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$25 for a $50 RACS gift certificate!

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Joined: 05 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:14 pm Reply with quote
luffypirate85 wrote:
wormraper wrote:
sooooooooooooooooooo, today is end of day 5 and still nothing. no replies to my email either. looks like I'm gonna be calling my CC company tomorrow

Nononono wait it out. This deal is worth waiting. $25 free anime dollars.

I waited a week for an Akadot $20 gift certificate and got a brand new copy of Robot volume one for half price. Totally worth the wait.

What are you planning on buying?

my wife ordered one with her CC and me with mine... was planning on getting

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Accredited Retailer

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:26 pm Reply with quote
Just FYI to everyone that WeShop is on the up and up. The head guy there contacted me last week trying use the offer to segue me into a conference call about using aggregate customer statistics to enhance our market penetration, etc etc. Sounds like something the guys out in Iowa would be more interested in than me, but I may talk with them after I finally get over this damn cold.

They finally purchased the Gift Certificate codes they needed from us on Saturday, so they should be forwarding them to everyone who took advantage of the deal soon. I was a little surprised at how many codes they sold, so regardless it will be good for you guys and good for us. Wink

Bob (aka Robert)
The Anime Corner Store

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:28 pm Reply with quote
Nice idea! I should have copied you.

I'm going to re-order King of Eden Blu-ray with mine so I can get that exclusive T shirt. I also might buy that Nagato Yuki Revoltech for my Haruhi collection unless I can get my local shop to sell me theirs for cheap.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:35 pm Reply with quote
AnimeCornerStore wrote:
Just FYI to everyone that WeShop is on the up and up. The head guy there contacted me last week trying use the offer to segue me into a conference call about using aggregate customer statistics to enhance our market penetration, etc etc. Sounds like something the guys out in Iowa would be more interested in than me, but I may talk with them after I finally get over this damn cold.

They finally purchased the Gift Certificate codes they needed from us on Saturday, so they should be forwarding them to everyone who took advantage of the deal soon. I was a little surprised at how many codes they sold, so regardless it will be good for you guys and good for us. Wink

Bob (aka Robert)
The Anime Corner Store

Follow RACS on Twitter or Facebook

sweet. thanks for the update Bob. will be waiting it out then.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:35 pm Reply with quote
I am a bit puzzled on how WeShop and RACS makes money out of this. If WeShop is selling a $50 gift certificate for $25, they obviously must be purchasing the codes for less than $25 or they'd be losing money on the deal. Let's just say for the sake of argument they are paying $20 for a $50 certificate. That means they are making a $5 profit per order. Okay, I see how that benefits them. But then RACS would be getting $20 to give away $30, so I don't see how it makes sense for them.

I'm confuzzled...
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:00 pm Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
I am a bit puzzled on how WeShop and RACS makes money out of this. If WeShop is selling a $50 gift certificate for $25, they obviously must be purchasing the codes for less than $25 or they'd be losing money on the deal. Let's just say for the sake of argument they are paying $20 for a $50 certificate. That means they are making a $5 profit per order. Okay, I see how that benefits them. But then RACS would be getting $20 to give away $30, so I don't see how it makes sense for them.

I'm confuzzled...

advertising and marketing is the pull for these. not the money paid for the cards
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:31 pm Reply with quote
From what Bob said, they are trying to sell him something. I suspect they are paying the largest portion (or all of) the difference in value. Sort of like a retail store advertising something as less than cost to get people into the store.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:42 pm Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
I am a bit puzzled on how WeShop and RACS makes money out of this. If WeShop is selling a $50 gift certificate for $25, they obviously must be purchasing the codes for less than $25 or they'd be losing money on the deal. Let's just say for the sake of argument they are paying $20 for a $50 certificate. That means they are making a $5 profit per order. Okay, I see how that benefits them. But then RACS would be getting $20 to give away $30, so I don't see how it makes sense for them.

I'm confuzzled...

WeShop is not making any money out this. They are buying $50 gift codes for $50. We have no deal with them, so there is no reason why we would sell them the codes for less than the cost. They take the upfront hit as a foot in the door with potential clients (businesses) in hopes that they will make a deal with them for thousands of dollars in advertising and marketing dollars down the line. Frankly. I'm not too crazy about firms like this. They tend to dig a little too deep into individual customers buying habits, and I only like taking these sorts of stats in the aggregate. These firms make their money selling everything they can discover about customers like you to guys like me so that I can focus my marketing, products, and services like a laser on what makes me the most money. The problem is only that we don't do business like that. Groupon is in the same business, whatever they show to consumers, their real business is selling deep blue marketing and advertising statistics to other businesses. It's the old data mining business with a new twist.

