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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:42 pm Reply with quote
Zac's been playing FFX? I'd recommend the UnDub.
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:37 pm Reply with quote
Final Fantasy X was amazing,I loved Wakka just because I know people like that. A guy whose deep down a nice guy but he tends to say outrageous thing. I also liked how much Tidus does change, starting off as a useless character to a mature guy who decides to spoiler[sacrifice himself to end SIN]

I find even Zombie comedies to be boring, and stupid, but Walking Dead the gamehas really great writing. The characters are well done, and the theme of the last game was stellar. Watching it on the stream was even better because it shows how different people think. Even the one decision were you save one guy caused people to want to kill him because they found him annoying (which was the point of the 4th episode)

Its kind of amazing that a console like the Wii that had the reputation of being a casual gamer feel also had some really niche games like Tatsunoko vs Capcom, the No more heroes series, and Xenoblade

The Saturn game apparently was a pretty bad port that's only interest is in the extra dungeon. The PSP version of Symphony of the Night in Castlevania Chronicles has Maria Renard in it, and she's more like her Rondo of Blood version instead of just kicking people for some reason (I know the reason the developer of the Saturn version liked her legs)

That question I asked went a lot better than I thought considering I regretted asking it. It also is a weird when people just shove America and Europe together (let alone Canada) like they somehow have the same culture.

Isnt steam greenlight asking people about what games they want to be on Steam? I dont know of any games being crowd funded through it.

The Wii U will have Bayonetta 2, and Monolith seems to be on a roll since Endless Frontier with Xenoblade being one of the best games available.

If the new Phoenix Wright doesnt sell well than I doubt Capcom is really going to try to localize it again.

The only JRPG that has really sold well in the past was Square Enix games starting with 7 and Demon/Dark Souls even in the past it wasnt like Breath of Fire was some huge million seller and the original Tales game wasnt localized until the GBA version.

Looking at the enviroment its not really possible for Monolith to really compete with Bioware or Bethesda because they simply dont have the money to compete with that. Nintendo is not going to throw 50-100 million dollars to Monolith when the best selling Monolith game (Xenosaga) sold about a million copies worldwide.

Are you really going to see IGN talk up Tales of Xillia? No, so why are we going to be shocked when it sell about 100,000 copies in America and the next game doesnt get brought over.

Demon Souls and Dark Souls sold well in the west, but Dragon Dogma's sales was mostly in Japan.

DmonHiro wrote:
Zac's been playing FFX? I'd recommend the UnDub.

The fimilarity of the english language helps you see the change in Tidus character better, and the english version has John DiMaggio.

If you don't understand Japanese then you're never going to get the full picture with a subtitled version so it wouldn't have the same impact if Zac streamed it (especially because it would be hard to read the subs in the first place).

As I mentioned in the stream I felt like the acting in FF X was good it's just got a bad reputation because people show the laughing scene out of context.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:55 pm Reply with quote
DmonHiro wrote:
Zac's been playing FFX? I'd recommend the UnDub.

Wise words for JRPG fans. Laughing

Charred Knight wrote:
and the english version has John DiMaggio

Undub it is, then! Laughing
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:16 pm Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:
The fimilarity of the english language helps you see the change in Tidus character better, and the english version has John DiMaggio.

If you don't understand Japanese then you're never going to get the full picture with a subtitled version so it wouldn't have the same impact if Zac streamed it (especially because it would be hard to read the subs in the first place).

I have to disagree on that. ESPECIALLY when it comes down to Tidus's voice. His English voice was horrible. One of the worse, phoned-in performance I've ever heard. All he ever sounds like is like a spoiled brat. I remember thinking "Holy crap THIS is the first voiced protagonist of a FF game?". Of course, I played thought it all, in English, because the UnDub came about about 3 years ago. And imagine my surprise when I saw who voiced Tidus in the original: Masakazu Morita. And he did a spectacular job in showing how Tidus grew up during the game. It's not audible in English, but in Japanese, you can hear the huge difference between Tidus's first "This is my story", and the one he says when they confront Yunelasca. From brat to man. And if you think I'm full of shit, go to Youtube and check out both versions of the infamous "laughing scene". One's funny, the other's painful. The actual laughing part is bad on both sides.

Also, tidus voice=kurosaki ichigo , auron voice=uchiha itachi, wakka voice=roronoa zoro.
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:28 pm Reply with quote
DmonHiro wrote:
Charred Knight wrote:
The fimilarity of the english language helps you see the change in Tidus character better, and the english version has John DiMaggio.

