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Mamoru Oshii's Assault Girls Film Trailer Streamed

posted on by Egan Loo
Vexille's Kuroki, Babel's Kikuchi, Rasen's Saeki to star as 3 monster hunters

The Japanese website goo Eiga has begun streaming a 43-second trailer in 56k, 500k, or 1MB bandwidth for Assault Girls, the latest live-action feature film from director Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell, The Sky Crawlers, Patlabor). This film will be Oshii's first live-action feature film since 2001's Avalon.

The science-fiction story is set on a post-apocalyptic desert battlefield where giant monsters named "Suna Kujira" (literally, sand whales) roam. Three beautiful female hunters — all of whom wield assault rifles and other powerful weapons — engage in battle with the monsters, including the biggest of them all, the Madara Suna Kujira (spotted sand whale). Meisa Kuroki (Vexille - 2077 Isolation of Japan, Crows Zero)、Rinko Kikuchi (The Sky Crawlers, Babel), and Hinako Saeki (Shin-Onna Tachiguishi Retsuden, Rasen) play the three hunters Gray, Lucifer, and Colonel.

Oshii had previously wrote and directed a live-action "Assault Girl: Kentucky no Hinako" short with Saeki for his Shin-Onna Tachiguishi Retsuden (The Women of Fast Food) film anthology. He then directed the live-action "Assault Girl 2" short with Kikuchi for another film anthology, Kiru ~ KILL. At The Sky Crawlers' DVD/Blu-ray Disc release event in March, Oshii said that he has plans for two live-action feature films starting this year, as well As One anime film in the 2011 timeframe.

Source: Nippon Cinema

Image © 2009 88mm, DEIZ/Geneon Universal Entertainment

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