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About themes (despair, Big Revelations)

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Joined: 17 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:03 pm Reply with quote
Hi, i've just now spotted the Audit feature and i figured the best thing to do was to ask the seniors before messing around with this stuff.


So Madoka Magica was flagged with the themes "Despair" and "Big Revelations". Am i correct in thinking that just like "friendship", "despair" is not a valid theme?

And "big revelations"? Sure, there are some revelations in episode 10, but i think that's quite a silly theme..

People are just trying to inflate their favorite series with all kinds of random themes, am i right?
If so, there should be a valid theme checklist so people don't make these kinds of mistake.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:52 am Reply with quote
Yeah, stuff like this has been a bit tricky ever since themes were introduced. I think part of the problem comes from people associate "themes" with literary ideas rather than its intended use of distinct identifying elements. The instruction paragraph for submitting themes uses the term "flavor" and provides examples of what should and shouldn't be themes, but this is the internet, and some people just don't have time to read instructions.

Personally the continued existence of the "troublesome kids" theme drives me nuts, but it seems like it's sticking around.

A clarification of my opinion in case it's necessary: I agree that "despair" and "big revelations" don't belong as themes in the ANN encyclopedia.

Edit: Ugh, apparently there's a vocal contingent that really hates Sengoku Basara. It's got an inflated number of votes rating it "not really good" or worse, and someone tried to give it "shit" as a theme. It's more noticeable in the ratings for the sequel, as that hasn't come out in English yet.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:39 am Reply with quote
I agree that "despair" and "big revelations" aren't appropriate as themes. They aren't visual themes, and "big revelations" just isn't a "theme" at all in my opinion (themes are supposed to be things the anime is about, and even if the anime has a major plot twist, I doubt that it is about plot twists). I also was voting against "troublesome kids", but as Dorcas Aurelia says, it seems to be sticking around.

Another commonly used theme that really bugs me is "superpowers", which seems to be used on anything where the characters possess any sort of supernatural power or superhuman ability. In my opinion, the way it is being used it is so broad that it would apply to about half of all anime, which makes it pretty useless. I think the theme is appropriate for things like Gakuen Alice or S-CRY-ed where the characters have specific powers, and having and using those powers is a big issue in the anime. However, grouping those with things like Dragonball Z where the characters are just generally superhuman makes little sense to me.

Also, on the subject of issues with themes, I've noticed that some themes have been entered with multiple spellings, which causes themes to be split into multiple groups (e.g. "shounen-ai", "shounen ai", and "shonen-ai", or "world war ii" and "world war two"). I've really been hoping there is some way to combine those.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:11 pm Reply with quote
Sorry for the wait. "Despair" and "Big Revelations" are definitely not appropriate as themes, so I've flagged off them as such.

I agree that part of the problem is that people have a different idea of what a "theme" means, but does anyone have a better idea for what term to use? For my part I can't think of anything better than "theme".

Troublesome kids also seemed weird to me at first, but if I ask myself "is Mitsudomoe a show about troublesome kids?" ... I can't help but agree with that.

I just uniformized 'shounen ai' and 'shonen-ai' to 'shounen-ai'
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:19 pm Reply with quote
Dan42 wrote:
I just uniformized 'shounen ai' and 'shonen-ai' to 'shounen-ai'

As a macron fan, I'd like to see "shōnen-ai".
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Joined: 25 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:34 pm Reply with quote
Even as someone who is not a macron fan, I'd still prefer to see "shōnen/shōjo-ai" used just to stay consistent with the romanization style guide, if nothing else. Wink
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