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Jason Thompson's House of 1000 Manga - The Seven Deadly Sins of Manga: Lust

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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:24 pm Reply with quote
Why did I have a feeling that KnJ and Eiken were going to be on here?

Oh well. I expect a 500-page argument about KnJ now.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:04 pm Reply with quote
The Eiken manga is a downright parody of harems & love-coms by taking it in the craziest & dirtiest way possible... And I love it for that reason. Granted, the OVA adaptation is horrible simply because it takes the plot too seriously and it simply doesn't have the parodic feel that the manga has, but the manga was just absolutely ridiculous moment after absolutely ridiculous moment, and I wish that Media Blasters actually released those last six volumes. I honestly still wonder why the Eiken club existed, especially since it that mystery started to become an underlying plot point about half-way through.

Jason, you forgot to bring up the dirtiest part about Eiken: Densuke's inner thoughts. My god, Densuke has got to be the dirtiest-minded love-com lead ever; his reactions to what happens in front of his eyes is one thing, but the images he concocts in his mind when it comes to the two girls he has feelings for & the situations they get into truly shows that the Densuke everyone sees is really only half of the real person he is.
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Joined: 19 May 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:08 pm Reply with quote
Chagen46 wrote:

Oh well. I expect a 500-page argument about KnJ now.

Never change, ANN.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about Enmusu now... *goes to look at the art* Oh yeah, definitely reading this Twisted Evil
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Joined: 05 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:31 pm Reply with quote
I have to admit, I was not expecting to see All Nippon Air Line as the "dirtiest BL." I never picked that up because I for some reason had the impression that it was a relatively tame gag manga. Maybe I'll have to check it out (if it's still available, that is).

In terms of sheer porn, there was some really explicit stuff published by Media Blasters and the now-defunct company DramaQueen, although nowadays publishers seem to be playing it much safer
You know, I've kind of been noticing this too. Maybe it's just a sign that BL publishers are realizing that they don't need to limit themselves to strictly hardcore stuff to sell books. Not that hardcore stuff won't also sell but many fans will pick up a well-done love story even if it's not 18+. I do specifically mourn Drama Queen's loss though (or should I say "indefinite hibernation", as we did eventually get Junk! and Missing Road in-- hmm, 2011 or 2010?-- though I do remember having to order it directly from their website); I've never gotten a DQ book I didn't like. Wink
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:31 pm Reply with quote
Does Mayu Shinjo count as one of the dirtiest mainstream shoujo manga-ka here, or in Japan? Cause she's just one of the rare ones to actually get published here, and she's not even that dirty. Check out the other manga in Sho-Comi, especially Kanan Minami, that woman does nothing but draw straight out porn for teenage girls.

But if you're going with American only published mindless girl smut, I guess Mayu Shinjo is the way to go, especially with the crapped out relationships. Hot Gimmick was at least enjoyable in terms of a page clenching teen soap-opera drama that was almost a realistic setting, but I dunno, I would have gone with Kanoko Sakurakoji's Black Bird. Last I heard the sex scene was no less than 29 pages long. I couldn't stick with that series more than a volume though because the spineless heroine and the dominate lead made my stomach turn, but that apparently didn't stop American girls from making it one of the best selling manga here.

I like sex in teen manga. Most shoujo manga makes reference to it every now and then and shows a tastefully scene drawn here or there, but growing up it was refreshing to see that manga at least wasn't trying to put off that teens were all participating in abstinence like everything else in society was trying to drill into our heads at the time, or that (surprise!) girls are interested and curious in sex too.

It's only when the story that accompanies reads like a really bad romance novel where the heroine just takes being a sex toy for a dominate male that I throw the trash away and look for something better to read. Heck, there's tons of shoujo manga that gets away doing that crap without sex scenes involved. But hey, to each their own.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:41 pm Reply with quote
now-defunct company DramaQueen

Such a shame, I was wondering for ages what the heck happened with Naked Jewels Corp only to realize it was never going to get released here. Would've taken that over anything DMP shovels out.
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Joe Carpenter

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:11 pm Reply with quote
oh dear God, I have a paralyzing phobia of cockroaches, so I'll think be giving Voyeurs inc a pass *shudder*
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Joined: 11 Jan 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:17 pm Reply with quote
I've read a few volumes of Kodomo no Jikan when I heard about the psychological aspect of it, how it does explore what Rin's background was for her to be trying to express her self sexually. There is some depth to be found there in that regard at least, but I ended up dropping it after a few volumes and don't plan to pick it back up. Granted it can never be published in America, but what are you going to do?

