Views -
- The Mike Toole Show - Nintendo Power ()
- Review: Evergreen GN 1 ()
- The List - 7 Characters That Can't Resist Cats ()
- Review: Sword Art Online: Progressive Novel 1 ()
- ANNCast - Nostalgia Thighs ()
- Three Reasons Why Blood Blockade Battlefront is the Best Show of the Spring ()
- Answerman - Brave Mew World ()
- Review: Attack on Titan: Before the Fall Novel 2 ()
- Five Things They Never Tell You About Attending Conventions ()
- House of 1000 Manga - Sunny ()
- Review: Denki-Gai [Collector's Edition + CD] Sub.Blu-Ray 2+DVD ()
- Interview: Aya Kanno ()
- The X Button - Score Attacks ()
- The Set List - Top 10 Fullmetal Alchemist Theme Songs ()
- Review: Freezing Vibration BD+DVD ()
- Shelf Life - Killer Instinct ()
- Review: Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer GN 3-4 ()
- The List - 7 Deadly Games of Survival ()
- Review: Black Lagoon GN 10 ()
- Answerman - Categorization Is Death ()
- Review: Nisekoi: False Love Sub.Blu-Ray 3 ()
- ANNCast - The Porn Ultimatum ()
- House of 1000 Manga - Inuyashiki ()
- Review: .hack//SIGN DVD ()
- The X Button - Core Conceptions ()
- Review: D-Frag! BD+DVD ()
- Interview: Tow Ubukata ()
- Tales Of The Industry - Getting a Foot in the Door ()
- Review: Fantastic Detective Labyrinth Sub.DVD ()
- Sword Art Online Producer Shinichiro Kashiwada & Voice Actor Yoshitsugu Matsuoka ()
- Shelf Life - Springtime for Panties ()
- Review: Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club Sub.DVD ()
- The Mike Toole Show -The Astro Boy Next Door ()
- Review: Whispered Words GN 3 ()
- The List - 7 Mad Re-Imaginings of Alice in Wonderland ()
- Review: Sankarea: Undying Love GN 11 ()
- Answerman - Heads Exploding... WITH KNOWLEDGE! ()
- Review: Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Novel 2 ()
- ANNCast - Chewing the Fate ()
- House of 1000 Manga - The Earl and the Fairy ()
- Review: Hanamonogatari Sub.Blu-Ray ()
- The X Button - Harsh Harvest ()
- Review: Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! Episodes 1-12 Streaming ()
- Review: The Garden of Sinners -recalled-out summer- Blu-Ray ()
- The Set List - Top 10 Legend of Zelda Tunes ()
- Review: Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains ()
- Shelf Life - That's So Ravens ()
- Review: Let's Dance a Waltz GN 1 ()
- The List - 6 Real-Life Japanese Robots Moving into the Marketplace ()
- Review: The World's Greatest First Love: The Case of Ritsu Onodera GN 1 ()
- Answerman - Might Makes Rights ()
- Review: Magi - The Kingdom of Magic DVD 1 ()
- House of 1000 Manga - Poverty, Princesses and Zombies ()
- Review: Yakitate!! Japan Sub.DVD ()
- The X Button - Super-Connected ()
- Review: Love Stage!! GN 1 ()
- Interview: SCANDAL ()
- Review: One Piece Season 6 Part 3 DVD ()
- Tales Of The Industry - Oyaji-san Leaves A Gift ()
- Shelf Life - The Sound and the Fuuri ()
- Review: You're Being Summoned, Azazel Sub.DVD ()
- Review: Karneval [Omnibus] GN 1-2 ()
- The Mike Toole Show - SNK-Hole ()
- The List - 7 Manga Banned Around the Globe ()
- Review: Genshiken: Second Season GN 6 ()
- ANNCast - Meat Popsicles ()
- Answerman - Can You Feel The Music? ()
- Review: Looking Up at the Half-Moon Sub.DVD ()