently the last anime to ever to be fully hand painted.
The Shitest
1. Psychic Wars
WHY WHY WHY DID I PAY FOR THIS! it is easily the shittest anime i've seen there is NOTHING good about it.
2. Zaion
BORING and only 4 episodes? i hope they sacked the person who created this, and at Gonzo of all places.
3. Noir
This is supposed to be about two young assasins so why the hell was it so boring!
4. Martian Succesor Nadesico the movie
They had one of the most popular series of all time and this is how the continue it?
Thats all i can think of i reckon.
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Joined: 07 Mar 2006
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Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:48 pm
I haven't really chosen my top 10 favorite... but, I surely can name 5 favorites. :d
1. Fushigi Yuugi ~ Nuriko inspired me. Though my hate for Tamahome increases, I still love Nuriko.
2. Ranma 1/2 ~ Unlike many other people, I think Akane is great. She is so awesome, and I love how strong she is. >_>
3. Excel Saga ~ Funny. All I gotta say.
4. Fullmetal Alchemist ~ Well, I just love this anime. It's really unique, and even though there's not as much fighting as I would have expected, I loved this anime.
5. Samurai Champloo ~ I loved the action, they should have made more fighting scenes. Even though there wasn't much action, it was still damn funny. All the characters were unique, and I actually liked the ending. Plus, I love the Illustrator because, he also illustrated Tales of Legendia for PS2. >_>
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Exempt from Grammar Rules
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Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:31 pm
Wow this thread is so informative anyways i will give this a shoot.
Massive update
Top 10 Favs:
1. Ouran High School Host Club- Just the funnest thing I have ever scene. Seriously 10 minutes into the first eposide I was rolling on the floor laughing it was that funny. I also really love the chracters especially the twins. I love how it pokes fun at pratically every clitque found in other anime and especially at Yaoi fangirls because I like laughting at myself. Yet underneath all this parody and comedy is a really reallly good story. The only thing I would change about this show (besides the truth of the twins relationship) is that it was too short. This deserves another season.
2. Elfen Lied. I aboustly loved this show. Not only was those first ten minute of the first eppy, the gorrest i have ever seen. But this anime is way more then just bloodshed and nudity. The psycholical espect of the show is what makes it horrofying. The things that happen to the characrters, or as a result of the characters is what really touched me. However, the gorefest aspect of this show may deter some from watching it. Which is a shame cus it is awsome.
3. Sailor Moon. Not only did this anime orginally get me into anime well it's still just so awsome. I love how the some of the story arc's of certain characters, weaved in and out of the actual story arc. I guess if I have any complaints about Sailor Moon, is well the repetation of certain sceneces, transformations, fights, got to be so annoying. Also I thought that the ending of stars was very lame.
4.Naruto: I don't know how this one happened. I honestly hated this show with a burning passion but well I some how got suckered into watching it and I loved it. I especially love the Love/hate/rival/friend thing that seems to be going on between Naruto and Sasuke, and I even cried when Sauke did what he did. However the fillers drive me crazy.
5. Kyou Kara Maou: Major fan girl scream. What fangirl wouldn't love a show filled with lots of dreamy Bishōnen? I also really loved the characters especially Wolfram and the interactions that Yuri has with all the guys is very amusing. However I did find this show to be very frustrating after a while the jokes just seemed to get old, and you really started to feel for poor Wolfram.
6. Gravation: I love Gravi because it was really the first BL show that I saw. I also really like the dynimics between the characters.
7.Tsubasa: Although I have only watched the first five eposides I really like it. I liked the whole concept of the story, and well the characters seemed to be more mature then in Cardcaptor Sakura-which I actually didn't like that much
8. Neon Genisis Evagelion. This show is so messed up that it kept me comming back for more over and over again. And no matter how many times I have watched it, the ending is still so confusing. Which is awsome! Not to mention the certain truth bout a certain character.
