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Hey, Answerman! - A Higher Level of Whatever

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Joined: 17 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:23 am Reply with quote
She realizes she's been caught. I can see her eyes reach back in her brain, asking for help. "Well, uh," she says, "I haven't seen Kochi... that. I did see the other one, though. Doh-reemon."

In that instant, I realized that this girl is used to winning arguments with anime fans this way. She is actually accustomed to people going up to her, attempting to impress / aggrandize themselves by spouting off that they've seen anime and read manga that nobody else has, when in fact they haven't. And when she rips back with "Oh yeah well I saw that FOREVER ago," the ball is in her court now.

It was immensely depressing, honestly. Let's move on.

Its sound to me like she was trying to impress you...... just saying.....
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:24 am Reply with quote
Undoubtedly the best part of Dragon Ball Kai is that Funimation has an opportunity to make up for its horrendous past DBZ English dubs and finally give the fans one with accurate scripts and better voices and voice acting. But it's also nice to have a shortcut version available for the more filler-heavy story arcs, like Namek/Freeza. Hopefully Toei will get to the Buu arc, which could also use it.

Last edited by penguintruth on Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 17 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:27 am Reply with quote
I hope they stop at Cell..... Buu was 90% filler if they keep going like they have its going to end up being like 5 to 9 EPs at most......

Remember the famous GOKU IS CHARGING UP FOR 2 EP STRAIGHT eps are in the Boo arc when he is on the kie planet fighting one version of kid boo.
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Joined: 16 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:18 am Reply with quote
I forgot to submit my answer for answerfans but it's okay because Kevin (and Black Mokona) basically said what I wanted to say =)

I don't know how old you are Brian, but I'm assuming you're a little older than me, which means that girl in your story would also be a little older than me, and man, she sure didn't seem to act her age =S Sounds like behaviour I would associate with highschoolers or younger... Indeed, that IS very depressing...
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Joined: 10 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:24 am Reply with quote
RoverTX wrote:
I hope they stop at Cell..... Buu was 90% filler if they keep going like they have its going to end up being like 5 to 9 EPs at most......

Remember the famous GOKU IS CHARGING UP FOR 2 EP STRAIGHT eps are in the Boo arc when he is on the kie planet fighting one version of kid boo.

Stoping at Cell would have been a nice ending place but considering the Buu saga exists it would be stupid not to include. Since Kai is getting rid of the filler though the Buu sage shouldnt have those movements like when Goku charges for 2 episodes. Also I thought the Buu saga was interesting since it showed a new generation of heroes such as trunks, goten, videl, and older gohan. Not to mention I loved the episodes of Gohan going to High School.
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Joined: 07 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:56 am Reply with quote
One of the answers to the question of the week reminded me of something I've wanted to know.

Why is it that people say an anime, any anime, will not work with a dub? True, you lose things in translation and somethings simply don't translate, but don't you have those same exact problems when trying to translate into subtitles?

How is it that something can only translate as a subtitle? How can you translate something as text and retain the original meaning, but if you actually voice it, it looses it's meaning?
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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:48 am Reply with quote
TheGameNinja wrote:
One of the answers to the question of the week reminded me of something I've wanted to know.

Why is it that people say an anime, any anime, will not work with a dub? True, you lose things in translation and somethings simply don't translate, but don't you have those same exact problems when trying to translate into subtitles?

How is it that something can only translate as a subtitle? How can you translate something as text and retain the original meaning, but if you actually voice it, it looses it's meaning?

It depends on the person making the argument.
A lot of times I see it when people just can't imagine a dub cast doing a superior job over the Japanese cast. In that case, just watch the sub. I have listened to a dub & popped back over to the Japanese track in horror, but really, that's all personal pref. Quite often humans seem to prefer the first version of something they hear (familiarity), but cover versions can be interesting or better.
The other application is when the show is "so Japanese". Yeah, I find the idea strange also, but some people feel a title contains so many Japanse cultural refs, it would be impossible to translate because the translation would have to include extensive notation.
There could be other interpretations.
Is there actually people who believe in this term "higher level of Otaku" and if so where does it come from? In other fandoms such a divide never existed. Such as gaming a person who plays all types of games doesn't seem to indicate they are better than say a person who only plays anime rpgs and fighting games. Or someone who likes all sport does see themselves as better than say a football nut. I wonder if people can really look down on people due to what they like/dislike. Maybe I'm naive and this is happening everywhere or maybe this is just my friend being dickish.

