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Samurai 7 (TV).

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Joined: 04 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:38 pm Reply with quote

Samurai 7 (TV)

Genres: action, fantasy, science fiction
Themes: mecha, samurai

Plot Summary: A small village is being persecuted by robbers who return every harvest to seize the village's crops. Faced with starvation, the villagers send out a mission to find and recruit some samurai to defend them. With no pay to offer except rice, and knowing full well that only down-on-their-luck samurai would even consider accepting such an deal, the villagers can only hope that their saviours will appear before the rice is ready for harvest.

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i was just checking this out, and i was wondering...what did you all think of it? From the looks of it, it reminds me of samurai champloo and kenshin, however i don't want to waste time buying 26 episodes of anime if im just going to hate it...

and i have a few questions....

1) any movies?

2) any similarity at all to this and kenshin/samurai champloo? (this would be good, as those were/are great shows!)
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:08 pm Reply with quote
(Answer to one of the questions).

1. Samurai 7 is based off of Kurosawa Akira's The Seven Samurai. I've not seen the movie myself yet, and will not watch this anime until I've done so.
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Joined: 26 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:23 pm Reply with quote
NyuuChan wrote:
i was just checking this out, and i was wondering...what did you all think of it? From the looks of it, it reminds me of samurai champloo and kenshin, however i don't want to waste time buying 26 episodes of anime if im just going to hate it...

and i have a few questions....

1) any movies?

2) any similarity at all to this and kenshin/samurai champloo? (this would be good, as those were/are great shows!)

There are some amazing fights that may leave you in awe, like when Kanbei spoiler[ fights Chouzo ], it is one of the best fight scenes ever. The story is great as well. I did enjoy most of this series but it has some design flaws in the graphics.

By design flaws I mean the way the enemies were drawn. Their abuse of computer graphics creates a disturbing contrast with the rest of the images you see on screen and it is hard to swallow because the beautifully hand-drawn samurais must constantly interact with the cheaply, continually re-used computer graphics of the enemies. I am unsure if it was a low budget, lazyness or just poor design skills.

And the graphic design flaws are not limited to the computer generated graphics. Some of the enemy samurai "mobile suits" look exactly like tea cups. You get to see hundreds of flying tea cups waving samurai swords. Definately Not the most menacing sight you'll ever see.

Having said that, if you're like me and you enjoy an anime more because of its story and character depth as opposed to its appearence, then you are going to enjoy this anime. Otherwise you'd be like "Hey was that a flying tea cup waving a sword just now?, sorry I can't watch anymore".

A final note, just to clarify, I am not dissing the graphic quality of the series, which is top knotch. I am dissing the graphic designers who were not able to design more original appearences for the enemies.

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Joined: 04 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:31 pm Reply with quote
Luminal wrote:
NyuuChan wrote:
i was just checking this out, and i was wondering...what did you all think of it? From the looks of it, it reminds me of samurai champloo and kenshin, however i don't want to waste time buying 26 episodes of anime if im just going to hate it...

and i have a few questions....

1) any movies?

2) any similarity at all to this and kenshin/samurai champloo? (this would be good, as those were/are great shows!)

There are some amazing fights that may leave you in awe, like when Kanbei spoiler[ fights Chouzo ], it is one of the best fight scenes ever. The story is great as well. I did enjoy most of this series but it has some design flaws in the graphics.

By design flaws I mean the way the enemies were drawn. Their abuse of computer graphics creates a disturbing contrast with the rest of the images you see on screen and it is hard to swallow because the beautifully hand-drawn samurais must constantly interact with the cheaply, continually re-used computer graphics of the enemies. I am unsure if it was a low budget, lazyness or just poor design skills.

And the graphic design flaws are not limited to the computer generated graphics. Some of the enemy samurai "mobile suits" look exactly like tea cups. You get to see hundreds of flying tea cups waving samurai swords. Definately Not the most menacing sight you'll ever see.

Having said that, if you're like me and you enjoy an anime more because of its story and character depth as opposed to its appearence, then you are going to enjoy this anime. Otherwise you'd be like "Hey was that a flying tea cup waving a sword just now?, sorry I can't watch anymore".

A final note, just to clarify, I am not dissing the graphic quality of the series, which is top knotch. I am dissing the graphic designers who were not able to design more original appearences for the enemies.


well, flying teacups with samurai swords sound kinda fun, so....


(only reason i was even considering it is because for some odd, unexplicable reason, our barnes and noble, normally devoid of any interesting anime, has a dvd entitled samurai 7, it's cheap, and it's anime. Plus the original was pretty cool.)
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Joined: 10 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:53 pm Reply with quote
I ordered this anime from Netflix, and they had disc's 1-3. So far IM ADDICTED!!

