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INTEREST: Kojima Discusses No MGS Collection for Xbox 360, Z.O.E. Status

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Joined: 02 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:23 pm Reply with quote
Well I thought there was a technical issue why. Could anyone imagine disc swapping 7 times just for one game?
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Joined: 29 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:26 pm Reply with quote
Couldn't they just compress some of the audio for MGS4? Its not like its impossible to fit it on one Xbox DVD.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:34 pm Reply with quote
Kind of a lame reason that MGS4 couldn't come to 360. I feel like space shouldn't be that much of an issue, but whatever. I wouldn't expect them to do all that port work for a cheap re-release. Though maybe a port up that could improve that pretty terrible game could come to next gen games and that would be cool.

As for ZoE. Sounds like a nice way of saying it's been canceled. I kind of hope it's not, but at the same time I'd be fine if a new ZOE wasn't made. I've pretty much lost my faith in Kojima so any new game I came at cautiously, but I'm not sure I was digging the new style and setting.

As for ZoE HD. Well it was pretty bad on Ps3. So I'm pretty happy that there is a patch. Lame about the lack of a 360 patch, but I guess that was already the superior version. Still it's a shame that emulating the PS2 game is the better option.

But hey maybe if you guys went with a better developer like bluebox again, your HD ports would have turned out better. I guess maybe the sales of a ZoE HD version wouldn't have been worth the better development house, but jesus Konami you are so terrible this gen. I mean you release MGS HD the same day as the new CoD, you're terrible handling of all things Silent Hill, and your general lack of ability to make games this gen. But maybe if ZoE HD was'nt crap more people would have bought it and you would know fans want ZoE.

But I guess fans don't. How many damn times has he asked "do fans want ZoE". I guess not enough for a new one.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:36 pm Reply with quote
Solid 4 might have been the first Metal Gear PS3 game but it apparently pushed the console to its limits considering a 360 needs so many discs.
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PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:37 pm Reply with quote
RyanSaotome wrote:
Couldn't they just compress some of the audio for MGS4? Its not like its impossible to fit it on one Xbox DVD.

Konami doesn't really like the xbox much like bethesda doesn't like the ps3 so I'm going to say no.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:43 pm Reply with quote
sainta wrote:
Solid 4 might have been the first Metal Gear PS3 game but it apparently pushed the console to its limits considering a 360 needs so many discs.
I don't think it pushed anything to it's limits. It's not like it's the best looking game on the system or presenting anything super complex. The game also originally had all that loading that effected how the game saved(saving does not bring you to the exact place you saved like in past MGS games), a crappy install system, and a constantly changing frame rate. It's a fine game, but it's no technical marvel and unlike say MGS3 or even MGS2 on PS2, it isn't the standout technical/graphics game on the PS3

It's really just "we aren't going to do a lot work for a another re-release". One we just announced out of nowhere as well. It really doesn't make sense to as well.

And it's just not MGS4. They'd also have to port MGS1 to Xbox. Obviously not as hard, but still something that has to happen.
Cecilthedarkknight_234 wrote:

Konami doesn't really like the xbox much like bethesda doesn't like the ps3 so I'm going to say no.
Yep that's why Rising was announced on the xbox. It's also why the Fox engine is being pushed as a multiplatform engine, because they hate the xbox. I really doubt Companies are fanboys. No, I really doubt Konami hates the xbox. Konami probably doesn't care as long as the games sell.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:57 pm Reply with quote
Any chance on a North American release?
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Joined: 02 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 10:06 pm Reply with quote
Rahxephon91 wrote:
sainta wrote:
Solid 4 might have been the first Metal Gear PS3 game but it apparently pushed the console to its limits considering a 360 needs so many discs.
I don't think it pushed anything to it's limits. It's not like it's the best looking game on the system or presenting anything super complex. The game also originally had all that loading that effected how the game saved(saving does not bring you to the exact place you saved like in past MGS games), a crappy install system, and a constantly changing frame rate. It's a fine game, but it's no technical marvel and unlike say MGS3 or even MGS2 on PS2, it isn't the standout technical/graphics game on the PS3

It's really just "we aren't going to do a lot work for a another re-release". One we just announced out of nowhere as well. It really doesn't make sense to as well.

