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REVIEW: The Book of Bantorra DVD collection 2

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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:17 am Reply with quote
It's funny, I didn't have as much problem with the writing as Key did. Don't get me wrong, there were still plenty of bits that annoyed me, but not enough to negatively affect my enjoyment of the series. I was also impressed by how the different plot threads came together, and the big secret was pretty cool. Also, and I've said this plenty of times before, but I really like the show's take on religion. I don't agree with the morals of the Church in the show but their philosophy is plausible and well thought out, so I can understand why they think as they do.

This show was a bit inconsistent, but overall I would rate it as a B+ (I rated it as Very Good here at ANN).

Last edited by dtm42 on Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 16 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:22 am Reply with quote
I didn't have any issues with the writing either. I can understand how some people may have trouble with the plot but to me it was still a great thrill ride and it's amazing how they were able to piece and connect everything together.

As a sudden threat of war against the Bantorra Library arises, the truths underlying the Church, Heaven, and Ruruta Coozancoona – and how Hamyuts fits into all of it – emerge and a desperate struggle to save the world begins. Many will not survive it.

One thing you don't really expect, especially early on, is just how many people, and especially who, dies
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:39 am Reply with quote
Easily one of the more fatalistic world in anime I've ever seen.

I loved it for what it was, which was a dark action anime filled with every character who seems to have nearly godly powers and are just as lethal as they sound.

Would have liked to see more centralized plot, but what's there is still good. Hamyuts is literally one of the scariest woman I've seen in anime. I would have loved to see more Noloty fighting against the darker aspects of this show though.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:21 am Reply with quote
well just finish watching whole dub just now really i say quite well.

& yea there is a reason they called Hamyuts a bit "hamy" or better yet a LARGE HAM yea i guess Shelley Calene-Black really did Chewing the Scenery as hamy.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:02 pm Reply with quote
Eh, from what I've heard, the characters - despite firm establishment - suffer from the Tomino Syndrome, a.k.a. characters do randomly illogical actions to suit the plot's very direction. Such twists will prompt head scratching as to "why" (sound familiar Key?) they did these things in the first place..... spoiler[if they could've done so at the very beginning!]

A friend of mine's analysis (and some annoyed jokes omitted):
spoiler[The lover of the savior was killed for no given reason. That triggered a line of events that happened for no reason. And then the current director of the Armed Librarians, was there to kill the savior from day one. Well, why didn’t she? He was right at the palm of her hands and he was defenseless and oblivious to his powers; why did she need to wait for decades until the world is about to end in order to do something? And why did all this mess happen in the first place? Why didn’t they just tell the truth about what happened in the past? They had the witch’s book that proved her innocence; they also had a billion other books revealing the past. That is why they were gathering the books, right? To learn from the past. Why didn’t they? What the hell is all that?]

Still, he eventually agrees with Key that the character plights are the sole motivating factor if you can deal with their personality inconsistencies.
If you can, Key, does my friend accurately - if loosely - describe the frustrating source as being enough to severely damage rewatches or coping with messiness?

Some more of his thoughts to convey his impression:
And I’m no rookie in weird and complicating stories. I watched NGE, SE Lain, Ergo Proxy and many more. I got all their line of thought and motivations there. They made sense. Here? I DON’T GET IT AT ALL! spoiler[There is this savior who saves the world by killing everyone and then for no reason he loses his memory and people are born again, and then two religions fight to kill one another’s leaders but it is all a set up as they both work for the same goal and the memories are needed to empower something and triggered by the love of a little girl and there are android super soldiers, and there is a mind controlling lizard and a spell that makes snow appear that makes everyone fall to a coma, and a bioorganic weapon made to stop him and she loves death and death is salvation and there is a disease and a witch of the past and monsters in the dungeon and lies, tragedy, deception, DOOPIDY DOOPIDY DOO, I DON’T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING.]
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:54 pm Reply with quote
Otaking09 wrote:
Still, he eventually agrees with Key that the character plights are the sole motivating factor if you can deal with their personality inconsistencies.
If you can, Key, does my friend accurately - if loosely - describe the frustrating source as being enough to severely damage rewatches or coping with messiness?

