Views -
- How to Get Into Fate/Grand Order ()
- Answerman - Why Are So Many Anime's English Titles Total Nonsense? ()
- The Best and Worst Anime of Spring 2017 ()
- Review: Shonen Maid BD+DVD ()
- This Week in Games - Tokyo Xanadu ()
- Interview: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Creator Hirohiko Araki ()
- Review: In This Corner of the World ()
- The Best and Worst of the Season So Far: Week of June 17-23 ()
- Answerman - How Do You Get Over Anime Burnout? ()
- Our Most Anticipated Summer 2017 Anime ()
- Review: STARMYU Sub.Blu-Ray + DVD ()
- This Week in Anime - Hugs for the Good Boys ()
- Review: Valkyria Revolution ()
- Vice & Luna - Here Comes Mr. Goodtimes ()
- Review: Gangsta. BD+DVD ()
- Answerman - Why Do Anime Change Studios Between Seasons? ()
- Shelf Life - Ultra Maniac ()
- Review: In Another World With My Smartphone Novel 1 ()
- The Mike Toole Show - By the Book ()
- Review: Kase-san and Morning Glories GN ()
- The List - 6 Worst First Kisses in Anime ()
- Review: My Monster Secret GN 5 ()
- Answerman - How Do Small Indie Theaters End Up Showing Anime? ()
- ANNCast - Rumiko Talkahashi ()
- The Beginner's Guide to The King's Avatar ()
- Review: The Seven Deadly Sins: Seven Scars They Left Behind Novel ()
- The Best and Worst of the Season So Far: Week of June 10-16 ()
- This Week in Games - Arms ()
- Review: Dagashi Kashi BD+DVD ()
- Answerman - What Happened To The "Watch This Program In A Well-Lit Room" Warnings? ()
- The Mobile Suit Gundam Films: The Best, The Worst, and What's Worth Watching ()
- Review: My Hero Academia - Season One Limited Edition BD+DVD ()
- This Week in Anime - Mostly Blood ()
- Vice & Luna - Artist's Alley Blues ()
- Review: The Irregular at Magic High School Movie: The Girl Who Summons the Stars ()
- Answerman - Quick Answers Part 3 ()
- Shelf Life - Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid ()
- Review: Endride BD+DVD part 1 ()
- Review: Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Novel 3 ()
- The List - 7 Anime About the Woes of the Workplace ()
- Review: Tokyo Ghoul GN 11-13 ()
- Answerman - Will China or Korea Ever Compete With Anime? ()
- Making First Contact with KADO: The Right Answer ()
- Review: your name. [Hardcover] Novel ()
- ANNCast - Programmed To Feel Pain ()
- This Week in Games - Seven E3 Takeaways ()
- Review: Grimgar: Ashes and Illusions BD+DVD ()
- The Best and Worst of the Season So Far: Week of June 3-9 ()
- Answerman - Why Is It Socially Unacceptable To Be An Otaku In Japan? (Revisited) ()
- Your Complete Guide to the Spin-Offs of Attack on Titan ()
- Review: The Water Dragon's Bride GN 2 ()
- Final Fantasy's 30th Anniversary Event Lives In The Present ()
- This Week in Anime - Yutapon Cubes ()
- Vice & Luna - Based on a True Story ()
- Review: Gosick: The Complete Series BD+DVD ()
- Answerman - Why Are Hentai Characters Labeled As Being Over 18 (Even When They're Not)? ()
- Shelf Life - Himouto! Umaru-chan ()
- Review: Mobile Suit Gundam Sub.Blu-Ray ()
- Review: My Monster Secret GN 4 ()
- The List - 7 Brother-Sister Romances That Went Too Far ()
- Review: Black Butler: Book of the Atlantic (English Dub) ()
- Answerman - Why Is It Socially Unacceptable To Be An Otaku In Japan? ()
- Rakugo Shinju, Kabukibu and The Traditional Arts of Japan ()
- Review: Dreamin' Sun GN 1 ()
- The Best and Worst of the Season So Far: Week of May 27-June 2 ()
- This Week in Games - The Modest Life of Virtual Console ()
- Review: Prince of Stride: Alternative BD+DVD ()
- Answerman - Why Isn't More Anime Shown On American TV? ()
- How Polygon Pictures is Changing the 3D Anime Industry ()
- Review: Horus: Prince of the Sun (Little Norse Prince) Blu-Ray ()
- This Week in Anime - It Came From DeviantArt ()
- Vice & Luna - Comic-Con Justice ()
- Review: Sound of the Sky Sub.Blu-Ray ()
- Answerman - Is Shonen Jump Still Popular? ()
- Shelf Life - Free! Iwatobi Swim Club ()
- Review: Lu over the wall ()
- Review: Uncomfortably Happily GN ()
- The List - 7 Questionable Anime-Original Endings ()
- Review: Corpse Party: Blood Covered GN 3 ()
- Spring 2017 Manga Guide: Light Novel Roundup ()
- Answerman - What Are The Yakuza Like In Japan These Days? ()
- ANNCast (Video) - A Silent Voice ()
- Review: Asterisk War: The Academy City on the Water [Limited Edition] Blu-Ray 4 ()
- This Week in Games - Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni ()
- Review: Delicious in Dungeon GN 1 ()