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Joined: 24 Feb 2012
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Location: Mexico
PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:23 am Reply with quote
The goal of Daisuki is that it is a global service outside Japan, and heavily promoted in North America, but certain series do have region restrictions. Why is that?

The reason is due to when titles that are already licensed in that area to local licensors, or are airing on TV in those countries, so those companies want fans to watch it on local streaming sites or on TV in their area.

This does not even remotely explain why nothing from the Monogatari series is available outside the US.

Daisuki also said during the Q&A that it is now developing apps for Android devices, and does plan to add Daisuki to other devices as well such as Apple TV and Xbox.

What about Smart TV? Are they even considering it or should I just give up on them and stick to CR forever and ever?

Honestly, I like what Daisuki is trying to do -coming from a country forsaken by the Anime overlords, it's great that companies are finally trying to take a global aim instead of just focusing on the US-, but their Q&A are so insanely frustrating because all they give is diplomatic answers "No we don't have that now, but maybe in the future (but really most probably never)"
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 11:55 am Reply with quote
I was glad to made it to this panel. I found it interesting that Daisuki.net and Aniplex had the same booth #. But nouw you find out why. The one thing that puzzled me about this service is that they mention that it's a "free" streaming service globally. But how is the content being paid for. It's ad free I'm assuming. Plus, how does this compare (compete) with what's offered with Crunchyroll?
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