- Review: Ao Haru Ride GN 5 ()
- The List - Summer 2019's 6 Most Appealing Isekai Parties ()
- Review: Little Miss P GN ()
- ANNCast - Relaxing in Terminal Dogma ()
- Manga Answerman - Why Aren't More Anime-Related Manga Published in English? ()
- Interview: m-flo's Taku Takahashi ()
- Review: Ride Your Wave ()
- This Week in Anime - What the Hell is Wacky TV Nanana? ()
- This Week in Games - Too Much to Play ()
- Review: GeGeGe no Kitarō Episodes 52-61 streaming ()
- Answerman - How Much Control Do Japanese Producers Have Over Dubs and Subtitles? ()
- 15 Years of Samurai Champloo ()
- Review: Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl ()
- This Week in Anime - Wise Man's Grandchild Goes Off the Rails ()
- Review: My Hero Academia GN 19 ()
- Shelf Life - June 24, 2019 ()
- Review: High School DxD Hero BD+DVD ()
- Review: Another World's Zombie Apocalypse Is Not My Problem! eBook ()
- The List - 7 Strange Anime & Manga Spin-Offs ()
- Review: Kaiju Girl Caramelise GN 1 ()
- ANNCast - Otter Pops ()
- "Get In The Robot, Shinji" ()
- Review: Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens BD/DVD ()
- This Week in Anime - Aggretsuko's Second Season is Less Fiery than the First ()
- This Week in Games - Collection of Mana ()
- Review: Children of the Sea ()
- This Week in Anime - Kakegurui's Second Season *Intensifies* ()
- Answerman - Do Arranged Marriages Still Happen In Japan? ()
- Hideaki Anno: After Evangelion ()
- Review: Bungō Stray Dogs Novel 1: Osamu Dazai's Entrance Exam ()
- Review: Mobile Fighter G Gundam Blu-Ray ()
- Hideaki Anno: Before Evangelion ()
- Shelf Life - June 17, 2019 ()
- Review: Hakyū Hōshin Engi Blu-ray ()
- Review: Whenever Our Eyes Meet GN ()
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- Review: Torture Princess: Fremd Torturchen Novel 1 ()
- This Week in Games - E3 Extravaganza: The Wrap-Up! ()
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- Review: That Blue Sky Feeling GN 2 ()
- This Week in Anime - Is We Never Learn: BOKUBEN Worth Watching? ()
- Review: Death Note: Light up the NEW world BD+DVD ()
- Interview: The Cast and Crew of That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime ()
- Answerman - Do Movies Experience "Production Crunch" Like TV Series Do? ()
- This Week in Games - E3 Extravanganza: Press Conference Panic! ()
- Review: Overlord II Limited Edition BD+DVD ()
- This Week in Anime - What is Sarazanmai All About? ()
- Review: My Hero Academia GN 18 ()
- Shelf Life - June 10, 2019 ()
- Review: Hibike! Euphonium: Chikai no Finale ()
- Review: For the Kid I Saw in My Dreams GN 2 ()
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- The List - 8 Boneable Skeletons ()
- Review: Reincarnated as a Sword eBook 1 ()
- Manga Answerman - Can Non-Japanese Comic Creators Call Themselves 'Mangaka'? ()
- The Spring 2019 Light Novel Guide ()
- Review: Konosuba - God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! Novel 8: Axis Church vs. Eris Church ()
- This Week in Games - A Wooloo for You ()
- This Week in Anime - It's The End of Attack on Titan (As We Know It) ()
- Review: Promare ()
- Bean Bandit Premier ()
- Interview: Made in Abyss staff at Anime Central ()
- Review: My Hero Academia: Two Heroes BD+DVD ()
- Answerman - How Much Control Do Manga Artists Have Over Hollywood Adaptations? ()
- This Week in Anime - Demon Slayer Delivers Shonen Action with Seinen Gore ()
- Review: One Piece 3D2Y: Overcoming Ace's Death! Luffy's Pledge to His Friends BD+DVD ()
- Shelf Life - June 3, 2019 ()
- Review: Black Torch GNs 2-4 ()
- The List - 6 Strange Anime Cuisines: The 2nd Dish ()