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NEWS: Yamauchi Suggests Nintendo Anime Division

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Joined: 11 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 9:24 am Reply with quote
I really hope that nintendo will succeed in this department, hopefully they'll bring nintendo favourites to life in anime, like legend of zelda,
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Necros Antiquor

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 9:48 am Reply with quote
Nagisa wrote:
deathbringer wrote:
At least Nintendo mascots have good games. Super Mario, Legend of Zelda, Metroid, etc. What does Sony have? Crash Bandicoot? Jak and Daxter? Ratchet and Clank? Bleh. Utter crap. I can't think of a single X-Box mascot. Or any decent X-Box game for that matter.

I actually prefer the fact that Sony & Microsoft don't have token mascots as crutches. If you ask me, Nintendo's written themselves into a corner and stunted their creativity by relying almost solely on a small handful of franchises and giving third-party support the finger (unless it's Capcom or Konami, for some reason). Same characters, same gameplay formulas, same old same old and now it's just dull, in my opinion. Another Mario platformer...yay...? Granted, back in the SNES days all these titles & characters were bloody awesome. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, these were all truly great games because the premise hadn't been thrown on us several hundred times in succession just yet.

As it stands, about the only Nintendo franchise to really go anywhere creatively has been Metroid. Zelda, Mario, & DK are all the same old SNES experience in 3-D. And all this "Mario Golf" crap doesn't cut it, either. That's just being even more obnoxiously shameless by taking a Tiger Woods game and tossing a fluffy Nintendo shell on top of it.

I beg to differ and agree at the same time. It is true that Nintendo has limited themselves creatively by relying too heavily on their franchises. One must only look at games like Star Fox Adventures or Donkey Konga to see their influence. Star Fox Adventures was originally a brand-new adventure from Rareware, but Nintendo saw that the main character was a fox and forced Rare to slap on the Star Fox license, which was completely loose for it and screwed up the ending. spoiler[(Why the heck was Andross there?!?)] And though the DK license is somewhat good for Donkey Konga, it could have survived without the license.

However, on the other hand, I have to disagree that any new games are just the same old games shoved down our throats. Every game series follows a certain "formula", and its the designers' job to decide whether the game they want to make fits that formula or not. They must work with the existing license. Every Nintendo franchise has evolved at least once since the Nintendo 64 came out. Zelda: Ocarina of Time definately evolved over its SNES days, and it's still evolving: just look at the changing (stress that last word) gameplay in Zelda: The Wind Waker. Donkey Kong 64 took on more of an adventure feel then its old sidescrolling days (one of the reasons I liked it a lot, I think). And Mario 64 was the title that reinvented 3D, adventure games, platforming games, and analog control. True, Super Mario Sunshine wasn't as ground-breaking, but it had new play mechanics as well, so it wasn't just Super Mario 64 Cubed (*cough*SuperMario64DS*cough*). If you want to look at a series that is the same, look at Final Fantasy. As "ground-breaking" as FF7 was (and keep in mind that I like the game), it was just FF6 in 3D and with better cutscenes. Only after 10 main games did they start to create new Final Fantasy experiences (such as MMORPGs, action-RPGs, and more Tactics games). While I agree Nintendo is too set in its ways, its way is still adequate...for the time being.

If you're interested, here's an article I read on IGN a little while ago that explains this very discussion: http://cube.ign.com/articles/561/561400p1.html
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 10:34 am Reply with quote
Necros Antiquor wrote:
If you want to look at a series that is the same, look at Final Fantasy. As "ground-breaking" as FF7 was (and keep in mind that I like the game), it was just FF6 in 3D and with better cutscenes. Only after 10 main games did they start to create new Final Fantasy experiences (such as MMORPGs, action-RPGs, and more Tactics games).

Ooooh believe me, while I'm not too hot on Nintendo right now, I'd take a million Mario rehashes to another Final Fantasy game. Squenix is practically at the bottom of the list of game developers I have any shred of respect for anymore. And Final Fantasy plays no small part in that for the very reason you brought up. Laughing
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Joined: 15 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 12:22 pm Reply with quote
First in reply to Haiseikoh 1973, I notice that you let loose on my DBZ reference, and maybe it wasn't a good choice, but I also mentioned Evangelion which is very deep.

