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Anyone here remember Weiss Kreuz?

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Graceful Nanami

Joined: 24 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:39 am Reply with quote
Knight Hunters aka Weiß Kreuz

I just recently bought the DVDs dirt-cheap because I had found my old VHS fansubs from 1999 in a drawer. Good god those were good times.

I loved this show so much. Still do. But most of it is SO BAD. And the animation is completely terrible except in close-up shots. The series has some really wel done scenes, especially the final three episodes but man. I was surprised to see how much I remembered. Even the way Yuuki Hiro (Omi) screams at one point. It was stuck in my mind all these years.

I know the show is pretty bad but nostalgia tastes so good. Ah, the clunky old fansubbed VHS days. Were did my life go? Haha. Now! To watch the OAV and WK Gluhen!
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Brent Allison

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:45 am Reply with quote
Never saw it, but I did come across an essay about WK fanfic in an edited volume that I'm reviewing for a journal. You might be interested:

Kee, T.B. (2010). Rewriting gender and sexuality in English-language yaoi fanfiction. In Levi, A., McHarry, M. & Pagliassotti, D. (2010). Boys' Love Manga: Essays on the Sexual Ambiguity and Cross-Cultural Fandom of the Genre. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc.

Kee's work is an online ethnography with WK fanfic writers. This particular quote on page 134 struck me:

A WK fanfic writer in Kee's study wrote:
[Semes] behave like us (women), and they behave the way I bet a lot of straight women wish their guys could. Which makes the seme both a woman *and* a female fantasy of maleness at the same time. Neat trick, huh?

So if you're a fan of gender identity and performativity, sexual dynamics and politics, or just want to smarten-up the BL side of your life, I would grab this book to go along with your Weiss Kreuz collection.
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:25 am Reply with quote
Ugh, I can't stand when people say that Weiβ is BL. Biggest thing I hate about the fandom (or, more specifically, the fandumb. Makes me glad I'm not "allowed" to be a member of it).

Weiβ is a good series. The animation is rough (though still better than other things that came out later, I'm looking at you, Garzey's Wing), and the scripts leave much to be desired, but the story itself is amazing, and the characters are very well developed, especially when you take it as a whole. I wish Dramatic Precious had been animated, it's easily the strongest piece of the story.
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Graceful Nanami

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:59 am Reply with quote
Dessa wrote:
Ugh, I can't stand when people say that Weiβ is BL. Biggest thing I hate about the fandom (or, more specifically, the fandumb. Makes me glad I'm not "allowed" to be a member of it).

Weiβ is a good series. The animation is rough (though still better than other things that came out later, I'm looking at you, Garzey's Wing), and the scripts leave much to be desired, but the story itself is amazing, and the characters are very well developed, especially when you take it as a whole. I wish Dramatic Precious had been animated, it's easily the strongest piece of the story.

I agree. And thank you. I have never looked at Weiss as yaoi. FFS they all have girlfriends during the series, anyway. I remember the fandom being that way bakc in the day, yes. Ugh.

I have never listened to more than five minutes of the dramas. :/ The characters are so well done. Omi is probably the best and most memorable to me. Koyasu needs to remake the anime series...! Haha... ha. Right. Razz
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PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2015 3:28 pm Reply with quote
I am afraid this anime is going to be epic in its stupidity: even with the first couple of minutes of it:

1) a young woman is presented as a dummy as she could not understand that her boyfriend was joking as he was saying that she has a romance with her computer after she insisted that she had to do some work -- quite insulting representation of females;

2) once her boyfriend gets blown up after a car chased into him -- which is nonsense as explosions do not happen in such circumstances -- the helmet is shown rolling on the ground, empty. Everyone who has ever seen how helmets work could understand that helmet would not possibly able to roll empty: it would either stay on the head, or it will be rolling with severed head in it, not empty.

No wonder that this anime has "Good" rating -- in my practice, this usually means that this should be a fundamentally flawed show, though with some significantly likeability in some aspects.

(And yes, animation and character design are really bad.)
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PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2015 5:56 pm Reply with quote
Added to the disussion thread index.
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PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2015 11:54 am Reply with quote
I remember it. It was not good. Anime hyper

The dub outtakes however..... Laughing

In the scene where the car blows up, you hear spoiler[ the girl's actress say ".....oh....OH MY GOD! IS HE DEAD!? HAHAHAHA WELL, THAT SUCKS! THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES!!"]

or something like that. It's hilarious. Anime hyper
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2015 2:20 am Reply with quote
Graceful Nanami wrote:
I loved this show so much. Still do. But most of it is SO BAD.

My sentiments exactly! It's just a wonderful festival of every angsty, 60's - 80's drama trope ever to hit the screen. Gets me right in the nostalgias.

And while it's essentially a sentai series in trenchcoats, rather than BL, it inspired some remarkably well-written fan-fiction in that genre. And I even liked the music that came out of it (the concert footage of the cast cosplaying their characters must be seen to be believed).

Triage X seems to be trying to replicate it with male-targeted fan service, but it just doesn't have the chops to pull it off. Personally, I don't want a remake (though I wouldn't mind new stories in the franchise if they can work out the problems with the character design rights - Glühen, yikes!), because the bad animation and cheesy dialog are all part of its charm. Smile
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2015 12:27 pm Reply with quote
Interesting story relating to the outtakes.

The episode 3 preview blooper has Jamie McGonagal (aka Omi, as well as being the ADR Director) joke about how a "prostitution ring is kidnapping young girls, where they force them into small closets to work as anime voice actors."

Well, a few years ago, Michael Sinterniklaas (Gluhen's Schuldig, as the Gluhen ADR Director) was at Sakura-Con, and I'd mentioned that outtake. He said that it actually wasn't far off for Gluhen. They'd been doing the recording at his home studio in New York City, when 9/11 happened. His home was within the evacuation area. So instead, they had to finish the recording it at his friend's studio... which was in a closet.

Makes the blooper a bit sobering.
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