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Boogiepop Phantom (TV).

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Joined: 04 Mar 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2002 5:42 am Reply with quote

Boogiepop Phantom (TV)

Genres: drama, horror, mystery, psychological, supernatural
Themes: alter-ego, memories, phantoms, psychology, urban legend

Plot Summary: A light in the sky, followed by a strange aura and grisly murders. Each character tells there own connection to the event and to a similar murder spree 5 years ago. All of the different stories are slowly tied together by seemingly minute similarities and the story of Boogiepop is unraveled.

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I bought the Boogiepop Phantom boxed set and watched it the other day. I have to say that this has got to be the most confusing thing I have ever seen. I liked it but I didn't fully understand what was goin on. Im gonna watch it again and hopefully that will help but I was wondeing if someone who understood it fairly well could explain it a little.
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Joined: 11 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 9:57 pm Reply with quote
I am not personally familiar with Boogiepop Phantom but to understand it better I would try watching it again. But if you're still just as lost don't worry becuase plot lines have a way of explaining themselves as the series progresses. By watching further episodes you'll probably begin to see things more clearly.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:07 am Reply with quote
I have it as well, though I've only seen it once. It's been about a month, but I think I can still remember some of it.

Do you have any particular questions? If not, I would also suggest you rewatch it. It is only 12 episodes. Good luck then! Wink
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:22 am Reply with quote
legitballa13 wrote:
I bought the Boogiepop Phantom boxed set and watched it the other day. I have to say that this has got to be the most confusing thing I have ever seen. I liked it but I didn't fully understand what was goin on. Im gonna watch it again and hopefully that will help but I was wondeing if someone who understood it fairly well could explain it a little.

The first thing you have to understand about Boogiepop Phantom is that it isn't sequential. It jumps around a lot in its storyline, and on top of that switches to different characters in the foreground in almost every episode. The whole thing fits together like a puzzle, though, so it can help a lot to go back and rewatch some episodes.

It can also help a lot to keep notes on who all the characters are. If you don't want to do this yourself, check out http://www.usaanime.us/Reviews/Boogiepop%20Phantom.htm. At the end of the review is a who's who list for the series.

As I understand it, the series is really about characters at a pivotal point of growth and change in their lives, when they transition from children to adulthood. "There’s a difference between missing the old days and being stuck in the past," Toka says at one point. "In the same way that the city must change over time, it’s important that people move forward in their lives." The plot itself involves spoiler[a secret organization called the Towa organization, which has been conducting experiments with human evolution and development of psychic powers, which has led to the creation of composite humans and the generation of the Evolved. Five years into the past some of the drug they were using was stolen by Kuroda (one of their own) and used to save the life of the seriously ill Nagi, who was becoming one of the Evolved but her growth was out of control. Kuroda was slain and the drug fell into the hands of an unscrupulous doctor, who began experimenting with it. This set in motion a chain of events that caused the original serial killings and set up all the events that happened five years later.
Manticore was a composite human charged with hunting down and killing the Evolved, but he was stopped five years ago by the original Boogiepop and the destruction of his physical form a month previous in battle with Nagi was responsible for the pillar of light. (This is the part I am not 100% sure I am remembering correctly.) He was able to continue in a ghostlike form, however, and manifested the form of Saotome to do it. By sucking the life out of people he could gather enough strength to reconstruct himself. Meanwhile Toko becomes one version of Boogiepop and an "electromagnetic manifestation" becomes the other. They ultimately work together, and with Nagi, to finally end the threat of Manticore, though the fallout is never really completely resolved.]

Hope this helps.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:24 am Reply with quote
I bought it because my 13 yr old loves it, but I didn't really pay attention.
As I recall The show takes place five yrs after the event--the girl using the identity Boogiepop tried to destroy the Manticore monster, but something went wrong when Saotome entered the area. He died & the Manticore took his form to continue doing his thing, plus many youth in the area developed special powers because of the field & Boogiepop Phantom also came into existance. The Phantom is seeking to eliminate the Manticore, plus deal with all the powers. The field created is weakening so she has to do it quickly. The story is a bit confusing because it jumps around--one will see the same event from different perspectives like we see the boy & his spiders in the alley, but we also see some girls walk past that alley & relate to the incident in a different ep.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 2:41 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
spoiler[a secret organization called the Towa organization, which has been conducting experiments with human evolution and development of psychic powers, which has led to the creation of composite humans and the generation of the Evolved.]

spoiler[Something like that. Basically, they captured an evolved entity named Echoes and experimented on him, through which they created several special agents (the Composite Humans). They used these agents to hunt down "special children" and prevent evolution to Echoes' level. Thematically, they represent those who wish to be stuck in the past, and oppose change.]

