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Joined: 30 May 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:33 am Reply with quote
Congratulations Utawarerumono, you broke into Naruto's home-field. Not a lot of series can claim they're so bad they can get there.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:56 am Reply with quote
I've been enjoying HaruChika but that's an amazing leap. I guess a lot of viewers really liked the student-teacher episode...
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:08 pm Reply with quote
Wait a minute. Haruchika went up fourteen places in the weekly ranking but stayed completely level in the cumulative ranking? The heck? You would think such an amazing week would cause it to climb at least one spot on the overall standings . . .

Meanwhile Luck & Logic was the opposite. It had but a small rise in the weekly ranking yet climbed an impressive nine places in the cumulative rankings.

I'm sure the maths is solid but to a layman these results are just weird. I can't wrap my head around them.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:13 pm Reply with quote
killjoy_the wrote:
Congratulations Utawarerumono, you broke into Naruto's home-field. Not a lot of series can claim they're so bad they can get there.

It was more Shippuden broke out of it home field than anything. Might be too late for culmulative though. The only one that did previously though was the last episode of Comet Lucifer.
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Joined: 30 May 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:26 pm Reply with quote
zrnzle500 wrote:
It was more Shippuden broke out of it home field than anything. Might be too late for culmulative though. The only one that did previously though was the last episode of Comet Lucifer.

Chaos Dragon was in a semi-constant battle with Naruto for the last spot, but after it ended Naruto built a very cozy home in there.
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Alabaster Spectrum

Joined: 02 Sep 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:01 pm Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Wait a minute. Haruchika went up fourteen places in the weekly ranking but stayed completely level in the cumulative ranking? The heck? You would think such an amazing week would cause it to climb at least one spot on the overall standings . . .

Meanwhile Luck & Logic was the opposite. It had but a small rise in the weekly ranking yet climbed an impressive nine places in the cumulative rankings.

I'm sure the maths is solid but to a layman these results are just weird. I can't wrap my head around them.

It makes no sense to me either. Erased for example has apparently been ranked #2 for most weeks as the designate hype show of the season and yet it's cumulative rank is apparently first overall cause it's been #1 for a couple weeks. No idea how the averages work, frankly don't care either as this just seems more over the place than the NHL Super 16 rankings in Sports.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:10 pm Reply with quote
killjoy_the wrote:
zrnzle500 wrote:
It was more Shippuden broke out of it home field than anything. Might be too late for culmulative though. The only one that did previously though was the last episode of Comet Lucifer.

Chaos Dragon was in a semi-constant battle with Naruto for the last spot, but after it ended Naruto built a very cozy home in there.

They were close but Chaos Dragon always had the last spot until it finished and Shippuden took its place. [edit: Just to clarify I mean in the cumulative rankings. Chaos Dragon was up a little in the weekly ones while it was airing, but it always had the last place in the cumulative rankings. ] There might be more competition for last place going forward, though it is possible that u2warerumono could monopolize it.
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Joined: 29 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:22 pm Reply with quote
Shouwa at 10? Must be some season when there are 10 shows better than it!
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Joined: 31 Dec 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:25 pm Reply with quote
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu is too low man, it should be #1
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Alabaster Spectrum

Joined: 02 Sep 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:01 pm Reply with quote
Marzan wrote:
Shouwa at 10? Must be some season when there are 10 shows better than it!

As anime viewing audiences in North America skew more and more overwhelmingly towards the teen to young adult demographic I just think shows like that get left behind. I get the sense a lot of older anime viewers have really started quitting the hobby in recent years and more younger viewers with more specific tastes are coming in to replace them.

In short it's too niche in it's subject matter about Japanese oral traditions and poetry, though probably wouldn't have been so much in years past. Nowadays I notice people prefer heavily marketed thrillers, "iyashikei" and melodrama anime, usually of the Light novel persuasion pretty overwhelmingly, especially if there's an angle wherein two characters can be "shipped" together. Also I just don't think it has a big enterprise like Funimation, Crunchyroll or Aniplex of America to help promote it over here like shows such as Erased and Grimgar do that IMO have benefited from more than their share of marketing. I just don't see how a show like Rakugo with it's modest sponsorship can keep up with that sort of omnipresent promotion and don't really expect it too.

Mark my words, having the right sponsors and marketing is going to continue to play a heavier and heavier role in making or breaking popular anime as viewers have this tendency to follow whatever garners "hype" season to season in the current community rather than just feeling things out for themselves and building ones own tastes like the older generations of anime fans learned to by necessity simply due to a lack of availability. It doesn't really matter how good a show is, if it doesn't have the right hype and marketing now or isn't of the right genre or style of execution that is currently popular it's just going to fall largely by the way side. That's really what sets shows apart when there's something like 20 new shows starting up in any given season.

