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NEWS: Sony to Hold PlayStation Vita Conference Monday

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Joined: 29 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:23 am Reply with quote
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a Persona 5 announcement. This seems like the perfect time to announce some big exclusives for the system to bring back interest.
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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:25 am Reply with quote
Persona 5 is going to be for the PS3. No way they're making it for Vita (that'll be some kind of "Persona 5 Golden" down the road).
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:29 am Reply with quote
RyanSaotome wrote:
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a Persona 5 announcement. This seems like the perfect time to announce some big exclusives for the system to bring back interest.
Persona 5 is not going to be a Vita exclusive.

Anyway, hopefully Sony shows some stuff that actually proves that this system is'nt dead. It's been embarrassing so far.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:13 am Reply with quote
RyanSaotome wrote:
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a Persona 5 announcement. This seems like the perfect time to announce some big exclusives for the system to bring back interest.

Are you implying that there actually was interest in the Vita at some point in the past?
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Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:31 am Reply with quote
Uh yes. There have been polls done in Japan and it is actually the most wanted system, just that the price entry point is too high. Not necessarily for the system itself, but you pretty much must have a memory stick as well.

I'm really tired of the whole hating the Vita because video game websites tell me to bandwagon. Sarcastic/condescending tone and all.

Why would being on the PS3 be a more viable option than the PSV? Once the PS4 is announced and is out, sales for software usually drop on the previous console with very few big named titles being announced. The Vita or PS4 or even the Wii U would be more obvious choices.
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shamisen the great

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:31 am Reply with quote
ikillchicken wrote:

Are you implying that there actually was interest in the Vita at some point in the past?
I really enjoy mine. I just want to see it get more software support.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:38 am Reply with quote
The big announcement is on February 20th.

Strong rumors are that the PS4 will be officially unveiled.

So far, suggested price is hinted at between $450-$500 on release date (most likely late fall this year). The controllers will most likely continue the design style started with the Dual Shock 1 but still keep the six-axis functionality. No point in throwing away what works! I just hope Sony doesn't take a page from Nintendo's very stupid playbook and load something like a useless touchscreen or LCD/LED screen on the controller. Keep it simple and affordable!

NONE of these new consoles are likely to have any kind of backwards compatibility. It's just not in the cards or playback for both Sony and MS. Besides, it means loading the new hardware with old circuitry to ensure compatibility with older games most people will get rid of in the future or allocating vital resources to develop mediocre software emulation. It's just better to cut the cord and start new. Smart people keep the old consoles to play those generations' games anyway since they'll get chicken feed for them from used gamestores and GameStop.

As for PS Vita, Sony desperately needs to get quality, ORIGINAL software out on that system. As wonderful as the tech is -- and the PSP itself was nice tech, too --, no games means no sales from the general hardcore gaming market. A price cut on the portable wouldn't be a bad idea, too, but it really needs AAA software ASAP otherwise it will end up like the PSP ultimately did -- gathering dust on shelves.

I, for one, am sticking to home consoles. I gave the PSP a decent shot but it disappointed with a mediocre game library that took forever to build in the US. I'm not much of a fan of the homebrew market and never thought much of PSP's emulation capability since the system just didn't have the memory resources to handle the retrogames I care to play.

It would also be nice if Vita developed its own personality instead of being a portable clone of the PS3 software-wise. It didn't help the PSP when many of its games ended up being ports or new entries from existing PS2 game series...
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Joined: 03 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:56 am Reply with quote
shamisen the great wrote:
ikillchicken wrote:

Are you implying that there actually was interest in the Vita at some point in the past?
I really enjoy mine. I just want to see it get more software support.

They just released Sakurasou no Petto na Kanojo for the PSV. Next month there's the release of Tales Of Hearts R (can't wait for that! loved Tales of Innocence R on PSV).
On the 24th of january they released Deamon Gaze. I Haven't bought it yet, but it looks alot like the Ken to Mahou to Gakuen-mono series i enjoy on the ps3 alot.

It's not like there is absolutely no software coming out. I have almost every month something new to buy. There could be more software support, yes, but the Vita hasn't been abandoned yet, at least not in japan.