Fact remains we expect a certain degree of quality with anime, Nintendo can use anime to test interest in potential game fodder, if not new anime, but they will also need to deliver in content too. It's a lot easier in the gaming world to get away with murderous rehashes (something I still find unforgivable by Nintendo to this very day, not matter how good the games are) that Nintendo has over the years. When producing non interactive content they won't be able to do this as easily, if ever. We will vote with our feet and money.

I think one of the reasons why FMA became popular is because it had a good story, plenty of action and wasn't FF related, and in many respects several of us even didn't know Square were involved in it. Therefore we watched with open minds and hearts, and discovered a good show. It might be harder for Nintendo to do the same, but anything is possible. I'll pray they don't mess up.

Some one was going on about Sony having no recognisable mascots. I reckon a company like Sony, who started out selling radios don't need one, because their good quality products have doing the talking for years. All that ground work made it easier for Sony to do well, when the enter the games market.

On the other hand with MS have nothing, and don't seem to want one either.

When you have a mascot, seeing it all the time can first please, then much later annoy you. In think Sony and MS are better off because they are not type cast, as catering for a certain demographic, like Nintendo have been for a long time. But then not having a mascot they try to create one (EG Crash Bandicoot). It's not easy to design and develop one that appeals to everyone, so why bother?

Nintendo will be watching what is popular, but I hope they also learn, do better and grow.

(thanks for the IGN link whoever put it up, a great recommended read)
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Necros Antiquor

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:30 pm Reply with quote
Onizuka666 wrote:
(thanks for the IGN link whoever put it up, a great recommended read)

No problem. Technically, it's written by a pretty good Nintendo-dedicated site called N-Sider, but IGN has a special deal with them to host specific articles. They also had a really cool article on what their next console, codenamed Revolution, would be like, based on what Nintendo had been investing in and its current partners. They came up with the possibility of gloves like in Minority Report, an all-purpose "gaming stick" in addition to the gloves, a controller with a GBA-like extra screen if the previous two things don't happen, a dash of VR helmets, and more computer-like game capabilities. It's an interesting read if you can find the article on their site.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:11 am Reply with quote
I hope that Nintendo can finally put end to bad game to anime rep, although Fatel Fury was pretty darn cool back in the day.

My wish list: Zelda (As long as it looks more like the upcoming Zelda and not the Wind Taker.), Metroid (Hmmm, Samus without the suit.), Earthbound/Mother (For some odd reason, I still like that game and it does a pretty decent story.), and lastly Mario (Less Lou dancing, more Mario. It worked for Sonic in Sonic X.)
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Joined: 30 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:35 am Reply with quote
UltimaShadowfax wrote:
A Zelda show!

Wait let me clarify. A good Zelda show!

YEAH!!! I realy hope so...

we also might get realy crappy shows like Mario and......thats it actually....if they turn all their games into anime...they are screwed.
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Joined: 01 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:09 pm Reply with quote
I'll try to list all the videogame/anime companies I can think of.

Rockman.exe, Rockman.exe AXXESS, Rockman.exe STREAM, Viewtiful Joe

Sonic X

F-Zero: Falcon Densetsu
Hoshi no Kirby

Final Fantasy Unlimited, Chrono Trigger, Star Ocean EX

Tales of Eternia, Tales of Phanatasia

Suikoden, Game King, Zone of the Enders

And FMA is not really made by Square-Enix, it was just sort of sponsered/overseen by them. You can tell because it's semi-decent and not bad like FFU Laughing jk

Anyway, I don't see why people are afraid of it being kiddy. Naruto and Full Metal Alchemist were for kids and they were popular amung most fansubber-downloads. Though Metroid is likely to get a anime over Metroid Prime, since MP is more aimed towards Americans.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:27 pm Reply with quote
I think you forgot Pokemon. Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 01 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:36 pm Reply with quote
Oh right >_>

Under Nintendo

Pocket Monster
Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation
Pokemon Houso

