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Joined: 06 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:12 am Reply with quote
So... if ADV does in fact "fund" one third of the Japanese animation market? Then why don't they release faster? Like, having a license but sitting on it for 4 years isn't going to help their fan base...
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:28 am Reply with quote
Thanks, FUNimation. But I'm not sure the Sakura Taisen games getting a U.S. release would happen in the near future anyway, because with the next-gen systems on the horizon, SEGA/Sammy may not want to port one of their potential trump cards on older consoles. Plus it really depends on the a-holes at companies like Sony, MS, and MS, who usually decide which Japanese games are acceptable to release in the U.S. But then the new Berserk game's likely to come out here eventually, so it beats me what's going on with Sakura Taisen. Also, it's a shame that ADV has to go the Animeigo route for certain titles. Also, when the article mentions one who has won an Oscar, I hope it's not Clint, cus Million Dollar Baby looks like crap.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:30 am Reply with quote
Maceart wrote:
So... if ADV does in fact "fund" one third of the Japanese animation market? Then why don't they release faster? Like, having a license but sitting on it for 4 years isn't going to help their fan base...

Yeah, I expected this to be misunderstood.

What they're said, (paraphrased) was that they are in one way or another funding, in part, one third of all anime produced. By paying royalty fees to Madhouse for X anime, if Madhouse uses a portion of that money as a part of the funding for Y anime, ADV has, to some degree, funded Y anime. Of course, their comntribution might only be 2 or 3% of the production cost in some cases...

ADV certainly isn't providing 33% of anime funding...

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Joined: 13 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 6:44 am Reply with quote
Maceart wrote:
So... if ADV does in fact "fund" one third of the Japanese animation market? Then why don't they release faster? Like, having a license but sitting on it for 4 years isn't going to help their fan base...

Where do you get this four years part from? Things that happened years ago? That's what the need for the two studios was all about so they could get through the huge list of titles they had. That got taken care of some time ago.

Here's the list of what ADV has currently licensed but no street dates have been announced for so far: http://www.animeondvd.com/studio/studio.php?studio=2#license

And I still need to clean that up a bit as a couple there do have dates. Other than one show from a few years ago that I doubt anyone gives a brick about, everything is primarily from 2004 and mostly from Expo or later, so it's been less than a year since announced.
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Captain Crotchspike

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 7:38 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
Thanks, FUNimation. But I'm not sure the Sakura Taisen games getting a U.S. release would happen in the near future anyway, because with the next-gen systems on the horizon, SEGA/Sammy may not want to port one of their potential trump cards on older consoles. Plus it really depends on the a-holes at companies like Sony, MS, and MS, who usually decide which Japanese games are acceptable to release in the U.S. But then the new Berserk game's likely to come out here eventually, so it beats me what's going on with Sakura Taisen.

Actually, Sakura Taisen V - Episode 0 was made specifically the U.S. market in mind, all part of their "Sakura Taisen World Project" plan which was announced way back in 2002. I remember someone involved with STV explaining why it was an action game, how "America is all about action!". STV was set to come out here first, then Sakura Taisen 5: Saraba Itoshiki Hito Yo (dramatic adventure game), followed by the others, two of which also said to be action games. Unfortunately, Sega here in the U.S. didn't hold up their end of the deal and it wasn't published here. I suppose it's not surprising, considering they killed Streets of Rage 4...but before I get all teary eyed over that (AND I WILL), I've heard other third party publishers have had their eye on it, so there's hope yet. If you ask me, it's a matter of time, and we'll at least get STV.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 7:53 am Reply with quote
Captain: It's probably cus SEGA's broke, and SAMMY pretty much calls the shots for the time being. If it helps, I'm still pissed at Capcom for not releasing the PS2 Jojo here, even though they had a booth for it at E3.

