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Joined: 05 Sep 2009
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Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:00 pm
I've been a huge DBZ fan since age 6 in 2000 catching the Frieza fight on Toonami. I was really obsessed for quite a few years, and I'm still a fan today. I mostly enjoy the series for it's fighting and compelling storyline (for a 6-9 year old, there was nothing else like it!). I shrugged off the original Dragon Ball for years, seeing it as DBZ's version of "A Pup Named Scooby-Doo" or "Muppet Babies." It wasn't until later on that I learned that it was actually made first. I watched it on Toonami, and even enjoyed a bit of it, but I didn't like it as much, even as many of my friends actually preferred it. I finally decided to pick up Vol. 1 of the manga, and I was instantly hooked. That stuff was HILARIOUS! Granted, it was funnier to a 10-year-old, since that type of humor was completely new to me, but I cracked up laughing whenever Bulma got angry at Goku or Oolong, and Master Roshi and Oolong's perverted antics were really something too. I should not have had the book at that age, and my parents even questioned me having it, but that was a part of it's excitement. I also loved it's sense of adventure, and I fell in love with Toyiyama's style. Even though he created one of the most famous anime series of all time, I still find him to be underrated. His art style and sense of humor don't get as much praise as they should. That he was also able to come up with addicting and compelling storylines in addition to that humor is what makes the Dragon Ball series so special and beloved worldwide. There's a reason it caught on here more than any other anime. I've always thought it was more than just the fighting. Heck, I never watched it for the fighting. It's characters were just so distinct, colorful, and memorable, much more than, say, Bleach and Naruto. You can also jump in at any time, and find much to love and discover about it's universe. Coming in at the Frieza saga, and then reading about the series in special guidebooks and magazines, I had felt like I had discovered a whole new world. I actually still have yet to watch some parts of the series (mostly from the original DB), and I'm super excited that the world is expanding with new characters and stories. It was a treat to watch the last two films on the big screen with a passionate audience. DBZ fans are the best!
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Lord Geo
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Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:17 pm
Quote: | So here's my final thought: if Toriyama can work Space Patrolman Jaco into the Dragon Ball universe, why not bring back Dr. Slump? |
Honestly, I think it's because Dr. Slump is a gag title completely, to the point where adding someone like Arale would be too much for any of Dragon Ball's fights. Before Beerus came about & threatened to destroy the world, Arale was already known to be so powerful that her chopping the ground could split the planet in two. Jaco came from a comedy where he was established as only so powerful, while Arale comes from a gag manga that has absolutely no rules, & therefore she's as powerful as Toriyama wants her to be (& he very well may consider her the most powerful being he ever created already). While I think having Slump character appear in DB still as cameos is fine, as Senbai Norimaki makes one in Resurrection F (while working a farm field, oddly enough), but any more than that, especially if a fight breaks out, and Arale alone would make most of the Z Fighters look weak in comparison.
Admittedly, though, the thought of Beerus being either angry or terrified (or both) that there's a being on Earth that can be almost as destructive as him does sound hilarious, especially when said being is a robot that takes the form of a small little schoolgirl who likes to poke at poop & run around with her arms out, shouting "Kiiiiiiiin!".
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 3:41 pm
Mike Toole wrote: | It also cleaned up in Japan, making the new TV series something of a foregone conclusion. |
Dragon Ball Super was in production months before Resurrection F came out. You should know that anime has a long lead-in.
Mike Toole wrote: | He kind of looks like a humanoid hairless Sphynx cat, and he has the power to destroy entire worlds-- a power that Goku and Vegeta struggle to match in Battle of Gods. |
Nappa had the power to destroy planets too. And even Piccolo way back in the Saiyan Saga had the power to destroy Earth's moon, which he did.
Destroying planets is easy in the DBZ universe.
Mike Toole wrote: | ...but I hope these new movies are an annual affair. |
Oh please no. Resurrection F was so awful I couldn't take another one, let alone one every year.
