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REVIEW: Majikoi - Oh! Samurai Girls! Episodes 1-7 Streaming

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Joined: 09 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:35 am Reply with quote
I wonder how much of the humor is being filled in by the viewer.

For instance, "naked misunderstandings with Christiane" was one of the funniest parts of the show for me, because I spent a lot of time around San Francisco and Berkeley, where spouting philosophical gibberish about imperialism is a routine tool for getting girls out of their clothes.

Interrupting a penis festival to hear a discussion on civic engagement from Norio Wakamoto is amusing simply because it's Wakamoto. ("We're going to break from our penis festival to hear about civics..." "What!!??" "...from Wakamoto" "Oh, then yay!!") But if you don't see his voice that way, there's not much there.

At the end of the day, I liked the show because it was so unapologetic about how utterly stupid and random it was, and there's something about shows that are comfortable in their own shoes that makes them inherently watchable for me. Now that there's more focus on the plot, it's taken a pretty dramatic dive. Then again, that was the same reason I liked We, Without Wings, so take that opinion for what it's worth.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:33 am Reply with quote
Heheheheheheheh, You still think this was made with the warfare and fighting as a central point, that's cute you know. This is a porn adaption and if you expect anything other than that and some good jokes thrown in you really are losing sight of what the industry is and has been for the last few years. Also don't you be hating on the humor, You've been watching R1 subs that try their damn best to transfer the humor and fails while the actual humor is really clever and a surprisingly good poke at Japan in general. A certain group has been putting out TL notes with the show and a lot of the jokes are a lot more funny in context, I recommend finding them and having a read and understanding what's going on before not liking it. Also the animation is top tier for what sells it's, the slice of life and tits. just because the fight scenes are UFOtable's efforts on Kara no Kyoukai doesn't mean the whole shows animation sucks, in fact this show has had some of the better animation all season that I've seen, I'd only put Fate/Zero, Guilty Crown and Ben-to above it
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Joined: 18 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:48 am Reply with quote
Its personally more of a guilty pleasure kinda show for me, and I had no idea where the original source was from.

It isn't as random as Nichijou (no show can top THAT Anime hyper) but it fulfills my "the &^%$ they gonna do today" kinda anime Anime hyper

Yes, I also watch "Horizon" for the "plot" Razz
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Joined: 16 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:31 am Reply with quote
Just from the blurb alone I knew this was a Carl Kimlinger review. So very predictable.

One always needs to consider the intentions of the show and who it's aiming for. Tell me, why would a country-loving music fan review say, rap/hip-hop if he hates it, unless just to enjoy the chance to rant and stroke one's ego? After all, there is only one ANN review in the reviews section. That's what these kinds of reviews pretty much boil down too.

How is this kind of review helpful in any way? That is, there is nothing at all in the review that would guide fans of the genre. For example, sometimes we are expecting a certain level or type fan-service or real raunchy humor and we are disappointed because it only teases and holds back. People who are averse to ecchi shows do not need this review at all with its oh-so-many-unhelpful-words in order to avoid the show. That can quickly be gleaned from a simple description and/or screenshots, even from a review meant for the proper target audience. In fact, such a reviewer can quickly warn those who are averse to such elements without wasting the entire review like this does.

Last edited by configspace on Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:40 am Reply with quote
Sorry Carl, but unless you either understand Japanese or are watching a certain fansubbing group, the humor will fly over your head and dump it's garbage on it. The R1 subs are CRAP. They try too hard to translate the joke and end up losing what made it funny to begin with.
Also, how dare you suggest the candy licking scene was bad? It was hilarious, it even made me and my buddies moan in pain from the punchline.

To be honest though, I cannot understand why someone who obviously hates these kinds of shows is reviewing them. You can't get more baised then that. It's like making me review the Twilight movies. I despise them with a passion, and that will come out in my review no matter how fair I try to be. I'm not saying to have someone who is a fanboy of the genre do the review, but you guys could at least try to get someone who is impartial: does not love or hate the genre.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:46 am Reply with quote
Carl wrote:
It'd be silly to demand that a pornless porn-game adaptation be brilliant anyway.