Key wrote:
spoiler[Manticore was a composite human charged with hunting down and killing the Evolved, but he was stopped five years ago by the original Boogiepop and the destruction of his physical form a month previous in battle with Nagi was responsible for the pillar of light. (This is the part I am not 100% sure I am remembering correctly.)]

spoiler[Actually, the Manticore was a clone of Echoes. It had a murderous streak unlike its sibling, and escaped after killing the research team. Once it got out, it killed a Japanese girl named Minako Yurihara and assumed her form. With the help of Saotome, it was able to kill & satiate its hunger. Meanwhile Echoes, with the help of Boogiepop, Nagi, and a girl named Naoko Kamikishiro, was trying to hunt down the Manticore before it could do further damage. During the final confrontation, Echoes sacrificed itself in order to kill the Manticore, but Saotome interfered (having grown attached to the creature), which caused the Pillar of Light, as well as the phantom images of the Manticore (resembling Saotome) and Boogiepop (with Minako's face).]

Key wrote:
spoiler[By sucking the life out of people he could gather enough strength to reconstruct himself. Meanwhile Toko becomes one version of Boogiepop and an "electromagnetic manifestation" becomes the other. They ultimately work together, and with Nagi, to finally end the threat of Manticore, though the fallout is never really completely resolved.]

spoiler[Manticore was devouring people to sustain its life from the start, it merely continued to do so once it revived in its phantom form. Toka was also Boogiepop ever since Kuroda's death. The combination of seeing him die and the threat of her own parents' divorce (which they eventually decided against due to what they saw as "mental trauma" on Toka's part), caused Boogiepop to manifest. The mantle & hat Boogiepop wears were actually Kuroda's costume when he was the Composite Human Scarecrow.

The Mantiore is eventually killed for good when Boogiepop drops that electromagnetic bomb in the room with Kuroda's double, while he contains the last shred of the Manticore inside of him.]

Anyway, one site I found that proved infinitely useful in my understanding of the Boogiepop series is The Illusion of Memory. It has character bios, chronology, and very in-depth episode summaries. Hope that helps!
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 10:27 am Reply with quote
Nice clean-up job, Nagisa. You picked up the details that I had forgotten. Very Happy
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 3:04 am Reply with quote
I saw the anime Boogiepop Phantom on the then TechTV (now G4) and found it very interesting. I see that the anime came form a live-action movie Boogiepop and Others. I have heard that Boogiepop Pantom (or more likely Boogiepop and Others) was based on a book (or books). If this is true can someone tell me the author(s) and if the book(s) are in English.

Thank you for any info you can give me
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 3:07 am Reply with quote
Sorry also wanted to know if Boogiepop and Others has been released in the US.
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remember love

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 3:11 am Reply with quote
Do you know what times and days it plays on g4? Because I would like to watch. Also, techinically it's ZDTV, then Techtv, then G4.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:27 am Reply with quote
At the moment G4 is not playing any of the anime it has licensed from back when it was Tech TV (but it does still own the licneses). They are currnently playing anime that they have resently gotten, RaXaphon has been on recently.

If you want to know more G4's anime block is called 'Anime Unleashed, here's the URL http://www.g4tv.com/animeunleashed/index.html.
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remember love

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:25 am Reply with quote
scaper8 wrote:
At the moment G4 is not playing any of the anime it has licensed from back when it was Tech TV (but it does still own the licneses). They are currnently playing anime that they have resently gotten, RaXaphon has been on recently.

If you want to know more G4's anime block is called 'Anime Unleashed, here's the URL http://www.g4tv.com/animeunleashed/index.html.

Thank you.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:56 am Reply with quote
i don't know they put it back on.

whatever happened to Colorful?
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 10:05 am Reply with quote
Boogiepop and Others is a prequel, although I believe it was made later?
It was released on DVD by Rightstuf in March this year:

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Joined: 06 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 11:04 am Reply with quote
scaper8 wrote:
I saw the anime Boogiepop Phantom on the then TechTV (now G4) and found it very interesting. I see that the anime came form a live-action movie Boogiepop and Others. I have heard that Boogiepop Pantom (or more likely Boogiepop and Others) was based on a book (or books). If this is true can someone tell me the author(s) and if the book(s) are in English.

Thank you for any info you can give me

according to the ANN encyclopedia the novel was done by Kouhei KADONO.
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