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Just finished Gankutsuou.

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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 1:47 pm Reply with quote
I finished watching it last night, and this is easily my second favorite series of all-time, now.

Yes, it just came out on R1 DVD, which I have of course, but after seeing the first volume, I just couldn't bring myself to wait until Septemeber 2006 to finish it. Having read the novel back in high school, it was my favorite title for our required reading assignments. But when I heard they made an anime adaptation out of the original story, I was ecstatic at the chance to see it in motion.

While Gankutsuou may take its own liberites in the setting and plot elements, I still found this series a tremendous joy to watch because I already knew the backstory leading into it. Though with that said, I want to highly commend the sound director and script writers in particular for putting together such gripping dialogue and assembling a voice cast that, to me, was ABSOLUTELY flawless.

Jouji Nakata has always been a favorite seiyuu of mine, but after his performance as The Count, this role will go down in (my) history as one of the greatest portrayals of a character that I will ever hear. The very essence of a man so hellbent on revenge with years and years of anguish and virulence stacked upon his soul is captured to perfection by the powerful and resounding voice of Nakata-san.

The plot itself, while I already knew what would happen to some degree, had very good pacing, given that the series would only be 24 episodes. The ending felt especially resolving, which usually is an element that GONZO titles seem to lack for me. However, seeing as how the source material had already been written to completion, it served as a nice luxury for the story writers this time.

The art was uniquely exquisite. When I saw the first episode through a fansub about a year ago (before it was licensed), I wasn't sure how to judge the unorthadox CG integration. But after seeing it all through, it actually felt very innovative and refreshing, all the while fitting the mood of the series very well.

The music was a well composed score of orchestrated pieces, which I found very fitting in association to the franchise's French roots. Even though the setting was futuristic, a lot of the melodies retained that classical/romantic era atmosphere to it, adding only more emotion to a highly breathtaking ambience.

If any of you have read the novel or are even just looking for a straightforward drama to enjoy with LOTS of character interaction and plot twists, I highly recommend this title. It is, by far, a soon-to-be classic. Any other opinions?
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Joined: 15 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 6:14 am Reply with quote
Hey there! I've watched the show too (the English version: "Count of Monte Cristo") and I could say, it's one of the best anime I’ve ever seen! I simply love the storyline (it always keeps me on the edge) and the remarkable animation. The Count certainly has an enigmatic personality, which I presume, makes him a very appealing and attractive character. Albert, on the other hand, can be quite annoying sometimes. His constant whining and acts of despair often make me wonder if he’s really that pathetic. Nonetheless, his pitiable character was an essence to the whole plot. The Count might have a hard time deceiving Albert if he wasn’t as naïve and gullible… Razz
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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 12:08 am Reply with quote
Thank you, Namie. But surely, out of the 97 users that have (currently) rated this series a Masterpiece, there must be more opinion than this?

Maybe a lot of you are/were busy doing holiday stuff and just happened to miss my thread. Heck, even some anti-Gankutsuou fans would be nice to hear from. I've heard several people complain about the awkward art style or how the story was too slow for them.

Of course, with myself being pro-Gankutusou, I'd more like to see some positive feedback or what other fans think about the overall presentation. Or, if you've read the original Count of Monte Cristo novel, what are your thoughts are about this particular adaptation.

spoiler[ The Gankutsuou entity was a pretty cool idea, in my opinion. It symbolized the absence of reason and human compassion that the Count yearned for so much when he was in Château d'If, which actually felt like a better portrayal than from what I remember in the original story. It was almost like a symbiotic relation they had, which reminds me a lot of Eddy Brock/Venom in the Spider-man universe.]
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:09 am Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
Thank you, Namie. But surely, out of the 97 users that have (currently) rated this series a Masterpiece, there must be more opinion than this?

Maybe a lot of you are/were busy doing holiday stuff and just happened to miss my thread. Heck, even some anti-Gankutsuou fans would be nice to hear from. I've heard several people complain about the awkward art style or how the story was too slow for them.