9. Noir. Wow is what this anime is. The premice of this show is awsome, and I often find myself telling other anime fans that this is the female version of James Bond. I loved the mystery that surrounds Kirkira and Mierrelle and how they are linked. Which the was very suprizing, and heart wenching. The only problem I had with this is that it was a little show to start up with and the ending wasn't much of an ending.
10. Ranma 1/2. The zaneness of this show is what hooked me and keeps me comming back. Just the general ideal of a boy turning physically into a girl when splashed with cold water is just so out there. Not to mention all the wackness that insues because of this. I also love the back and forth between Ranma and Akane, which is very soapish. The only drawback I can think off is that this show is just so darn long.
11. okay so I lied, anyways here's number eleven Wedding Peach. Yes I know this is just a cheap rip off of sailor moon. But I love it anyways. The simpleness of the story is very refreshing and well I found it to be more entertaining and funnier then sailor moon. Not to mention it was funny. Oh and who wouldn't want a Jama P.
Now for My not so loved list.
1. Dragon Ball Z. I despise this anime. I found it to be boring and well very very lame. I found the pacing of the storylines, especially the fight scences to be so drawn out that I just didn't' care what happened. Though I did like Bulbia, she was cool.
2. Gundam SEED. I will admit that I my main problem with this one is that I find it to be a cheap rip off of Eva. Just my opionion, hope it doesn't offend anyone. (Okay I know others disagree with this but I still stand by my opionion) I also find this boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, you get the point.
3. Blood the last Vampire. I actucally really liked this movie but found it to be too short. The fact that they did not give enough time to develop the plot and the characters more, resulted in an ending tht left too much up in the air. [/spoiler] Is sayia even a vampire?[spoiler] I also found this to be one of the most dissapointing animes ever, though like I said I did like it.
4. Sakura Diaries. Well see this one was a problem from day one since I did not realise it was an actually Etchi. I found that there was just too much nudity or half nudity shoots for my liking. I also got so frustrated with the plotting off the story and well how it did not change enough. As well as certain characters taking desicions away from other characters.
Last edited by Mistress9 on Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:07 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 9:24 pm
Mistress9 wrote: | 2. Gundam Wing. I will admit that I my main problem with this one is that I find it to be a cheap rip off of Eva. Just my opionion, hope it doesn't offend anyone. |
I'm not offended, just...utterly, completely baffled. How is Gundam of any form a cheap Evangelion ripoff? I mean, I know I have many numerous criticisms of Gundam Wing myself that could span a 20-page Word document, but I honestly fail to see how it (or, again, Gundam of any form whatsoever) rips off Evangelion in the slightest.
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Exempt from Grammar Rules
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Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 9:38 pm
Nagisa wrote: |
Mistress9 wrote: | 2. Gundam Wing. I will admit that I my main problem with this one is that I find it to be a cheap rip off of Eva. Just my opionion, hope it doesn't offend anyone. |
I'm not offended, just...utterly, completely baffled. How is Gundam of any form a cheap Evangelion ripoff? I mean, I know I have many numerous criticisms of Gundam Wing myself that could span a 20-page Word document, but I honestly fail to see how it (or, again, Gundam of any form whatsoever) rips off Evangelion in the slightest. |
I think it just has to do with The fact that they have children piolts and Eva has children pilots, right a mintute I think I meant Gundam Seed, I am so sorry. I had to edit my post a billiion times cus i was having problems with The spoiler tags, so I think I proabably switched the seed to wing. Sorry yes I meant Gundam Seed not Gundam Wing. Oh i am so embaressed.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:00 pm
With SEED I see even fewer applicable parallels. Still doesn't quite answer my question.
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Exempt from Grammar Rules
Joined: 07 Apr 2006
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Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:12 pm
Nagisa wrote: | With SEED I see even fewer applicable parallels. Still doesn't quite answer my question. |
I guess I am just shallow with this one. It was the pilots and well the Mecha's. I have only seen a few eppys on YTV, and I was like what this is sort of like Eva. I don't like it. Don't ask me to explain further cus I can't. I realise I am being childish and dumb but well, that's just me. I know I should give it a chance cus it is proabably good. But I just can't. Also I should note everytime I did check this out, there was a male character that reminded of me of Shinji. I am not sure if it was just the eppy's I saw, or if i am getting this mixed up with something else. Thank you for your patience.
