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Full Metal Panic! (TV).

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Joined: 28 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:58 pm Reply with quote

Season 1 - Full Metal Panic! (TV)
Season 2 - Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu (TV) (discussion here)
Season 3 - Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (discussion here)
Season 4 - Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory (TV) (discussion here)

Genres: action, comedy, drama, science fiction
Themes: mecha, military, real robot, school, terrorists

Plot Summary: Sousuke Sagara, a seventeen year old military specialist working for the secret organization MITHRIL, has been assigned to protect the latest "Whispered" candidate Kaname Chidori. To complete this task Sousuke will have to deal with enemies from his past as well as the occasional panty thief. Unfortunately for Sousuke, the toughest part of his mission isn't only protecting Miss Chidori but also getting used to living an average High School students life, no easy task for someone raised on the battlefield.

Anime Marathon Discussion (Nov. 6th, 2015 - Nov. 15th, 2015) starts here


In the series it mentions that it takes a special person to use the Lambda Drivers. Does this mean that it takes a "Whispered" or is it some other trait that they need? I ask because it never really says why Sousuke recieved the Arbalest so I did not know if he possesd any special traits. If it did say why he recieved it or what traits he had I did not understand it and would anyone please explain it.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:14 pm Reply with quote
Well, Sousuke received the Arbalest because they were in a pinch against another AS that used the Lambda Driver. He just happened to be the best pilot available. This doesn't explain everything though. (novel spoiler)spoiler[Tessa hadn't allowed the use of the Arbalest until then. That's because of her relationship with the designer of the Arbalest, who had died before the events of the series had started. He was also a Whispered, otherwise he couldn't have designed it. That Tessa let Sousuke use it is probably because she likes him.] The fact that only Sousuke can use the Arbalest is because he was the first one to pilot it, and the system was optimized for him. This is likely not a function of the Lambda Driver, but the computer system in the Arbalest. Although, such a computer system is probably necessary to effectively make use of the Lambda driver.

The Lambda Driver only activates with a certain level of some specific brain activity. Just about anyone can use the Lambda Driver, but not just anyone can use it for prolonged periods of time, because it takes a very high level of concentration. Either that or some kind of drugs to simulate the proper brain activity, but Mithril isn't into that kind of thing. I would assume that the Whispered would have some advantages in this area, though, but most Whispered don't seem to be AS pilots. But if you saw the end of the first season, you saw spoiler[Kaname controlin the Danaan using a similar system to that in the Arbalest,] so the Whispered must have some extra capability for that kind of thing.

Sousuke's main problem with using the Lambda driver is that he just doesn't trust it. The Lambda Driver just doesn't operate on normal physics, so it could be seen as unreliable.

The Second Raid begins to explore Sousuke's relationship with his AS further. As funny as that sounds, it really is kind of like a human relationship. Maybe Sousuke and Al will be best buds in the future!
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Joined: 28 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:26 pm Reply with quote
Okay, thank you. Very Happy
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Joined: 08 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:04 am Reply with quote
To further support the idea that an AS pilot doesn't have to be a 'Whispered', just look at Gauron. He used the Lamba driver in a couple of the AS units he piloted and he is not a 'Whispered'.
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Joined: 11 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 3:30 pm Reply with quote
I loved NGE, and was looking for other good mecha anime besides it and robotech and stumbled upon something called fullmetal panic! is this show any good?
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 3:40 pm Reply with quote
Full Metal Panic! is a good show even for people who don't like mechs IMO. It's really balenced between action and comedy maybe a little more on the action side though. Don't expect it to be anything like Eva though, it isn't. It doesn't mess with your mind like Eva so it's a bit easier to watch and just enjoy without thinking too hard. But you'll certainly be getting a lot of mech battles and a great story and memorable characters if that's what you're looking for. Plus there's two great sequels to it. One purely comedy which suits me cause I like comedy and the other drama and action with more on the story about Full Metal Panic!
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 3:48 pm Reply with quote
from what I've seen, i think it is very good. Very comedic at the begining, but not so much at the end. There are alot of mechs and mechs fighting each other, but i goes into other things as well. Fuumaffo? is (almost) all comedy. i haven't seen The Second Raid yet.
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Joined: 30 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:29 pm Reply with quote
I dindt like mechas, however, I loved Full Metal Panic! (especially the second season, Fumoffu!). I would recommend this anime to you or anyone whether they like mechas or not.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:29 pm Reply with quote
If you want mecha like Evangelion, then RahXephon is probably the way to go. It has the save-the-world + epic battles + weird philosophy + bunch of girls elements that NGE has. In fact, some have accused RahXephon of being an Evangelion rip-off. I also like FMP in all of its incarnations. I generally don't like standard mecha shows, but FMP gets my approval because it mixes some romance/comedy/school life stuff in to balance the mecha. FYI, if you have a spectrum between comedy and action, the second season, Fumoffu, is on the comedy end, the third season ("The Second Raid") is on the action end, and the first season falls in the middle.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 12:09 am Reply with quote
Full Metal Panic is a great show, but it's nothing like EVA in terms of mecha action, there's some mech vs. mech fights but not of the same style that EVA has. EVA's mech fights are like epic one-on-one fights between giants; FMP's is more like soldiers on a battlefield. FMP can be described as more of a military comedy. Also, the mechs, I think they're called "Arm Slaves," in FMP are not the core of the show as much as the mechs in EVA; I mean, there'll be some plot points that deal with them, but not on the level that it is in EVA. Oh yeah, the Arm Slaves are much smaller than the giagantic EVAs.

