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NEWS: J.C. Staff to Animate Love Stage!! Boys-Love Anime

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Joined: 07 Jul 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:11 pm Reply with quote
Just like the facebook page about it, I'm going to quote what I wrote there.

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Joined: 30 Mar 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:21 pm Reply with quote
...so this basically confirms no Index III this year?

My God, I HATE JC Staff. Thanks for Golden Time, though.
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Joined: 29 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:32 pm Reply with quote
LCSeixas wrote:
...so this basically confirms no Index III this year?

My God, I HATE JC Staff. Thanks for Golden Time, though.

What? JC Staff does like 10 shows a year. What does one random show have to do with anything?
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Joined: 05 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:58 pm Reply with quote
Well at least it isn't DEEN. I can't wait though! Love the manga and hope the anime will stick very close to it.
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Joined: 24 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:09 pm Reply with quote
Since it's JC Staff I might watch this, despite my sexual orientation being anything than what is implied in the name of this anime... Rolling Eyes

RomCom's are JC Staff's forte, and giving another genre a try can't hurt, so why not Very Happy .
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:26 pm Reply with quote
I thought the evil incarnate of Sakura Trick had made yaoi/BL adaptations fully impossible, because one being made totally precludes the others, because anime is a zero sum game, don'cha know. Guess Chagen was just a lunatic after all.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:53 pm Reply with quote
Lol when Kyoani announces a mansex anime like Free S2 it's all like "OMG this will be the greatest" but when J.C Staff does suddenly the moralizing is back. Reminds of another scenario where people basically revealed how they can hold completely opposite positions on a concept depending on whether a J.C Staff or a Dear Kyoani is doing it. Personally I think it's just a shitty idea for shows in general and would rather see a show that relies on good characters and an interesting story rather than crass gimmicks to attract viewers but hey this is the era we now lived in.
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Joined: 24 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:01 pm Reply with quote
Kaioshin_Sama wrote:
Lol when Kyoani announces a mansex anime like Free S2 it's all like "OMG this will be the greatest" but when J.C Staff does suddenly the moralizing is back. Reminds of another scenario where people basically revealed how they can hold completely opposite positions on a concept depending on whether a J.C Staff or a Dear Kyoani is doing it. Personally I think it's just a shitty idea for shows in general and would rather see a show that relies on good characters and an interesting story rather than crass gimmicks to attract viewers but hey this is the era we now lived in.

Well, I think the thing with Free is that it first advertised itself as a sports anime about swimming, and instead became a male ecchi show. Not to mention KyoAni would never make a female ecchi show, but for some reason it's OK to go full throttle when it comes to males. Shocked
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Joined: 29 May 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:10 pm Reply with quote
Nice to see so many BL/yuri titles this year, I hope they keep this up. Now all Japan needs to do is animate Prunus Girl. i'll even import the BD's!.

Kaioshin_Sama wrote:
Lol when Kyoani announces a mansex anime like Free S2 it's all like "OMG this will be the greatest" but when J.C Staff does suddenly the moralizing is back. Reminds of another scenario where people basically revealed how they can hold completely opposite positions on a concept depending on whether a J.C Staff or a Dear Kyoani is doing it. Personally I think it's just a shitty idea for shows in general and would rather see a show that relies on good characters and an interesting story rather than crass gimmicks to attract viewers but hey this is the era we now lived in.

I really do wonder what your problem with BL(& yuri) is. How exactly does a romance show having gay characters make it bad?
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Joined: 02 Jan 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:13 pm Reply with quote
SouthPacific wrote:
Kaioshin_Sama wrote:
Lol when Kyoani announces a mansex anime like Free S2 it's all like "OMG this will be the greatest" but when J.C Staff does suddenly the moralizing is back. Reminds of another scenario where people basically revealed how they can hold completely opposite positions on a concept depending on whether a J.C Staff or a Dear Kyoani is doing it. Personally I think it's just a shitty idea for shows in general and would rather see a show that relies on good characters and an interesting story rather than crass gimmicks to attract viewers but hey this is the era we now lived in.

Well, I think the thing with Free is that it first advertised itself as a sports anime about swimming, and instead became a male ecchi show. Not to mention KyoAni would never make a female ecchi show, but for some reason it's OK to go full throttle when it comes to males. Shocked

Nahhhh, Free! was a tech demo/marketing short and was always advertised as a show with lots of bishies in it. I mean it's a show which actually requires the male cast being half-naked any time they do their sport - of course it's going to be make with fan service in mind.