But you and I were thinking along the same lines. I told Jamie today their acquisition cost per client must be enormous, but it's easy to blow money like that when you have lots of venture capital funding to blow and a short time to do it. But I do think it's neat that they targeted us for their service. We'll see if they got their money's worth when I talk to them this week. Cool

Bob (aka Robert)
The Anime Corner Store

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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:45 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for the info, Robert! As you can tell, what I don't know about retailing, online or otherwise, could fill volumes...
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:46 pm Reply with quote
AnimeCornerStore wrote:
Blood- wrote:
I am a bit puzzled on how WeShop and RACS makes money out of this. If WeShop is selling a $50 gift certificate for $25, they obviously must be purchasing the codes for less than $25 or they'd be losing money on the deal. Let's just say for the sake of argument they are paying $20 for a $50 certificate. That means they are making a $5 profit per order. Okay, I see how that benefits them. But then RACS would be getting $20 to give away $30, so I don't see how it makes sense for them.

I'm confuzzled...

WeShop is not making any money out this. They are buying $50 gift codes for $50. We have no deal with them, so there is no reason why we would sell them the codes for less than the cost. They take the upfront hit as a foot in the door with potential clients (businesses) in hopes that they will make a deal with them for thousands of dollars in advertising and marketing dollars down the line. Frankly. I'm not too crazy about firms like this. They tend to dig a little too deep into individual customers buying habits, and I only like taking these sorts of stats in the aggregate. These firms make their money selling everything they can discover about customers like you to guys like me so that I can focus my marketing, products, and services like a laser on what makes me the most money. The problem is only that we don't do business like that. Groupon is in the same business, whatever they show to consumers, their real business is selling deep blue marketing and advertising statistics to other businesses. It's the old data mining business with a new twist.

But you and I were thinking along the same lines. I told Jamie today their acquisition cost per client must be enormous, but it's easy to blow money like that when you have lots of venture capital funding to blow and a short time to do it. But I do think it's neat that they targeted us for their service. We'll see if they got their money's worth when I talk to them this week. Cool

Bob (aka Robert)
The Anime Corner Store

Follow RACS on Twitter or Facebook

what he said...
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:33 pm Reply with quote
Luffypirate knows his deals, my friends Cool
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Joined: 25 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:33 pm Reply with quote
AnimeCornerStore wrote:
Blood- wrote:
I am a bit puzzled on how WeShop and RACS makes money out of this. If WeShop is selling a $50 gift certificate for $25, they obviously must be purchasing the codes for less than $25 or they'd be losing money on the deal. Let's just say for the sake of argument they are paying $20 for a $50 certificate. That means they are making a $5 profit per order. Okay, I see how that benefits them. But then RACS would be getting $20 to give away $30, so I don't see how it makes sense for them.

I'm confuzzled...

WeShop is not making any money out this. They are buying $50 gift codes for $50. We have no deal with them, so there is no reason why we would sell them the codes for less than the cost. They take the upfront hit as a foot in the door with potential clients (businesses) in hopes that they will make a deal with them for thousands of dollars in advertising and marketing dollars down the line. Frankly. I'm not too crazy about firms like this. They tend to dig a little too deep into individual customers buying habits, and I only like taking these sorts of stats in the aggregate. These firms make their money selling everything they can discover about customers like you to guys like me so that I can focus my marketing, products, and services like a laser on what makes me the most money. The problem is only that we don't do business like that. Groupon is in the same business, whatever they show to consumers, their real business is selling deep blue marketing and advertising statistics to other businesses. It's the old data mining business with a new twist.

But you and I were thinking along the same lines. I told Jamie today their acquisition cost per client must be enormous, but it's easy to blow money like that when you have lots of venture capital funding to blow and a short time to do it. But I do think it's neat that they targeted us for their service. We'll see if they got their money's worth when I talk to them this week. Cool

Bob (aka Robert)
The Anime Corner Store

Follow RACS on Twitter or Facebook

So they`re using this as an semi-scientific market research tool? Interesting, to say the least.

Wouldn`t this yield similar results to studies that track how consumers respond to blowout sales?
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:37 pm Reply with quote
Got both of mine. Put in my $100 order to RacS Very Happy.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:04 pm Reply with quote
Finally got my code and just placed my nearly $100 order after discounts.
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The Naked Beast

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:19 pm Reply with quote
I also received my code from WeShop. It would have been nice if they handled this better. But, I have no complaints since they made good on their word.

Quick question to Bob, do the codes have an expiration date?
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