I just really wished Shining Arks would've been released for the Vita aswell... That would've been a perfect fit for me...

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:09 am Reply with quote
First major announcement is a price drop down to about 19980 yen, so it'll probably be 200 bucks here.

Last edited by RyanSaotome on Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:13 am; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:10 am Reply with quote
It would also be nice if Vita developed its own personality instead of being a portable clone of the PS3 software-wise. It didn't help the PSP when many of its games ended up being ports or new entries from existing PS2 game series...

I dunno, I like how the Vita's the first handheld that can give you nearly the full console experience.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:11 am Reply with quote
Nocturne123 wrote:
Uh yes. There have been polls done in Japan and it is actually the most wanted system, just that the price entry point is too high. Not necessarily for the system itself, but you pretty much must have a memory stick as well.
Gotta link to the polls? Are they from Famitsu? Because if so don't bother. its like asking gamer's whats the most popular FPS and getting something other then CoD, realizing your only asking core gamers.

I'm really tired of the whole hating the Vita because video game websites tell me to bandwagon. Sarcastic/condescending tone and all.
Don't think their is a bandwagon. Sorry, the Vita has been handled pretty terribly. Look back at E3 2012 were Sony basically threw the thing under the buss. "Hey are big these to show you are lame console spin-off titles". And in the end one of them was a terrible CoD cash-in. The system software wise hasn't delivered. I'm not sure how you can argue against that.

Why would being on the PS3 be a more viable option than the PSV? Once the PS4 is announced and is out, sales for software usually drop on the previous console with very few big named titles being announced. The Vita or PS4 or even the Wii U would be more obvious choices.
Are you talking about Persona 5? Why would anything but PS3/360 be viable? Atlus is not the kind of company that's going to be ready for PS4 development? Why do you think Catherine is their only HD twins developed game? It's sure not because of good reasons. PS3/360 is viable, because well they already have work done on an engine, they have the biggest userbase, and it would be way cheaper then next gen which in no way is a small developer like Atlus ready for. Besides this is Atlus, a developer that among other games released Persona 4 on the PS2 in 2008 well after this gen had started.

There's no doubt that a Wii U and Vita version of a Persona 5 could happen, Vita especially. But I very much doubt it's right out the gate. But it's sure not an obvious choice as you put it. PS4 would for sure not be. Wii U not so much if only for it's abysmal sales and the fact that Persona 5 is probably already in development for the HD twins.

Chagen46 wrote:

I dunno, I like how the Vita's the first handheld that can give you nearly the full console experience.
The PSP did'nt? Sony sure thought it did. And if "console experience" just means console ports or spin-offs they can keep it.
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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:24 am Reply with quote
The PSP did'nt? Sony sure thought it did. And if "console experience" just means console ports or spin-offs they can keep it.

No, it didn't. It's graphics weren't good enough, UMDs weren't big enough, and the lack of a second analog stick hurt it a LOT.

Just look at Persona 3 Portable (a watered-down port with lots of highly reduced features) and Persona 4 Golden (literally the exact same game as the PS2 version with more stuff added).
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Joined: 29 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:38 am Reply with quote
Are you freaking kidding Sony? Not a single new game announced? All it had was a price drop and FFX footage.. what a disappointment. You can't sell a system with ports.
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Joined: 03 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:42 am Reply with quote
just watched the conference...

20000yen vita pricedrop (both models), about 2 new bundles with unique colors, and a BUNCH of jrpgs that look fantastic on the vita.
I'm especially looking forward to the new Eien Densetsu game, the first one in 3d, and it's looking more than just awesome.

The Vita version of Final Fantasy 10 HD is looking good aswell.

There's also 4 new campaings:

7 days free PS+ (with uncharted and some other cool games in the rotation), a free Manga (sortof) for everyone in the reader store... and the other two i've already forgotten...

All in all it's been pretty good. Lots of jrpgs.
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Joined: 29 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:43 am Reply with quote
Lucy_Nyuu wrote:
All in all it's been pretty good. Lots of jrpgs.

Lots of JRPGs we already knew about, though. Theres no excitement in just showing new trailers for games announced last year.
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