If you don't understand Japanese then you're never going to get the full picture with a subtitled version so it wouldn't have the same impact if Zac streamed it (especially because it would be hard to read the subs in the first place).

I have to disagree on that. ESPECIALLY when it comes down to Tidus's voice. His English voice was horrible. One of the worse, phoned-in performance I've ever heard. All he ever sounds like is like a spoiled brat. I remember thinking "Holy crap THIS is the first voiced protagonist of a FF game?". Of course, I played thought it all, in English, because the UnDub came about about 3 years ago. And imagine my surprise when I saw who voiced Tidus in the original: Masakazu Morita. And he did a spectacular job in showing how Tidus grew up during the game. It's not audible in English, but in Japanese, you can hear the huge difference between Tidus's first "This is my story", and the one he says when they confront Yunelasca. From brat to man. And if you think I'm full of shit, go to Youtube and check out both versions of the infamous "laughing scene". One's funny, the other's painful. The actual laughing part is bad on both sides.

Also, tidus voice=kurosaki ichigo , auron voice=uchiha itachi, wakka voice=roronoa zoro.

and James Arnold Taylor has a long list of voice acting credits as well. He still did a good job and his supposed to sound like a spoiled brat at the beginning his voice changes as the game goes along.

Stopped watching Naruto right around the first time Uchiha Itachi shows up and I could never get past the third arc of One Piece.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:02 pm Reply with quote
DmonHiro wrote:
Charred Knight wrote:
The fimilarity of the english language helps you see the change in Tidus character better, and the english version has John DiMaggio.

If you don't understand Japanese then you're never going to get the full picture with a subtitled version so it wouldn't have the same impact if Zac streamed it (especially because it would be hard to read the subs in the first place).

I have to disagree on that. ESPECIALLY when it comes down to Tidus's voice. His English voice was horrible. One of the worse, phoned-in performance I've ever heard. All he ever sounds like is like a spoiled brat. I remember thinking "Holy crap THIS is the first voiced protagonist of a FF game?". Of course, I played thought it all, in English, because the UnDub came about about 3 years ago. And imagine my surprise when I saw who voiced Tidus in the original: Masakazu Morita. And he did a spectacular job in showing how Tidus grew up during the game. It's not audible in English, but in Japanese, you can hear the huge difference between Tidus's first "This is my story", and the one he says when they confront Yunelasca. From brat to man. And if you think I'm full of shit, go to Youtube and check out both versions of the infamous "laughing scene". One's funny, the other's painful. The actual laughing part is bad on both sides.

Also, tidus voice=kurosaki ichigo , auron voice=uchiha itachi, wakka voice=roronoa zoro.


The FFX dub is really very good, especially for its age, and Tidus' voice changes just fine over the course of the game. His internal monologue in particular is really nicely done.

Of course, it's fun to make fun of that laughing scene - I put it in the disclaimer for crap's sake - but the "SEE THIS SCENE WHAT A BAD DUB" is so overblown and taken out of context it's ridiculous. We couldn't go 10 minutes during the stream without someone bringing it up - it became this meme that turned into a thing people bring up when they want to dump on the English version, but in context the scene works just fine.

Strokes, folks, etc, but the English dub is very good overall with a few exceptions.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:09 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, it was fair enough for it's time. I think the only roadbumb was Yuna's actress, who sounded like she was trying WAY too hard to sync her lines with her character's lip flaps ("I've done it! I havebecome. A summoner!"). A lot of her dialogue really suffered because of that. I thought she improved tremendously by X-2 though.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 7:09 pm Reply with quote
I'm playing the tail end of Resident Evil 6. Here's what you need to know.

If you liked RE5, you'll like RE6.

RE6 is not Bros of War (the Chris/Piers campaign is the bro-est, but that's literally 25% of the game). It has annoying QTEs (like RE4 & 5), monsters that you kill and then they mutate and you have to kill them another 3 times (like RE4 & 5) and it revels in cheesy action-horror movie cliches (like RE4 & 5). The changes are very minor. They've probably stockpiled a bunch of DLC as usual, but the main campaign is 20-30 hours so I'm not complaining.

