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Kamisama no Memo-cho (TV).

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:15 pm Reply with quote
Kamisama no Memo-cho

ANN's Plot Summary wrote:
The Story revolves around Narumi Fujishima, an ordinary high school boy who remain isolated from his fellow classmates. One afternoon fellow classmate Ayaka Shinozaki invites Narumi to join the gardening club and introduces him to a reclusive detective named Alice. Alice hires Narumi as an assisant and puts him to work solving the strange mysteries of Angel fix an illegal drug. Little does he know it could put him and Ayaka in serious trouble.

Kawaru Mirai by Choucho

Asunaru by Kenichi Suzumura
Colorado Bulldog by MR. BIG

Episodes: 12

Loli detective, yay. Reading the plot summary seems like a reminiscence of Gosick which ended earlier this week but in a whole new world. The show is produced by J.C. Staff but it doesn't seem to be so bad so far - I'm disappointed by several of J.C. Staff's work. As long as the loli characteristics are not overused, I'm going to be happy with this show. It actually does look like a great show so far.

The first episode is 50 minutes-ish long and is two parts. The mystery doesn't seem much of a challenge but I learned my mistake from having too much hopes from many series so I've put my expectations to the lowest point I have. The characters seem interesting and the show starts off rather nice.

NOTE: The broadcast originally starts on July 10 but the first episode aired on the channel AT-X. Also, don't get mixed up with the name as I did, I originally thought this was Kamisama Dolls.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:56 pm Reply with quote
Yes, the parallels to Gosick are obvious: small, frail, doll-like girl with a tart tongue that she uses liberally on her doormat male servant and who is restricted to a certain area, solving mysteries in an unusual way. Hey, who said creativity and innovation in anime is dead??? Nonetheless, I'm liking this incarnation. Loli tsundere detectives 4-eva!!!
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:06 pm Reply with quote
I don't know if I would call her a tsundere. That term is overused imo. I enjoyed the pilot. But I was confused for awhile. The boy toy NEET and Satoshi looked too similar, so I was wondering what the hell was happening. But other than that, this looks it is going to be a good series.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:38 pm Reply with quote
EmbraceMe wrote:

NOTE: The broadcast originally starts on July 10 but the first episode aired on the channel AT-X. Also, don't get mixed up with the name as I did, I originally thought this was Kamisama Dolls.

Haha, I did that exact same thing. I was like "this isn't anything like the plot premise I read", then realized there was 2 shows starting with Kamisama.

But yeah, I thought I'd give this show a try, and I defnintely enjoyed it. And from everyone's comments, I'm wondering if I should go watch Gosick now...
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:49 pm Reply with quote
WhiteHairGirls wrote:
I don't know if I would call her a tsundere. That term is overused imo. I enjoyed the pilot. But I was confused for awhile. The boy toy NEET and Satoshi looked too similar, so I was wondering what the hell was happening. But other than that, this looks it is going to be a good series.

Yeah, I don't think the Oxford Concise has gotten around to providing a definitive definition yet, but Alice is verbally insulting to, and generally contemptuous of, our bland male lead. That's normally a sign we are at least nibbling at the edge of tsundereland. Her "soft" side comes out in terms of loving stuffed animals. Oh, plus, when Bland Male Lead saw her partially undressed (when Gardening Chick was trying to get her to take a bath) she became violently angry as opposed to maidenly shy. I'm pretty sure that's on the tsun checklist, too. Hey, but it's cool if she doesn't meet your personal definition.
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the Rancorous

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:53 pm Reply with quote
I read "loli tsundere" and went "Uh oh!" But, I checked the cast list and did not see Rie Kugumiya, so I'll check this show out after all Razz .
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:03 pm Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
WhiteHairGirls wrote:
I don't know if I would call her a tsundere. That term is overused imo. I enjoyed the pilot. But I was confused for awhile. The boy toy NEET and Satoshi looked too similar, so I was wondering what the hell was happening. But other than that, this looks it is going to be a good series.

Yeah, I don't think the Oxford Concise has gotten around to providing a definitive definition yet, but Alice is verbally insulting to, and generally contemptuous of, our bland male lead. That's normally a sign we are at least nibbling at the edge of tsundereland. Her "soft" side comes out in terms of loving stuffed animals. Oh, plus, when Bland Male Lead saw her partially undressed (when Gardening Chick was trying to get her to take a bath) she became violently angry as opposed to maidenly shy. I'm pretty sure that's on the tsun checklist, too. Hey, but it's cool if she doesn't meet your personal definition.