Also I realise how silly this is because of the fact that I love wedding Peach, which is a clear rip off of Sailor Moon. But I guess I am just werid. So yes my friend, just chalk it up to my crazyness.
So I guess this is never going to make sense to anyone, since it does not even make sense to me. lol.
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Joined: 11 Apr 2006
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Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:45 am
Firstly,i cannot agree with you opinion about DragonBall Z,it is wonderful and fantasy!It is the most classical anime of Fighting.But NARUTO is awful,and more and more boring~~~
My 10 favorite animes:
1.Neon Genesis Evangelion(新世纪福音战士)
2.dragonball series(龙珠)
3.Rurouni Kenshin(浪客剑心)
4.Fullmetal Alchemist(钢之炼金术师)
5.Ah!My Goddess(我的女神)
6.Shakugan No Shana(灼眼的夏娜)
7.Mai HiME(舞-HiME)
10.Elfen Lied(妖精的旋律)
PS:i am a middle-school student of China,so i type some chinese words^_^
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:21 am
Mistress9 wrote: |
Nagisa wrote: | With SEED I see even fewer applicable parallels. Still doesn't quite answer my question. |
I guess I am just shallow with this one. It was the pilots and well the Mecha's. I have only seen a few eppys on YTV, and I was like what this is sort of like Eva. I don't like it. Don't ask me to explain further cus I can't. I realise I am being childish and dumb but well, that's just me. I know I should give it a chance cus it is proabably good. But I just can't. Also I should note everytime I did check this out, there was a male character that reminded of me of Shinji. I am not sure if it was just the eppy's I saw, or if i am getting this mixed up with something else. Thank you for your patience.
Also I realise how silly this is because of the fact that I love wedding Peach, which is a clear rip off of Sailor Moon. But I guess I am just werid. So yes my friend, just chalk it up to my crazyness.
So I guess this is never going to make sense to anyone, since it does not even make sense to me. lol. |
I think considering that "Gundam" is a franchise dating back over 25 years and the fact that AU Gundam programs tend to be recyled elements of the Universal Century shows with new spins on them, it would be difficult to pin Gundam Wing, as awful as it is, as a Neon Genesis Evangelion rip-off.
Also, labeling anything that's similar to another thing as a "cheap rip-off" without understanding the history behind it, or identifying key factors that prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that it blatently copies its plotline (not its formula, as many types of shows have a formula that it works with but varies from which is why Love Hina isn't a "Tenchi Muyo rip-off") is sort of lame.
If you "can't explain it", then you shouldn't have brought it up at all.
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Exempt from Grammar Rules
Joined: 07 Apr 2006
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Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:54 pm
penguintruth wrote: |
Mistress9 wrote: |
Nagisa wrote: | With SEED I see even fewer applicable parallels. Still doesn't quite answer my question. |
I guess I am just shallow with this one. It was the pilots and well the Mecha's. I have only seen a few eppys on YTV, and I was like what this is sort of like Eva. I don't like it. Don't ask me to explain further cus I can't. I realise I am being childish and dumb but well, that's just me. I know I should give it a chance cus it is proabably good. But I just can't. Also I should note everytime I did check this out, there was a male character that reminded of me of Shinji. I am not sure if it was just the eppy's I saw, or if i am getting this mixed up with something else. Thank you for your patience.
Also I realise how silly this is because of the fact that I love wedding Peach, which is a clear rip off of Sailor Moon. But I guess I am just werid. So yes my friend, just chalk it up to my crazyness.
So I guess this is never going to make sense to anyone, since it does not even make sense to me. lol. |
I think considering that "Gundam" is a franchise dating back over 25 years and the fact that AU Gundam programs tend to be recyled elements of the Universal Century shows with new spins on them, it would be difficult to pin Gundam Wing, as awful as it is, as a Neon Genesis Evangelion rip-off.