Your friend is a little off on some points (the series does actually explain why spoiler[the girlfriend of the savior was killed: her emotional involvement was deemed [with some justification] to be interfering with the savior's ability to assemble the necessary power]), but the general sentiment is accurate. I do think that some of the characters and individual stories are good enough for the series to have some rewatch value (especially Hamyuts and Noloty - even if they weren't the sexiest characters in the series, they'd still be the right picks for the advertising art), but this isn't one that I would generally recommend for for anyone who actually cares about things like overall plot.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 5:03 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
I do think that some of the characters and individual stories are good enough for the series to have some rewatch value (especially Hamyuts and Noloty - even if they weren't the sexiest characters in the series, they'd still be the right picks for the advertising art), but this isn't one that I would generally recommend for anyone who actually cares about things like overall plot.

*nods* Thank you very much Key. From everything gathered, this feels like another BONES/Gonzo original suffering from impractical overindulgence.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:37 pm Reply with quote
it's not an original though.

I don't remember enough of the details for this one, but I was pretty satisfied with the ending story-wise (the final fight was a bit meh). Everything came together in the end and made sense. I didn't find it hard to understand either, but again ... fuzzy memory.
Was planning on reading the books sometime in the future, because Bantorra was among the best series I've seen these last years.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:18 pm Reply with quote
Otaking09 wrote:

*nods* Thank you very much Key. From everything gathered, this feels like another BONES/Gonzo original suffering from impractical overindulgence.

Except its not an original work and not by BONES or Gonzo.

The show has its flaws, but its well worth watching, because its quite interesting and unique.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:25 pm Reply with quote
I'm interested in this series and while this review left me a little uncertain, it didn't do too much to dissuade me. The narrative problems alluded to sound like they might be a little annoying, but not the kind of thing that would impede my enjoyment of it. A sort of cryptic show that culls its cast like deer in hunting season sounds up my alley. And I certainly can't deny that Hamyuts sounds like my kind of character. I'm going to have to poke around a little more, but I'm definitely interested.

Small pity it's not available here in Blu-ray.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:54 pm Reply with quote
it's not an original though.

Except its not an original work and not by BONES or Gonzo.

The show has its flaws, but its well worth watching, because its quite interesting and unique.

I said "this feels like". I'm guessing the experience will be akin.
And what doesn't have flaws that isn't still worth watching, despite having interesting uniqueness?
You can toss everything you like into a soup - a diamond ring, your first baseball mitt, your favorite anime, or favorite candy - it doesn't mean it'll blend well, taste well, or even go down well.
When you have ingredients - no matter how unique or interesting - you need to craft them together to make it better than the sum of its parts. Otherwise you'll just think of where you've seen the ingredients done better resulting in a mixture that doesn't innovate greatness, but borrows from it.It's about the presentation, the execution, the "how did he make that masterpiece?"
Whenever watching something that continually pushes and expands itself I ask myself in awe "How did the creators... create something like this???!"

From what Key and my friend told me about the show it seems that the only thing unique are the characters living the journey. Which is enough for me to be curious, as I wouldn't poke around if I didn't sense a promising experience of some kind.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:47 pm Reply with quote
just watch it and see for yourself Smile Maybe things will make more sense to you.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:20 pm Reply with quote
Otaking09 wrote:

From what Key and my friend told me

Here's the thing, I've actually watched the show
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:52 pm Reply with quote

So...? Are you saying that taking the word of two trusted sources and forming my own first impression before taking the precious valuable watching time, isn't good enough to make some kind of pre-judgment?
Do you have some kind of point?

I like opinions that offer something relevant vs. puffed-up, arrogant, opinionated claims.
I can say what shows I've watched too; it don't matter to people if they don't have a reason to care.

Are you trying to provoke me?
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Joined: 25 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:02 pm Reply with quote
configspace wrote:
I didn't have any issues with the writing either. I can understand how some people may have trouble with the plot but to me it was still a great thrill ride and it's amazing how they were able to piece and connect everything together.

As a sudden threat of war against the Bantorra Library arises, the truths underlying the Church, Heaven, and Ruruta Coozancoona – and how Hamyuts fits into all of it – emerge and a desperate struggle to save the world begins. Many will not survive it.

One thing you don't really expect, especially early on, is just how many people, and especially who, dies

Totally agree with you guys, I quite enjoyed this series and was pleasantly surprised with just how connected almost all of the events were, it was a great watch.
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