It was a suprise at how much I actually enjoyed it Wink

I dont remember if disc 4 is out yet, I think it is. But Im thinking Disc 5 and 6 will be out shortly, I think there are only 6 discs in the series.

When I watched it it did remind me abit of Samurai Champloo Smile
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Joined: 04 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:58 pm Reply with quote
ok...heres the deal.....

the big red robo samurai=teh SHIT!~~he's freaking amazing! but why does everyone diss him for being a robot? i think it's cool....

and MAN the fights...wow....whoever made that anime fights suck topics needs to watch this!
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Joined: 04 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:06 pm Reply with quote
NyuuChan wrote:
ok...heres the deal.....

the big red robo samurai=teh SHIT!~~he's freaking amazing! but why does everyone diss him for being a robot? i think it's cool....

and MAN the fights...wow....whoever made that anime fights suck topics needs to watch this!

they dissed him for alot of reasons lol, for one thing, his head comes off Razz, and generally robot samurai aren't as agile or skilled as human ones (the other 6 samurai in particular)
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:09 pm Reply with quote
Kaidou wrote:
NyuuChan wrote:
ok...heres the deal.....

the big red robo samurai=teh SHIT!~~he's freaking amazing! but why does everyone diss him for being a robot? i think it's cool....

and MAN the fights...wow....whoever made that anime fights suck topics needs to watch this!

they dissed him for alot of reasons lol, for one thing, his head comes off Razz, and generally robot samurai aren't as agile or skilled as human ones (the other 6 samurai in particular)

but he's mad strong! he cut a freaking house thing in half! then a cart, with almost no effort!

however yes he is a bit clumsy.

and i think a reamovable head is cool.... Confused
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Joined: 26 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:42 pm Reply with quote
If you aren't in love with this series and the characters by the end of it, there is something wrong with you.

For me, this series started out somewhat slowly. But I stuck with it and it turned out beautifully. The final episode was amazing.
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Joined: 16 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 1:18 am Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
Kurosawa Akira's The Seven Samurai.

A classic in every right. Inspired America's The Magnificent Seven. There are wonderful performances and battle scenes. It's pretty long, though, but most are use to that now with LotR and King Kong.

As for the anime, I don't think it's as good as the film (but originals usually are the best). It is worth watching/getting (if you have the money) though. The overall visuals are astounding and it's pretty close to the film's character development. Plus, it adds on a new "twist" to fit more with the futuristic story and 26-episode setting. Kyuzo is still badass.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 1:55 am Reply with quote
Actually in the printed interview in dvd 4 sound director Yota Tsuruoka, when asked what they took from Seven Samurai, commented this anime feels more like Magnificent 7.

It is a cool title. Dvd 4 just came out putting us up to ep 16 so we have 10 eps left. DVD 5 has only 4 eps, so they're probably splitting the last 6 into 2 dvds. Yeah it has its flaws, but the good outweighs the bad.
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Aromatic Grass

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:11 pm Reply with quote
TheVileOne wrote:
If you aren't in love with this series and the characters by the end of it, there is something wrong with you.

I completely agree. Everything about Samurai 7 is unique, especially the characters (even being based off a movie). Heihachi is my favorite so far, mainly because he reminds me of one of my original characters (and he's kawaii). Kanbei and Kyuzo are pretty awesome, too. Kyuzo reminds me of Kakashi when he wears his mask.

NyuuChan wrote:
but he's mad strong! he cut a freaking house thing in half! then a cart, with almost no effort!

however yes he is a bit clumsy.

Yes, but, Kanbei did slice through a very large ship in the opening. Anyway, "Nunky" (or Kikuchiyo) is awesome! spoiler[His "farmer speech" at Kanna village is great.]

Tony K. wrote:
1. Samurai 7 is based off of Kurosawa Akira's The Seven Samurai. I've not seen the movie myself yet, and will not watch this anime until I've done so.

I've already seen Vol.1-4, so I plan on seeing the movie when I finish the series. I hadn't heard of the movie until I read about Samurai 7. Embarassed
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Joined: 17 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 1:20 pm Reply with quote
ANN also informed us that Samuri 7 will be running on IFC (Channel 550 here in New York) on Saturday afternoons next month.

Seven Samurai is probably my favorite movie, so I'm looking forward to watching the animated version.
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Joined: 25 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 1:50 pm Reply with quote
Just checked today's IFC schedule and nothing... Will keep my eyes open for it though.

BTW, Channel 81 for Time Warner Cable NYC Wink
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 7:12 pm Reply with quote
patch wrote:
Just checked today's IFC schedule and nothing... Will keep my eyes open for it though.

BTW, Channel 81 for Time Warner Cable NYC Wink

Sorry. I have DirecTV and thought everything was the same. Embarassed
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