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Joined: 05 Sep 2009
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Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 4:11 pm
dtm42 wrote: | Oh please no. Resurrection F was so awful I couldn't take another one, let alone one every year. |
Then don't watch! I loved Resurrection F, and many others did too. A DBZ movie every year (or at least every couple years) would be pretty sweet for the fans!
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Joined: 01 Jun 2009
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Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:02 pm
I look forward to seeing Resurrection F eventually. I did go see Battle of Gods in theaters though, and it was a lot of fun (save for some fan-fiction levels of writing towards the end).
I also agree with the notion that Dr. Slump is the best manga ever, it's really just a fun and light-hearted read, infectiously energetic, always entertaining and never a boring read. It would be great if they made more Dr. Slump (but in Toriyama's older art-style, his modern work is a bit too muscular and shiny).
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Joined: 28 Jun 2013
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Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:30 pm
First off, Eden is a fantastic manga that deserves to be read by everyone, it ranks in my top ten manga list.
Now I've never been a huge Dragon Ball fan, it's just not as perfect as many fans hold it up as. Watching the most recent movies, I never had a bad time, but dragon ball just isn't special to me.
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Joined: 14 Aug 2004
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Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:12 pm
Believe it or not, Toriyama never had more than one "staff artist"/assistant at a time. (OK, sometimes his wife helped out too.)
Hisashi "Hiswashi" Tanaka left in mid-1983 to start his own career in manga, and was replaced by Takashi Matsuyama, an illustrator and Dr. Slump fan who had met Toriyama through their mutual hobbies. He shared Toriyama's passion for model-building and cars, and (crucially) enjoyed detailed backgrounds and crowd scenes where Toriyama did not, and this combination seems to have allowed Matsuyama more freedom than his predecessor ever had. (Tanaka was shocked to start in early 1980 only to find that Toriyama wouldn't let him do anything but the inking.)
You can recognize Matsuyama's art by the more consistently detailed backgrounds, and crowds of people with beady little eyes.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:38 pm
Eh, I find that gag manga more often than not gets old after a couple of volumes. But I wouldn't mind an animated adaptation of Jaco. Just as long as they leave out DB Minus, which was a blasphemy that totally softened Bardock.
I really liked Jaco in Resurrection F, he was one of the highlights. The action was good (except when Goku and Freeza suddenly turned into video game characters for about a minute), but I like the incorporation of the early DB elements, too, that carried over from Battle of Gods.
So far, though, Super is just retelling BoG with a (significantly) lower budget. Granted, BoG has a good story, and I'm not hating Super (except its lackluster animation), but I'd like to get to the new stuff soon, the involvement of Champa.
This week we had Super Saiyan Fetus (Pan), which was... uh, yeah.
According to the opening credits, Jaco will be in Super, which I look forward to, but I also wouldn't mind Arale making an appearance.
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Joined: 02 Jan 2012
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Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 9:39 pm
I liked Battle of Gods better than Resurrection F, but certainly enjoyed both, and would gladly watch more if they release them every year or two. Hopefully the local theatre would continue to show them, as watching anime on a BIG screen with other people is a lot more fun than watching it at home.
I'll even consider watching the Attack on Titans compilation movies if the theatre here gets them. Everyone has different taste, and many even for those who like DBZ, they won't enjoy every movie, but if you don't support the shows you like, there's not much incentive to produce them.
PurpleWarrior13 wrote: |
dtm42 wrote: | Oh please no. Resurrection F was so awful I couldn't take another one, let alone one every year. |
Then don't watch! I loved Resurrection F, and many others did too. A DBZ movie every year (or at least every couple years) would be pretty sweet for the fans! |
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:40 am
If they did include Dr. Slump again, it would probably suit an OVA format better. Something like "Dr. Slump & Arale in DBZ" not unlike those Hanna Barbara crossovers (y'know that one where the Jetsons went back in time to the Flintstones).
Have it start out all silly like, maybe have Goku remark how Arale is still the toughest person he knows - which will piss off Vegeta and will charm Beerus.
