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Joined: 05 May 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:30 pm Reply with quote
Wait a minute why are you giving Mahiru a pass, but blaming Sota for the head patting. So she physical beats him to the point she probably would have been arrested anywhere, and your comments rather than pointing out she really hasn't changed much nor pointing out how absurd her situation really was (in reality if her fear were that bad that a character just for being a male standing next to her would get beat, she would be put in an sanitarium) put all the blame on Sota as being sanctimonious. And then once again with the patting head thing, that's all on Sota for being a douche. She acts like a little kid half the time and he treats her as such.

Maybe he occasionally goes over the line, but I find it odd that he is the only one you find fault with directly, while with Mahiru and Popa you try to shift anything from them to writing. Sota is directly responsible, yet the other two are not, that's merely bad writing.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:56 pm Reply with quote
I could only watch 8 eps before I dropped wagnaria. Could not stand anymore bs from mahiru/kyoko (can't stand any comedic female on male abuse). Only if Kirio was a main character from the start.
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Joined: 11 May 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:20 pm Reply with quote
I like Wagnaria much more than the reviewer, putting it at or close to Shelf Worthy. The only character I really dislike is Yamada, with isn't too bad in large ensemble cast. I believe Wagnaria (or Working) is still ongoing as a 4 panel gag manga, so I didn't expect to get a resolution of any relationships, such as Miharu/Sota. However, over the course of the season I did see a small change in the relationships, which I enjoyed. And the jokes and situations are funny, although I guess not everyone's cup of tea.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:25 pm Reply with quote
Happy birthday Bamboo. I hope you get a present in the form of better anime to watch than this week's offerings.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:29 pm Reply with quote
CrownKlown wrote:
Wait a minute why are you giving Mahiru a pass, but blaming Sota for the head patting. So she physical beats him to the point she probably would have been arrested anywhere, and your comments rather than pointing out she really hasn't changed much nor pointing out how absurd her situation really was (in reality if her fear were that bad that a character just for being a male standing next to her would get beat, she would be put in an sanitarium) put all the blame on Sota as being sanctimonious. And then once again with the patting head thing, that's all on Sota for being a douche. She acts like a little kid half the time and he treats her as such.

Maybe he occasionally goes over the line, but I find it odd that he is the only one you find fault with directly, while with Mahiru and Popa you try to shift anything from them to writing. Sota is directly responsible, yet the other two are not, that's merely bad writing.

No, I blame Mahiru's dad for the punching. I blame the writers for using it as humor.

I never blamed Sota-- I said that despite Mahiru's actions, he was still willing to help her. Then I blamed the writing for making him seem sanctimonious. If the writing was better, he wouldn't have been.

And THEN you'll notice that I said that the bad writing also contributes the head-patting being played for laughs, instead of EITHER characters working on their issues.

You're misreading what is on the page.
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Eisenmann V

Joined: 06 Nov 2013
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:39 pm Reply with quote
kanechin wrote:
I could only watch 8 eps before I dropped wagnaria. Could not stand anymore bs from mahiru/kyoko (can't stand any comedic female on male abuse). Only if Kirio was a main character from the start.

You made it further than I did. I get that the punching is a general comedy trope, but the beating was so constant that I couldn't believe Mahiru hadn't been institutionalized for her inability to function in society. I quit somewhere around episode 4.
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Joined: 24 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:31 pm Reply with quote
ANN_Bamboo wrote:
No, I blame Mahiru's dad for the punching. I blame the writers for using it as humor.

I think you give the writers and the dad far too much credit.

Can you imagine a brainwashing so perfect that it creates a person who's a well-adjusted member of society with respect to females, and an uncontrollably-violent psychotic w.r.t. males? That's well past lifelong post-hypnotic suggestion and firmly in the realm of "a wizard did it." I don't think this setting is supposed to have actual magic.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:27 pm Reply with quote
Actually I can imagine. Women who were raped by men have been known to act normally around other women but have PTSD attacks when they get in close proximity with a man, esp. if the two are alone.

Reliving trauma depends on conditioning and what the specific trigger is. So it is quite conceivable for an abused woman to panic around men because they set off her trigger but other women do not set it off so she can interact normally with them.

Yes, the show does present an exaggerated response but it is plausible enough to believe.

Last edited by dtm42 on Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:37 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:33 pm Reply with quote
Mikeski wrote:
ANN_Bamboo wrote:
No, I blame Mahiru's dad for the punching. I blame the writers for using it as humor.

I think you give the writers and the dad far too much credit.

Can you imagine a brainwashing so perfect that it creates a person who's a well-adjusted member of society with respect to females, and an uncontrollably-violent psychotic w.r.t. males?

That's just a typical daughter's dad's dream. Laughing

dtm42 wrote:

Actually I can imagine. Women who were raped by men have been known to act normally around other women but have PTSD attacks when they get in close proximity with a man, esp. if the two are alone.

Reliving trauma depends on conditioning and what the specific trigger is. So it is quite conceivable for an abused woman to panic around men because they set off her trigger but other women do not set it off so she can interact normally with them.

That can be fixed by

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Joined: 29 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:49 pm Reply with quote
The last few weeks sure have had an eclectic batch of shows for review. I am glad for the reinforcement to avoid Appleseed, though it may just be penance for trying to shove Magi back onto the radar last week.

By the time I'm 50, maybe my birthday present will just be me sleeping all day.

Well, the good news is it will be a Sunday. The bad news is today's column does seem to suggest you are okay with working up to deadlines perilously close to birthdays.
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L stole my cookie!

Joined: 18 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:45 am Reply with quote
Happy birthday Bamboo! Very Happy
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Joined: 24 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:37 am Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Actually I can imagine. Women who were [...]

Given the tone of the show, I'd rather believe her father is an actual wizard, than believe that he resorted to something on that level. This is a screwball comedy, not Saikano.
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Joined: 26 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:48 am Reply with quote
I still think the old OVA is the best anime of Appleseed yet. Not saying there's no room for improvement there either, but the Aramaki movies turned it into brainless CG blow-em-ups, and this series sounds like a bullet dodged. I just want a traditionally animated version that captures the high point of Shirow's art style in the character designs (peaked around Orion, IMO) and does the story justice.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:56 pm Reply with quote
I've already seen bits and pieces of the Girls Und Panzer "shorts" but I suppose complaining about Sentai cutting the bonus segments of the original release and calling them "The OVA Collection" is late by now? I stupidly thought they would wait and add them with the real OVA episode, what was I thinking?

For Omakes, they're fully animated and somewhat essential, no, more like amusing than essential, but I just don't want to pay the same price for bonus material that I did the series.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 2:30 pm Reply with quote
Animegomaniac wrote:
I've already seen bits and pieces of the Girls Und Panzer "shorts" but I suppose complaining about Sentai cutting the bonus segments of the original release and calling them "The OVA Collection" is late by now?

Probably, but it's still valid.

I stupidly thought they would wait and add them with the real OVA episode, what was I thinking?

I never gave that any thought, since they are part of the TV package. The Anzio OVA is a separate production.

For Omakes, they're fully animated and somewhat essential, no, more like amusing than essential, but I just don't want to pay the same price for bonus material that I did the series.

That whole split release is why I haven't double-dipped with ADV's release. I'm still waiting (in vain) for ADV to announce a third volume with Yukari's tank lectures/history.
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