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Joined: 07 Dec 2002
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Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:24 pm
Bruce Lee wrote: |
Quote: | Unfortunately, ratings information for weekday afterschool programming isn't nearly as readily available as the Saturday morning ratings, so i wouldn't be able to say how well CN and Nick do compared to Fox in that timeslot for that demographic. |
I don't know as though Fox plays weekday after-school cartoons anymore. I think that of the broadcast networks, only WB is still doing this.
One Piece and Naruto seem to be very similar story style-wise to other adventure type shows CN's previously had success with - DBZ, IY, DB. I'd figure that both should be fairly successfull. They've got a lot more action and some humore, as apposed to the last big name show they got - SEED. Toonami is deffinately the place for these shows, though. |
Fox last I checked during the weekdays only shows maybe 1 or 2 cartoons and that's in the early morning hours, it either one of the 2 Sabrina The Teenage Witch cartoons, Smurfs or Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century. Fox, IMO isn't what it used to be.
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koali aloalo
Joined: 07 Jul 2004
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Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:23 pm
I'm totally bummed that Naruto is licensed and i hate to think of how the dubs will come up as. The lady (yea a lady!) is soo talented as Naruto and i hate to think of how the person playing Naruto in english is. i really hope it doesn't turn out like yu yu hakusho (did i spell that right?) and Rurouni Kenshin. no offense to all the people who like licensing and everything but it sucks that the dvds here are soo expensive and overpriced. anyways i think they will cut a LOT of Naruto and get rid of all the original humor since its on toonami. they'll probably get rid of naruto's hilarious harem no jutso too! and that takes up a lot of time and if they cut it out each episode will only be 15 min long just like rurouni kenshin was. pardon me for being so whiny. it also sucks that theyre not gonna use all the awesome openings and endings. i hope they don't make a song of their own. but i do believe that naruto is aimed at people watching toonami and adultswim.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:31 pm
koali aloalo wrote: | pardon me for being so whiny. |
Hmm... no.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:06 am
koali aloalo wrote: | but it sucks that the dvds here are soo expensive and overpriced. |
I'm not too thrilled that Viz will likely pull the same "sell a 150+ episode TV series at three episodes a disc at standard MSRP" deal that they did with Inu-Yasha either, but it could still be worse. And outside of Viz's questionable practices, the domestic market's only been improving in recent months in terms of the sort of deals we get on releases. Would you rather we go back to the days of $30 monolingual VHS tapes with two episodes a pop? Or how about we copy Japan and sell two episodes per DVD volume at around $60? Five or so episodes at $25's a fair deal, I'd say.
koali aloalo wrote: | anyways i think they will cut a LOT of Naruto and get rid of all the original humor since its on toonami. |
Despite the rantings of hyperdefensive fanboys, the TV run won't be edited that severely. And the DVD releases will be uncut no matter what sort of TV deal it gets.
koali aloalo wrote: | and that takes up a lot of time and if they cut it out each episode will only be 15 min long just like rurouni kenshin was. |
They do Sexy no Jutsu for half an episode every single episode? Uh...what Naruto were you watching? It's a bit gag that's not really that vital to the series save for a couple filler episodes, and they'll probably just opt to tone it down in place of cutting it entirely anyway.
koali aloalo wrote: | i hope they don't make a song of their own. |
They...won't? Are you sure you're not confusing Viz with 4Kids & TokyoPop? Yeah, Viz does a few things rather questionably with their releases, but they're hardly as deplorable as you seem to make them out to be. Neither are Cartoon Network.
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Joined: 03 Feb 2004
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Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:35 am
Wyvern wrote: |
Isaaru wrote: |
darkhunter wrote: | Naruto in adult Swim....LOL don't make me laugh. Fanboy these days. |
True that!
its got a lot less work than One Piece. The only thing that would require some sort of editing is really stuff about Gaara, Zabuza's fight in the end. Thats about it. Without giving away spoilers, can anyone, who seen the series think of anything else? |
Let's see, there's the Sexy No Jitsu (called the Ninja Centerfold in Viz's manga translation) which will definatly have to go, which is going to make the ending to episode 2 a pain to edit...there's the sequence where Gara tries to stab himself...the scenes where Naruto and Orochimaru do stab themselves (both in the hand) especially since Orochimaru does it just to wake himself up...the scene where Kakashi scares Sakura with an illusion of Sasuke bleeding profusly with multiple knives sticking out of him and his leg bending the wrong way....the end of the fight between Gara and Lee...the sequence where Itachi makes Kakashi believe he is being crucified and tortured with a sword...the sequence where that one kid's father is ACTUALLY crucified....Kiba teaching his dog to mark trees while jumping, with lots of lovingly drawn dog urine flying everywhere (and Shino commenting "I can't work with this guy")...Iruka with a huge shuriken sticking out of his back...Jiraya's habit of peeping in on women while they're bathing...the sequence where Orochimaru makes Sasuke believe he just died...various references to Tsunade's large breasts...a giant snake exploding in a shower of blood and guts...LOTS of random blood spurts here and there...and, since this IS Toonami, the third Hokage smoking a pipe.