Then they'll be some weird new villain and Arale and Dr. Slump's manic contributions will add dash of freshness and, guaranteed of the OVA format some extremely kicka$$ over-the-top hilarious battles.
It could work.
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Joined: 24 Sep 2005
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Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:53 am
So I'm finally watching Dragonball Z all the way through (about halfway through the Freeza Saga right now), and I'm actually pretty shocked how solidly good it is. Sure, all the issues people complain about are real (plot issues, pacing issues, and so on), but lord if it isn't addicting, high-stakes stuff. I think the quality of DBZ is really downplayed in the anime community because of how mainstream it is, honestly.
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Anton Chigurh
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Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 3:19 am
I tried to watch RESURRECTION OF F in San Diego but I arrived at the theater on the wrong day. I guess it's wait for the Blu for me.
M. Toole doesn't joke when singing the praises of DR. SLUMP. Toriyama clearly had the time of his life writing it, and some chapters remain hilarious even decades after publication (in one of my favorites, Arale asks why she doesn't have a belly button and Senbei misunderstands the question entirely). Although some content like the guy in a fly costume who literally, graphically eats poo and the father who tried to peep his daughter's underwear seemed like attempts by Toriyama to cross the line, and cross it he does but without actual humor involved.
It weirded me out as hell that, around the end of the series, DR. SLUMP has a story in which Senbei dies, goes to heaven and then returns to life and another in which God appears, and he looks like Muten Roshi without his glasses. It reminded me of JOHNNY THE HOMICIDAL MANIAC by Jhonen Vasquez (he of INVADER ZIM fame), which uses eerily similar plot points by the end as well. Now, I find it more than plausible that Vasquez, who likes anime, read or saw SLUMP and found inspiration there (JTHM ran from 1995 to 1997). Both series also hew close and dear to their respective author's sensibilities; but while Toriyama often dwelled in absurdism and toilet humor, Vasquez lays his preocupations as a tortured, possibly disturbed tween bare on the page for his audience to read while still being absurd and funny. Chalk that little surprise to yet another reason why I love comics.
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Joined: 26 Dec 2008
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Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 4:45 am
koinosuke wrote: | So I'm finally watching Dragonball Z all the way through (about halfway through the Freeza Saga right now), and I'm actually pretty shocked how solidly good it is. |
Your post gave me a smile, since I too went into the Freeza stuff with, shall we say, "managed" expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Even at its worst (*cough* Buu Saga), I don't think DBZ ever gets entirely unwatchable, and the Saiyan Saga is to this day my all-time #1 shounen fighting arc -- all 36 episodes of it. The Freeza arc stays interesting because there's so much strategy to it. Like ants trying to dodge a boot while figuring out a way to fight it.
As for the new series, the episodes thus far are unnecessary if you've seen BotG, though I can see why they're making them. It may yet diverge from BotG; small details have already, and there is another cat-looking character in the OP we haven't seen yet. At any rate, once they finish this storyline, I'm hoping for a proper intro for Jaco, since he just seemed kind of dropped into Resurrection F. Bulma seemed to know him, but from where? I never read the Jaco manga. Remaking Resurrection F I can take or leave. I'd rather them get to whatever new stuff they have to offer.
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Joined: 11 Jul 2011
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Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:02 pm
dtm42 wrote: |
Oh please no. Resurrection F was so awful I couldn't take another one, let alone one every year. |
who peed in your salad? The movie was a lot of pure toriyama/dragonball fun.
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Joined: 02 Sep 2010
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Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:41 pm
Quote: | Yes, I contend that Dr. Slump is better than Lee and Kirby's Fantastic Four, better than Watchmen and V for Vendetta, better than Persepolis and Fun Home, better than Corto Maltese and Tintin and Smile and Maus. It's better than Berserk, better than Pluto, better than Paradise Kiss and Black Jack and even Naruto. |
You make it sound as though Naruto is somehow nearly as good as the others you mentioned, even better than hundreds or even thousands of other stuff . Naruto seems like a bit of an outlier there, TONS of better examples I'd say.
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