So if you're looking for a show like EVA, then Full Metal Panic is not really what you're looking for; but it's a great show by itself. It's got plenty of action, lots of comedy, and a bit of romance.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 4:28 am Reply with quote
DemonEyesLeo wrote:

Also, the mechs, I think they're called "Arm Slaves," in FMP are not the core of the show as much as the mechs in EVA...

The mechs aren't really the core of the show in NGE, either, especially not if you follow the TV ep 25-26 ending. Or even with the movie.

Azathrael wrote:
Since it's your first time, I'll only give you a word of caution:

Do NOT relate NGE with FMP. Or I'll smack you to the end of the world.

FMP > NGE. Any day.

If you want mecha anime...

Gundam SEED
Gundam SEED Destiny

are my first two recommendations.

I don't really think it's fair to directly compare FMP and NGE--FMP is for those who want mecha action spiced up with a bit of comedy, with high-tech robots and sci-fi weaponry. NGE is for those who want more mystery/intrigue/"deep thoughts" about religion/philosophy/humanity/the world along with the mecha/angel battles. Imo, both are great shows for the styles that they represent.

And why are GS and GSD so great? Sorry, if I said any more, it would be BSM Embarassed .
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Joined: 21 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 7:47 pm Reply with quote
Anime Marathon Discussion (Nov. 6th, 2015 - Nov. 15th, 2015)

Spoilers Reminder for Marathon Discussion: Tag all spoilers within your post(s) and record the episode number(s) you're discussing at the top of your post.
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Joined: 11 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 8:04 am Reply with quote
I am currently slightly over half of the first season of the anime.

While normally I find slice of life boring and want events to switch to a real deal, in this anime it is the opposite because the military action is so dumb that it is unbearable.

For example, the main "professional" lad has decided that his old friend was dead with no evidence, which is absurd for any military person to do, and then he has determined that an unknown enemy is that dead friend because that enemy has a spare of rounds. That friends' motivation to go evil is crazy, too: he wants to be in a winning team. But the main lads' team also has lots of wins, so there is no need for that friend to go against the main lad, he should have joined him in the first place.

I am rolling the eyes the whole time.

The question is, does the stupid combat stuff go on during all four series? Or at least, maybe it is less ridiculous than in this first series?
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 10:35 am Reply with quote
Fumoffu, the second season, is 99% comedy, with a few explosions that were intended to be funny, and I thought were ok for that kind of humor, and some yakuza stuff that was supposed to be funny, but in my opinion didn't work.

It depends on a persons tolerance for violence in humor. My memory of season one is fuzzy, but I remember the main female character hitting the main male character a lot, to the point that I didn't like that. Besides being tired of all the war and mecha stuff that is required in this kind of action show.

Seasons 3 and 4 go back to the war stuff. Which is why I only bought Fumoffu. Wink
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Joined: 11 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 8:32 am Reply with quote

I am against domestic violence like when the manga/anime authors use one of the worst clichés about women who, according to them, need to be violent towards their lads.

I barely went through the first series by now, and I am watching Fumoffu, the second season, which is much better because it mostly has the slice of life comedy.

But from your response, I gather that later seasons can be bad, again. But maybe not as stupid as the first season, so I will try to watch.
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