And it's just not MGS4. They'd also have to port MGS1 to Xbox. Obviously not as hard, but still something that has to happen.
Cecilthedarkknight_234 wrote:

Konami doesn't really like the xbox much like bethesda doesn't like the ps3 so I'm going to say no.
Yep that's why Rising was announced on the xbox. It's also why the Fox engine is being pushed as a multiplatform engine, because they hate the xbox. I really doubt Companies are fanboys. No, I really doubt Konami hates the xbox. Konami probably doesn't care as long as the games sell.

I'm talking in terms of coding and patching games to fix issues. Konami refuses to fix the problems/patch the issues with Silent Hill HD collection on the 360. Meanwhile bethesda never fully released the final update patches for fallout 3/newvegas ps3 and it took them a year to release the expansions skyrim for the ps3. If a company does not like to code or make games for a certain piece of hardware then they usually cut corners or skip out on it completely.
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Joined: 29 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 10:22 pm Reply with quote
I don't think Konami "Hates" Xbox, it just makes more sense for a Japanese company to focus on the system Japan actually buys.
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PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 10:54 pm Reply with quote
RyanSaotome wrote:
I don't think Konami "Hates" Xbox, it just makes more sense for a Japanese company to focus on the system Japan actually buys.

The latest MGS typically have more sales in the West than in Japan though. They know it's a franchise that easily goes beyond Japan.

On that note, Konami recently announced:

  • Hideo Kojima's stealth-action franchise reaches new sales milestone.

    More than 33 million Metal Gear Solid games have been sold to date, Konami announced today. This figure is up from the 31 million units announced during March 2012.

    By comparison, the Halo franchise has sold 50 million units, while the FIFA and Call of Duty franchises have each sold more than 100 million copies each. The Madden NFL series has moved 99 million units.

    Gamers who wish to get up to speed before Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes can pick up the Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection this June.

    This comprehensive compilation pack includes a handful of installments in the series ranging from the original Metal Gear Solid to 2010's Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.

Anyways, the next Xbox is coming, so it may go there.

  • "When it's the next [Xbox] console, maybe we can release it [again, presumably, The Legacy Collection]," added Kojima. "If we released a version on the Xbox 360 without MGS4, then it's not The Legacy Collection."
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Joined: 24 Mar 2013
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PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 11:11 pm Reply with quote
Sky_Renzokuken wrote:
Any chance on a North American release?

It's already been confirmed to be out next month.
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Joined: 07 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 11:31 pm Reply with quote
MGS4 with degraded quality and spanning multiple disks on the XBox would be funny just because of the cutscene in the game itself that openly mocks the very idea.
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Joined: 05 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 12:18 am Reply with quote
The reason ZoE HD on 360 probably isn't getting a patch is that it apparently costs tens of thousands of dollars to patch a 360 game, while it's free for PS3.

And for what it's worth in regards to Bethesda- the PS3 is known for being very hard to actually develop games for. That's something they're actively acknowledging with the PS4.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 1:23 am Reply with quote
Panon wrote:
MGS4 with degraded quality and spanning multiple disks on the XBox would be funny just because of the cutscene in the game itself that openly mocks the very idea.
Not sure why it would be degraded in quality. MGS4 is no graphical beast that the xbox can't handle. Plus the cutscenes's are also done in real time, so it's like they would need to be compressed like say SE did with XIII(a poor job at that).

I mean to be fair, I have no idea how game storage works. It's not like games of bigger scope, with more audio, and what not aren't on 1 dvd. I kind of want to say it probably has more to do with the crappy engine they used.

And yes it was very funny that MGS4 had it's "ah Blu ray" codec conversation.

Except it wasn't funny, because before that patch the game had to have that install for each chapter and now it's just one big install. Yeah I think I can get up from my seat and put in a disc over having a game take up so much space.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 4:46 am Reply with quote
The things is, saying it would take 7 DVDs on 360 is a load of crap.
The game is a total of 27GB.
Now, if they compressed the audio, and also used compression if needed on the textures, this could easily be 2-3 discs tops, which is a manageable amount.
I think the real reason they aren't porting it is because it would take too much work and they know they wouldn't make the sales to justify the extra investment needed.
Of course they can't come out and say that can they, so instead we are told it's not possible without using 7 discs... lol
And yet Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain are apparently coming out on PS3, 360 and next-gen consoles. Rolling Eyes
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