Also, labeling anything that's similar to another thing as a "cheap rip-off" without understanding the history behind it, or identifying key factors that prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that it blatently copies its plotline (not its formula, as many types of shows have a formula that it works with but varies from which is why Love Hina isn't a "Tenchi Muyo rip-off") is sort of lame.
If you "can't explain it", then you shouldn't have brought it up at all. |
Look I do not mean to sound psycho/mean, or like a cow but IT IS MY OPIONION. I do not feel that you have the right to judge me and label me (call me lame) because I disagree with you. I don't care if the Gundams are a franchaise or whatever. I saw Eva before I saw them, and therefore when I saw similitaries I came to the conclusions I came to. Also maybe I should have also noted, that unlike Eva I found the Gundams I have seen, both on YTV and elsewhere, to be extreamly boring.(I have done this now.)
Therefore I am giving you a viable reason for my dislike. Gundam Seed is extremly boring. This is only my opionion, weither you like it or not, or disagree with me, is up to you.
Also if you would have had read through my other post you would have realised that I was talking bout Gundam Seed and not Gundam Wing. I already owned up to the mistake, and do not feel that I should have to justify myself more then I already have.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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Location: Penguinopolis
Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:13 pm
Mistress9 wrote: |
penguintruth wrote: |
Mistress9 wrote: |
Nagisa wrote: | With SEED I see even fewer applicable parallels. Still doesn't quite answer my question. |
I guess I am just shallow with this one. It was the pilots and well the Mecha's. I have only seen a few eppys on YTV, and I was like what this is sort of like Eva. I don't like it. Don't ask me to explain further cus I can't. I realise I am being childish and dumb but well, that's just me. I know I should give it a chance cus it is proabably good. But I just can't. Also I should note everytime I did check this out, there was a male character that reminded of me of Shinji. I am not sure if it was just the eppy's I saw, or if i am getting this mixed up with something else. Thank you for your patience.
Also I realise how silly this is because of the fact that I love wedding Peach, which is a clear rip off of Sailor Moon. But I guess I am just werid. So yes my friend, just chalk it up to my crazyness.
So I guess this is never going to make sense to anyone, since it does not even make sense to me. lol. |
I think considering that "Gundam" is a franchise dating back over 25 years and the fact that AU Gundam programs tend to be recyled elements of the Universal Century shows with new spins on them, it would be difficult to pin Gundam Wing, as awful as it is, as a Neon Genesis Evangelion rip-off.
Also, labeling anything that's similar to another thing as a "cheap rip-off" without understanding the history behind it, or identifying key factors that prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that it blatently copies its plotline (not its formula, as many types of shows have a formula that it works with but varies from which is why Love Hina isn't a "Tenchi Muyo rip-off") is sort of lame.
If you "can't explain it", then you shouldn't have brought it up at all. |
Look I do not mean to sound like psycho/mean, or like a cow but IT IS MY OPIONION. I do not feel that you have the right to judge me and label me (call me lame) because I disagree with you. I don't care if the Gundams are a franchaise or whatever. I saw Eva before I saw them, and therefore when I saw similitaries I came to the conclusions I came to. Also maybe I should have also noted, that unlike Eva I found the Gundams I have seen, both on YTV and elsewhere, to be extreamly boring.(I have done this now.)
Therefore I am giving you a viable reason for my dislike. Gundam Seed is extremly boring. This is only my opionion, weither you like it or not, or disagree with me, is up to you.
Also if you would have had read through my other post you would have realised that I was talking bout Gundam Seed and not Gundam Wing. I already owned up to the mistake, and do not feel that I should have to justify myself more then I already have. |
My mistake - Gundam SEED. The same comments apply, however.
Also, you needn't take what I said so personally. I wasn't persecuting you for having an opinion - I was criticizing your lack of depth in expressing said opinion and your misunderstanding of established anime genres.
You can feel free to express any opinion, but you can't just make vague, broad statements like "I find it to be a cheap rip off of Eva" and not expect any reasonable scrutiny, which is what I was giving.
Your "opinion" does not live in a vaccum.
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