It would also be silly to think that this could be called a porn game if the porn takes up maybe 5% of the gaming time and isn't even the reason for its relative popularity.
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Joined: 25 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:16 am Reply with quote
configspace wrote:
How is this kind of review helpful in any way? That is, there is nothing at all in the review that would guide fans of the genre. For example, sometimes we are expecting a certain level or type fan-service or real raunchy humor and we are disappointed because it only teases and holds back. People who are averse to ecchi shows do not need this review at all with its oh-so-many-unhelpful-words in order to avoid the show. That can quickly be gleaned from a simple description and/or screenshots, even from a review meant for the proper target audience. In fact, such a reviewer can quickly warn those who are averse to such elements without wasting the entire review like this does.
On the flipside, why would fans of the genre need a review in the first place? They know what they like and are predisposed to watching it in the first place, so it seems like pointless pandering to write a review for the sake of people who already know they want this.

Heck, Carl isn't even averse to ecchi shows. I can't recall a lot of specifics offhand since you can't really search the reviews here, but I remember he liked Vandread aside from some of the writing.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:19 am Reply with quote
Well, I am an ecchi/fanservice fan and I dropped this one after six, I believe. Perhaps it is the translation that is partially to blame, but I just wasn't finding the show funny or interesting. I didn't even bother finishing the last episode I tried to watch ... the dick candy festival one. They drove that "gag" into the ground. Yes, girls are licking penis shaped confectionary, hah-hah-hah. *ten minutes later* okay, can we move onto something else?
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:24 am Reply with quote
I could'nt get past the second episode I found my self to busy saying "oh this is just like something else I watched" that and it's a bad sign when after the first episode I have the charcters pegged by one defineing trope or charceter trait.

It's based on an Eroge but than again I liked Mashiroiro Symphony and that was based on Eroge.

But that actully seemed more based on chrcter devlopment (what little their was) in the first two episodes but this just seemed mindless and as if I'd been their before could get better but I just don't have the time or effort to bother to care.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:26 am Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
Yes, girls are licking penis shaped confectionary, hah-hah-hah. *ten minutes later* okay, can we move onto something else?

Did you miss the joke? Because the actual punchline was the trap.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:13 am Reply with quote
I may have missed the punchline because I didn't finish watching the eppie. Not sure I'd find it all that funny after such a long, boring set-up.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:20 am Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
I may have missed the punchline because I didn't finish watching the eppie. Not sure I'd find it all that funny after such a long, boring set-up.

So... you were kind of talking without actually knowing what you were talking about... weren't you? That's real nice...

Is it so hard to actually WATCH what you are complaining about?
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Dark Mac

Joined: 17 May 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:52 pm Reply with quote
Just as a note, the first episode is the only one that was actually adapted from the visual novel the anime is based on. The rest is filler. The visual novel in general is far higher quality than anything in the anime, and much less cliched (and doesn't even have much fanservice), so it's quite a shame the anime producers went the route they did.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:14 pm Reply with quote
Saffire wrote:
configspace wrote:
How is this kind of review helpful in any way? That is, there is nothing at all in the review that would guide fans of the genre. For example, sometimes we are expecting a certain level or type fan-service or real raunchy humor and we are disappointed because it only teases and holds back. People who are averse to ecchi shows do not need this review at all with its oh-so-many-unhelpful-words in order to avoid the show. That can quickly be gleaned from a simple description and/or screenshots, even from a review meant for the proper target audience. In fact, such a reviewer can quickly warn those who are averse to such elements without wasting the entire review like this does.
On the flipside, why would fans of the genre need a review in the first place? They know what they like and are predisposed to watching it in the first place, so it seems like pointless pandering to write a review for the sake of people who already know they want this.

Because fans of the genre does not automatically translate into fans of every show in the genre. There could be faults like what I mentioned before, in expectations (I was disappointed with how utterly tame ToLoveRu was for example) or what DmonHiro mentioned with translations, or in how the jokes were setup or structured or whatever. Otherwise what would be the point of a review? You could apply your rhetorical question to this review.

Personally, I watched just a bit when it premiered, liked so far, but am holding off until the BDs only because of the censorship. So even I don't know much about it and certainly this review did not give me any indication of whether I would enjoy it or not, or whether it would be fun initially but loose its luster later on, etc

Heck, Carl isn't even averse to ecchi shows. I can't recall a lot of specifics offhand since you can't really search the reviews here, but I remember he liked Vandread aside from some of the writing.

Au contraire. See his MM! review where there are explicit ideological contentions to the (quite tame) ecchi themes which I commented on in the thread, and likewise the infamous Nanoha Shinbo-bashing, fan-bashing review. And the Strike Witches and Queen's Blade 1,2 reviews would have turned out quite different had Carl written them.
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Joined: 31 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:49 pm Reply with quote
I've got the strange feeling that someone's going to try to bring this over here. I don't know where that feeling come from but it's just a feeling.
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