Okay besides Seiji Matsuyama being a massive troll, and got to at least give him props for that, how on earth did Eiken run 18 volumes?

Since we're sticking to manga that was published (or almost published) in America, I can see why Koe de Oshigoto! doesn't qualify, but I'll mention it in the thread for anyone who wants to check it out, because it's an interesting series about a plucky girl's journey to be the very best, but in this case it's to be a ero-ge seiyū.
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Joined: 26 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:28 am Reply with quote
Sewingrose wrote:
Since we're sticking to manga that was published (or almost published) in America, I can see why Koe de Oshigoto! doesn't qualify, but I'll mention it in the thread for anyone who wants to check it out, because it's an interesting series about a plucky girl's journey to be the very best, but in this case it's to be a ero-ge seiyū.

Interest piqued!


Would've thought that seiyuu for ero-ge had to be at least 18, but I guess since it's "only" the voice the rules are a bit relaxed.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:13 am Reply with quote
and the USA wins creepier single digit girls explotation by a landslide with under 10 beauty pageant's especially the "dance routines"

(Goes to throwup after seeing one by accident)

At least manga is just drawings.
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Joined: 05 May 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:37 am Reply with quote
I honestly dont see the gripe with Eiken, and its by far from something that can be called disgusting. As far as I know the fan service never actually goes past panty shots and magical mist covered girls, I dont think they actually show anything. The majority of the cast are at least as old as the main character if not older, with the exception of one of his juniors. Yes they have really big breast but really, that qualifies as disgusting in your book.

You either have to be the most squeamish person on earth, or the head of the puritanical church to have that kind of view point. I can at least see some legitimate argument with Kodomo no Jikan, its not one but at least two nine years old going after much older guys (dont forget the over developed girl wants to go out with Rin's cousin).

Although I must question, how do you have no qualms about a nine year old girl sexual lusting after another nine year old girl which also happens in Kodomo no Jikan. Last time I checked Kuro would like to do a lot more with Rin than just be friends.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:07 am Reply with quote
I'm awaiting delivery of the first volume (or 2 volumes) of "I Don't Like You At All, Big Brother!!" having ordered it despite not being all that keen on incest, or teen romantic comedy at all for that matter. But what I've read of the manga is actually funny, as the step-sister character is completely off her rocker and the whole thing is gleefully OTT. At the very least it's not a typical bland harem rom-com.

I'm quite surprised Sundome didn't make the list, although it was mentioned as being close, given the kinks it explores in between all the wacky high school shenanigans.
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Joined: 28 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:22 am Reply with quote
I completely forgot "I Don't Like You At All, Big Brother" got licensed. There's no way I'll ever see a copy of that at a B&M book store ever.

One thing that did confuse in the article was the mention of the love triangle with another girl. The description doesn't really match anyone. There are two others it could be, the childhood friend or the classmate who loves BL. But there's no ex-classmate that's been brought up yet.

Ushio wrote:
and the USA wins creepier single digit girls explotation by a landslide with under 10 beauty pageant's especially the "dance routines"

(Goes to throwup after seeing one by accident)

At least manga is just drawings.

I agree that the 10 or under beauty pageant stuff is pretty creepy. I think that KnJ is able to get away with it because it is drawings, since the author can justify it because it's imaginary. But just wait until some adult in japan does something completely horrible to a kid and uses KnJ as an inspiration.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:59 am Reply with quote
fuuma_monou wrote:

Interest piqued!


Would've thought that seiyuu for ero-ge had to be at least 18, but I guess since it's "only" the voice the rules are a bit relaxed.

Well, I don't know all too much about laws in Japan, but I do know of a few cases where under 18s did some voice work in borderline stuff.

Something to note, one of the "games" she works on is based off of a H manga by the same mangaka, specifically Puberty Crazies, which also has chars that look the same as this title.

Edit: Also, chapter one spoiler spoiler[she's "scouted" by her older sister and they won't use her real information regarding her voice-work to avoid her age getting found out, though it's mentioned that it shouldn't be a big deal anyway since there's no laws against minors saying obscene things.]

Last edited by Daemonblue on Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:01 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:01 am Reply with quote
Ushio wrote:
and the USA wins creepier single digit girls explotation by a landslide with under 10 beauty pageant's especially the "dance routines"
(Goes to throwup after seeing one by accident)
At least manga is just drawings.

I'll call that, and raise you Toddlers In Tiaras.

As for a Japanese using KnJ as inspiration to do something to a child... you've got it backwards. It's KnJ that got inspired by real life teachers. Shit like that seems to happen a lot in Japan.
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