There we go.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:55 pm Reply with quote
A remake of Zelda and Mario would probley be good. I haven't' seen much of the old mario/zelda show but I know zelda had like 15 episdoes, dont' know how much mario had. If they did shows like mario,zelda, fire, and others they'd have to decide which game of the game to show. Like zelda has about 8 - 11 games if I rember right, but which would they show? 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11? Same with mario/others. I know some games they can't do shows of; simcity, tetris, tetris attack.
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Necros Antiquor

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 5:37 pm Reply with quote
Amibite wrote:
Suikoden, Game King, Zone of the Enders

From what I can tell, Konami doesn't really make the Yu-Gi-Oh (Game King, King of Games) anime, they just oversee the actual TCG and make 20 Yu-Gi-Oh games a year. Anime hyper They might sponsor or oversee the anime, like you explained Square-Enix did with FMA.

Ambite wrote:
Though Metroid is likely to get a anime over Metroid Prime, since MP is more aimed towards Americans.

This is probably true and one of my top bets for a new anime, because Metroid is seen as something like Halo in the US (though I don't know why, they are both extremely different games), and we all saw how popular Halo was with all the chaos around November 9... Anime dazed

dlf wrote:
A remake of Zelda and Mario would probley be good. I haven't' seen much of the old mario/zelda show but I know zelda had like 15 episdoes, don't' know how much mario had. If they did shows like mario,zelda, fire, and others they'd have to decide which game of the game to show. Like zelda has about 8 - 11 games if I rember right, but which would they show? 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11? Same with mario/others. I know some games they can't do shows of; simcity, tetris, tetris attack.

This isn't necessarily true. Having watched a (very small) bit of the new Viewtiful Joe anime, an anime adaption of a video-game does not have to follow the game exactly. From just the intro, it's obvious that they added two new characters, and the plot is not as similar as you might guess to the first games. This is probably because many games don't have deep storylines but instead have a certain feel that defines the franchise. Most Mario and Zelda games (especially the older ones) have little storyline other than "go save the princess and the world". For a video-game to become an anime, unless it's an RPG, it needs to have much added and changed to the story. Character attitudes, new plots, and a general continuity (which many old games lack) need to be present. In short, they could probably combine different elements from different Zelda games to make an anime that represents the entire Zelda franchise, though not necessarily drawing well-known things from each game, like the Wind Waker, Minish Cap, Rod of Seasons, or the Four Sword. I'd place my new-anime-based-on-a-game bet on Zelda (based primarily on Ocarina of Time), especially with the new Zelda game coming out on Gamecube in 2005.

It's important to note that Nintendo's new division might not go straight for the well-known franchises but might create some new series with no previous background. Naturally, I'm rooting for a Zelda or Metroid anime, but Nintendo could come out with something new and surprise us all.

As a side thought, there needs to be an anime adaption of Katamari Damacy... Anime smile + sweatdrop
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Joined: 24 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:23 pm Reply with quote
Necros Antiquor wrote:

As a side thought, there needs to be an anime adaption of Katamari Damacy... Anime smile + sweatdrop
FLCL, Abenobashi, pot, shrooms, excel saga, and puni puni poemy wrapped in one. Shocked
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Joined: 28 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:48 pm Reply with quote
yep. always have to expect the unexpected. We may like some of what they do, we may not like some of what they do, but imo.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:41 pm Reply with quote
I think the success of Pokemon has gone to Nintendo's head (maybe not as much as it was back when it first debuted in America). Hopefully, they produce something original, and not go with a flagship-character based anime. Especially, since a bad anime could ruin the character in both the game and anime world. Think about Mario, damn that was a horrible movie/cartoon show, not to mention the zelda cartoon packaged with it. If they create something like that, then I wouldn't consider that an anime show.

The fact they are producing an anime for the sole purpose of marketing the game(its the only reason the company would take this root), will probably hurt the anime, since a successful anime and a successful game are too totally different animals. I mean Ghost in the Shell SAC is a great anime, but the game stinks.

It would be smart to not try to create a game and produce an anime around it, but to just get some seasoned quality anime creators and produce a great show. Then, go back, and create a great game around the anime.
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