Anyway, it appears the American anime industry has reached its peak. At this rate, the only major announcement we'll be hearing at this rate is Negima, which is a shame, because the industry in Japan was heading in that direction anyway. And we'll probably see more buy-outs like what happened with Manga and CPM.
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 10:32 am Reply with quote
It's good to hear that FUNimation was able to have a reunion tour of sorts for the TM OVA3. (Continuity is good.) I'm not sure who the 2% could be, but I have a hunch, even though it's probably a pretty bad one.

Moving on, ADV confirmed what I already suspected in that Moster Island's shutdown didn't necessarily mean layoffs. Besides, if people are pissed, they can go work for ADV. ^^;
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:25 pm Reply with quote
Oh joy the one thing I didn't want to hear, the oringal cast was the one dub cast I actualy hated.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:30 pm Reply with quote
Joe Mello wrote:
It's good to hear that FUNimation was able to have a reunion tour of sorts for the TM OVA3. (Continuity is good.) I'm not sure who the 2% could be, but I have a hunch, even though it's probably a pretty bad one.

The percentage is more like 85%-90%. We weren't able to get one VA from the original ensemble. We were able to get everyone else. We had our resident uber-Tenchi fangirl intern to watch the preview dubs and she could not tell the VA was a voice match.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 4:20 pm Reply with quote
Something needs to be done to slow down or stop the fansub market if the indistory is getting hit so hard by it.
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Joined: 21 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 4:45 pm Reply with quote
lheiskell wrote:

The percentage is more like 85%-90%. We weren't able to get one VA from the original ensemble. We were able to get everyone else. We had our resident uber-Tenchi fangirl intern to watch the preview dubs and she could not tell the VA was a voice match.

Ah, my apologies. I used the direct quote given during the panel. Was the uber-tenchi intern the one that was in the panel? I recall her saying she loved Tenchi.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 5:03 pm Reply with quote
Kazuki-san wrote:
lheiskell wrote:

The percentage is more like 85%-90%. We weren't able to get one VA from the original ensemble. We were able to get everyone else. We had our resident uber-Tenchi fangirl intern to watch the preview dubs and she could not tell the VA was a voice match.

Ah, my apologies. I used the direct quote given during the panel. Was the uber-tenchi intern the one that was in the panel? I recall her saying she loved Tenchi.

I don't doubt you were using the direct quote. I just have issues with the percentage they gave at the panel. (the percentage is now quoted on several sites.)

Yup. She was one of the two people at the panel.
I didn't get to make it to the con. I heard the crowd was quite large for a first year con.
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Joined: 21 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 5:18 pm Reply with quote
lheiskell wrote:

I didn't get to make it to the con. I heard the crowd was quite large for a first year con.

Yeah, the crowd was very large. As you would expect, there were some technical glitches that plagued the con, especially during the Kumiko Kato/Kumi Koda concert. I gotta say, looks like you guys did a great job with Burst Angel. Monica's voice was so different as Jo that I never would have known it was her without being told. Patton as Greed in FMA as well. It was worth going to the con just to see Greg Ayres DJ the dance last night, then show up 30 minutes late for his panel this morning Wink
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 7:50 pm Reply with quote
lheiskell wrote:
We had our resident uber-Tenchi fangirl intern to watch the preview dubs and she could not tell the VA was a voice match.

That's even better than a focus group! ^^;

Man, I wish I was that intern.
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Joined: 13 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 10:38 pm Reply with quote

Yup. She was one of the two people at the panel.
I didn't get to make it to the con. I heard the crowd was quite large for a first year con.

The crowd seemed to be on the same numbers as Oni-Con (3000+), except Kamikazecon was better organized and also at a location that could allow for expansion as the con grows in the future.
Although, I believe some strictness in the cosplay signup made for a small Cosplay show (in comparison to Oni-Con).

Having been to all three Houston anime cons, it has become clear the main attraction is the large involment of ADV and its actors (It does not hurt that the largest pool of voice actors in the U.S. is within 5 to 25 minutes of these cons).

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