I didn't even see this thread until right now, I would of commented on it had I see it holiday must of got in the way.Well Much like yourself Tony K. I bought volume one and couldn't wait for the dvd releases (to be fair I will buy those volumes as they are released). But I did not rate it a masterpiece, it did get an Excellent from me. I found the art style odd at first but as time went along it was very much enjoyable and I thought it was a very nice an uinique touch to make the series really stand out. There are two parts in this series that for me really stand out as my favorite spoiler[when 'Albert' and the Count are fighting in the giant suits. Even though you kinda had an idea that it was going to be Franz just the emtions and Albert running to the field and seeing his friend die, and then also you have Mercedes who is crying over the death of her son or so she thinks. And then there the Count who finally cuts loose and starts to make his plans begin, beginning with the death of Franz.] But the final episode is one that I think that really stands out, even though I thought that overall the entire series was very well paced it'sspoiler[the scene with Albert visiting Franz grave. Watching Albert breakdown and try to explain what happened to him is so powerful, and when I was thinking about I always kept Franz and Albert in an older age frame then they really are. But when Albert goes to see Franz you can really see how young he is and how much saddness and grief has consume his life. ] Also didn't anyone feel bad for spoiler[Albert? I mean the women he loves is gone, he lost everything, and at the end the sin of the father shall be pain for by son.]
Edit: Can't believe I forgot to talk about the music, I really love the full orchestra that is employ in this series, heighten the key points, and bringing it down for the sad and dramatic moments top notch.
Also I forgot to mention Max althoughspoiler[ he isn't in the entire anime the time that he is in it is really amazing. I love how he given a back story and the way he represent most of us the working class. And for whatever reason although a lot of anime's deal with breaking the social norms, the love story of Max is by far the most gripping and compelling. You really feel this man pain and love damn brillant.]
Overall this is a great anime I thought that this may be the best anime of the year, unfortunely Monster ended this year so when I finally see the end of that will probably be the best anime of the year for me, but Gankutsuou will be number 2 this year.
Till next time,

Delta Kiral[/spoiler]

Last edited by Deltakiral on Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 12 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:50 am Reply with quote
I actually have a question regarding this anime.

I noticed this anime a long time ago but I never really considered watching it. Why? Because I saw the hollywood movie The Count of Monte Cristo and figured it'd be watching the same thing twice.

So what I want to ask is - how do the two compare? Is the anime much better as I should have suspected or is it pretty much the same?
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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Location: Glendora, CA (Avatar Hei from Darker than BLACK)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:00 pm Reply with quote
Azathrael wrote:
So what I want to ask is - how do the two compare? Is the anime much better as I should have suspected or is it pretty much the same?

Good question, let me try to explain it may be a little confusing. The movie version which was released like 2 years ago I believe, is set in the same time frame as the book. Whereas the anime borrows the ideas from the book (revenge,love,friendship...) and places them in a futuristic Paris. The characters have similar tendency as the book, but they are completely different.
Art style is obviously one, in fact it a new art style completely for anime, although it a bit odd at first I did enjoy it overall. Music I found the music in the anime is simply wonderful, I can't really remember the movie soundtrack all that well, but anime is top notch. But overall there different but the anime borrow the main themes of Alexander Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo" hope this helps you, I would definetly recommend this series very well written and quite entertaining.
Till next time,

Delta Kiral
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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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Location: Frisco, TX
PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:08 pm Reply with quote
Azathrael wrote:
I noticed this anime a long time ago but I never really considered watching it. Why? Because I saw the hollywood movie The Count of Monte Cristo and figured it'd be watching the same thing twice.

So what I want to ask is - how do the two compare? Is the anime much better as I should have suspected or is it pretty much the same?

I haven't seen the live action movie, though my mother has, and she is more intrigued by the anime than the movie. But then again, she hasn't read the novel either Razz.

Deltakiral pretty much summed it up. The anime is an alternate telling of the story, but in actuality only covers the second half of (after Edmond breaks out of Château d'If and becomes the Count).

I don't remember too many of the details from the novel itself, as it's been a little over seven years since I last read it, but I suppose I remember enough that I'm still amazed by this adapation's portrayal.

This version is set in the year 5023 (or sometime around there), but retains a lot of the original elements of social stature (i.e. aristocracy and such). It's sort of like Vampire Hunter D in the sense that you have a melding of old society and high technology, only throw in a tiny bit of outer space theatricality as well.

With that said, though, the artwork is probably the first most notable aspect of the series. They use a rather peculiar layering of CG on 2D backgrounds, where at some points a character will move, while the designs on their clothes stay still, but are panned over in a single motion Anime smallmouth. I'm not quite sure how to explain the technical jargon, but you'd have to see it to believe it. It's quite a unique style of animation, and though it will take some getting used to, I found it fascinatingly beautiful by series end.

EDIT: Removed the screencaps a while ago.

Last edited by Tony K. on Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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Location: Glendora, CA (Avatar Hei from Darker than BLACK)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:58 am Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
Deltakiral pretty much summed it up. The anime is an alternate telling of the story, but in actuality only covers the second half of (after Edmond breaks out of Château d'If and becomes the Count).

I forgot about that part, Edmunds prison stay is an extremely interesting look at what happens to the human psyche when he is closed off from the entire outside world, reminds me of griffin from Berserk.

Tony K. wrote:
This version is set in the year 5023 (or sometime around there), but retains a lot of the original elements of social stature (i.e. aristocracy and such). It's sort of like Vampire Hunter D in the sense that you have a melding of old society and high technology, only throw in a tiny bit of outer space theatricality as well.

Perfect example for this story, I completely forgot about Vampire Hunter D, but that does sum how the anime portrays the book. Set in a future world but yet they obey by the social norms of that time frame.
Till next time,

Delta Kiral
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