This is life itself, is it not?
There are people who have the need to feel superior to others for millions of reasons. Indeed, do not most people do this? A person who has never received a ticket will often feel superior to one who has been ticketed. God, my mother-in-law would put all sorts of things down as being "Okie" & she felt she was better being from Nebraska.
"Trekkie" vs "Trekker" is ancient. When Star Wars came out. the Star Trek fans considered themselves superior to Star War fans because Star Wars was a space opera vs "real" science fiction.
Look at how WoW players are spoken of disdainfully by other gamers.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:13 am Reply with quote
Talk about your foetus what hasn't burst his water yet, I wonder if "Otaku Naive Boy" has ever heard of the term "genocide", or snobbery at the murderous end of the scale. His parents must not let him watch the news, or he's a hikikomori since birth. Rolling Eyes
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:15 am Reply with quote
I first discovered elitism and snobbery on the old Gundam forums where the U.C fandom would sniff disdainfully at anyone who liked any of the Alternate Universe gundams. It took me 8 years to start posting at any gundam forum ever again.
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The Xenos

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:19 am Reply with quote
In terms of elitism, I'm kinda surprised you didn't bring up the old American comics vs manga snobbery. Heaven knows I got one roommate who's always ready to bitch and moan about how simply awful the entirety of American comics are. He does have a few he likes such as Sin City or Watchmen, but whenever another roommate and I talk about comics, often ourselves complaining about some title or publisher's idea, he's quick to point out how manga is a superior form of the artform. You know, as if manga doesn't have piles of problems and turd titles itself. To me, it's just different. Both have their pros and cons.

Though of course, sometimes I gotta side with the snobs. I'd argue that Justin Bieber is a sign of the music getting desperate or Twilight is simply a horrible book and not a good sign for the industry or even feminism. I'm not just saying they're not good, but they have large issues at work (which I'm not going to waste space on here). To be fair, some of the bad 90s comics I had growing up were pretty well crap too. Meanwhile, most things are pretty much in a gray area and fans can debate their merit back and forth.

Plus anyone that calls magical girl anime by the Americanized Japanese name "maho shojo" shouldn't be casting stones. It's the magical girl genre. Calling it by sounding out the Japanese name isn't going to make it sound any more macho.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:42 am Reply with quote
Hahahahaha............. those arguments pale in comparison to the ancient wars back in unmoderated newsgroups!...................... Oh look, I'm starting another argument.......... Laughing

The Xenos wrote:

Though of course, sometimes I gotta side with the snobs. I'd argue that Justin Bieber is a sign of the music getting desperate or Twilight is simply a horrible book and not a good sign for the industry or even feminism.

A lot of anime are not a good sign for feminism! Laughing

And I daresay Justin Bieber is just like what many here aspire to be: an internet-to-real-life sensation! Regardless whether they like his music, they're just jealous - yet he probably worked harder at it than them! Razz
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:51 am Reply with quote
I consider myself way above 90% of anime watchers here in Romania, who only watch Bleach and Naruto. So yeah, I'm a snob, but it's much better then being one of those narutards.

PS: Manga IS better then comics, because of it's diversity. There are no mainstream american comics that are NOT about super-heroes.
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Joined: 02 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:03 am Reply with quote
Recently me and my friends had a heated debated about anime tastes. Within that debate one of my friends spurted a phrase that annoyed me to no end when he called himself a "higher level of Otaku".

This annoyed me as he was putting across the point of view that because he watches all different types of anime like Slice of Life, Maho Shoujo,Comedy and Action he was better than the friend who basically only watched Action/Shonen anime.

Sir, tell your friend that he is a moron. It only stands to reason. Someone who is a 'higher' level fan would have more restricted taste, while someone who is more 'base' will be willing to watch everything. By this logic, your exclusive Action/Shonen friend would be considered a 'higher level' otaku and your annoying fanboi friend is a 'lower level'. I, personally, am the basest of base. I will watch anything, as long as it's anime. Hell, I just watched Princess Princess the other week, and I'm not even gay (not that there's anything wrong with that). So, while I think that something who only watches Naruto is missing out on a lot of good shows, that doesn't make him any lesser of a fan. I've never understood this juvenile desire for ranking and superiority. I've always took an egalitarian approach: any fan, regardless of taste, is a friend of mine, regardless if they've seen one series or one thousand.

If an anime/manga's creator wrote the story where Character X finally ends up with Character Y instead of Character Z, then that's what's going to happen so get over it. Though writing silly little fluff pieces of non-cannon pairings is fine, it's the fans who literally throw tantrums when their OTP doesn't happen that get on my nerves.

Oh come on, 'Die for Our Ship' is the best part of being a shipper. What's the point, otherwise?
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:07 am Reply with quote
DmonHiro wrote:

There are no mainstream american comics that are NOT about super-heroes.


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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:47 am Reply with quote
The Xenos wrote:
.....isn't going to make it sound any more macho.
or maho. sorry, couldn't resist. Razz
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