I'm not claiming it's a good game, I just don't get why the review scores fell off a cliff for this one.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:40 pm Reply with quote
lostrune wrote:
Charred Knight wrote:
and the english version has John DiMaggio

Undub it is, then! Laughing

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:48 pm Reply with quote
purplepolecat wrote:
If you liked RE5, you'll like RE6.
That's funny, because RE5 is one of my favorite co-op games of all time and I really dislike RE6, which has really poor pacing, no upgradable weapons, substantially reduced weapon variety, and far more "mushy" shooting.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:18 pm Reply with quote
You guuuuuuyssss you are making me think that I might actually almost want to buy a Wii U. I think it is kinda cool but I know if I buy it that it is just going to sit there. I am going to try and wait a year or six months before trying to get one (hopefully). Just gotta remember the mantra "Ninten-NO".
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:17 am Reply with quote
Zac wrote:
DmonHiro wrote:
Charred Knight wrote:
The fimilarity of the english language helps you see the change in Tidus character better, and the english version has John DiMaggio.

If you don't understand Japanese then you're never going to get the full picture with a subtitled version so it wouldn't have the same impact if Zac streamed it (especially because it would be hard to read the subs in the first place).

I have to disagree on that. ESPECIALLY when it comes down to Tidus's voice. His English voice was horrible. One of the worse, phoned-in performance I've ever heard. All he ever sounds like is like a spoiled brat. I remember thinking "Holy crap THIS is the first voiced protagonist of a FF game?". Of course, I played thought it all, in English, because the UnDub came about about 3 years ago. And imagine my surprise when I saw who voiced Tidus in the original: Masakazu Morita. And he did a spectacular job in showing how Tidus grew up during the game. It's not audible in English, but in Japanese, you can hear the huge difference between Tidus's first "This is my story", and the one he says when they confront Yunelasca. From brat to man. And if you think I'm full of shit, go to Youtube and check out both versions of the infamous "laughing scene". One's funny, the other's painful. The actual laughing part is bad on both sides.

Also, tidus voice=kurosaki ichigo , auron voice=uchiha itachi, wakka voice=roronoa zoro.


The FFX dub is really very good, especially for its age, and Tidus' voice changes just fine over the course of the game. His internal monologue in particular is really nicely done.

Of course, it's fun to make fun of that laughing scene - I put it in the disclaimer for crap's sake - but the "SEE THIS SCENE WHAT A BAD DUB" is so overblown and taken out of context it's ridiculous. We couldn't go 10 minutes during the stream without someone bringing it up - it became this meme that turned into a thing people bring up when they want to dump on the English version, but in context the scene works just fine.

Strokes, folks, etc, but the English dub is very good overall with a few exceptions.

I completely agree with you on this point. The dub was very good and FFX had a very touching story. I disagree with the whole FF8 argument that you put forth, but once again with FFX, the one scene and along with Spoony, completely over exaggerate how bad something is, to the point that people who haven't even played the game, mock it.

Though, this post in general, makes me sad you dont see what the gaming media has done to make people, including yourself, blinded to the whole east vs west argument.

Honestly, if people think western gaming is innovative, they REALLY need to take the bias glasses off. Games like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, GTA, etc, have been done for so long in gaming, it irritates me to no end when people are like "This is so new and everything about it is just so innovative and great. Japanese games suck so bad!".

News flash. It isn't new. The only reason why these games have gotten so popular is because most of them are just FPS's masquerading as other genre's. Add that into the fact that, yes, western developers are more ahead tech wise since they have had much more experience with HD due to PC game development. In Japan, PC gaming and console gaming development doesnt have much cross over like it does in the west. So what do people see: More flashy pretty things to look at.

Combine that with certain big names (read loud mouthed) gaming media personas bad mouthing anything that has an anime undertone, you get exactly the situation with the FFX dub bashing. People who have never played a japanese game in their life, making fun of japanese games for the "lolz". By all means its ignorant and bigoted.

Japanese game developers sat back and developed for the PS2 and hand held systems instead of making the leap to HD, which lead to them not evolving their gameplay styles (not that they really need to evolve, just refined more) and have had to learn how to code for new, high definition systems. Which costs money. Lots of money. And much more risk.

Sure, western games are good because they take a different style than Japanese games. But the way the media acts, it's like they developed some godly new way to play games, whereas in the real world, they just took what already existed, fleshed it out a little bit and upped the graphics tremendously. Beyond that, there isnt much variation in types of games the west puts out. It essentially goes from FPS to FPS with some RPG elements...and thats pretty much it.