Oh, and some spolier-y ones too:
I could go on, but this post is long enough. So in regards to Naruto on Adult Swim-not as ridiculous as you thought, huh? :p |
yeah yeah..i see what you mean. Maybe i should have used a finer tooth comb here. However, all that stuff doesnt sound as violent or disturbing as you have made them sound. A lot of that will stay. With the exception of Kakashi and Itachi's scene (forgot about The rest can easily be reasonable edited, toned down WITHOUT hurting the central story. Adult Swim doesnt just only mean its content is adult, but it also contains humor and sophistication not understood by younger audiences.
I love Naruto, but its targeted to a younger audience in Japan, and it will be here in the US, but like Harry Potter, many adults are attracted to the story. In Japan, a lot of the stuff you mentioned is acceptable in thier society. Here, many younger preteen audiences will enjoy Naruto and take in its meaning and story despite editing for US youth audiences. Save Adult swim for 16-up oriented programs like Full metal Alchemist, Samurai Champloo, and Paranoia Agent.
Naruto should not be hidden from Toonami's audience because we feel it belongs to us "adults."
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Joined: 16 Sep 2003
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Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:03 am
Nagisa wrote: |
I'm not too thrilled that Viz will likely pull the same "sell a 150+ episode TV series at three episodes a disc at standard MSRP" deal that they did with Inu-Yasha either, but it could still be worse. And outside of Viz's questionable practices, the domestic market's only been improving in recent months in terms of the sort of deals we get on releases. Would you rather we go back to the days of $30 monolingual VHS tapes with two episodes a pop? Or how about we copy Japan and sell two episodes per DVD volume at around $60? Five or so episodes at $25's a fair deal, I'd say. |
Have to agree with Nagisa here. I myself would rather Bandai or ADV, or even FUNi had gotten Naruto, since we might've gotten the 4 ep per deal, but as long as it's out over here, I'm cool with that. However . . . how many want to bet that the SAME old retread VA's get used for Naruto? How about getting some NEW talent Viz? I'm still shocked that Venus Terzo never got the job as Kagome and completed the Ranma switch!
As a side-note, I'm betting that Miroku's VA get's Kakashi. Just a guess.
They do Sexy no Jutsu for half an episode every single episode? Uh...what Naruto were you watching? It's a bit gag that's not really that vital to the series save for a couple filler episodes, and they'll probably just opt to tone it down in place of cutting it entirely anyway. [/quote]
Also agree with Nagisa here. Eroike no jutsu is sporadically used . . . and probably wont make the cut, but if it does it'll be a hilarious gag, one that won't get old because it isn't overused. Past the first 10 eps, you won't be seeing it very much.
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Joined: 08 Sep 2004
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Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:47 pm
Nagisa wrote: |
koali aloalo wrote: | and that takes up a lot of time and if they cut it out each episode will only be 15 min long just like rurouni kenshin was. |
They do Sexy no Jutsu for half an episode every single episode? Uh...what Naruto were you watching? It's a bit gag that's not really that vital to the series save for a couple filler episodes, and they'll probably just opt to tone it down in place of cutting it entirely anyway. |
On the editing thing, I'm with Nagisa, and if Sexy no Jutsu is left it, it'll be more than likely be given a digital bikini, hey, in the Naruto Gamecube games they gave Naruto a bikini while he was using the Sexy no Jutsu, so that'd be the most logical thing, plus they can leave in some of the Sexy no Jutsu moments anyway, they'll just be treated similar to some of the stuff in Tenchi Muyo
Nagisa wrote: |
koali aloalo wrote: | i hope they don't make a song of their own. |
They...won't? Are you sure you're not confusing Viz with 4Kids & TokyoPop? Yeah, Viz does a few things rather questionably with their releases, but they're hardly as deplorable as you seem to make them out to be. Neither are Cartoon Network. |
Again, I agree with Nagisa here as well, why would they change the music? I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe all of ShoPro's anime that have aired on CN (and were originally intended from CN, so Megaman NT Warrior doesn't count) have kept their original music, the only big change I've noticed is that the OP/ED themes in Hamtaro are dubbed over, and I know the ED theme for Hamtaro IS the same as the Japanese one
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 9:51 pm
Nionel wrote: |
On the editing thing, I'm with Nagisa, and if Sexy no Jutsu is left it, it'll be more than likely be given a digital bikini, hey, in the Naruto Gamecube games they gave Naruto a bikini while he was using the Sexy no Jutsu, so that'd be the most logical thing, plus they can leave in some of the Sexy no Jutsu moments anyway, they'll just be treated similar to some of the stuff in Tenchi Muyo. |
Same with the GBA and PS2 Naruto games. It's just the manga and anime verison were he takes a step... less. Put with all the steam and whatnot, we are more likely see to straps. Hopely they use the peach color.
Nionel wrote: |
I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe all of ShoPro's anime that have aired on CN (and were originally intended from CN, so Megaman NT Warrior doesn't count) have kept their original music, the only big change I've noticed is that the OP/ED themes in Hamtaro are dubbed over, and I know the ED theme for Hamtaro IS the same as the Japanese one |
We won't know until after 26th episode if they did. "Wind" is in English and chances are 9.5 out of 10, we won't get to see the opening air, which is, of course, pretty sad.