Last edited by Alabaster Spectrum on Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:07 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 23 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:04 pm Reply with quote
I'm happy to see Haruchika get some love, but I'm sad to see Snow White take such a massive drop. Ah well, the new episode is super adorable so I'm sure Snow White will perk up again Smile

I'm also fairly baffled by how low Showa is. It's easily my fav of the season, though I'm speaking as a near-27-year-old old dude. xD
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:12 pm Reply with quote
Alabaster Spectrum wrote:
Marzan wrote:
Shouwa at 10? Must be some season when there are 10 shows better than it!

As anime viewing audiences in North America skew more and more overwhelmingly towards the teen to young adult demographic I just think shows like that get left behind. I get the sense a lot of older anime viewers have really started quitting the hobby in recent years and more younger viewers with more specific tastes are coming in to replace them.

In short it's too niche in it's subject matter about Japanese oral traditions and poetry, though probably wouldn't have been so much in years past, people prefer heavily marketed thrillers, "iyashikei" and melodrama anime, usually of the Light novel persuasion. Also I just don't think it has a big enterprise like Funimation, Crunchyroll or Aniplex of America to help promote it over here like shows such as Erased do that IMO have benefitted from more than their share of marketing. I just don't see how a show like Rakugo with it's modest sponsorship can keep up with that.

Mark my words, having the right sponsors and marketing is going to continue to play a heavier and heavier role in making or breaking popular anime as viewers have this tendency to follow whatever garners "hype" season to season in the current community rather than just feeling things out for themselves and building ones own tastes like the older generations of anime fans learned to by necessity simply due to a lack of availability.

Those are probably factors in it but it doesn't explain the timing of the drop in rankings though. I imagine those factors would be apparent in the beginning especially the marketing and what not, yet for the first few episodes it was near the top and then it drops to around 20 for the weekly and 10 for the cumulative. It's not like the more adult fan orientation wasn't apparent from the beginning. And if younger fans were dropping it and thereby older fans made up more of the watchers, wouldn't the ranking go up, due to less interested ones and therefore less well rating ones leaving. There must be something else at play that would explain the timing.

edit: Just went back and examined the user ratings and it seems that wacky math is not the cause of it. It's ratings after the first two have always been between 4 and 3.5 (more the latter than the former), so even if they were ranked by pure averages, it would still be around where it is. And the first two were at 4.5, so its original placement wasn't due to odd math either.

If I were to speculate, I would guess it is held back in the ratings for similar reasons to Yuri Kuma Arashi doing less well in the AOTY poll than among the critics. I imagine it is clear what I'm getting at from mentioning that. You can see a similar disconnect between the critic's and users ratings as well, with most episodes getting A's from the reviewer, and the user ratings being around that of shows in the C range. Though in both cases, I would side more with the critics than the users at large. Judged according to its artistic merits, it properly should be higher, definitely in contention for AOTS or even AOTY, though the latter is still young.

Last edited by zrnzle500 on Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:25 pm Reply with quote
Yeah I thinks it's probably because of the start of Itachi's past arc but still... congratulations Utawarerumono, you finally got that bottom stop Anime smile + sweatdrop . I'm surprised that Snow White with Red Hair did so poorly but I guess people just didn't like the Obi based episode that much and I was hoping Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu would finally get a boost up because I loved animation and drama this week but sadly not Sad
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:39 pm Reply with quote
Wingbeats wrote:

I'm also fairly baffled by how low Showa is. It's easily my favorite of the season, though I'm speaking as a near-27-year-old old dude. xD

Hey I'm a female only in my early twenties but I believe SGRS should be one of the best anime of the 2010s, right up there with Shirobako but, since it's such a modest series it won't be nearly as possible as the newer shows aimed at a younger audience... Wait a minute.

Isn't that one one of the issues addressed in episode 8 about how the lack of adapting to new media will spell disaster for the "arachic" forms of entertainment? I know this is just a poll, but I feel that has been the case with anime for awhile.
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Joined: 30 May 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:50 pm Reply with quote
Alabaster Spectrum wrote:
Mark my words, having the right sponsors and marketing is going to continue to play a heavier and heavier role in making or breaking popular anime as viewers have this tendency to follow whatever garners "hype" season to season in the current community rather than just feeling things out for themselves and building ones own tastes like the older generations of anime fans learned to by necessity simply due to a lack of availability. It doesn't really matter how good a show is, if it doesn't have the right hype and marketing now or isn't of the right genre or style of execution that is currently popular it's just going to fall largely by the way side. That's really what sets shows apart when there's something like 20 new shows starting up in any given season.

Hey I watched that Koyomimonogatari episode too
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