Because of this, as you pointed out how Japanese studios are trying to cater to the west, this all stems from the media and in turn, the gamers that listen heavily to the media, unjustly bash the japanese game development world, making them fear that if they dont put out a western like game, they will go under. And sadly, with the mindset people are taking, it may one day become true. The most innovative and emotional games of this gen, have been japanese games. Im sorry, but most western protagonists follow the most of "hey look at me, Im the witty, one liner, douche, who you should think is serious and well written because I get serious once throughout the entire game, whereas the rest, Im just being that witty lovable guy." It gets grating and old. I dont want all my characters in games to be like [expletive] Hugh Grant. That or the whole Bro macho guy.

Sure, the Japanese have archetypes, and Im not even saying the characters I described above are necessarily bad every once in a while, but I honestly feel that Japanese characters tend to experiment more with changing it up and taking you along for a journey, whereas more western games are like you pick where the story goes. There are a place for both.

Bottom line, the whole argument is stupid, overblown, and often times very very factually unsound. Bias runs rampant and I feel it is really hurting the creativity of the whole community.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:26 am Reply with quote
Nocturne123 wrote:
Honestly, if people think western gaming is innovative, they REALLY need to take the bias glasses off. Games like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, GTA, etc, have been done for so long in gaming, it irritates me to no end when people are like "This is so new and everything about it is just so innovative and great. Japanese games suck so bad!".

News flash. It isn't new. The only reason why these games have gotten so popular is because most of them are just FPS's masquerading as other genre's. Add that into the fact that, yes, western developers are more ahead tech wise since they have had much more experience with HD due to PC game development. In Japan, PC gaming and console gaming development doesnt have much cross over like it does in the west. So what do people see: More flashy pretty things to look at.

Western games didn't used to be that way. Back in the 90s and early 00s there were some nice PC titles. As time went on and modern consoles rose, developers jumped ship to easy console money and to do so they had to dumb down the games more and more as time goes on. I can see why people compare the western video game industry to Hollywood. A lot of Bayformers style games are common, like all the Modern Military Shooter games out there (as much as I'm not a big Yahtzee fan, his breakdown and rant in his latest video pretty much sums everything up about why MMS games are terrible. Or you could watch TotalBuscuit's video I suppose.) Unfortunately this is the state of western gaming these days. Hollywood indeed. I'd say the best PC gam eout right now is Minecraft.

As for Japan, aside from big name websites dismissing anything with anime art and automatically condemning them, the main problem is all those great games they make never see the light of day in the west. They exist, they just don't come out in the US. Level 5 is one of the best developers in the industry right now but most of their main entries go entirely unnoticed in America. They've spawned immensely popular franchises in Japan like Danball Senki, Inazuma Eleven, Youkai Watch, and lots of other stuff, but they've never been released in the US, and I doubt they ever will. Well, at least the US is supposed to get Ni no Kuni (the PS3 version, they apparently refuse to bring over the DS version) At least the US got Rogue Galaxy. Doesn't help the PSP is effectively dead in the US and no more games are being localized for it, despite them still makings tons of PSP stuff in Japan because it's huge there. The fact people had to fight tooth and nail just to get Xenoblade is just indicative of how much of a wall was build up between the east and west.

I wonder if we'll get to the point Japanese games end up being like anime in the US. Non-existent outside a few niche companies/titles, and mostly ignored by the mainstream because it doesn't conform to the US mentality of that specific medium.
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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 7:02 am Reply with quote
purplepolecat wrote:
If you liked RE5, you'll like RE6.

RE6 is not Bros of War (the Chris/Piers campaign is the bro-est, but that's literally 25% of the game). It has annoying QTEs (like RE4 & 5), monsters that you kill and then they mutate and you have to kill them another 3 times (like RE4 & 5) and it revels in cheesy action-horror movie cliches (like RE4 & 5). The changes are very minor. They've probably stockpiled a bunch of DLC as usual, but the main campaign is 20-30 hours so I'm not complaining.

I'm not claiming it's a good game, I just don't get why the review scores fell off a cliff for this one.

Well I'll claim it's a good game. :B

I don't know that I'd say all the changes are minor, though - there's some stuff that stayed the same, but it also gives you more control over the character than before, albeit with only the most bare explanation. You've got tons of options, and you're mostly on your own as to figuring out how they work and when to use them. (I went over it here too, for anyone interested)

Ehhh, with this being the third thread here I've tried to talk this game up, I feel like I'm whiteknighting it or something at this point - but really, I do think it's very good at what it does and it's a shame if people get scared away from at least trying it.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 4:42 pm Reply with quote
Kicksville wrote:

Well I'll claim it's a good game. :B

Personally I love every (numbered) RE game, but I can see why they wouldn't appeal to everyone. I have spent more time playing RE5:Mercenaries than any other video game.
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