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Joined: 13 Feb 2004
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:24 pm
Well, pretty much, I like it when they just leave the op/ed themes alone... but I don't mind if they dub the song... as long as they get someone who can sing it right... as for sexy no jitsu, i'm going with the whole "bikini" theory, it seems most likely...
Anyways, i'm pretty sure naruto won't be all THAT heavilly edited... some blood gone here and there... some curses changed... it's not like toonami hasn't shown ANY BLOOD AT ALL... I meen, they showed blood on the dragonball trilogy, and on kenshin, I don't see why they couldn't let a bit of blood slip through...
And bobobo bobobobo... o_o I thought this wasn't ever gonna get licenced... BUT IT DID!! It's gonna be soo great!! I only saw the first 3 eps and I can't wait to see the rest of the series!! hopefully they'll do the series justice with the joke re-writes, or however they'll tell the jokes... hopefully it won't be totally butchered... bobobo in a sandwich, ah, hilarious... and all the cuts to the movie theather, ahaha, good times...
As for one peice, I haven't seen much of it, I just read some of it in an issue of shounen jump once... i'll probobly watch it...
IGPX... hmmmm... kickass... or... well... wasn't this on a while ago? I think I remember it... D.I.C.E. also looks kinda good (*cough*zoids*cough*)... and so does zach bell... especially zach bell!!! action comedys are great!!! Toonami is turning back into my mid-day obsession once again... then adult swim, my late night obsession...
Oh, and this is kinda off-topic, but who thinks "avatar: the last airbender" looks good... I think it might actually be kinda OK... as long as the story is solid, the animation looks great from the commercials...
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Joined: 24 Apr 2004
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:35 pm
dustopants wrote: |
And bobobo bobobobo... o_o I thought this wasn't ever gonna get licenced... BUT IT DID!! It's gonna be soo great!!  I only saw the first 3 eps and I can't wait to see the rest of the series!! hopefully they'll do the series justice with the joke re-writes, or however they'll tell the jokes... hopefully it won't be totally butchered... bobobo in a sandwich, ah, hilarious... and all the cuts to the movie theather, ahaha, good times...
Bobobobo on Toonami? That has got to be the weirdest decision CN has ever made. I haven't seen it yet, but I've seen some pics and read about it, and it looks like a very strange anime. It's about time Toonami put in some comedy anime.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:36 pm
dustopants wrote: | IGPX... hmmmm... kickass... or... well... wasn't this on a while ago? I think I remember it... |
It was a serial of short episodes, kinda like the Star Wars: Clone Wars series. Since Cartoon Network is listing it as a new series rather than a returning series it's likely that they'll be doing a full episodes now.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2002
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Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:32 am
Animefan16 wrote: | Bobobobo on Toonami? That has got to be the weirdest decision CN has ever made. I haven't seen it yet, but I've seen some pics and read about it, and it looks like a very strange anime. It's about time Toonami put in some comedy anime. |
I believe this was quoted from one of the heads of Toonami after the panel was finished, concerning Bobobobobobo:
"We know America's not ready for it...but we don't care."
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Joined: 16 Nov 2003
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Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:01 am
Isaaru wrote: |
yeah yeah..i see what you mean. Maybe i should have used a finer tooth comb here. However, all that stuff doesnt sound as violent or disturbing as you have made them sound. A lot of that will stay. With the exception of Kakashi and Itachi's scene (forgot about The rest can easily be reasonable edited, toned down WITHOUT hurting the central story.
I love Naruto, but its targeted to a younger audience in Japan, and it will be here in the US, but like Harry Potter, many adults are attracted to the story. In Japan, a lot of the stuff you mentioned is acceptable in thier society. Here, many younger preteen audiences will enjoy Naruto and take in its meaning and story despite editing for US youth audiences. Save Adult swim for 16-up oriented programs like Full metal Alchemist, Samurai Champloo, and Paranoia Agent.
Naruto should not be hidden from Toonami's audience because we feel it belongs to us "adults." |
The same goes for One Piece,which is still the same show at its core despite all the edits (imposed by Standards and Practices,I might add),so I figure the OP reruns will be shown on CN while 4kidstv will show brand new OP episodes.
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Joined: 16 Nov 2003
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Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:49 am
According to TvTome,One Piece has been renewed for a second season.
The 1st season finale is at April.
(That's SEASON,not series)
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:22 am
Nionel wrote: |
On the editing thing, I'm with Nagisa, and if Sexy no Jutsu is left it, it'll be more than likely be given a digital bikini, hey, in the Naruto Gamecube games they gave Naruto a bikini while he was using the Sexy no Jutsu, so that'd be the most logical thing, plus they can leave in some of the Sexy no Jutsu moments anyway, they'll just be treated similar to some of the stuff in Tenchi Muyo |
Oh please God no! Not the Digital Bikini treatment! CN got such a slagging for that when they butchered Tenchi Muyo OVA 1, surely they wouldn't try that again?
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