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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:06 pm Reply with quote
Speaking of live-action, ask ADV what's going on with the original Dark Water movie.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:35 pm Reply with quote
Kaleido Star: New Wings is also on hiatus due to other commitments by the director. No date was given as to when work would resume on the title and when we can expect to start seeing it in the stores. Magical Girl shows are a difficult sell to retailers right now and Princess Tutu definitely falls into that category and Kaleido Star: New Wings has the characteristics of a Magical Girl show to those uninitiated to the differences.

Needless to say that I am extremely and bitterly disappointed that the second season of Kaleido Star is being delayed. Maybe with more time working on the project, ADV will be able to fix the less-than-stellar dub that plagued what was one of their sleeper titles of 2004 (more specifically, getting someone other than Cynthia Martinez dubbing Sora).

Kaleido Star has characteristics of a magical-girl show mainly because it was directed by Junichi Sato, who most anime fans know directed the first season of Sailor Moon, the anime that basically defined the magical girl genre. However, smarter anime fans know that Kaleido Star is definitely NOT a magical girl anime. Wink

Last edited by biliano on Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:44 pm Reply with quote
Also coming in the Fall is Cowboy Bebop Remix. This edition will be the complete series remixed in Digital Dolby 5.1. Addtionally it will contain a plethora of special features to include both Japanese and US staff and cast commentaries to include Yoko Kanno.

How awesome is this for Kanno fans? I can't wait to hear it. Anime smile I'm really looking forward to this new release (even if it means I have to sell all of my old Bebop DVDs... Anime cry)
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:18 pm Reply with quote
sounds like Bebop and Evangelion are fighting to see which can get released the most often.
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Joined: 29 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:54 pm Reply with quote
Nothing like kicking dead horses around.... but hey if money still comes out why not! I will buy the new bebop stuff regardless of how foul it may be... I too am a die hard yoko kanno fan! I want to marry her!!! Crying or Very sad
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Joined: 22 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:58 pm Reply with quote
Hmmm... I'll buy those new Cowboy Bebop DVD's with 5.1 audio, start all over with DVD 1, as I now have DVD's 1-3. I did the same with NGE when ADV came out with the remastered DVD's and less than a year later came out with the platinum editions. Doesn't bother me one bit at all.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:21 am Reply with quote
So it's okay to milk the cow that got in to cash field? Rereleasing something that was VHS to DVD, is one thing, it's a new format. But to release the same thing, what makes this, 2, 3 times is like saying, "Hey, sure you got the first set of Cowboy Bebop, but hold the phone, this time we add *Echoing* 5.1 and even more commentaries from the staff that we didn't feel like adding the first 2 times, but that's okay *Under their breath* they will buy it anyway." If they do bring it Blu-ray, X-ray, Something-ray, I'll put the old up, and go for the new, but until that, my money will stay in my wallet, were it should belong but doesn't.
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Joined: 18 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:36 am Reply with quote
ADV: "Live action Eva is in production but no updates as to where in the process it stands."

Weta: "The film is on hold but it is Weta’s hope that it will enjoy getting to work on the film production of this amazing story in the near future."?

Is it just me who finds it strange to hear ADV say the EVA live-action film is in production, but with an unknown status attached to it, while Weta's site clearly states it's not going anywhere for now?
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Joined: 21 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:46 am Reply with quote
Dejiko wrote:

Is it just me who finds it strange to hear ADV say the EVA live-action film is in production, but with an unknown status, while Weta's site clearly states it's not going anywhere for now?

No. Like I said in the Eva concept art thread, from the perspective of Weta, the film is on hold until they are gearing up for production (Weta's side of production that is). On top of that, until there is a director the film is on hold, there is only so many things you can do until you get one. After they find one, it will be on hold again until they find backing. But that's different from being dead or anything else. Basically, nothing else can happen until there is a director. (or if they already found one.. until he is available)
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Joined: 20 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:31 pm Reply with quote
Ataru wrote:
So it's okay to milk the cow that got in to cash field? Rereleasing something that was VHS to DVD, is one thing, it's a new format. But to release the same thing, what makes this, 2, 3 times is like saying, "Hey, sure you got the first set of Cowboy Bebop, but hold the phone, this time we add *Echoing* 5.1 and even more commentaries from the staff that we didn't feel like adding the first 2 times, but that's okay *Under their breath* they will buy it anyway." If they do bring it Blu-ray, X-ray, Something-ray, I'll put the old up, and go for the new, but until that, my money will stay in my wallet, were it should belong but doesn't.

You make this sound like it's unique to anime...didn't look at the Lord of the Rings releases, or even the Star Wars releases did you? Star Wars alone has 4 'different' DVD versions of each movie, LOTR has 3 of each...it's not like re-releases are a new thing, they've been around for years. When a new technology that techno- and audiophiles salivate for, it's almost destined that many of the more popular titles get re-released to fill the new formats.

