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Joined: 29 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:09 pm Reply with quote

Last edited by Jrich572 on Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:20 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 21 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:25 pm Reply with quote
Maybe if he said it the way you did, his thread would still be open. Neutral
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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:29 pm Reply with quote
In manga, you actually complete the story, but american comics just go on-and-on.

A false statement that only portains to a small portion of American comics (and I wouldn't call a good portion of the serials in shonen jump "complete" stories...) I won't even bother listing examples as finite series far outnumber continuous serials and it in no way determines which country has the supirior form of comics.
I don't even want to get into a "comic vs. manga" argument because it always ends up with crap like Kynton 77 post, but manga probobly has the edge simply for the fact that so much more of it is produced, but even then comicbooks are superior is certain aspects.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 3:30 am Reply with quote
In manga, you actually complete the story, but american comics just go on-and-on

I'm goign to disagree with you. Comics for the most part don't go on and on. If comics had the same amount of pages as manga the stories would completely finish int eh same amount of titles manga comes out. Stories for the most part in comics are finished up with a villian be defeated and then goes on to another situation. But to say the story never ends for the most part untrue...the story ends its the comic that doesn't end. The comic goes on with another story while manga for some titles yes they finish the story but it also finishs the manga...like I don't see another story for X if it ever finishs the last manga but with comics after one story is up it goes onto another.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:39 am Reply with quote
Maybe if people stopped making gross generalizations of two different forms of comic book entertainment, and just enjoyed titles for what they had to offer, then no one would need to post pointless Japan vs. America threads. BRAIN, ARGGHGEAv ,
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Joined: 25 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 9:35 am Reply with quote
Incorrect, being a comic collector for years I know full well that many stories in comics end and the fact is a large majority of them do. The ones that do not are the big name titles that have run for decades which also just so happen to be the ones most people are familiar with.

Titles in DC's Vertigo line and most Dark Horse titles end and while most other companies have their long running franchises they have no small number of titles that start and end as well with a reasonable length.
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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:13 am Reply with quote
I think in general the view of North American comics is shaped by the titles like X-Men, Superman, Batman, Spiderman...that are always coming out with new issues and have been for decades. Whether this is a fair representation or not, for people not into North American comics, it's what they think of.
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Joined: 14 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:33 am Reply with quote
Steventheeunuch wrote:
Maybe if people stopped making gross generalizations of two different forms of comic book entertainment, and just enjoyed titles for what they had to offer, then no one would need to post pointless Japan vs. America threads. BRAIN, ARGGHGEAv ,

Unfortunately, the chances that the general populace will be sensible and realize this are looking rather slim. I've seen convention panels devoted to just this type of topic, and in most cases they devolve into shouting matches if the moderator isn't keeping a tight rein on the situation. It isn't just anime/manga fans either; I've seen just as many "manga is stupid because [insert over-generalized reason here]" topics crop up as "comics are stupid because..." topics.

The fact of the matter is that Japanese manga and American comics are both forms of sequential art. They aren't the only forms out there either--another fact people seem to miss a lot of the time. I cannot speak for all the cultures of the world, of course, but I would hazard a guess that nearly all of them have some form of sequential art that they use and enjoy.

Blanket statements like "American comics just go on and on" or "in manga you actually complete the story" are generalizations, and as such are dangerous. There is some truth to both statements, but some is not total.

Many of the well-known American comic titles have been running for decades, and they show no real signs of coming to an end any time soon. Manga titles, in general, are not going to do this--they have limited runs, regardless of how popular the series is. However, that are more American comic titles that have short runs than comic titles with the decade after decade staying power. Even within the long-running titles there are complete stories that people can enjoy without collecting any of the other issues outside them.

From what I've seen, a lot of the differences between American comics and manga are found in the way the industries are run. The well-known American comic titles tend to be the superhero comics, and at this point they are owned by corporations rather than individuals. Each issue of the comic will have one person doing the pencils, one person doing the inking, one person doing the coloring, one person in charge of dialogue, and an editor at the minimum. These groups change frequently, sometimes even within story arcs. It is these changes that allow the big name titles to continue publication long after the person or group of people who had the idea are gone.

Very few, if any, manga are created this way. In most cases you have one person doing the art and the story. Yes, they will often have assistants who help in laying the tone or in getting some backgrounds down, but the assistants aren't credited. Yes, the mangaka will also have an editor, but again, this individual is uncredited. The mangaka will have deadlines set that are dependant on the magazine the story is serialized in. There are plenty of stories that fizzle out within the first few chapters or even the first few volumes--if the story isn't popular then it isn't going to really go anywhere, and it will be wrapped up badly, if it is wrapped up at all. Other stories are short because that is how the mangaka planned them. Overall manga titles tend to have limited runs because we are working with one creative mind or group.

I don't think that any one form of sequential art is intrinsically better than another. They all set out to do the same thing, namely tell stories through pictures. The manga market is larger in some respects than the American comic market, but bigger is not always better. Of course, no market has a monopoly on dreck, and that is true of all media, not just sequential art. Equally true is that what one person thinks is dreck another person will love.

In some ways you can draw parallels between the world of sequential art creation and the world of sci-fi/fantasy publication. Individual authors or small groups of authors will write single novels or series of novels. Some are more popular than others, so some series run longer than others. Some don't do so well. These authors can be equated to the manga publishing market and the short series & indy American comic publications. Then you have the big name properties like Star Wars, Star Trek, Dragonlance, and Forgotten Realms. These properties all fall into the more corporate arena in that many people write for them, and there will continue to be new books published until the properties have lost all popularity (which may never happen). These properties are very similar in scope to the big name comic book titles. Is one form of greater intrinsic worth than the other? No, not really. They're all stories, and whether or not you like one story as opposed to another is entirely based on your personal preferences.

I'm all for stating opinions and preferences. Just...don't mistake them for facts, and if you're going to use facts to bolster your reasoning, make sure that you do at least a little research.

~Shadrach Anki
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Joined: 29 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:03 pm Reply with quote

Last edited by Jrich572 on Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:25 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:35 pm Reply with quote
Jrich572 wrote:
His opinion could have been valid, but it just had no substance. I do think that manga is superior to american comics in one way. In manga, you actually complete the story, but american comics just go on-and-on. It might not be grounds for calling them superior, but I do prefer manga for that among many other reasons.

Why defend a troll? Just because you somewhat partially kinda-sorta agree with him doesn't mean you should lower yourself to backing him up all because he got yelled at for being inarticulate with his words and spewing mindless, childish generalisations. Not everyone that agrees with you is worth backing, and I think your post would've been better off being an attempt to make your point while staying utterly distanced from anything to do with guys like him.
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Joined: 14 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:10 pm Reply with quote
Jrich572 wrote:
I never said that American comics are stupid. I merely stated that I prefer manga over them and gave some reasons why.

And I never said you did. I merely pointed out that this type of debate often degenerates into a "comics (or manga) are stupid because..." shouting match. While you stated your reasons calmly and clearly, you did so in defense of a troll who did say that American comics are stupid, and that alone is going to tag this topic as being just another Manga vs. American comics debate.

Also, the reasons you gave as the basis of your opinion have been refuted, as often occurs in debate. A little research goes a long way toward keeping that from happening.

~Shadrach Anki
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