An tbf, Kyoani do Moe-Service more than any other company, to the extent of just being downright annoying some times. There's no reason for them to make an ecchi series, there are already enough companies which thrive of doing that.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:22 pm Reply with quote
rederoin wrote:
I really do wonder what your problem with BL(& yuri) is. How exactly does a romance show having gay characters make it bad?

I don't really see the point in getting particularly excited over them or acting like having Yuri in a show is some sort of extra stroke of genius (basically fans being stupid and giving what I see as 'typical' responses/reactions) like disturbingly large elements of the community seem to think it is. Personally I have no problem with the concept itself, it's just that creators want to use it as a gimmick and for exhibitionism cause that's just kind of the way Japan seems to be when it comes to how it approaches the whole LBGT issue. I've always had a problem with how the countries entertainment media portrays the LBGT community what with the whole Okama thing, Hard Gay, and shows like Sakura Trick. It's kind of exploitative while at the same time vaguely insulting.

If somebody ever wanted to make a show that truly tries to tackle the whole homosexuality thing and the hurdles and challenges that such couples face, particularly in staunchly conservative and tradition oriented countries face I'd welcome it with open arms, but no instead it's always stereotypes and pure crass sexualization and "romantic comedy".

That's kind of what I have a problem with, not that I'd expect the average poster to understand or anything cause it's kind of something that would require one to consider something other than instant gratification and what things mean for them.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:31 pm Reply with quote
Kenichi Kasai is a wonderful director. I had been worried since he hadn't had much work in the director's chair in awhile so I hope this is a success so that he can continue to do what he does best.
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Joined: 09 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:33 pm Reply with quote
Kaioshin_Sama wrote:
If somebody ever wanted to make a show that truly tries to tackle the whole homosexuality thing and the hurdles and challenges that such couples face, particularly in staunchly conservative and tradition oriented countries face I'd welcome it with open arms, but no instead it's always stereotypes and pure crass sexualization and "romantic comedy".

Yes, because every homosexual person wants to watch a series about how much it sucks to be them and the majority of people think they're creepy and weird, as opposed to something that treats them just like your average heterosexual couple in terms of acceptance.

There are plenty of generalized problems with BL/yuri. Not having a depressing enough tone isn't one of them.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:01 pm Reply with quote
For anyone who is wondering whether or not to watch, I'm very biased, but I'd say give it a shot! If you liked Zaou Taishi's comedy from "Princess Princess", you'll like Love Stage!!, and the romance is very slowly built up, rather than the couple getting together in episode 1.

Further, if you're not a fan of the young main couple, you should definitely tune in to see the background couple of the blond's older brother and the family's manager (Back Stage!!), which is a lot more mature storyline and not really 'romantic comedy' at all, compared with the overall tone of Love Stage!! It's been confirmed they'll be in the show, but to what extent isn't yet clear.

Overall, it's a great comedy that breaks the fourth wall quite a bit (the blond is very distraught over the fact that he might be turning into an uke in a BL manga) and has a lot of otaku jokes. It's also very light on any sexual content until well into the series, so if that makes you squeamish, fear not Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:31 pm Reply with quote
rederoin wrote:
Nice to see so many BL/yuri titles this year, I hope they keep this up. Now all Japan needs to do is animate Prunus Girl. i'll even import the BD's!.

Kaioshin_Sama wrote:
Lol when Kyoani announces a mansex anime like Free S2 it's all like "OMG this will be the greatest" but when J.C Staff does suddenly the moralizing is back. Reminds of another scenario where people basically revealed how they can hold completely opposite positions on a concept depending on whether a J.C Staff or a Dear Kyoani is doing it. Personally I think it's just a shitty idea for shows in general and would rather see a show that relies on good characters and an interesting story rather than crass gimmicks to attract viewers but hey this is the era we now lived in.

I really do wonder what your problem with BL(& yuri) is. How exactly does a romance show having gay characters make it bad?

As a bisexual who used to watch such shows, I could list numerous things that are wrong with them, but one of the biggest is indeed the fact that the homosexuality is just a gimmick to get a specific demographic to watch and invariably means the writing and character development will be naff as no effort has to be put in to maintain the audience's attention. The other big one is the ridiculous hetero-normative stance these all take, which can't be healthy for young, impressionable minds confused about their sexuality who happen to watch such a show because they think they might be able to relate to it. So yeah...
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