Everything from Dobly Digital to remastered scenes, even down to 5 additional minutes of unseen footage, all of these have been sole drivers behind major money-makers getting re-released. It's a gimmick that sells, and sells damn well.
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Joined: 21 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:45 pm Reply with quote
Dejiko wrote:
ADV: "Live action Eva is in production but no updates as to where in the process it stands."

Weta: "The film is on hold but it is Weta’s hope that it will enjoy getting to work on the film production of this amazing story in the near future."?

Is it just me who finds it strange to hear ADV say the EVA live-action film is in production, but with an unknown status attached to it, while Weta's site clearly states it's not going anywhere for now?

Some of us acutally have some info based on speaking directly with people in adv. dealing with eva.You have to remember eva is not going to be easy to produce,direct,act in,add special effects and what not.
I need to speak with bandai at animeboston when i am there.Just about the problems with with ghost in the shell dvd problems.
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Sakura Shinguji

Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:55 pm Reply with quote
Amusing how ADV can be concerned about shelf space and also think putting Gantz on almost twice the normal number of DVDs is a good idea. Obviously they decided that the monetary benefits from sales of Gantz to folks who'd rather be spending less money per disc for less content and a higher overall price for the series would outweigh the negatives of the shelf space issue, but it's still a bit mind-boggling. A raging cynic with little regard for the bigger picture might say that Gantz is contributing to the shelf space squeeze that's forcing out titles like Princess Tutu, but I'll leave that to someone else to propose and argue. =P
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space clam

Joined: 11 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:51 pm Reply with quote
Ataru wrote:
...If they do bring it Blu-ray, X-ray, Something-ray, ...

www.blu-ray.com (OT)

Stupid clever ideas, using a smaller laser is something I should've thought up. Confused (Those who don't know, the basic idea is using a blue-violet laser, as opposed to a red laser. Because of its smaller wavelength (405 nm compared to 650 nm), it can write more data to the same amount of space.) Of course, I'm currently only interested in Blu-Ray technology if the PS3 will, in fact, support it.
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Joined: 21 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 10:56 pm Reply with quote
I'm also infuriated about the news of Kaleido Star, one of my personal top five favorites particularly because of Junichi Saito. Volume one to six releases had been pretty steady and quick. But with the weight and resources that ADV's got, there is absolutely no reason to put on hiatus a title that they've already begun putting out. What could they possibly be too busy with? The atrocious Love Hina dramedy Elfen Lied? The annoying Peacemaker? The poorly executed E's Otherwise or DNAngel? And after concentrated efforts to shut down the rogue subbing group, a hiatus is what they announce? ADV get your frikin' act together will ya!
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Joined: 20 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:58 pm Reply with quote
khryoleoz wrote:
I'm also infuriated about the news of Kaleido Star, one of my personal top five favorites particularly because of Junichi Saito. Volume one to six releases had been pretty steady and quick. But with the weight and resources that ADV's got, there is absolutely no reason to put on hiatus a title that they've already begun putting out. What could they possibly be too busy with? The atrocious Love Hina dramedy Elfen Lied? The annoying Peacemaker? The poorly executed E's Otherwise or DNAngel? And after concentrated efforts to shut down the rogue subbing group, a hiatus is what they announce? ADV get your frikin' act together will ya!

You know, your opinion is one thing, but to totally criticize a company for dealing around titles that are pretty guaranteed to sell over the niche fanbase of certain other titles in a market that is limited is pretty asinine.

For example, I'm pretty sure Elfen Lied is going to be one of their top sellers this year, along with Gantz and FMP:Fumoffu. Topping that with how I and quite a lot of other people like E's Otherwise along with the fans of Peacemaker, you'll see that Kaliedo Star's second season, albeit great, isn't going to stand up to these sellers. E's Otherwise is new and fresh, that will drive it, Elfen Lied has an established fanbase already and that will drive it for sure, and Peacemaker has a fairly extensive fanbase as well.

Also, it's not like ADV is made of money, sure they make a crapload of money, but you forget they spend an equally crapload of money. Costs to license a series/movie/ova are going up, way up, and it's taking more and more resources of these companies to lock-in titles, they cannot afford to consistantly send out lower-popularity titles without estabilishing a bottom-line first.

Kaleido Star, like I said, is a great series and both seasons are going to sell well, but it will take a much longer time to sell this title over such as Elfen Lied, Fumoffu, and Gantz. You cannot fault a company trying to stay afloat in a very hard market to stay afloat in.

Call me a fanboy, I honestly don't care, I'm tired of this anti-ADV bandwagon people seem to be leaping onto because it's the 'in thing' and they are the largest licensor. If ADV were more like Microsoft in that they don't try to innovate their products, I would agree, but at least ADV is trying to better the quality without sacraficing our wallets.
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