Well when I think of tsundere I think of Aria from Hidan No aria or Taiga from Toradora, someone who isn't afraid to use violence on the main guy. Plus hopefully this won't turn into a romance anime...
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Joined: 06 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:46 am Reply with quote
i liked the opening episode alot, kind of thought it was like Gosick(Leading Pair + Mysteries) put into a Serial Experiments Lain-esque setting with a support cast taken from SKET Dance, or something like that anyway, looking forward to the series now, but does anyone know if the next episode is next week or 2 weeks away? it was a double episode to start the series so i thought it could well miss a week and then continue as normal
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:16 am Reply with quote
I gave the first episode a favorable score because of the subject matter that it dealt with in its mystery aspect and the way that it handled said subject matter (i.e. compensated dating, which, based on what I've heard, is a real social concern in Japan right now). Otherwise I found it to be borrowing almost as much from Durarara!! (in the way it uses a stream-of-consciousness dialog approach and lays out a set of eccentric characters) as from Gosick and better than the latter at executing the mystery. The whole business with making Alice a cute hikkikomori is over-the-top, though.

And as to whether or not Alice can be considered a tsundere: they may be trying to portray a milder version of one after having so many extreme cases running around in anime series lately. I do agree that she qualifies, though, as being tsundere is as much about the attitude shifts as the violence.

Oh, yes, and quite an interesting choice for closing song. That's the second anime series now that has used Mr. Big for that purpose. (But they have been as big or bigger in Japan, especially in recent years, than they ever were in the States.)
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Darth Joker

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 7:08 pm Reply with quote
I personally think that Alica is more of a Kuudere than a tsundere.

I think that Alice's 'deadpan snarker' wit is a much more prominent part of her character that any sudden explosions of anger.

As for this episode itself, it was very nice. Truly different from most of what is out there right now. I also liked how it tackled a serious social issue without pulling any punches.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:17 pm Reply with quote
Hmm, I could swear this and Kamisama Dolls were one and the same. What gives?
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Joined: 24 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:10 am Reply with quote
I was lost when I went to the othr Kamisama thread and read the premise, but it's all clear now. I really like the so far, it is reminiscent of a DRRR and Gosick. I think this can be a pretty good show if they don't overplay the main character being a cute hikkomori type.

..now to see the other Kamisama show..
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:21 pm Reply with quote
Finally watched it. Found this more entertaining than Kamisama Dolls, and while both are pretty good, Memocho's loli is too cute and hits the same soft spot as Victorique did until Gosick became romantic and SHE STOPPED with the cute stuff (damn you Bones, get your arse back to DTB). The mystery was nothing unique, but I like how we didn't have to deal with psychos and unreasonable stuff for once. I wonder if there's some Detective Conan inspiration there.

And the undressing scene. Oh, the undressing scene. I like how she cries so easily. I'll give her 5-7 (or 2, according to Phantom Requiem) more years then I'll accept her as my wife.
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:25 am Reply with quote
egoist wrote:

And the undressing scene. Oh, the undressing scene. I like how she cries so easily.

After seeing episode 2 I'm wondering if this will be a running gag. Sure, every show with a cute girl and fluster-able guy does the "walking in on the naked girl- get slapped" scene but if they really commit to the absurdity of it and do it every episode- it might just be a way to make an old joke funny again.

As for the rest of it, I'm really liking the characters in this show. The client of the week is really sweet and empathetic and even incidental characters like that drunk Yakuza who had info on the missing guy felt realized. While the supporting cast like the information gathering guy who swore his life to that informant and their friendly neighborhood yakuza boss with the idiot minions give you the feeling that they have very interesting back-stories that you want to learn about.

I'm not sure it's to the shows detriment that the main two characters seem the most shallow so far, I'm guessing they want to take their time getting to know them.

I will complain about one thing. Why the hell would anyone be impressed by someone calling themselves a NEET Detective? Why would Alice feel it impressive to tell others this? She tells people this like she's Inspector Zenigata telling the local authorities "I'm not with the Police, I'm with the International Police! ICPO, Interpol!" while everything about identifying with a NEET is absolutely unimpressive, it's telling a person- "I have no training, aren't learning anything new and am basically unemployed- so of course you should trust me! I'm awesome!"
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:32 am Reply with quote
I suspect the self-identifier as a "NEET" detective is mostly for comedic purposes, but there might also be a serious rationale for it. What she's basically saying to prospective clients: "hey look, I have no life - I'm a 24/7 shut-in - I can give your case my full, undivided, obsessive attention because I have no other distractions."
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